


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 cal work (for example, muscle contraction or neuronal firing).
2 dent changes in pump activity also influence neuronal firing.
3 e channels are known to critically influence neuronal firing.
4 f distinctive slow potentials that accompany neuronal firing.
5 tauopathy on hippocampal SWRs and associated neuronal firing.
6 gar food in an operant task and inhibited DA neuronal firing.
7 uently a blunted neurosteroid suppression of neuronal firing.
8 ight-activatable PIRK switch for suppressing neuronal firing.
9 s as important as functional mitochondria in neuronal firing.
10 ortex, where nAChR blockade had no effect on neuronal firing.
11 pulation oscillations, and precise timing of neuronal firing.
12 k oscillations with a regularized pattern of neuronal firing.
13 ed the synergistic action of leptin/CCK-8 on neuronal firing.
14 nels, leading to membrane depolarization and neuronal firing.
15 nels, leading to membrane depolarization and neuronal firing.
16 5-HT(1A) receptor-mediated inhibition of DRN neuronal firing.
17 an oscillations of clock gene expression and neuronal firing.
18  in the presence of blockers of VIP, GABA or neuronal firing.
19 -2beta results in significant alterations in neuronal firing.
20 (PKC) signaling, which diminishes prefrontal neuronal firing.
21 go-related K(+) channel KCNH2 that modulates neuronal firing.
22  control in order to avoid extreme limits of neuronal firing.
23 ich were found to synchronize the Kiss1(ARH) neuronal firing.
24 ency-independent phase shifts of oscillatory neuronal firing.
25 n stem-spinal cord recordings reveal reduced neuronal firing.
26 hat relate the sensory or motor streams with neuronal firing.
27 ns, which have changes predicted to increase neuronal firing.
28 nnel availability, synaptic integration, and neuronal firing.
29 ctivated and voltage-gated (BK) channels set neuronal firing.
30 from inactivation limits the maximal rate of neuronal firing.
31 o have a predominantly divisive influence on neuronal firing.
32 transcription and boosted Na(+) currents and neuronal firing.
33 eas of the axon that are critical for proper neuronal firing.
34 scription coupling, synaptic plasticity, and neuronal firing.
35 tauopathy on hippocampal SWRs and associated neuronal firing.
36  no approach yet permits feedback control of neuronal firing.
37 tamatergic synaptic potentials with moderate neuronal firing.
38 ring with a resultant increase of excitatory neuronal firing.
39 ich are major determinants of high-frequency neuronal firing.
40 e monophosphate signaling, which reduces PFC neuronal firing.
41 ause they require artificial manipulation of neuronal firing.
42 tivity-regulated Arc gene affect patterns of neuronal firing.
43 -triggered signaling could elicit changes in neuronal firing.
44  of sleep-active VLPO neurons to promote TMN neuronal firing.
45 89%), evoked synaptic activity (46%), evoked neuronal firing (200%) and increases expression of cellu
46  receptors on SNc neurons leads to increased neuronal firing, activation of M5 receptors in the stria
47 m-activated potassium channel that regulates neuronal firing activities and patterns.
48 y neurons, a variety of the observed dynamic neuronal firing activities can be replicated.
49 nously released ATP in the CN contributes to neuronal firing activity by facilitating AP generation a
50                        Regulation of BNSTALG neuronal firing activity is tightly regulated by the opp
51 receded the inhibition of cortical pyramidal neuronal firing activity.
52 aracterized by a 60 degrees -wide correlated neuronal firing (activity packet), both within and acros
53                     However, what happens to neuronal firing after a long period of being awake is no
54 on, under conditions known to suppress raphe neuronal firing, also reduced VCMs.
55 s with halorhodopsin (NpHR3.0) increases lHb neuronal firing and abolishes CPP to the intruder-paired
56 ly studied because they play a major role in neuronal firing and bursting.
57 oly-spike activity associated with increased neuronal firing and CBF, whereas frontal cortex showed s
58 rtex showed slow oscillations with decreased neuronal firing and CBF.
59 activity provides a link between patterns of neuronal firing and changes in protein translation.
