


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 e Fbxl3(+/+) but not the Fbxl3(Afh/Afh) vSCN neuronal network.
2 erived from the enhanced training to a wider neuronal network.
3 in the respiratory network distinct from the neuronal network.
4 ent methods are demanded in investigation of neuronal network.
5 ity and transmission in cultured hippocampal neuronal network.
6 napse formation and transmission in cultured neuronal network.
7 ive communications between investigators and neuronal network.
8 uld potentially emulate the functions of the neuronal network.
9 strength and thus to the connectivity of the neuronal network.
10  vesicular protein in the maturation of GnRH neuronal network.
11 atially separated areas of an interconnected neuronal network.
12 on of the adjacent, environmentally isolated neuronal network.
13  location of inputs into the same underlying neuronal network.
14 ons and efficiently controls the activity of neuronal network.
15 er the underlying structural connectivity in neuronal networks.
16 scillatory activity is widespread in dynamic neuronal networks.
17 finely tuned interactions within large-scale neuronal networks.
18 vity is spatially balanced across excitatory neuronal networks.
19 uid powerfully influence the excitability of neuronal networks.
20 of dendritic spines and spontaneously active neuronal networks.
21 hat can create defined topologically-complex neuronal networks.
22 aptogenesis leading to functional defects in neuronal networks.
23 ck specimens or selective photoactivation of neuronal networks.
24 microelectrode arrays and long-term cultured neuronal networks.
25 nd precisely positioned to directly (re)wire neuronal networks.
26 ability, timing, and synaptic integration in neuronal networks.
27               Learning induces plasticity in neuronal networks.
28 hibition is essential for the functioning of neuronal networks.
29 ivergence are common motifs in molecular and neuronal networks.
30 eling spiking activity in single-neurons and neuronal networks.
31  in neurons and regulate the excitability of neuronal networks.
32  a powerful tool to drive plastic changes in neuronal networks.
33 , I use a well known model of propagation in neuronal networks.
34 lex change in the functional connectivity of neuronal networks.
35 hich provide powerful feedback inhibition to neuronal networks.
36 rchical connectivity patterns of oscillatory neuronal networks.
37 te body (MGB, auditory thalamus) and related neuronal networks.
38  rapidly and selectively engaging functional neuronal networks.
39  specific neuronal subclasses within central neuronal networks.
40 erstood, as is their role in the function of neuronal networks.
41 gically identified interneurons form complex neuronal networks.
42 that eventually resulted in modifications in neuronal networks.
43 ate at the same time and depend on different neuronal networks.
44  and software to interface more fluidly with neuronal networks.
45 out how rectification alters the dynamics of neuronal networks.
46 ut a functional recovery of abnormally wired neuronal networks.
47  synaptic strengths to maintain stability in neuronal networks.
48 city, as well as for the processing speed of neuronal networks.
49 populations are critical for probing complex neuronal networks.
50 perties cooperate in guiding the assembly of neuronal networks.
51 harmacologically controlling the activity of neuronal networks.
52 its that increase the computational power of neuronal networks.
53 rated physiologically functional neurons and neuronal networks.
54 nd measure synaptic transmission in cultured neuronal networks.
55  the propagation of intracellular signals in neuronal networks.
56 e key determinants of spike synchrony within neuronal networks.
57 ynamics generate synchronous oscillations in neuronal networks?
58 functional changes in individual neurons and neuronal networks?
59                Acetylcholine (ACh) modulates neuronal network activities implicated in cognition, inc
60 es can both sense and shape the evolution of neuronal network activity and are known to possess uniqu
61   Thus, microglia are involved in changes in neuronal network activity and SD after brain injury in v
62         Excitatory and inhibitory balance of neuronal network activity is essential for normal brain
63 ow largely documented, their contribution to neuronal network activity is only beginning to be apprec
64 rn optogenetically inputs that mimic natural neuronal network activity patterns.
65  transmission and to participate in coherent neuronal network activity within 48 h after exposure to
66 asonable surrogate for direct measurement of neuronal network activity, but traditional imaging parad
67 , understanding the temporal organization of neuronal network activity, including interactions betwee
68 ought about by LTP and LTD to help stabilize neuronal network activity.
