


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 rain that contribute to spontaneous waves of neuronal activity.
2 ntral nervous system (CNS) are controlled by neuronal activity.
3 rons in response to sustained alterations in neuronal activity.
4  actions correlate with transient changes in neuronal activity.
5 ut competing for the limited ATP at elevated neuronal activity.
6 e LDT, together with a decrease in LDT basal neuronal activity.
7 icient induction of CREB target genes during neuronal activity.
8 to illuminate the spatiotemporal dynamics of neuronal activity.
9 ectrical synapse strength by varied forms of neuronal activity.
10 of 1-hydroxymidazolam consistently inhibited neuronal activity.
11  changes in synchrony, rather than level, of neuronal activity.
12 d volume (CBV) as a proxy of drug effects on neuronal activity.
13 acts and enables confined recruitment of the neuronal activity.
14 a-VTA oleate to decrease food-seeking and DA neuronal activity.
15 s slowed up to threefold following bursts of neuronal activity.
16  magnetic field (MF) exposure to a change in neuronal activity.
17 ly in neurons, and is selectively induced by neuronal activity.
18  transport (ESCRT) activity and regulated by neuronal activity.
19 is therefore essential for a return to basal neuronal activity.
20 namic processes influenced by experience and neuronal activity.
21 s directly correlate with normal spontaneous neuronal activity.
22 n of 50 muM or lower did not induce abnormal neuronal activity.
23 ied homeostatically within neurons to adjust neuronal activity.
24 ustain cellular monoamine stores even during neuronal activity.
25 taining synaptic transmission during intense neuronal activity.
26 other gliotransmitters (GTs) that can modify neuronal activity.
27 in nerve terminals in the hippocampus during neuronal activity.
28 EBPbeta, two immediate-early gene markers of neuronal activity.
29 IV signaling, which is tightly controlled by neuronal activity.
30 ty, whereas gain of GIRK function can reduce neuronal activity.
31 C1 to proximal CRE/TATA promoters depends on neuronal activity.
32 eleasing factors to influence blood flow and neuronal activity.
33  be modulated by extrinsic signals including neuronal activity.
34 dominant role in determining the coupling of neuronal activity.
35 er tempo and sequence of circadian pacemaker neuronal activities.
36 vo electrophysiological access to TMS-evoked neuronal activity 0.8-1 ms after TMS onset.
37 dly modify synaptic structure in response to neuronal activity, a process called activity-induced str
38                    By simultaneously mapping neuronal activities across cortical depths in V1 and V2
39         The hippocampus has unique access to neuronal activity across all of the neocortex.
40 suggested that this respiratory influence on neuronal activity affects cognitive functions, including
41 e MRI agents have appeared recently to study neuronal activity, along with the first successful in vi
42 ses involve local state-dependent changes in neuronal activity already present in the MTL.
43  link normalization mechanisms to correlated neuronal activity and attention, showing that normalizat
44 NCE STATEMENT To reveal causal links between neuronal activity and behavior, it is necessary to devel
45 i and release gliotransmitters that modulate neuronal activity and behavior.
46 for understanding how neuropeptides organize neuronal activity and behaviors.
47 nd adult brain, and is actively regulated by neuronal activity and behavioural experiences.
48           Here we use non-linear modeling of neuronal activity and bifurcation theory to investigate
49 vascular coupling describes the link between neuronal activity and cerebral blood flow.
50 they exert a powerful and tight control over neuronal activity and consequently modulate the magnitud
51  on feeding, locomotion, food reward, and DA neuronal activity and DA neuron expression of FA-handlin
52 lular D2LR-mediated ERK activation decreased neuronal activity and dendritic spine density in striato
53 he brain, acting as the crucial link between neuronal activity and electrical synapse strength.
