


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 y serve as a potent and effective endogenous neuromodulator.
2 and external inputs: the classical role of a neuromodulator.
3  PD-L1 as an endogenous pain inhibitor and a neuromodulator.
4 ctivity through functioning as an inhibitory neuromodulator.
5 hysiological roles as a second messenger and neuromodulator.
6 otulinumtoxinA and percutaneous or implanted neuromodulators.
7 pin and TKRPs might act as cotransmitters or neuromodulators.
8  of a modular temporal program controlled by neuromodulators.
9 hanges in synaptic strength by reward-linked neuromodulators.
10 ltiple interneuron types and potential local neuromodulators.
11 hat can potentially act as cotransmitters or neuromodulators.
12 uitous pathway acting downstream of multiple neuromodulators.
13 show that, like in rodents, STDP is gated by neuromodulators.
14 atically as hormones and within the brain as neuromodulators.
15 one (GnRH) neurons via action potentials and neuromodulators.
16 ses and is influenced by several peptidergic neuromodulators.
17 rculating neurochemicals such as hormones or neuromodulators.
18 ther mediators such as neurotransmitters and neuromodulators.
19  studied I(h) under the influence of several neuromodulators.
20 m and have roles as neurotransmitters and/or neuromodulators.
21  also been used as targets to discover novel neuromodulators.
22 al networks without including the actions of neuromodulators.
23 urrent modulation and interaction with other neuromodulators.
24  to respond to various stimulus patterns and neuromodulators.
25 tricted PKA activity in response to specific neuromodulators.
26 iting endogenous permissive factors, such as neuromodulators.
27 mediately compensated by the action of other neuromodulators.
28 te sensory processing in a manner similar to neuromodulators.
29 e and manipulate neurons that are targets of neuromodulators.
30 for the regulation of synaptic plasticity by neuromodulators.
31                                          The neuromodulator acetylcholine (ACh) is crucial for severa
32              Depletion studies show that the neuromodulator acetylcholine (ACh) is essential to dlPFC
33                                          The neuromodulator acetylcholine modulates spatial integrati
34 e model and suggest a potential role for the neuromodulator acetylcholine.
35 ight into seemingly idiosyncratic effects of neuromodulators across individuals.
36                               Adenosine is a neuromodulator acting through inhibitory A1 receptors (A
37 ing that arousal alters cortical dynamics by neuromodulators acting directly on cortex.
38  synaptic mechanisms through which different neuromodulators acting in combination result in characte
39 tional interactions between three excitatory neuromodulators acting on neurokinin1 (NK1), alpha1 nora
40 iety of stimuli including ischemia, hypoxia, neuromodulator action and increased activity.
41                                              Neuromodulators address these problems by their multifar
42       It is a nonselective antagonist of the neuromodulator adenosine and, if applied in commonly con
43               Seizure-induced release of the neuromodulator adenosine is a potent endogenous anticonv
44                                          The neuromodulator adenosine plays an important role in many
45                                              Neuromodulators also determine the active neuronal compo
46                                              Neuromodulators alter network function by changing the b
47                               The actions of neuromodulator and inhibitory afferents may be the basis
48                TGF-beta1 acted as a powerful neuromodulator and rapidly (within minutes) suppressed C
49 onin gene-related peptide (CGRP) is a potent neuromodulator and vasodilator.
50  mode that is regulated by context-dependent neuromodulators and acts as a major driver of sleep home
51  axon terminals contain endogenous dynorphin neuromodulators and are presynaptic to cochlear Type-I a
52 t may modulate gamma oscillations, including neuromodulators and centrifugal input to the OB and AL.
53 uropeptides are usually considered to act as neuromodulators and cotransmitters that modify the effec
54 al periocular locations for the injection of neuromodulators and dermal fillers.
55                                              Neuromodulators and feedback connections may modulate th
56 regarding aesthetic enhancement using facial neuromodulators and fillers and to present advanced tech
57     Studies have identified neural circuits, neuromodulators and genetic factors involved in social b
58 e a wide array of classic neurotransmitters, neuromodulators and hormones, as well as metabolic, trop
59                                              Neuromodulators and hyaluronic acid gel fillers have bee
60 engthen the functional separation between BG neuromodulators and main axis neurons.
