


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 inase pathways to produce lasting changes in neuronal function.
2 genetic screen to identify genes involved in neuronal function.
3  and is overrepresented at genes involved in neuronal function.
4 ules from cell body to synapse is crucial to neuronal function.
5 ions that have broad implications for proper neuronal function.
6 tion in coordinating gene transcription with neuronal function.
7 a calcium pump that plays important roles in neuronal function.
8 versity allows KChs to play diverse roles in neuronal function.
9 ow their changes in pathology may compromise neuronal function.
10  processes involved in brain development and neuronal function.
11 al composition for synaptic transmission and neuronal function.
12 critical role for this splicing regulator in neuronal function.
13 s within axons and dendrites is critical for neuronal function.
14 2 as a critical intracellular ion channel in neuronal function.
15 also plays an unexpectedly important role in neuronal function.
16 ropagation, gliotransmission, and ultimately neuronal function.
17 R) heteromers are key modulators of striatal neuronal function.
18 Slo2 potassium channel, which is critical to neuronal function.
19 lls represses hundreds of genes essential to neuronal function.
20 ble tau aggregates are sufficient to disrupt neuronal function.
21  (miR2682), two microRNA genes important for neuronal function.
22 receptors, and other crucial contributors to neuronal function.
23 to orchestrate proper dendrite outgrowth and neuronal function.
24 rotein compartmentalization is essential for neuronal function.
25  has been shown to have a dramatic impact on neuronal function.
26  with important consequences on behavior and neuronal function.
27 as GTPase activator Rasa1, a novel target in neuronal function.
28 ansport pathways and discusses their role in neuronal function.
29 urn, are major determinants of type-specific neuronal function.
30 nts is fundamental to nearly every aspect of neuronal function.
31  the ability to probe the molecular basis of neuronal function.
32 ne which properties are the most relevant to neuronal function.
33 represents a key mechanism to ensure correct neuronal function.
34 haracterize the effects of ethanol (EtOH) on neuronal function.
35 he elimination of four ECM genes compromises neuronal function.
36  may participate in short term regulation of neuronal function.
37 homeostasis and influence diverse aspects of neuronal function.
38 oskeleton that regulate axonal transport and neuronal function.
39  neuronal surface activate mGluR5 to disrupt neuronal function.
40 onment within the brain to safeguard optimal neuronal function.
41 ion of mitochondrial dynamics, and therefore neuronal function.
42 lecular basis for these long-term changes in neuronal function.
43  in a progressive loss of photoreceptors and neuronal function.
44 tabolism under hypoglycemia, which preserves neuronal function.
45 tion may contribute to age-dependent loss of neuronal function.
46 regulation in guiding fundamental aspects of neuronal function.
47  receptor dysfunction with disease affecting neuronal function.
48 y conserved mechanism by which ACh modulates neuronal function.
49 elp specify the logic of corticospinal motor neuronal function.
50 s necessary and sufficient for regulation of neuronal function.
51 traffic critically regulates most aspects of neuronal function.
52 otassium channels perform essential roles in neuronal function.
53 xonal projection morphology, and a switch in neuronal function.
54 use and human and known to play key roles in neuronal function.
55 date gene for LOAD with an important role in neuronal function.
56 astating effects on neuronal development and neuronal function.
57 tem, reaching high levels which could affect neuronal function.
58  and metabolic alterations, which impacts on neuronal function.
59 ts preferentially impact genes important for neuronal function.
60 e calcium signaling and its consequences for neuronal function.
61 al aspects of neuronal signal processing and neuronal function.
62 lopmental processes, cell proliferation, and neuronal function.
63 d metabolic adjustments essential for normal neuronal function.
64 n 5-HT1A receptor, a GPCR that is central to neuronal function.
65 sion of genes that play an important role in neuronal function.
66 tic arbor morphology is a key determinant of neuronal function.
67 therapeutic targets in ChAc that may restore neuronal function.
68 , although they have been linked to critical neuronal functions.
69 nisms by which neurotrophins achieve diverse neuronal functions.
70 where they are major regulators of essential neuronal functions.
71 ccur leading to a long-term dysregulation of neuronal functions.
72             It is particularly important for neuronal functions.
73 te arbor morphological diversity for complex neuronal functions.
74 ns of defined ciliary structures to specific neuronal functions.
75 d may be important in modulating Ras-related neuronal functions.
76 tance of glial networks in the regulation of neuronal functions.
77 channels are essential for the regulation of neuronal functions.
78 oles of individual beta variants in specific neuronal functions.