54 lesion of a sensory neurite via reduction of neuronal activity and enhanced by disrupting L-type calc
55 oleate has actions in the VTA to suppress DA neuronal activity and food seeking following cellular in
56 icability of this technology in manipulating neuronal activity and for high-efficiency sparse labelin
57      However, direct measures of spontaneous neuronal activity and functional integrity of these impa
58 activation in dopamine neurons affects their neuronal activity and increases AMPA-mediated over NMDA-
59 may, at 100 muM and 250 muM, induce abnormal neuronal activity and interfere with cortical circuit ac
60 articularly important molecular link between neuronal activity and memory: it is among the most rapid
61 erformance of a cognitive task would augment neuronal activity and neuronal coding of task attributes
62    A dual role for VGLUT serves to integrate neuronal activity and pH regulation in presynaptic nerve
63      To better understand the integration of neuronal activity and pHcyto regulation we investigated
64 signal inferences the underlying microscopic neuronal activity and physiological changes and what is
65 on in primary cortical neurons is induced by neuronal activity and protein kinase A.
66 ominent position in neuroscience for imaging neuronal activity and studying effective brain connectiv
67 ndicate a role for NEAT1 in modulating human neuronal activity and suggest a novel mechanistic link b
68 his protocol will permit cellular imaging of neuronal activity and the generation of data sets with s
69  first to demonstrate sex differences in BLA neuronal activity and the impact of estrous cyclicity on
70 e interactions, their ability to synchronize neuronal activity and their net effect on network activi
71         Its specific role in influencing nTS neuronal activity and thereby basal and reflex cardiores
72 brain current flow, numerical simulations of neuronal activity, and a statistical theory of coinciden
73 ltage-gated sodium channels are critical for neuronal activity, and highly intolerant to variation.
74 amygdala normalizes the imbalance, decreases neuronal activity, and inhibits neuropathic-pain-related
75 nd signal reflects the level of asynchronous neuronal activity, and is correlated with multiunit spik
76 es viewing behavior, viewing behavior drives neuronal activity, and neuronal activity sculpts domain
77 here changes in genes related to morphology, neuronal activity, and neuronal excitability were observ
78 hosphorylation of Orco(S289) is triggered by neuronal activity, and not conformational changes in the
79 ssion of genes involved in early spontaneous neuronal activity, and thus our results provides insight
80 slowly decaying autocorrelation functions in neuronal activity are dependent on vigilance states.
81           Thus, attention-related changes in neuronal activity are largely hemisphere-specific and gr
82   Simultaneous fluorescent calcium images of neuronal activity are then directly correlated with diff
83 annels (M-channels), important regulators of neuronal activity, are abundant in the LHb, yet little i
84 corticography in humans to record changes in neuronal activity as subthreshold rhythmic stimuli gradu
85 ing the presynaptic dysfunction and restores neuronal activity as well as dendritic spine levels in v
86 ated into neurons and glial cells and showed neuronal activity, as measured by rhythmic waves of calc
87  study suggests that the changed spontaneous neuronal activity, as reflected by the fALFF, in these r
88                          Midazolam depressed neuronal activity at a low concentration of 5 nM.
89                            Studies comparing neuronal activity at the dorsal and ventral poles of the
90 f transient transcriptional states driven by neuronal activity, at single-cell resolution, in vivo.
91 results reveal a rapid and sustained rise in neuronal activity ("baseline shift") in high-order visua
92 n an EEG experiment to identify the specific neuronal activity before stimulus onset that reflects th
93 ps of astrocytic genes induced by neurons or neuronal activity both show age-dependent decline in hum
94 on its PDZ-binding motif and the presence of neuronal activity but not on its kinase activity.
95  These frequencies appear to aggregate local neuronal activity, but it is unclear how this relationsh
96 t Shv is selectively released during intense neuronal activity, but not mild neuronal activity, to ac
97 ation between neurons during a wide range of neuronal activities by recycling used vesicle membrane a
98 re thought to provide a means of controlling neuronal activity by avoiding extremes and allowing netw
99  validated noninvasive magnetic control over neuronal activity by demonstrating remote stimulation of
100 ical interneurons (cINs) modulate excitatory neuronal activity by providing local inhibition.
101                               Examination of neuronal activity by whole-cell patch-clamp shows elevat
102                                              Neuronal activity can be described as a succession of ev
103                                     Although neuronal activity can be modulated using a variety of te
104           We highlight the observations that neuronal activity can rapidly tune axonal diameter, prom
105                                    ABSTRACT: Neuronal activity can result in transient acidification
106 ld finely tune local blood flow depending on neuronal activity changes at the cerebellar input stage.