60 hibition of this channel leads to changes in neuronal firing and chemical message transmission.
61 roduces an inverted-U dose response on dlPFC neuronal firing and cognitive performance during working
62 neuronal function, in part, by synchronizing neuronal firing and coordinating synaptic networks.
63  focal epilepsy correlates with reduction of neuronal firing and enhanced interneuronal network activ
64  of alpha4beta2-nAChR agonists increased the neuronal firing and enhanced the spatial tuning of delay
65 ctivations involve a stereotyped sequence of neuronal firing and have been behaviourally linked to me
66 n assumptions about the relationship between neuronal firing and hemodynamic response that are not fi
67 hat these abnormal networks promote abnormal neuronal firing and hyperexcitability, it has yet to be
68 eases catecholamine release in PFC, reducing neuronal firing and impairing cognitive abilities.
69 ic adenosine monophosphate signaling reduces neuronal firing and impairs working memory by increasing
70 ortical rhythm characterized by synchronized neuronal firing and important for sleep and memory.
71 maphos oxon, cause a depolarization-block of neuronal firing and inhibit nicotinic responses.
72 show that marked changes in both cue-induced neuronal firing and input-specific synaptic strength occ
73 h of which can involve nonclassical modes of neuronal firing and integration.
74                          This current shapes neuronal firing and is inhibited by neuromodulators, sug
75 array that enables simultaneous recording of neuronal firing and local dopamine receptor antagonist i
76 tum showed increased synchronization between neuronal firing and local field potential activity durin
77                            Here, we recorded neuronal firing and local field potentials from the medi
78  used to determine the effects of ethanol on neuronal firing and network patterns of persistent activ
79 tional role of CB(2)R activation, we induced neuronal firing and observed a CB(2)R-mediated reduction
80 nists and antagonists of 5-HT on spontaneous neuronal firing and on excitatory and inhibitory respons
81 s with channelrhodopsin (ChR2) decreases lHb neuronal firing and promotes CPP to the intruder-paired
82  changes in pump activity can also influence neuronal firing and regulate rhythmic network output.
83 een striatal projection cells in controlling neuronal firing and shaping the output of this circuit.
84 ion was observed to exert complex actions on neuronal firing and synaptic neurotransmission that were
85                                    Increased neuronal firing and the change from tonic to burst firin
86            In view of their critical role in neuronal firing and their strong sequence conservation d
87 for blood pressure regulation and control of neuronal firing, and MthK, a prokaryotic Ca(2+)-gated K(
88 ing-triggered elevated NPY/AgRP and low POMC neuronal firing, and resulted in decreased feeding of DI
89 energy-related visual information encoded by neuronal firing; and (2) a substantial increase in the a
90 der various conditions, including repetitive neuronal firing, anoxia, ischemia and hypoglycemic coma.
91                        Intra-Acb NPY reduced neuronal firing, as well as preproenkephalin messenger R
92 vo and in vitro had no significant effect on neuronal firing at baseline but enhanced the excitatory
93 is unknown whether this compound stops local neuronal firing at concentrations that prevent seizures.
94                           Oscillatory septal neuronal firing at delta, theta, and gamma frequencies m
95 and partially opposite effects in regulating neuronal firing at frequencies typical of bursting.
96  analgesia to heat in vivo and a decrease in neuronal firing at the single-cell level.
97 it can restore to aged mice, not only normal neuronal firing, but also normal learning and synaptic p
98 her AGS kindling results in changes in vlPAG neuronal firing by chronically implanting microwire elec
99 d that ChR2 can be used to optically control neuronal firing by depolarizing the cell.
100                          The genes influence neuronal firing by modulating calcium and sodium channel
101 siology data suggests that the modulation of neuronal firing by spatial attention depends on stimulus
102 iring exclusively during PTC, and this vlPAG neuronal firing change was seen only in kindled GEPR-9s.
103                     This study examined cPRF neuronal firing changes and seizure behaviors during AGS
104 mine release can be observed under different neuronal firing conditions.
105                                              Neuronal firing data was obtained from 110 PMv neurons i
106 or for the trial-to-trial variability of the neuronal firing decreases from the spontaneous firing st
107 es to acoustic stimuli (12 kHz) and observed neuronal firing during AGS.