69 actions can be correlated with activities of neuronal networks, an unresolved problem is how the brai
70 lly precise cross-area analyses of epileptic neuronal networks and find a feed-forward propagation pa
71 , including information propagation units in neuronal networks and hub structure in transportation ne
72 f MeCP2 leads to precipitous collapse of the neuronal networks and incompatibility with life within d
73 tigation in the inhibitory versus excitatory neuronal networks and microcircuit connectivity is warra
74  by considering models from climate science, neuronal networks and power grids.
75  brain under a variety of conditions in most neuronal networks and species from flies to humans.
76 that dimensionality determines properties of neuronal networks and that several features of brain dyn
77  to identify electric phenotypes in cultured neuronal networks and to analyze additional risk genes i
78 oidosis in mice is preceded by impairment of neuronal networks and white matter structures.
79        This process depends on a distributed neuronal network, and an important current challenge is
80 t regulate brain development, maintenance of neuronal networks, and injury repair.
81 negative feedback that provides stability to neuronal networks, and results at least in part from the
82                           Functionally, mPFC neuronal networks appear to be affected in a PKA-depende
83                           Functionally, mPFC neuronal networks appeared to be affected in a PKA-depen
84 following specific anatomical and functional neuronal network architectures.
85             These data suggest that cultured neuronal networks are a useful platform for evaluating t
86 ur findings also support the hypothesis that neuronal networks are differentially controlled by diver
87                                              Neuronal networks are dynamically modified by selective
88                                              Neuronal networks are endogenously modulated by aminergi
89 the impact of the central circadian clock on neuronal networks are incompletely understood.
90                               Hyperexcitable neuronal networks are mechanistically linked to the path
91 sent study, we examine the utility of living neuronal networks as functional assays for in vitro mate
92 gions but become fully integrated within CA1 neuronal networks as independent, multiplexed representa
93 lations reflect not only the dynamics of the neuronal network at the synaptic level, but also the loc
94 e-time-scale communication within and across neuronal networks at approximately the same speed, irres
95                Analyzing the connectivity of neuronal networks, based on functional brain imaging dat
96                      With those merits, this neuronal network-based biosensor will be promising to be
97 yed as sensing elements to build an in vitro neuronal network-based biosensor.
98  a defect in sensory adaptation within local neuronal networks, beginning at a young age and continui
99 t of gliotransmitters on the excitability of neuronal networks beyond synapses.
100 sfer effects and the recruitment of a common neuronal network by the training and the transfer tasks
101 ut these cells are also involved in creating neuronal networks by orchestrating construction of the w
102 d for the new synapses to produce functional neuronal networks capable of storing associative memorie
103                            Thus, hippocampal neuronal networks captured both the organization of time
104 rm plasticity and thus differentially affect neuronal network characteristics.
105  an early sensory pathway using an idealized neuronal network comprised of receptors and downstream s
106 ehavior of neurons may be fundamental to how neuronal networks compute, with precise spike timing det
107 of the gonadotropin-releasing hormone (GnRH) neuronal network controlling fertility.
108  of mouse brainstem, a region containing the neuronal network controlling respiratory rhythm.
109 gamma frequencies (30-100 Hz), which reflect neuronal network coordination involved in attention, lea
110 hite matter integrity and disorganization of neuronal networks could be important determinants of chr
111                    Interestingly, defects in neuronal networks could be rescued by insulin growth fac
112 ntly increased neuronal activity in cultured neuronal networks derived from primary mouse cortical ne
113 tudies demonstrate essential roles of p39 in neuronal network development and function.
114 biological processes like cancer metastasis, neuronal network development and wound healing.
115                                              Neuronal network development requires tightly regulated
116                                              Neuronal network disintegration is fundamental to neurod
117                               Since TLE is a neuronal network disorder, DKI may be well suited to ful
118                                   Developing neuronal networks display spontaneous bursts of action p
119 or counteracting synaptic impairments in the neuronal networks during the early progression of AD.