107       But this approach does not address how neuronal activity changes relative to conditions where a
108 n the basolateral amygdala (BLA), alters BLA neuronal activity, conditions aversion, and increases an
109 scular coupling (NVC) is the process whereby neuronal activity controls blood vessel diameter.
110                        How attention changes neuronal activity correlations is unknown.
111            Therefore, chronic attenuation of neuronal activity could constitute a novel therapeutic a
112                        Between visual areas, neuronal activity covaries primarily among portions with
113                                   Changes in neuronal activity create local and transient changes in
114 ynaptic terminals and this increase requires neuronal activity, de novo transcription and depends on
115  intracellular Ca(2+) increased and cortical neuronal activity decreased.
116 support the hypotheses that dysregulation of neuronal-activity-dependent signaling plays a significan
117 went magnetoencephalography (MEG) to measure neuronal activity directly and functional MRI (fMRI) to
118                                           As neuronal activity drives acid loading in presynaptic ter
119                                We found that neuronal activity drives net Ca(2+) uptake into presynap
120 pyramidal neurons, consistent with increased neuronal activity due to disinhibition.
121 uggests they are likely driven by changes in neuronal activity during disrupted sleep.
122 information, we hypothesized that disrupting neuronal activity during SPW-Rs affects spatial represen
123                                              Neuronal activity enhances the motility of KIF21B at the
124 f ingested fluids is likely to be encoded by neuronal activity entrained to the lick cycle.
125                                We found that neuronal activity exerts potent control of global and sy
126         To test this hypothesis, we recorded neuronal activity from areas 5b and 7 of the PPC of cats
127 coupling and to differentiate its effects on neuronal activity from its vasoactive actions.
128                                  We recorded neuronal activity from the BLA and PL while rats perform
129                  ABSTRACT: Augmented sensory neuronal activity from the carotid body (CB) has emerged
130 lation (DBS) allows for direct recordings of neuronal activity from the human basal ganglia.
131    Collectively, these data demonstrate that neuronal activity gives rise to potassium accumulation,
132                            As a regulator of neuronal activity, GLP-1 or its analogue may comprise a
133 lism (cytochrome c oxidase) and mediators of neuronal activity (glutamatergic receptors).
134 sorders, which is in line with their role in neuronal activity, growth, development, and plasticity.
135                                              Neuronal activity has been shown to regulate tau secreti
136 te, however, magnetic techniques for sensing neuronal activity have either operated at the macroscale
137 ic glucose production and alter hypothalamic neuronal activity in a manner that depends on FA type an
138 etic approach to upregulate and downregulate neuronal activity in Alzheimer's disease (AD) mice was i
139 ability to acquire large-scale recordings of neuronal activity in awake and unrestrained animals is n
140 in perceptual sensitivity depend not only on neuronal activity in cortex but also require interaction
141       We measured behavioral performance and neuronal activity in cued, uncued, and neutrally cued bl
142 s) is widely used for remote manipulation of neuronal activity in freely moving animals.
143 bution of the amygdala to the development of neuronal activity in macaque OFC and MFC related to rewa
144 e we report that acute alcohol increases CeA neuronal activity in naive rats by engaging L-type calci
145       Here we demonstrate sex differences in neuronal activity in one key limbic region, the basolate
146 lcium imaging provides an optical readout of neuronal activity in populations of neurons with subcell
147 RK activation, dendritic spine formation and neuronal activity in striatopallidal MSNs of mice.
148          Electromagnetic fields generated by neuronal activity in subcortical structures can be recor
149  been linked to the temporal irregularity of neuronal activity in the central nervous system.
150                                We found that neuronal activity in the dorsolateral prefrontal cortex
151                   In this study, we recorded neuronal activity in the LHb of rats during an operant t
152 shown that respiration modulates oscillatory neuronal activity in the neocortex and hippocampus on a
153 ents that allows the study of high-frequency neuronal activity in the optical monitoring of voltage i
154       These findings show that low-frequency neuronal activity in the subthalamic nucleus may encode
155           Molecular mapping showed increased neuronal activity in the suprachiasmatic nucleus (SCN) o
156 e results support the view that synchronized neuronal activity in the VM contributes to the emergence
157      We used microendoscopy to image Esr1(+) neuronal activity in the VMHvl of male mice engaged in t
158 ech motor cortex exerts direct modulation of neuronal activity in these regions and drives left-hemis
159 ted laughter to be associated primarily with neuronal activity in this region.
