


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1  stages of development of a simple, specific neuronal connection.
2 n result in highly localized modification of neuronal connections.
3 nvolvement in the growth and regeneration of neuronal connections.
4 tant in the establishment and maintenance of neuronal connections.
5  visual system, a system with well-described neuronal connections.
6 fully timed reorganization and refinement of neuronal connections.
7 experience plays a crucial role in sculpting neuronal connections.
8  survive after injury and to regenerate lost neuronal connections.
9  development to determine the specificity of neuronal connections.
10 orsolateral PAG (dl-PAG), which has abundant neuronal connections.
11 isms that control the development of complex neuronal connections.
12  to chemoattractant, build tissues, and make neuronal connections.
13 lls, to determine cell lineage, and to trace neuronal connections.
14 n its cleft but also modulate development of neuronal connections.
15 utes to the formation of complex patterns of neuronal connections.
16 s and glia are essential in forming specific neuronal connections.
17 age and large-scale, permanent disruption of neuronal connections.
18 alian brain that helps sculpt the pattern of neuronal connections.
19  guidance mechanisms during establishment of neuronal connections.
20 e episodes are associated with remodeling of neuronal connections.
21 amaged host neurons and reconstitute damaged neuronal connections.
22  built as discrete map of highly stereotyped neuronal connections [5, 6].
23   We propose BOINC ("barcoding of individual neuronal connections"), a method for converting the prob
24  circumstances: during development to refine neuronal connections, after injury to clear damaged neur
25 eral different combinations to determine the neuronal connections and cyto- and chemoarchitecture of
26 llular basis for developmental refinement of neuronal connections and for learning and memory.
27 y improved our understanding not only of the neuronal connections and function of the healthy brain,
28 ought to play a crucial role in formation of neuronal connections and in experience-dependent modific
29 de information about cortical processing via neuronal connections and temporal interactions of neural
30 cell division in combination with tracers of neuronal connections and time-lapse live imaging, we fou
31 promote maturation of neurons, refinement of neuronal connections, and assembly of appropriate functi
32                                              Neuronal connections are arranged topographically such t
33                   Long-term modifications of neuronal connections are critical for reliable memory st
34                                              Neuronal connections are established through a series of
35 ritically dependent on TrkA signaling before neuronal connections are established.
36  are developmental time windows during which neuronal connections are shaped by experience.
37        The data also suggest that stabilized neuronal connections are the foundation of durable motor
38 athway and synaptological characteristics of neuronal connection between the dorsal PCRt premotor neu
39 ls that form the retinohypothalamic tract, a neuronal connection between the retina and the suprachia
40  currently exist for noninvasive tracking of neuronal connections between functional regions.
41 growth is the first step in the formation of neuronal connections, but the pathways that regulate axo
42 rms of epilepsy are associated with aberrant neuronal connections, but the relationship between such
43 egeneration that is characterized by loss of neuronal connections, but the role of Presenilin in esta
44 roles in the establishment and remodeling of neuronal connections, but the signaling pathways involve
45 r via changes in blood gases or by brainstem neuronal connections, but their ultimate effect is invar
46 vo and may modulate structural remodeling of neuronal connections by controlling the rate of spontane
47 ia also participate in the fine sculpting of neuronal connections by pruning excess axonal projection
48                                  Remodelling neuronal connections by synaptic activity requires membr
49 astrocytes, the extent of lateral excitatory neuronal connections can be manipulated.
50 HCs showed some physiological properties and neuronal connections consistent with a fate switch.
51                       These findings suggest neuronal connections contain two information channels th
52 rtant in the establishment and refinement of neuronal connections during both development and regener
53 sential for the establishment of appropriate neuronal connections during development and regeneration
54 uning and neuronal cell death help to sculpt neuronal connections during development, but their mecha
55 participates in the establishment of precise neuronal connections during development.
56 is essential for the establishment of proper neuronal connections during development.
57 stablish the basic axon scaffolds from which neuronal connections evolve.
58 ularities reduce the length of intracortical neuronal connections for some connection rules.
59 ms to exhibit satiety quiescence, suggesting neuronal connection from ASI to RIM and RIC is essential
60 ion of electron-microscopy reconstruction of neuronal connections, genetic manipulations, electrophys
61 t clear whether they will throw light on how neuronal connections give rise to cognitive processes.