120 utational model of seizures to elucidate the neuronal network dynamics underlying seizure termination
121  light on the computational architecture and neuronal network dynamics underlying the context-sensiti
122 int measurements of cholinergic activity and neuronal network dynamics with high spatio-temporal reso
123         Epileptic seizures represent altered neuronal network dynamics, but the temporal evolution an
124 by revealing a linear structure intrinsic to neuronal network dynamics, our work points to a potentia
125 CHF is at least partly the result of central neuronal network dysfunction.
126 M10 substrates provide a molecular basis for neuronal network dysfunctions in conditional ADAM10-/- m
127                                           In neuronal networks, electrical synapses may function as a
128 ns are fundamental for communication between neuronal network elements, one would predict that the tr
129                                   Studies of neuronal network emergence during sensory processing and
130 ane depolarization and contribute greatly to neuronal network excitability.
131 cognized as important regulators of cell and neuronal network excitability.
132                   Our findings indicate that neuronal networks exhibit enhanced sensitivity to positi
133          The mechanisms generating epileptic neuronal networks following insults such as severe seizu
134 udies have examined plasticity of inhibitory neuronal networks following stroke in vivo, primarily du
135                         The highly conserved neuronal network for computing spatial representations o
136  properly balanced in individual neurons and neuronal networks for proper brain function.
137 t activators direct Cdk5 signaling to govern neuronal network formation and function still remains el
138 n FMR1, presenting with early alterations in neuronal network formation and function that precede neu
139 w genetic deficits in TRIO can lead to early neuronal network formation by directly affecting both ne
140 t mediator of early cortical development and neuronal network formation in the brain.
141 al-receiving arbor of neurons that underlies neuronal network formation.
142 ronal circuits during neuromorphogenesis and neuronal-network formation is critically dependent on a
143 cular mechanisms that set in motion aberrant neuronal network formations during the course of limbic
144 essure effects on the electrical activity of neuronal networks formed by primary cells of the frontal
145 his paper, we present the GeNN (GPU-enhanced Neuronal Networks) framework, which aims to facilitate t
146 CFS integrates processing among synchronized neuronal networks from theta to gamma frequencies to lin
147 that ADAM10 is instrumental for synaptic and neuronal network function in the adult murine brain.
148  by which nuclear calcium signaling controls neuronal network function is by regulating the expressio
149     Therefore, this antibody likely restores neuronal network function that possibly underlies cognit
150 i-apoE antibody HJ6.3 affects Abeta plaques, neuronal network function, and behavior in APP/PS1 mice
151 cute disruption of synaptic transmission and neuronal network function, which contribute to subsequen
152 ry and inhibitory synapses are essential for neuronal network function.
153                               To ensure that neuronal networks function in a stable fashion, neurons
154     Dendroprotection can enhance recovery of neuronal network functions after excitotoxic insults.
155                  ADAM10 is also required for neuronal network functions in murine brain, but neuronal
156  manner, the roles of specific cell types in neuronal network functions of awake, behaving animals.
157                                Assessment of neuronal network functions using microelectrode array re
158 ecades of investigation, the identity of the neuronal network generating pulsatile reproductive hormo
159                              To form complex neuronal networks, growth cones use intermediate targets
160 ological small-world network, the C. elegans neuronal network, has strikingly low SWP.
161 olutionary developmental neurobiology is how neuronal networks have been adapted to different morphol
162 mechanisms and stress-induced changes to the neuronal networks have been highlighted.
163                   In this study, hippocampal neuronal networks (HNNs) endogenously expressing 5-HT re
164                                              Neuronal network hyperexcitability underlies the pathoge
165 to both neurofibrillary tangle formation and neuronal network hyperexcitability.
166          The emergent self-organization of a neuronal network in a developing nervous system is the r
167 n vivo we investigated the cutaneous sensory neuronal network in wild-type, Il31-transgenic, and IL-3
168 sitive and negative control materials to the neuronal networks in a consistent method with ISO 10993-
169 ral diversity and subsequently to changes in neuronal networks in arthropod.
170                          MEA recordings from neuronal networks in miniaturized hyperbaric measuring c
171 ol for studying the implications of impaired neuronal networks in models of cerebral amyloid patholog
172 is consistent with a simpler organization of neuronal networks in neonates.
173  synaptic damage, resulting in dysfunctional neuronal networks in patients with Alzheimer's disease.
174 egenerative brain niches in cellular repair, neuronal networks in synaptic plasticity, and the distin
175 ng and regulating the proper function of the neuronal networks in the adult CNS, but these cells are
176 tion is essential for the proper function of neuronal networks in the brain.
177 are likely stored in the synaptic weights of neuronal networks in the brain.