61  a methodology that can be extended to other neuromodulators and model organisms.
62 arameters, which I hypothesize correspond to neuromodulators and oscillatory activity.
63  stage of consolidation is upstream of these neuromodulators and PLC, suggesting an important presyna
64 mined the presence, locations, and levels of neuromodulators and related molecules ("signaling molecu
65 f interstitial cells of Cajal as pacemakers, neuromodulators and stretch receptors has been revealed
66 he literature on the pharmacology of central neuromodulators and their effects on gastrointestinal se
67   Tyramine is an important neurotransmitter, neuromodulator, and neurohormone in insects.
68  play an emerging role as neurotransmitters, neuromodulators, and neurohormones in the brain.
69 ith impairments in neurotransmitter systems, neuromodulators, and/or synaptic plasticity in several b
70                   BACKGROUND & AIMS: Central neuromodulators (antidepressants, antipsychotics, and ot
71                          Deficiencies in one neuromodulator are immediately compensated by the action
72 ize melanin-concentrating hormone (MCH) as a neuromodulator are localized in the postero-lateral hypo
73 yet the precise behavioral functions of this neuromodulator are not well understood.
74 is not well known which neurotransmitters or neuromodulators are involved.
75 modulatory actions are known to persist when neuromodulators are no longer present.
76                                      Peptide neuromodulators are released from a unique organelle: th
77 ssing to what extent the properties of these neuromodulators are shared or distinct and considering t
78                                              Neuromodulators are thought to be responsible for these
79  in neural activity are largely unknown, but neuromodulators are thought to regulate processing.
80 I, and IV) that synthesize kynurenic acid, a neuromodulator, are identical to glutamine transaminase
81                    Serotonin is an important neuromodulator associated with a wide range of physiolog
82 g, namely age-related decline in dopamine, a neuromodulator associated with risk-taking behavior.
83 ive glomerular distribution of two extrinsic neuromodulators associated with distinct physiological s
84 otransmitters GABA, glycine and agmatine and neuromodulators beta-phenylethylamine (beta-PEA) and tau
85                    Serotonin is an essential neuromodulator, but the precise circuit connectivity tha
86 lness is driven by the widespread release of neuromodulators by the ascending arousal system.
87                               The release of neuromodulators by widely projecting neurons often allow
88 vides insight into how a diffusely delivered neuromodulator can improve the performance of neural cir
89 udy in the locust olfactory system shows how neuromodulators can alter the rules of synaptic plastici
90                                              Neuromodulators can be delivered as local hormones, as c
91             Together, these data reveal that neuromodulators can exert powerful and long-lasting regu
92 ies focus on a single neurotransmitter, many neuromodulators can have related effects on cognition an
93                                      Because neuromodulators can transform the intrinsic firing prope
94              Acetylcholine (ACh) is a potent neuromodulator capable of modifying patterns of acoustic
95          Neuroactive steroids are endogenous neuromodulators capable of altering neuronal activity an
96 s of Cajal (ICCs), electrical pacemaker, and neuromodulator cells of the gut, were incorporated into
97      The interaction between these transient neuromodulator changes and the effect on cAMP/PKA signal
98               We have introduced the optical neuromodulators channelrhodopsin-2 (ChR2) and halorhodop
99  of damage to forebrain neurotransmitter and neuromodulator circuits, most notably those involving ch
100                            To understand how neuromodulators contribute to the generation of persiste
101 r colliculus are under strong inhibitory and neuromodulator control.
102                              We propose that neuromodulators control the polarity of STDP in differen
103 d is a key site of action for the anxiogenic neuromodulator, corticotropin releasing factor (CRF).
104 e will examine how stress interacts with the neuromodulators, corticotropin-releasing factor, norepin
105 ted the causal influence of two major stress neuromodulators, cortisol and noradrenaline, on loss ave
106  suggesting that age-related decline in this neuromodulator could lead to the observed decrease in ri
107 eptides, by perturbing interactions with the neuromodulator CRMP2, contribute to suppression of neuro
108 y neuron pair that induces expression of the neuromodulator DAF-7/TGF-beta.