108          We observed a significant change in neuronal firing during presentation of the cue.
109         Electrophysiologists report on-going neuronal firing during stimulation or task in regions be
110                                              Neuronal firing during the retrieval of each memory was
111 d sensory and motor timing task suggest that neuronal firing during the sensory and motor phases are
112 ar conditioning display multiple patterns of neuronal firing during the trace.
113        When we interfere with the pattern of neuronal firing during this period, coordination is also
114 cortex in awake behaving mice, we found that neuronal firing early in the olfactory pathway simultane
115   Current theories hypothesize that dopamine neuronal firing encodes reward prediction errors.
116                                          The neuronal firing entropies and oscillations in both nucle
117 learning yet leave cortical connectivity and neuronal firing essentially intact.
118 ts, Ro25-6981 (500 micromol/L) inhibited ACC neuronal firing, evoked by 30 and 50 mm Hg CRD, by 98% a
119 ffect, which correlates an MRI observable to neuronal firing, evolves over a period that is 2 orders
120 pocampal slice cultures, a 3-5-d blockade of neuronal firing facilitated uptake and degradation of an
121 irole (50-200 nM), resulted in inhibition of neuronal firing followed by DIR.
122 working memory representation, with enhanced neuronal firing following low doses of mGluR2/3 agonists
123                                              Neuronal firing frequency and duration determine the tim
124           A-type potassium channels regulate neuronal firing frequency and the back-propagation of ac
125 cally modified in dyskinetic monkeys and its neuronal firing frequency significantly increased in ON
126  channels regulating cardiac repolarization, neuronal firing frequency, and neoplastic cell growth.
127 rhythm of activation that correlates with LC neuronal firing frequency.
128     We analyzed the relationship between the neuronal firing from intraoperative microrecordings from
129 he temporal pattern of astrocyte response to neuronal firing has not been fully characterized.
130  BK) channels, important in vasodilation and neuronal firing, have been suggested to be directly stim
131 es with discontinuous theta oscillations and neuronal firing in both lateral entorhinal cortex and ve
132 o neurons produced a 42% greater increase in neuronal firing in cells from the SHR than the WKY rat.
133 we investigated to what extent modulation of neuronal firing in cerebellar nuclei (CN), which are ana
134 to estimate population synaptic currents and neuronal firing in different layers of ACC during simple
135 e proposed a functional role for synchronous neuronal firing in generating the neural code of a senso
136                          Finally, CO2-evoked neuronal firing in patch-clamped subfornical organ neuro
137 rm of homeostatic plasticity that stabilizes neuronal firing in response to changes in synapse number
138                                              Neuronal firing in response to current injection was pro
139 ssociated with a more pronounced increase in neuronal firing in response to D2 agonist, compared to t
140 ent by ADPbetaS was accompanied by increased neuronal firing in response to injected current pulses.
141 ng to increased reliability or regularity of neuronal firing in single neurons and across populations
142 tatory networks that can maintain persistent neuronal firing in the absence of external stimulation.
143                                  NPY reduces neuronal firing in the Acb resulting in increased palata
144  Separate experiments examined extracellular neuronal firing in the amygdala.
145 Kir3 channels are instrumental in regulating neuronal firing in the central and peripheral nervous sy
146 channels and contribute to the inhibition of neuronal firing in the central nervous system or to faci
147 lay an important role in the coordination of neuronal firing in the entorhinal (EC)-hippocampal syste
148 te) receptor mediates two dynamic changes in neuronal firing in the hippocampal CA1 area during novel
149                                              Neuronal firing in the hippocampal formation (HF) of fre
150                          Here we report that neuronal firing in the locus coeruleus is especially sen
151       We investigated whether dynorphinergic neuronal firing in the NAc is sufficient to induce avers
152 em, clofibrate blocked nicotine's effects on neuronal firing in the ventral tegmental area and on dop
153 7 had no effect on basal and CRD-induced ACC neuronal firing in VH and control groups.
154  short latency and intensity-dependent vlPAG neuronal firing increases.