79 in-of-function FUS mutations affect critical neuronal functions.
80 human brain can be associated with different neuronal functions.
81 w recognized to influence a wide spectrum of neuronal functions.
82 has been found recently to play key roles in neuronal functions.
83  endopeptidase (PREP) has been implicated in neuronal functions.
84 ng at the NE, of synaptic activity-dependent neuronal functions.
85 gy for neurons and have a role in many vital neuronal functions.
86 ng sites within Alu repeats are enriched for neuronal functions.
87 m, implicating their significance in diverse neuronal functions.
88 d that these SNPs were located in genes with neuronal functions.
89                     Calcium mediates various neuronal functions.
90 ic tone and may be less disruptive to normal neuronal functions.
91 c immune responses [1, 2] but also regulates neuronal functions.
92 lular localization that is crucial for their neuronal functions.
93 is mellifera, has been suggested to have non-neuronal functions.
94 ains various types of neurons with different neuronal functions.
95 ), which control development, fertility, and neuronal functions.
96 changing environments is critical for normal neuronal functioning.
97  a complex disease characterized by impaired neuronal functioning.
98  translation of mRNAs that are important for neuronal function, abnormalities of which are linked to
99 tent antioxidant C3 to salvage nigrostriatal neuronal function after 1-methyl-4-phenyl-1,2,3,6-tetrah
100 pain sensitivity is induced by plasticity of neuronal function along the pain pathway.
101 tive role that astrocytes play in modulating neuronal function and behavior is rapidly expanding, but
102 sequences of dendritic structure defects for neuronal function and behavioral performance remain unkn
103  of processes integral to the development of neuronal function and behaviour.
104 xons is often incomplete, leading to loss of neuronal function and clinical disability.
105 ion of transcript expression is critical for neuronal function and clinically relevant to ASD.
106 ption factors (TFs) instruct key features of neuronal function and connectivity.
107 dies of the amygdala have largely focused on neuronal function and connectivity.
108 r 2012, Optogenetics and Pharmacogenetics in Neuronal Function and Dysfunction, brought together lead
109 ynucleinopathies that leads to disruption in neuronal function and eventually to cell death.
110 known to play a critical role in maintaining neuronal function and homeostasis in the CNS.
111                               We reveal that neuronal function and integrity decline rapidly with age
112 ients with Rett syndrome arises from altered neuronal function and is not the result of neurodegenera
113 hila designed to identify genes required for neuronal function and maintenance, we identified multipl
114 lecular and cellular mechanisms that disrupt neuronal function and morphology, resulting in dysfuncti
115 htly regulated CAMK2 auto-phosphorylation in neuronal function and neurodevelopment.
116 induced neurons may be applied to studies of neuronal function and neurological disease.
117           Mitochondria are crucial to proper neuronal function and overall brain health.
118 g of AMPA receptors (AMPARs) is critical for neuronal function and plasticity.
119 alpha are essential for memory and long-term neuronal function and regeneration and as Abeta1-40/42 a
120   Given the importance of DHA in maintaining neuronal function and resolving inflammation and of pero
121 de insight into the influence of steroids on neuronal function and stress their potential use in the
122 e data identify an essential role for copper neuronal function and suggest broader contributions of t
123 egulated lncRNAs and alternative splicing in neuronal function and suggest that their dysregulation m
124 te an essential role for SCYL2 in regulating neuronal function and survival and suggest a role for SC
125 kine CXCL12 with its receptor CXCR4 promotes neuronal function and survival during embryonic developm
126  altered microtubule dynamics with impact on neuronal function and survival in the developing brain.
127 f protein pseudokinases as key regulators of neuronal function and survival.
128 ione defense mechanism that is essential for neuronal function and survival.
129 of rapamycin and as such plays a key role in neuronal function and survival.
130 gulation of glutamate release is critical to neuronal function and survival.
131  in tissue homeostasis and can also modulate neuronal function and synaptic connectivity.
132                Cl(-) plays a crucial role in neuronal function and synaptic inhibition.
133 high-throughput in vitro model for assessing neuronal function and synaptic transmission in primary r
134 ghout the CNS and participates in regulating neuronal function and synaptic transmission.
135 n action in the brain leads to impairment of neuronal function and synaptogenesis.
136 a cell lines, its physiological relevance to neuronal function and the underlying cellular pathways t
137       Astrocytes can control many aspects of neuronal function and their long-term alterations over w
138 e core functions of glia that allow enhanced neuronal function and to achieve new insights into glial
139 tes secrete diverse substances that regulate neuronal function and viability.