109                                              Neuromodulators determine how neural circuits process in
110   Furthermore, the branching density of each neuromodulator differed, with 5-HT exhibiting denser arb
111 ate have demonstrated the opposite, that is, neuromodulators directly driving presynaptic Ca(2+) rise
112 operties of monoamine release, because these neuromodulators do not generally produce a fast ionotrop
113 y and how this dependence was changed by the neuromodulator dopamine (DA).
114                                          The neuromodulator dopamine has a well established role in r
115 findings provide the first evidence that the neuromodulator dopamine impacts on belief formation by r
116                                          The neuromodulator dopamine plays an important role in synap
117                                          The neuromodulator dopamine signals through the dopamine D2
118 s that were dependent on the presence of the neuromodulator dopamine.
119 e observed following enhancements of related neuromodulators dopamine or norepinephrine.
120                                 As a classic neuromodulator, dopamine has long been thought to modula
121  hippocampal CA1 synapses is mediated by the neuromodulator, dopamine.
122 understand the role played by this important neuromodulator during hippocampal-dependent tasks in viv
123                             Stress-sensitive neuromodulators (e.g., catecholamines) are believed to c
124  ganglia function and strongly influenced by neuromodulators (e.g., dopamine).
125 ew role for endogenously released opioids as neuromodulators engaged by synaptic activity to regulate
126 gical interest such as neurotransmitters and neuromodulators, especially those that are otherwise dif
127 The neurons that produce and respond to each neuromodulator form a distributed circuit orthogonal to
128 y allows ipRGCs to regulate the secretion of neuromodulators from these interneurons.
129 gment of the globus pallidus (GPe)], and one neuromodulator group [striatal tonically active neurons
130                                      Several neuromodulators have been linked to uncertainty signalli
131                                      Various neuromodulators have been shown to be involved in shapin
132                                              Neuromodulators have previously been shown to regulate t
133 iting these neurons with the pharmacogenetic neuromodulator hM4D.
134                 Acting as neurotransmitters, neuromodulators, hormones, or growth factors, they are e
135                               Interestingly, neuromodulators hypothesized to enhance mnemonic persist
136 tion largely focused on immediate actions of neuromodulators, i.e., actions that were exerted at the
137 ireward excitatory synapses and serotonin, a neuromodulator implicated in depression.
138 ecent theories consider dopamine to be a key neuromodulator in mediating motivational effects of rewa
139 may help illuminate the complex role of this neuromodulator in social interactions and motor plastici
140 ophic factor (BDNF) is an activity-dependent neuromodulator in the adult brain, which enhances neuron
141 IFICANCE STATEMENT Serotonin is an important neuromodulator in the brain and a major target for drugs
142      Dopamine (DA) functions as an essential neuromodulator in the brain and retina such that disrupt
143              Acetylcholine (ACh) is a potent neuromodulator in the brain, and its effects on cognitio
144       Adenosine might be the most widespread neuromodulator in the brain, but its effects on inhibito
145                      Serotonin, an important neuromodulator in the brain, is implicated in affective
146             The purine adenosine is a potent neuromodulator in the brain, with roles in a number of d
147       Adenosine might be the most widespread neuromodulator in the brain: as a metabolite of ATP it i
148 or T1AM as an endogenous adrenergic-blocking neuromodulator in the central noradrenergic system.
149 g a role for brain-synthesized estrogen as a neuromodulator in the cortex.
150 tocin is a nonapeptide that also serves as a neuromodulator in the human central nervous system.
151                  Adenosine is an established neuromodulator in the mammalian retina, with A1 adenosin
152          Acetylcholine (ACh) is an important neuromodulator in the nervous system implicated in many
153  acting through the 5-HT2AR is an excitatory neuromodulator in the nTS and its effects are modulated
154 lamus of mammals but also a neurotransmitter/neuromodulator in the parvocellular suprachiasmatic nucl
155                            Dopamine is a key neuromodulator in the retina and brain that supports mot
156 d-serine, l-glutamate, and most likely other neuromodulators in an activity-dependent manner.