155                                    Increased neuronal firing irregularity was seen in the PCL and, to
156                                              Neuronal firing is a fundamental element of cerebral fun
157                             Hypersynchronous neuronal firing is a hallmark of epilepsy, but the mecha
158                                    Organized neuronal firing is crucial for cortical processing and i
159                                         When neuronal firing is facilitated by depolarizing juxtasoma
160                                              Neuronal firing is known to depend on the variance of sy
161  this study it was tested whether periods of neuronal firing lead to a rapid change of membrane prope
162 ophysiological studies whereby reduced AcbSh neuronal firing leads to food intake.
163 e-an alpha2A-adrenergic agonist-inhibited LC neuronal firing less efficiently than in control animals
164 rate how this system can be used to decouple neuronal firing levels from ongoing changes in network e
165 ynamic LFOs correlated both with Ca(2+)i and neuronal firing (local field potentials), indicating tha
166 chemical inputs to the LC with changes in LC neuronal firing, making it a highly coordinated event.
167 trolateral clock neurons, and suppression of neuronal firing may be the general response to sNPF rece
168                          Correspondingly, DA neuronal firing measured 24 h after nicotine exposure us
169                                        Tonic neuronal firing occurred during generalized clonus, whic
170                After AGS kindling, increased neuronal firing occurred, and response latencies were pr
171 irectly demonstrate, for the first time, how neuronal firing of dopamine neurons originating in the V
172          To explore the potential effects of neuronal firing on ECoG, we developed a model to estimat
173 low these cells to exacerbate or synchronize neuronal firing on shorter time scales of milliseconds t
174 laps during model tuning, we show that, from neuronal firing, one can accurately estimate log-concent
175 uption of neural communication by inhibiting neuronal firing or by physical cutting suppresses both S
176                                 In contrast, neuronal firing order during interictal bursts appeared
177 hypothesized that 1) the temporal pattern of neuronal firing, particularly co-firing, is key to decod
178                        Relationships between neuronal firing pattern and mechanosensory input in the
179 e found that we could accurately predict the neuronal firing pattern during one type of saccade behav
180 e GABA transmission to GnRH neurons and GnRH neuronal firing pattern.
181  postsynaptic currents (human) and intrinsic neuronal firing patterns (mouse) were also recorded.
182 cuits, the extent to which it will determine neuronal firing patterns and network activity remains po
183 Since alterations in axonal signaling affect neuronal firing patterns and neurotransmitter release, t
184                                    Tonic PRh neuronal firing patterns appeared during generalized clo
185                        Behaviorally adequate neuronal firing patterns are critically dependent on the
186                                              Neuronal firing patterns are determined by the cell's in
187                                              Neuronal firing patterns are established by the collecti
188 n "informational lesion," whereby pathologic neuronal firing patterns are replaced by low-entropy, st
189                Here, we examined hippocampal neuronal firing patterns as rats ran in place on a tread
190 ring patterns are distinctive: whereas multi-neuronal firing patterns at larger distances can be pred
191 performs computations requires understanding neuronal firing patterns at successive levels of process
192 ject associations represented by hippocampal neuronal firing patterns but did not affect spatial firi
193                                     Abnormal neuronal firing patterns characteristic of the fast deac
194                                              Neuronal firing patterns determine the manner of neurose
195                       Acoustic responses and neuronal firing patterns during AGS were compared in non
196  anticipatory dopamine surges and changes in neuronal firing patterns during ICSS are coincident, whe
197 c appearance of the LFP, the organization of neuronal firing patterns during spindles bears little re
198              Computational modeling based on neuronal firing patterns in animals suggests that one pu
199 c drugs induce molecular changes and altered neuronal firing patterns in basal ganglia neurons leadin
200 resented explicitly by stimulus-synchronized neuronal firing patterns in primary auditory cortex (AI)
201 associated with increased synchronization of neuronal firing patterns in the hippocampus and the conn
202 work level, on the replay of spatially tuned neuronal firing patterns representing discrete places an
203 gulated transcripts that may link changes in neuronal firing patterns to transcription-dependent modu
204  navigation and episodic memory, but how its neuronal firing patterns underlie those functions is not
205                                              Neuronal firing patterns were analysed by constructing h
206 ed receptor modulation, provides the diverse neuronal firing patterns, network activity and synaptic
207                                              Neuronal firing patterns, neuromodulators, and cerebral
208 ed with a reorganization of the postsaccadic neuronal firing patterns, which follow a similar retinot
209 tectal cells could be distinguished based on neuronal firing patterns.