140 work reveals that CSB is required for normal neuronal function and we have established an alternative
141 nase kinase-2 (CaMKK2) is a key regulator of neuronal function and whole-body energy metabolism.
142  into the brain that is essential for normal neuronal functioning and information processing.
143 vity, linking key epigenetic modulators with neuronal functions and diseases.
144  epigenetically regulates genes enriched for neuronal functions and is implicated in AD via its forma
145 nt data suggest that Nedd4-2 plays a role in neuronal functions and may be linked to epilepsy and dys
146 ences during early development can influence neuronal functions and modulate adult behaviors [1, 2].
147  long genes as a population are enriched for neuronal functions and selectively expressed in the brai
148 monstrate important roles of this complex in neuronal functions and sex determination, and implicate
149  maintaining brain homeostasis by monitoring neuronal function, and clearing protein aggregates acros
150 , physiological systems, brain circuitry and neuronal function, and genetic and epigenetic variation.
151 g catecholamine synthesis, vasoconstriction, neuronal function, and inflammation.
152 s are unclear, although long-term changes in neuronal function, and low grade inflammation of the bow
153            Axonal transport is essential for neuronal function, and many neurodevelopmental and neuro
154 hip between neocortical Abeta load, regional neuronal function, and memory impairment.
155  from the distal axon is critical for normal neuronal function, and neurodegenerative disease-associa
156            Studies include genes specific to neuronal function, and those associated with more system
157 ng mutant Rab7 protein expression to altered neuronal function are undefined.
158 hanisms of action of antipsychotics (APs) on neuronal function are well understood, very little is kn
159 r mechanisms by which CB2 receptors regulate neuronal functions are unknown.
160  might depend on differences in synaptic and neuronal function arising from the strikingly different
161 its receptor CCR5 are known to contribute to neuronal function as well as to metabolic disorders such
162    G-protein beta subunits perform essential neuronal functions as part of G-protein betagamma and Gb
163 ied Cyr61, an angiogenic factor with unknown neuronal function, as a novel regulator of dendritic gro
164 onse to pain, has important roles in several neuronal functions, as cytoskeleton dynamics, injured ne
165 ever, how these oligomers might first impair neuronal function at the onset of pathology is poorly un
166       The most significant pathways involved neuronal function (axonal guidance, neuronal systems, an
167          However, VRK1 was not known to have neuronal functions before its identification as a gene m
168              Neuraminidases 3 and 4 regulate neuronal function by catabolizing brain gangliosides.
169 tion factor Myt1-like (Myt1l) exerts its pro-neuronal function by direct repression of many different
170 e adult rat and human, where it may regulate neuronal function by mechanisms identified here.SIGNIFIC
171  key role in mediating the regulation of the neuronal functions by this lipid pathway.
172 of molecular targets or compounds that alter neuronal function can lead to therapeutic advances that
173                   Due to their close link to neuronal function, changes in microglia morphology, summ
174 les corresponding to T1 and T2 inflammation, neuronal function, cilia, epithelial growth, and repair
175   GCN2 is also involved in the regulation of neuronal functions, controlling synaptic plasticity, mem
176 unction causes reduced viability, defects in neuronal function, decreased redox potential, and reduce
177 decrease in GABAergic inhibition accompanies neuronal function degradation.
178 ation of the transient processes integral to neuronal function demands rapid and high-resolution imag
179                                              Neuronal function depends on the integrity of the membra
180 l activity and can be manipulated to enhance neuronal function, despite mitochondrial impairment.
181 corporate, play critical mechanical roles in neuronal function during cell proliferation, neuronal mi
182 ifically modifies BDNF signaling and affects neuronal function during early prodromal stages of tauop
183 lternative fuel source, lactate may preserve neuronal function during hypoglycemia by maintaining neu
184 ability as evidenced by the rapid decline in neuronal function during ischemic attacks and acute seve
185                                 However, its neuronal function during postnatal development remains u
186 light beams, enable precise interrogation of neuronal function, even at the level of single synapses.
187 e effects of antioxidant-rich berry diets on neuronal functioning following exposure to HZE particles
188           In contrast, but consistent with a neuronal function for Abetao/PrP(C) signaling, plaque de
189 ng tissue to selectively enhance or suppress neuronal function for adaptive feedback-loop application
190 vealed canonical pathways mainly involved in neuronal functions, for example, axonal guidance signali
191                    Opioids potently modulate neuronal functions, for example, by regulating the activ
192                    The role of astrocytes in neuronal function has received increasing recognition, b
193             Whether BoNTs disrupt additional neuronal functions has not been addressed.
194  examination of ZNF804A distribution and its neuronal functions has yet to be performed.