157                 The evidence-based review on neuromodulators in FGID, restricted by the limited avail
158 ion of GTPgammaS, suggesting that endogenous neuromodulators in hCSF act on G-protein coupled recepto
159 downregulated through activation of distinct neuromodulators in mEC.
160                  We then review the roles of neuromodulators in regulating the subtype-specific funct
161 odel system to study the roles of individual neuromodulators in sensory perception.
162 denylyl cyclase (AC) coupled GPCRs for these neuromodulators in striatal medium spiny neurons (MSNs),
163      The link between the combined action of neuromodulators in the brain and global brain states rem
164 sults suggest that ambient concentrations of neuromodulators in the brain extracellular fluid powerfu
165 ever, the influence of neurotransmitters and neuromodulators in the dmNTS on baroreflex function both
166 lly, our findings support a broader role for neuromodulators in the dynamic reconfiguration of functi
167 uits, possibly indicating a broader role for neuromodulators in the dynamic reconfiguration of functi
168 ing that neuronal cilia sense and respond to neuromodulators in the extracellular space.
169 g the most widely distributed and ubiquitous neuromodulators in the mammalian brain and have a profou
170 ions for interpreting the natural actions of neuromodulators in the spinal cord.
171 mation and guidelines for the use of central neuromodulators in the treatment of chronic gastrointest
172 evidence and guidance for the use of central neuromodulators in these conditions is scanty and incomp
173                                              Neuromodulators, including biogenic amines, neuropeptide
174 te to network regulation and are targeted by neuromodulators, including dopamine, has clinical releva
175                         Several hormones and neuromodulators, including oxytocin, affect these intera
176 multitude of potential neurotransmitters and neuromodulators, including peptides, have been detected
177                     Dopamine, a key striatal neuromodulator, increases synaptic strength by promoting
178 pulate slow-wave network activity and induce neuromodulator-independent transition to activated state
179                           Here, we show that neuromodulators induce increases in the extracellular K(
180                                              Neuromodulators influence the activities of collections
181 ations as well as evaluating the efficacy of neuromodulator injections, oral anticholinergic medicati
182  Since serotonin is well-known to be the key neuromodulator involved in anxiety behaviors, the mRNA l
183  Serotonin (5-HT) and oxytocin (OXT) are two neuromodulators involved in human affect and sociality a
184                        The neurotransmitters/neuromodulators involved in sleep control are GABA, dopa
185  the brain mechanisms, and in particular the neuromodulators, involved in this process are still larg
186              Cellular responsiveness to many neuromodulators is controlled by endocytosis of the tran
187 ronal activity and the subsequent release of neuromodulators is thought to be an important regulator
188             Because the LC contains multiple neuromodulators known to affect amyloid beta toxicity an
189 lines of evidence have linked the endogenous neuromodulator kynurenic acid (KYNA) to schizophrenia.
190 lex network with synaptic, gap junction, and neuromodulator layers representing alternative modes of
191 tical activation produced by either of these neuromodulators leads to suppressed sensory responses an
192                       Matching them to known neuromodulators led to the elucidation of the broad dive
193                  Here we show that IL-17 has neuromodulator-like properties in Caenorhabditis elegans
194                Serotonin (5-HT) is a crucial neuromodulator linked to many psychiatric disorders.
195 rks.SIGNIFICANCE STATEMENT A key role of any neuromodulator may be the reconfiguration of functional
196                                 By doing so, neuromodulators may allow coordinated plastic changes in
197                             Antioxidants and neuromodulators may decrease pain in some patients with
198 ally, I suggest that the recently discovered neuromodulators may hold the keys to our understanding o
199             The nonspecific plasticity these neuromodulators may induce at neighboring non-active syn
200    VIP interneurons, themselves regulated by neuromodulators, may therefore enable selective patterns
201 eparate current contributions from different neuromodulators measured with in vivo fast-scan cyclic v
202 in addition to their role as powerhouses and neuromodulators, mitochondria behave as intracellular si
203 sleep need via the wake- and sleep-promoting neuromodulators, noradrenaline and adenosine, respective
204                        We here show that the neuromodulator norepinephrine modulates olfactory bulb s
205 hat they are shaped by the catecholaminergic neuromodulators norepinephrine and dopamine.