210 ing calcium and potassium channels) to shape neuronal firing patterns.
211 h the development of highly context-specific neuronal firing patterns.
212                             Ventral striatal neuronal firing phase-locked not only to hippocampal the
213                           Temporally precise neuronal firing phase-locked to gamma oscillations is th
214 oamine transporters has been shown to impact neuronal firing potentials and could play a role in path
215      As information flows through the brain, neuronal firing progresses from encoding the world as se
216 nized to play important roles in determining neuronal firing properties and regulating neuronal excit
217 y-dependent regulation of channel gating and neuronal firing properties.
218 t, "ramping" activity, a monotonic change in neuronal firing rate across time, is observed throughout
219 tational approaches, we identified decreased neuronal firing rate and deficits in gamma frequency in
220 ese tuning changes occurred rapidly, as both neuronal firing rate and Fano factor showed no evidence
221             When a sensory stimulus repeats, neuronal firing rate and functional MRI blood oxygen lev
222    We found that scopolamine reduced overall neuronal firing rate and impaired rule discriminability
223    However, to date, inconsistent changes in neuronal firing rate and pattern have been reported in p
224                In the belt areas, changes in neuronal firing rate and response dynamics greatly enhan
225 nase pathway can control both neuroendocrine neuronal firing rate and the state of CREB phosphorylati
226      We found that task difficulty modulates neuronal firing rate at the earliest stages of cortical
227 ific: increasing task difficulty enhanced V1 neuronal firing rate at the focus of attention and suppr
228 l, attenuated the Ang II-induced increase in neuronal firing rate by 70%.
229 he LC elicited a significant, dose-dependent neuronal firing rate change in a subset of adrenergic ne
230 r time despite a persistent reduction in the neuronal firing rate during the task.
231 ical studies demonstrate that AUDA increased neuronal firing rate exclusively in the SHR, an effect c
232  blue and violet light so as to modulate the neuronal firing rate in a bidirectional way.
233 ptic plasticity which functions to reset the neuronal firing rate in response to chronic neuronal act
234 y, may reflect the effect of fluctuations in neuronal firing rate on the animal's decision, but it ca
235 ing of place fields in CA2 with no effect on neuronal firing rate or immediate early gene expression.
236 es in excitation and inhibition that restore neuronal firing rate to an optimal range.
237                             Ang II increases neuronal firing rate, an effect mediated by the AT(1) re
238 observed progressive increase or decrease in neuronal firing rate, particularly in the supplementary
239 tributed to the homeostatic stabilization of neuronal firing rate.
240 ine-Xanthine oxidase significantly increased neuronal firing rate.
241 ariability and topographical organization of neuronal firing-rate persistence can provide information
242 quilibrium: synaptic strengths wax and wane, neuronal firing rates adjust up and down, and neural cir
243 nstrate that the mRNA 3'UTR of ppk29 affects neuronal firing rates and associated heat-induced seizur
244 ute effect of physiological ketone bodies on neuronal firing rates and excitability, to discover poss
245 usion in their neurites, and increasing POMC neuronal firing rates and excitability.
246              Alcohol increases CeA activity (neuronal firing rates and GABA release) in naive rats by
247 t relationships could be established between neuronal firing rates and the percentage of CRs or the e
248                     Finally, during spindles neuronal firing rates are not consistently modulated, al
249 onstrated that alternative splicing controls neuronal firing rates by regulating the polarized target
250              Hand stimulation evoked similar neuronal firing rates in lesion and control monkeys.
251                                  We analyzed neuronal firing rates in relation to a large number of b
252 nisms within the intact CNS act to stabilize neuronal firing rates in the face of sustained sensory p
253                    Homeostatic adjustment of neuronal firing rates is considered a vital mechanism to
254  can produce modulations of cortical area V4 neuronal firing rates that resemble spatial attention-li
255                                         When neuronal firing rates were perturbed by visual deprivati
256                                              Neuronal firing rates were threefold higher in Fmr1(-/-)
257  vibrations, up to 800 Hz, is not encoded in neuronal firing rates, but rather in the phase-locked re
258 , we obtain a new spectral representation of neuronal firing rates.