160 atory and inhibitory receptors - to modulate neuronal activity in two connected brain regions in oppo
161 a is transformed into a percept, we examined neuronal activity in vibrissal sensory cortex, vS1, toge
162 cifically, NEAT1 is dynamically regulated by neuronal activity in vitro and in vivo, binds epilepsy-a
163 circuitry and of monitoring and manipulating neuronal activity in vivo in the mammalian CNS.
164 nally, we have used NTnC to visualize Ca(2+) neuronal activity in vivo in the V1 cortical area in awa
165 te that stimulation of NPVF cells suppresses neuronal activity in vRN.
166 s of action potentials reveal layer-specific neuronal activity in wM1 at movement initiation, and enc
167 ptors, and thus DRNshort right arrowNAc 5-HT neuronal activity, in the etiology and vulnerability to
168   FOXP1 SUMOylation is tightly controlled by neuronal activity, in which synapse to nucleus signallin
169 at 5-HT2CR knockdown blocked the increase in neuronal activity (increased responsiveness, irregular s
170 of c-Fos in initiating, but not maintaining, neuronal activity-induced chromatin opening.
171                                              Neuronal activity-induced gene expression modulates the
172 amage inducible gamma) is a direct target of neuronal-activity-induced, TCF4-dependent transcriptiona
173                  These results indicate that neuronal activity induces a preferential binding of CRTC
174                                Specifically, neuronal activity induces Rab35 activation and binding t
175                                              Neuronal activity induces rapid CRTC1 dephosphorylation,
176 ynthetic data and smFISH measurements of the neuronal activity-inducible gene Npas4 in primary neuron
177                                          How neuronal activity influences synaptic differentiation to
178 se cellular and organismal functions such as neuronal activity, intracellular signaling, gene express
179 y in models of state dependent modulation of neuronal activity is a critical step in building a mecha
180 res are paroxysmal events in which increased neuronal activity is accompanied by an increase in local
181 oderate intensity dynamic exercise, enhanced neuronal activity is accompanied by cerebral perfusion i
182 rotransmitter release to meet the demands of neuronal activity is critical to neurotransmission.
183 tions of undernourishment, during which POMC neuronal activity is decreased.
184 ron lactate shuttle hypothesis suggests that neuronal activity is fueled (at least in part) by lactat
185                       Conversely, comparable neuronal activity is observed in hippocampus region CA3
186 quent neuronal damage.SIGNIFICANCE STATEMENT Neuronal activity leads to the generation of CO2, which
187 imulation of npvf-expressing neurons induces neuronal activity levels consistent with normal sleep.
188 tion by demonstrating that during SN DA-like neuronal activity LTCCs are less sensitive to isradipine
189                   The impact of attention on neuronal activity manifests at early visual information
190                            Here, we used the neuronal activity marker Fos and site-specific injection
191    First, we measured double-labeling of the neuronal activity marker Fos with the retrograde tracer
192 rat model of incubation of drug craving, the neuronal activity marker Fos, and the Daun02 chemogeneti
193                      We found maximal Fos (a neuronal activity marker) immunoreactivity in the ventra
194 euroinflammation and decreased expression of neuronal activity marker, which was further exacerbated
195 s a decreased expression of synaptophysin, a neuronal activity marker.
196             However, it is not clear whether neuronal activity may be specifically regulated with res
197 gnals in the brain.Choice-related signals in neuronal activity may reflect bottom-up sensory processe
198     It is unknown whether and to what extent neuronal activity may trigger changes in chromatin acces
199 ved selectively in D1-MSNs in cocaine-evoked neuronal activity-mediated feedback regulation of glutam
200 in switch system, Cal-Light, that translates neuronal-activity-mediated calcium signaling into gene e
201    Therefore, to mechanistically test if LHb neuronal activity might affect AIM severity, following i
202 ith a Drd3 agonist, which increases Drd3(LS) neuronal activity, normalizes the social dysfunctions of
203 ic downscaling in response to an increase in neuronal activity, Npn-2 associates with AMPARs, and Sem
204 Group differences in cerebellar and parietal neuronal activity occurred during the time window of per
205 strong synapses in response to the increased neuronal activity of extended wake.