195 thermore, the stage-dependent alterations in neuronal function highlight the ability of cortical circ
196                    How such mutations impair neuronal function, however, remains unclear.
197                   The molecular basis of its neuronal functions, however, is still incompletely under
198  of transcription (STAT) immune signaling in neuronal function; however, its role in experience-depen
199 ed as an underlying regulatory mechanism for neuronal function, identity, and plasticity, in which sh
200  in the regulation of endocrine, immune, and neuronal functions implicated in the pathophysiology of
201 es, and maintains mitochondrial dynamics and neuronal function in AD neurons.
202 n vivo two-photon calcium imaging to monitor neuronal function in adult rTg4510 mice that overexpress
203 tenance, while hyperstability may compromise neuronal function in aging and degeneration.
204                        Loss of ADARs affects neuronal function in all animals studied to date.
205 e that static magnetic fields interfere with neuronal function in animals.
206  the effects of tau pathology on hippocampal neuronal function in area CA1 of 7- to 8-month-old mice,
207 dulating neuropeptide levels and presynaptic neuronal function in both C. elegans and mammals.
208 nitive impairments in dementia by disrupting neuronal function in brain regions, including the hippoc
209 way may play a pathogenic role in subverting neuronal function in FXTAS.
210              However, as researchers explore neuronal function in greater detail, they are increasing
211 , we review mechanisms of peripheral sensory neuronal function in response to immune challenges, the
212 n) is of critical importance for maintaining neuronal function in the central nervous system.
213         Our finding that elevated IOP alters neuronal function in the inner retina before irreversibl
214 r, if and how microglia contribute to normal neuronal function in the mature uninjured CNS is not wel
215 s have reported age-dependent degradation of neuronal function in the visual cortex and have attribut
216 ) might be the major deleterious species for neuronal function in these diseases.
217 est that single- and dual-pass NRGs regulate neuronal functions in fundamentally different ways.
218 molecular mechanisms underlying the impaired neuronal functions in FXS.
219 molecular mechanisms underlying the impaired neuronal functions in FXS.
220 of proteins that regulate several aspects of neuronal function including neuronal excitability and sy
221 vity is important for many calcium-dependent neuronal functions including Hebbian synaptic plasticity
222  These changes were mapped to genes encoding neuronal functions including postsynaptic gene ontology
223 interacts with numerous proteins that impact neuronal function, including activating transcription fa
224 membrane and is implicated in a multitude of neuronal functions, including the control of neuronal ac
225 GABAA receptors (GABAARs) is crucial in many neuronal functions, including the synchronization of neu
226 study uncovers that a lipid pathway promotes neuronal functions involved in foraging under both fed a
227           The importance of mitochondria for neuronal function is evident by the large number of neur
228 hanisms underlying the effects of insulin on neuronal function is incomplete.
229 ve infection and the effects of infection on neuronal function is largely unknown.
230 but whether vascular tone influences resting neuronal function is not known.
231 ificance of mAChR localization in modulating neuronal function is not known.
232  components in maintenance and regulation of neuronal function is not well understood.
233  storage capacity of the CNS is limited, and neuronal function is rapidly impaired if oxygen supply i
234 POMC) neurons; whether the reduction in POMC neuronal function is secondary to the microglial activat
235 ole of PD-L1 and PD-1 in regulating pain and neuronal function is unclear.
236 er, but how mutant Huntingtin (Htt) disrupts neuronal function is unclear.
237 erved gene encoding an important channel for neuronal function; it is widely expressed in the brain a
238 absence gives rise to diverse alterations in neuronal function leading to neurological disorders incl
239 ow an overrepresentation of genes related to neuronal functions, learning and cognition in regions un
240 ity-regulated genes (ARGs) are important for neuronal functions like long-term memory and are well-ch
241 a binds multiple mRNAs encoded by genes with neuronal functions linked to schizophrenia and autism.
242     Additionally, we show that nos regulates neuronal function, most likely independent of its dendri
243 te immune receptors, which in turn influence neuronal function not only through secretion of soluble
244 s required for normal development and proper neuronal function of animals.
245  deacetylase 3 (HDAC3) complex; however, the neuronal function of HDAC3 is incompletely understood.