206                  Here, we show a role of the neuromodulator octopamine (OA) in the female postmating
207 , and that these effects are mimicked by the neuromodulator octopamine.
208 hich is released from B5-I neurons, is a key neuromodulator of pruritus.
209 commonalities confirm that dopamine is a key neuromodulator of the functional connectome of speech co
210 sing evidence implicates tPA as an important neuromodulator of the N-methyl-d-aspartate (NMDA) recept
211 eroid hormones, which are known to be potent neuromodulators of auditory function.
212  now, several potential neurotransmitters or neuromodulators of Kenyon cells have been anatomically i
213 pin-releasing hormone, previously identified neuromodulators of RTN chemoreception.
214  and examination of the role of hormones and neuromodulators on the behaviors of teacher and pupil.
215 xamine the actions of two different types of neuromodulators on the excitability and electrical coupl
216 xpressed in the brain, where it may act as a neuromodulator or neurotransmitter contributing to diffe
217 are controlled directly by a large number of neuromodulators, particularly during episodes of learnin
218 nsively studied, but the role of other major neuromodulators, particularly serotonin, remains poorly
219 ng a complex interaction between slow-acting neuromodulator peptides and fast-acting amino acid trans
220                                 Furthermore, neuromodulators play crucial long-term roles in the asse
221              The female's nervous system and neuromodulators play important roles in her responses to
222    In particular, we highlight the role that neuromodulators play in determining the strength and dir
223 ticity, providing a novel mechanism by which neuromodulators precisely modulate network activity and
224 but coordinated events with the small set of neuromodulators present [14-18].
225  with or mimic GERD can also be treated with neuromodulators (primarily antidepressants), or psycholo
226                       Compared with cooling, neuromodulators produce qualitatively similar effects on
227                                              Neuromodulators rapidly and flexibly alter the efficacy
228 Endocytic membrane trafficking of particular neuromodulator receptors exhibits remarkable diversity a
229 t it is already apparent that endocytosis of neuromodulator receptors has a significant impact on the
230 echanisms mediating the molecular sorting of neuromodulator receptors in the endocytic pathway.
231 KA) integrates inputs from G-protein-coupled neuromodulator receptors to modulate synaptic and cellul
232 rging evidence that endocytic trafficking of neuromodulator receptors, in addition to influencing lon
233                                     Multiple neuromodulators regulate neuronal response properties an
234 ion for combined and real-time monitoring of neuromodulator release and the activities of large ensem
235  other neurons via dendritic transmitter and neuromodulator release.
236 se results suggest that sNPF is a functional neuromodulator released by Kenyon cells.
237 ut of MCH, so MCH appears to be the critical neuromodulator released by these neurons.
238                                              Neuromodulators released during and after a fearful expe
239 behavior and a potential role for galanin as neuromodulator remains to be identified.SIGNIFICANCE STA
240 the influence of other neurotransmitters and neuromodulators remains unclear.
241 o extract, although ions, neurotransmitters, neuromodulators, second messengers, and the activation s
242              Establishing a function for the neuromodulator serotonin in human decision-making has pr
243 t express each of the receptors for one such neuromodulator, serotonin (5-HT).
244                    We find that two opposing neuromodulators, serotonin and the neuropeptide pigment
245 ts are essential components of CPG function: neuromodulators set the parameters of CPG neurons and sy
246 titive firing and is an important target for neuromodulators signaling through receptors coupled to G
247  and the delivery of reinforcement-mediating neuromodulator signals.
248  local delivery of a reinforcement-mediating neuromodulator, specify the synapses that will undergo a
249 to be modulated by the striosomally enriched neuromodulator substance P.
250 (SK-channels) which are in turn inhibited by neuromodulators such as acetylcholine.
251 nclude neuronal activity, neuropeptides, and neuromodulators such as dopamine and norepinephrine (NE)
252                                              Neuromodulators such as dopamine can alter the intrinsic
253 s of ensembles of neurons and the release of neuromodulators such as dopamine.