206                                     Rhythmic neuronal activity of multiple frequency bands has been d
207 abditis elegans demonstrates that changes in neuronal activity of one synaptic connection following e
208 f S6K1 reduces extinction-induced changes in neuronal activity of the BLA.
209 erneurons and, as a consequence, reduces the neuronal activity of the granule cells.
210 hese contrasting hypotheses by recording the neuronal activity of the subthalamic nucleus of patients
211 shown to improve stroke recovery by altering neuronal activity of the target area.
212 se up-regulation of GIRK function can reduce neuronal activity, our findings may lead to novel approa
213  RF location and dominated by a single multi-neuronal activity pattern, are suppressively coupled to
214 ral evolution and cellular substrates of the neuronal activity patterns associated with spontaneous s
215                      We propose that dynamic neuronal activity patterns could balance plasticity for
216                            These data relate neuronal activity patterns in prefrontal cortex to logic
217                       Chronically increasing neuronal activity pharmacologically in vivo led to a nor
218                                              Neuronal activity plays a key role in the development of
219 sue, Goo et al. show for the first time that neuronal activity positions lysosomes at the dendritic s
220 Aergic signaling is regulated by cholinergic neuronal activity, probably through distinct mechanisms
221                                              Neuronal activity promotes the growth of a range of mole
222                                 We find that neuronal activity propagation is limited to local region
223                                 We show that neuronal activity raises [Ca(2+)]i in developing oligode
224 erties and underlying circuitry, we analyzed neuronal activity recorded from primary motor cortex (M1
225                                Specifically, neuronal activity reflected both the relevant cues and o
226                            Thus, neurons and neuronal activity regulate the astrocytic transcriptome
227      We focused on genomic loci bound by the neuronal activity-regulated coactivator CREBBP, and we m
228 is study identifies a new role for TCF4 as a neuronal-activity-regulated transcription factor, offeri
229  [1-4]), and there is growing consensus that neuronal activity regulates CNS myelination (e.g., [5-9]
230 e review our increasing understanding of how neuronal activity regulates oligodendrocytes and myelina
231 elates with decreased cortical expression of neuronal activity-related genes (notably Bdnf, Egr1/Zif2
232   Chemogenetic or pharmacological control of neuronal activity-relevant Ca(2+) influx by the introduc
233  that use vascular signals to map changes in neuronal activity rely on the coupling between electroph
234 f specific CREB/CRTC1-dependent genes during neuronal activity remain largely unclear.
235  rhythmic movements it is important that the neuronal activity remains within stable bounds to avoid
236 AT1 is acutely down-regulated in response to neuronal activity, repeated stimulation results in NEAT1
237 th sexes), by means of real-time PCR for the neuronal activity reporter gene zif268.
238 ption factor mediators of firing and created neuronal activity reporters.
239 iological model system, in which spontaneous neuronal activity robustly emerges free of hemodynamic a
240 ewing behavior drives neuronal activity, and neuronal activity sculpts domain formation.
241 namic signals in assessing changes in evoked neuronal activity.SIGNIFICANCE STATEMENT Neurovascular c
242 ork quiescence and stereotypical episodes of neuronal activity - slow wave events.
243  kinesin whose function is directly tuned to neuronal activity state.
244 id signaling in the modulation of mesolimbic neuronal activity states and suggest that dysregulation
245 ogenetic approaches, we found that increased neuronal activity stimulates the release of tau in vitro
246 hysical model of the hemodynamic response to neuronal activity suggested that the blood oxygen level-
247 ines behavioral output, and visualization of neuronal activity supports this conclusion.
248   Diamond laboratory shows that the rhythmic neuronal activity that accompanies vibrissa-based sensat
249                  PET with (18)F-FDG captures neuronal activity that is in steady state at a longer ti
250 phalography, the location and time window of neuronal activity that underpins the adult outcome of AD
251  signals correlate spatially with underlying neuronal activity, the spatial relationships between sti
252            Although potassium channels shape neuronal activity, their roles in mEC are largely unknow
253 somatodendritic MORs in POMC neurons inhibit neuronal activity through at least two effectors with di
254 ovel mechanism for cannabinoid modulation of neuronal activity through Cl(-) regulation.