62 lity of synapses to modulate the strength of neuronal connections; however, the molecular factors tha
63 or many processes, including immune defense, neuronal connection, hyphal fusion, and sexual reproduct
64 chondrial energy metabolism reflects loss of neuronal connections in AD.
65 family protein required for the formation of neuronal connections in Drosophila.
66  key event in the development of appropriate neuronal connections in many regions of the central nerv
67                     The intrinsic horizontal neuronal connections in MI are a strong candidate substr
68 s in the fly including proper development of neuronal connections in photoreceptor cells and axonal t
69 ostsynaptic cells helps shape the pattern of neuronal connections in response to experience, but the
70 de required to establish complex networks of neuronal connections in the brain and the mechanisms of
71        The mechanisms that generate specific neuronal connections in the brain are under intense inve
72 explain the mechanism for specifying diverse neuronal connections in the brain, Sperry proposed that
73 ry experience in early postnatal life shapes neuronal connections in the brain.
74 rovide the staggering diversity required for neuronal connections in the brain.
75 o sensory experience-dependent refinement of neuronal connections in the developing nervous system, b
76 on guidance and the formation of topographic neuronal connections in the vertebrate brain.
77 escribe and validate a compound that reveals neuronal connections in vivo, using MRI.
78 vesicular stomatitis virus (VSV) for tracing neuronal connections in vivo.
79 ays a role in development and maintenance of neuronal connections in zebrafish visual system.
80 t also destroy cells and eliminate important neuronal connections, including light reception pathways
81        The theory is applied to real data on neuronal connections, interacting genes in radiation hyb
82 anism(s) may elicit the disruption of normal neuronal connections/interactions.
83                                The C1-orexin neuronal connection is probably one of several suprabulb
84     The establishment of topographic maps of neuronal connections is believed to involve graded repul
85             Activity-induced modification of neuronal connections is essential for the development of
86 , but the role of Presenilin in establishing neuronal connections is less clear.
87 he brain, appropriate assembly and tuning of neuronal connections is likely to require appropriate fu
88    It has been proposed that the efficacy of neuronal connections is strengthened when there is a per
89 efects include disruptions in the pattern of neuronal connections made by all three classes of R cell
90          Taking advantage of the well-mapped neuronal connections of Caenorhabditis elegans and the s
91                            Further, although neuronal connections of HVC are not topographic, project
92                                        Thus, neuronal connections of pHVC are highly integrated with
93                                              Neuronal connections of the High Vocal Center (HVC), a c
94 vide a framework for ongoing analyses of the neuronal connections of the insular cortex of the macaqu
95 estigate the neurogenesis and time course of neuronal connections of the tectorotundal pathway in chi
96                        Formation of specific neuronal connections often involves competition between
97 omechanics and graph theoretical analysis of neuronal connections, or connectomics, to form a neuroco
98 ortex develop by the progressive addition of neuronal connections rather than by sculpting preliminar
99             The refinement and plasticity of neuronal connections require synaptic activity and neuro
100                             The formation of neuronal connections requires the precise guidance of de
101 ortant in modifying the strength of existing neuronal connections (synapses).
102                                    The inter-neuronal connections that constitute these systems are p
103 ntrols the remodeling of initially imprecise neuronal connections through the regulation of gene expr
104  mechanisms exist to reestablish appropriate neuronal connections to regenerated hair cells.
105 r behavior and progressive deconstruction of neuronal connections, ultimately causing age-related neu
106 debris, in addition to helping to refine CNS neuronal connections via microglia-mediated pruning of i
107 d how they mediate the emergence of specific neuronal connections via selective axon guidance.
108 m imaging and mutations that affect specific neuronal connections, we show that AWC neurons are activ
109 dark cycle, SCN neurons remained intact, and neuronal connections were undisturbed, including photic
110 ubtypes and alter the development of defined neuronal connections which require NMDA receptor activat
111 generated granule cells (DGCs) form aberrant neuronal connections with neighboring DGCs, disrupting t
112  of neural implants to survive and establish neuronal connections with the host.
113 ion but also in remote brain regions sharing neuronal connections with the injured site.
114 rus americanus, and the development of their neuronal connections with the paired olfactory and acces
115 of primate primary visual cortex (V1) depict neuronal connections within and between different V1 lay
116 at regulate formation of precise patterns of neuronal connections within the central nervous system r
117 d in temporal processing and share extensive neuronal connections, yet it remains unclear how these s

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