254 d insulin-related peptides, as well as other neuromodulators such as serotonin and dopamine (Michael
255 the consequent deficiencies in raphe-derived neuromodulators such as TRH.
256  striatal acetylcholine (ACh), whereas other neuromodulators, such as adenosine (Adn), change slowly.
257 ard to these network dynamics is the role of neuromodulators, such as dopamine, and whether their dys
258    Neurophysiological evidence suggests that neuromodulators, such as norepinephrine and dopamine, in
259 cial behavior is largely controlled by brain neuromodulators, such as oxytocin and serotonin.
260 t shapes neuronal firing and is inhibited by neuromodulators, suggesting an important role in the reg
261 inergic input system has been described as a neuromodulator system that influences broadly defined be
262                            Norepinephrine, a neuromodulator that activates beta-adrenergic receptors
263                       Dopamine is a critical neuromodulator that activates GPCRs in mammals or ligand
264 tentiation ABSTRACT: Noradrenaline (NA) is a neuromodulator that can effect long-lasting changes in s
265                Neuropeptide Y (NPY), a brain neuromodulator that has been strongly implicated in the
266 pocretin (also known as orexin) is a peptide neuromodulator that is expressed exclusively in the late
267                        Serotonin (5-HT) is a neuromodulator that is important for neural development,
268 ching by dFB neurons, identify dopamine as a neuromodulator that operates the switch, and delineate t
269 mammalian neuropeptide Y, a highly conserved neuromodulator that stimulates food-seeking behavior.
270                   Adenosine is an inhibitory neuromodulator that was previously thought to mediate an
271 t the network level as endogenously released neuromodulators that are normally adaptive become the dr
272 act contains a characteristic combination of neuromodulators that confer unique identities on each re
273  We examined whether disparate agents affect neuromodulators that control numerous neurotransmitters
274 resented in the brain as the tonic levels of neuromodulators that control the level of internal motiv
275 t knowledge and outstanding questions on the neuromodulators that influence aggressive behavior of th
276 ious methods have been used to quantify this neuromodulator, the most common of which is HPLC with el
277 gh they express relatively few receptors for neuromodulators, the highly abundant and functionally im
278 nd that this nucleoside acts as an autocrine neuromodulator to selectively enhance sweet taste.
279         Assigning potential transmitters and neuromodulators to distinct morphological and electrophy
280 ssign neurotransmitters, cotransmitters, and neuromodulators to identified classes of antennal lobe n
281 and neurobiological studies linking specific neuromodulators to the learning rate and linking neural
282 rk provides the first demonstration that the neuromodulator, tPA, may also be considered as a gliotra
283                                        Thus, neuromodulators tune the output of different interneuron
284                          RIM synthesizes the neuromodulator tyramine, which is required in the L1 sta
285                               Among the many neuromodulators used by the mammalian brain to regulate
286 the nerve terminal, a behaviorally important neuromodulator uses synergistic cAMP-dependent protein k
287  and implementational motifs associated with neuromodulators, using decision making in the face of un
288 is known about the interaction between these neuromodulators via GPCRs.
289 ns that were exerted at the time when either neuromodulators were present or neuromodulatory inputs t
290              Substance P (SP) is a prominent neuromodulator, which is produced and released by periph
291  importance of non-synaptic communication by neuromodulators, which can dynamically reconfigure circu
292 he activity of sensory circuits is shaped by neuromodulators, which can have downstream consequences
293  the mammalian brain, dopamine is a critical neuromodulator whose actions underlie learning, decision
294                         Serotonin, a central neuromodulator with ancient ties to feeding and metaboli
295               Nitric oxide (NO) is a gaseous neuromodulator with physiological functions in every ret
296 scene at the appropriate wavelength for each neuromodulator with the Gaussians inherent in the soma a
297             Somatostatin and cortistatin are neuromodulators with divergent expression patterns and b
298 ry of axonal activity and to the presence of neuromodulators, with potentially important consequences
299 ogenous NPY as a novel and potent inhibitory neuromodulator within the PVN that may contribute to cha
300             Similarly, the role of different neuromodulators within the mPFC in these processes is po
301                Serotonin (5-HT) is a crucial neuromodulator, yet its role in behavior remains poorly

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