255 and circuit level requires representation of neuronal activity through multiple recording sites and a
256                   Inhibitory synapses dampen neuronal activity through postsynaptic hyperpolarization
257 photolysis in vivo to monitor and manipulate neuronal activities to study the processes underlying ac
258 hv is secreted during intense, but not mild, neuronal activity to acutely activate integrin signaling
259 MP-activated protein kinase (AMPK) regulates neuronal activity to elicit appropriate behavioural outc
260                                  Translating neuronal activity to measurable behavioral changes has b
261 apability of a given brain area to propagate neuronal activity to other regions in a given brain stat
262 nvestigators of navigation and memory relate neuronal activity to position, distance, time point, and
263  trans-synaptic signal secreted upon intense neuronal activity to promote synapse remodeling through
264 ring intense neuronal activity, but not mild neuronal activity, to acutely activate integrin signalin
265 ron, Padamsey et al. (2017) demonstrate that neuronal activity triggers lysosomal fusion with the pla
266                                 We show that neuronal activity triggers the phosphorylation changes a
267 We estimated the spatial extent of increased neuronal activity using a model that takes into the acco
268 neural cultures analyzing synaptogenesis and neuronal activity using a multielectrode array platform.
269              Photopharmacological control of neuronal activity using synthetic photochromic ligands,
270 onal magnetic resonance imaging signals into neuronal activity, V0 was arbitrarily set to a physiolog
271 s various physiological processes, including neuronal activity, vascular tone, inflammation, and ener
272 lease can cause slow inhibition of principal neuronal activity via astrocyte intermediaries.
273 hose distribution is continually adjusted by neuronal activity via Ca(2+)-dependent arrests is based
274 m embryonic rats of both sexes is induced by neuronal activity via soluble adenylyl cyclase and prote
275 etween adult symptom severity and prefrontal neuronal activity was confined to the time window coveri
276        METHODS AND In a porcine model (n=8), neuronal activity was recorded from a ventricular gangli
277 ctivity, a monotonic increase or decrease in neuronal activity, was a key temporal signal.
278 d brain activation mapped by Fos, a proxy of neuronal activity, was differentially affected by stroke
279 nderstand how gene deletions lead to altered neuronal activity, we investigated the synaptic and netw
280              Using a simple spiking model of neuronal activity, we study how autaptic connections aff
281                           Dynamic changes in neuronal activity were then evaluated in response to rig
282 iciently retrieves more membrane at elevated neuronal activity when ATP consumption within nerve term
283 isual attention in monkeys typically measure neuronal activity when the stimulus event to be detected
284 B to target gene promoters in the absence of neuronal activity, whereas recruitment of CRTC1 to proxi
285                          Here we record LPFC neuronal activity while monkeys perceive the motion dire
286            Here, MEG was used to investigate neuronal activity while subjects listened to radio news
287 er role in achieving sparse and reproducible neuronal activity, while compromising general signal rep
288 s.SIGNIFICANCE STATEMENT Infra-slow rhythmic neuronal activity with a very long (>10 s) duration has
289 tion in hippocampus and cortex, and inhibits neuronal activity with attenuated PP-DG synapse plastici
290                        Astrocyte responds to neuronal activity with calcium waves and modulates synap
291 s opportunities for noninvasive recording of neuronal activity with high spatial and temporal resolut
292 lactate and glucose fluctuations and ongoing neuronal activity with high spatial and temporal resolut
293 ptors have enabled researchers to manipulate neuronal activity with increased spatial and temporal sp
294 e introduction of calcium imaging to monitor neuronal activity with single-cell resolution, optical i
295 vel mechanistic insight into the coupling of neuronal activity with SV protein degradation and the ma
296                                     Finally, neuronal activity within organoids could be controlled u
297                   Furthermore, the timing of neuronal activity within such a sequence was more consis
298 n targeting and coordinates spinogenesis and neuronal activity within the amygdala.
299 ronal ion channels, enabling photocontrol of neuronal activity without genetic manipulation.
300 re direct and accurate fMRI method to detect neuronal activity, yet confirmative findings have proven

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