259 to their postsynaptic targets independent of neuronal firing rates.
260 late metabolic signals into an alteration in neuronal firing rates.
261 t fast-ripple frequencies far exceed maximal neuronal firing rates.
262 HP induced by supra-threshold pulses reduced neuronal firing reliability during swimming.
263 construct concentration ratios from observed neuronal firing, representing a powerful mechanism to se
264 ojection to the NAc core, contributes to NAc neuronal firing responses to reward-predictive cues.
265 hanism to prevent excessive and uncontrolled neuronal firing resulting from the lack of inhibition or
266 ve to the presence of contextual cues: shell neuronal firing reveals a significant shift from a predo
267 anding of the molecular events that regulate neuronal firing, synaptic function, and plasticity has e
268                                              Neuronal firing, synaptic transmission, and its plastici
269 t regulators of cellular processes including neuronal firing, synaptic transmission, cochlear hair ce
270 e inferior colliculus (IC) exhibits enhanced neuronal firing that is critical in the initiation of re
271 (such as finite learning rate and stochastic neuronal firing) that set the limits to matching behavio
272 odulator, integrating spontaneous and evoked neuronal firing, thereby providing an index of global ac
273 itory cells that exert a powerful control of neuronal firing through proximal synapses on their posts
274                  Synaptic scaling stabilizes neuronal firing through the homeostatic regulation of po
275        We observed robust, phasic changes in neuronal firing time locked to the onset of methamphetam
276 ion of gain-modulated firing rates, allowing neuronal firing to be efficiently read out by downstream
277 hannel-FMRP interactions may link changes in neuronal firing to changes in protein translation.
278  a natural consequence of adaptive coding of neuronal firing to optimise sensitivity across large ran
279 to Aplysia sensory neurons in the absence of neuronal firing translocates Apl II, but not Apl I, cons
280 ring distinct behavioral states can regulate neuronal firing, transmitter release at glutamatergic an
281         Experiments and theory indicate that neuronal firing typically represents the sum of synaptic
282 K currents generate bidirectional effects on neuronal firing under distinct conditions.
283                                   Changes in neuronal firing underlie sensation, but how many neurons
284 ulate the hippocampal activity by timing the neuronal firing via monosynaptic afferents, thalamic nuc
285                                              Neuronal firing was associated with high rates of inform
286 relative disparity could not predict whether neuronal firing was related to the monkeys' perceptual r
287                                     Thalamic neuronal firing was studied in a cerebellar relay nucleu
288              Unexpectedly, this resetting of neuronal firing was suppressed during sleep.
289 e predicted to increase channel activity and neuronal firing, we hypothesized that other channel prop
290 ates, we demonstrate a robust enhancement of neuronal firing when the figure, as opposed to the groun
291 owever, in low-calcium ACSF, MT-II decreased neuronal firing, whereas alpha-MSH increased it.
292 on process and an initial disfacilitation of neuronal firing (which was later recovered), together wi
293  decreased broadband EEG power and decreased neuronal firing, which demonstrate a steep decline in ne
294 nduce the two GluR1-dependent changes of CA1 neuronal firing, which in turn determine information flo
295 urons, resulting in a decrease of inhibitory neuronal firing with a resultant increase of excitatory
296 s emerged on P8 as evoked spindle-bursts and neuronal firing with a signal-to-noise ratio higher than
297                       However, inhibition of neuronal firing with infrared light was only observed in
298  maintain stable circuit function by keeping neuronal firing within a set point range, but such firin
299 hisker stimulation, may alter the pattern of neuronal firing within both the distinct layers of the p
300  RO4 in cultured hippocampal neurons reduces neuronal firing within ms by hyperpolarization of the so

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