246                                          The neuronal function of many GPCRs has been difficult to re
247         Our studies thus establish the first neuronal function of MAP7 and demonstrate its role in br
248 efore, our study not only uncovers the first neuronal function of MAP7, but also demonstrates the imp
249                               To clarify the neuronal function of S1P, we generated brain-specific kn
250     Our data expand our understanding of the neuronal functions of DYSC and uncover non-canonical rol
251 rent discrepancy, we longitudinally assessed neuronal functions of macaque area V4 using chronically
252               Light gated two of the primary neuronal functions of mGluR2: suppression of excitabilit
253                        Both neuronal and non-neuronal functions of the methyl-binding protein underli
254 ey hnRNPA2/B1 target transcripts involved in neuronal function present changes in alternative splicin
255 ndings implicate Kctd13 in the regulation of neuronal function relevant to neuropsychiatric disorders
256 wever, the mechanisms by which Abeta impairs neuronal functions remain to be fully elucidated.
257 ption factors have conserved or differential neuronal function remains uncertain.
258 ease, yet precisely how inflammation affects neuronal function remains unclear.
259 ese results suggest a role for BAF53b in NAc neuronal function required for cocaine-associated memori
260            Maintaining an optimal milieu for neuronal function rests with supportive cells termed gli
261 K1a is critical for dendritic patterning and neuronal function, revealing a previously unidentified m
262 molecular machinery required for hippocampal neuronal function.SIGNIFICANCE STATEMENT Numerous molecu
263 uts from multiple sources to generate normal neuronal functions.SIGNIFICANCE STATEMENT Critical perio
264  brain and are involved in the regulation of neuronal functions such as neurotransmitter release.
265 ere that these genes are implicated in basic neuronal functions such as post-synaptic signalling, rat
266 oles of the various Nav subtypes in specific neuronal functions such as synaptic transmission are unc
267 (MT)-associated protein, participates in key neuronal functions such as the regulation of MT dynamics
268 tered levels of two neurochemical markers of neuronal function, taurine and lactate, suggesting alter
269 otein kinase A (PKA) plays critical roles in neuronal function that are mediated by different regulat
270 e stress and inflammation as well as altered neuronal function that are similar to those seen in agin
271 c neurons plays a sufficient role to control neuronal functions that are in large part hippocampus-de
272 tical role of Snord116 in the control of NPY neuronal functions that might be dysregulated in PWS.
273 ptions of rapid effects of corticosterone on neuronal function, the intracellular mechanisms responsi
274 siological properties consistent with mature neuronal function, the N398 neuronal population responde
275 er nuclear receptor crucial for dopaminergic neuronal function, thereby driving circadian TH expressi
276               Alcohol is thought to modulate neuronal function through low-affinity interactions with
277 ss I (MHCI) proteins have been implicated in neuronal function through the modulation of neuritogenes
278 e new insights into the mechanisms that link neuronal function to behavior.
279 ng a robust and reliable means of modulating neuronal function to manipulate long-term changes in beh
280 ut the temporal and spatial dysregulation of neuronal function under conditions of nutrient excess.
281 molecular mechanisms by which mTOR regulates neuronal function under physiological and pathological c
282 omeostasis plays a major role in maintaining neuronal function under physiological conditions.
283 ally invasive imaging of cardiac neurons and neuronal function using radiolabeled compounds were deve
284 tribute to astrocyte basal Ca(2+) levels and neuronal function via constitutive D-serine release.
285                       Cochlear hair cell and neuronal function was assessed via distortion product ot
286                    Moreover, an increased in neuronal function was found was also identified at the C
287           The importance of endophilin-B1 in neuronal function was further underscored by the develop
288  important in transcriptional regulation and neuronal function, we addressed the importance of TSPYL2
289 w phosphorylation of PACSIN 1 contributes to neuronal function, we identified serine 358 as a specifi
290 derstand how DNA modifications contribute to neuronal function, we performed a comprehensive analysis
291 s linked to epithelial growth and repair and neuronal function were markedly decreased in SA.
292       Indeed, survival, climbing ability and neuronal function were unchanged in tau KO flies.
293  in type II cells, while pathways related to neuronal function were up-regulated in type III cells.
294     Energy metabolism is critical for normal neuronal function, which mainly depends on glucose utili
295 d, in part, to altered hippocampal pyramidal neuronal function with normal aging.
296 Cyclin-dependent kinase 5 regulates numerous neuronal functions with its activator, p35.
297 or NF1 protein (neurofibromin) regulation of neuronal function, with both cyclic AMP (cAMP)- and RAS-
298 ing behavior and thermogenesis by modulating neuronal functions within the hypothalamus, but not in t
299       Remarkably, knockdown of Sima restores neuronal function without affecting the primary mitochon
300 , novel pathways, including those related to neuronal function, WNT pathways, and actin cytoskeleton,

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