178 imilar to reservoir computing enables random neuronal networks in the granule cell layer to provide t
179 vity is spatially balanced across excitatory neuronal networks in V1.
180 ng waves of activity, is a robust feature of neuronal networks in vivo and in vitro The neurophysiolo
181               To test this in the context of neuronal networks in vivo, we used in vivo microdialysis
182 ical detection and modulation of activity in neuronal networks in vivo.
183                           We studied the NTS neuronal networks in zebrafish and cloned the genes enco
184 , we developed a biophysical model of the OB neuronal network including both glomerular layer and ext
185 activities of neuroendocrine and sympathetic neuronal networks, influencing in turn sympatho-humoral
186        Transplantation of scaffold-supported neuronal networks into mouse brain striatum improved sur
187 he functional organization and plasticity of neuronal networks involved in goal-directed behaviors wi
188 he FEF, demonstrating that its effect on the neuronal network is consistent across the cortical hiera
189  Fundamental to understanding any full-scale neuronal network is knowledge of the constituent neurons
190 l glucagon-like peptide-1 receptor-dependent neuronal network is necessary for ileal propionate and l
191 connectivity and spatio-temporal dynamics in neuronal networks is a key step to advance our understan
192 lance between excitability and inhibition in neuronal networks is controlled will help to devise bett
193 re we show that synchronization in 2D and 3D neuronal networks is significantly different.
194 ea of memories as being represented in local neuronal networks is supported by identification of tran
195                A remarkable feature of early neuronal networks is their endogenous ability to generat
196             The synaptic connectivity within neuronal networks is thought to determine the informatio
197                                     Yet, the neuronal network linking to pancreatic islets has never
198                                  Optogenetic neuronal network manipulation promises to unravel a long
199 d maladaptive plastic changes of MGB-related neuronal networks may affect the gating function of MGB
200                                  Small-scale neuronal networks may impose widespread effects on large
201  these mediators with developing neurons and neuronal networks may lead to long-lasting structural an
202 perimental parameters allowed constructing a neuronal network model of L5 in the ACC, revealing that
203 der which synaesthesia evolves, we studied a neuronal network model that represents two recurrently c
204 ition is introduced to a rhythmically active neuronal network model, randomly driven principal cell a
205              Ca(2+) oscillations in cultured neuronal network monitored using time-lapse single cell
206                                     Cultured neuronal networks monitored with microelectrode arrays (
207 rons may allow considerable flexibility when neuronal networks must adapt to perturbations in their o
208 mature vertebrate retina is a highly ordered neuronal network of cell bodies and synaptic neuropils a
209  modifications in the synaptically connected neuronal network of GnRH neurons could account for this
210  We exploit flow propagation on the directed neuronal network of the nematode C. elegans to reveal dy
211             Gamma band oscillations arise in neuronal networks of interconnected GABAergic interneuro
212  for generating realistic computer models of neuronal networks of striatal and midbrain dopaminergic
213 ellular organization to create the intricate neuronal networks of the adult brain.
214                             Within the local neuronal networks of the amygdala, a population of inhib
215 otinic signaling in synchronized activity of neuronal networks of the cortex.
216                                              Neuronal networks of the thalamus are the target of exte
217   Increasing evidence suggests that cortical neuronal networks operate near a critical state characte
218  of the interneuron-astrocyte signaling into neuronal network operation remains unknown.
219 n the form of a hierarchical winner-take-all neuronal network, or a diffusive model, without attentio
220       Thus, the hypothalamic leptin-NTS-HCRT neuronal network orchestrates key homeostatic output, in
221 effects on synaptic currents and AD-relevant neuronal network oscillations, identifies the responsibl
222 educe detrimental leak-current influences on neuronal networks over a broad conductance range and ind
223  key features, including gene expression and neuronal network patterns, are shared across several phy
224      Changes in synaptic physiology underlie neuronal network plasticity and behavioral phenomena, wh
225 ation of action potential-like activity in a neuronal network problematic.
226 onal simulation studies in understanding how neuronal networks process biological signals, and how th
227                                              Neuronal networks process information in a distributed,
228 nformation is acquired and thus the way that neuronal networks process the information.
229 nization of alpha oscillations across a wide neuronal network promotes the maintenance and stabilizat
230                    Information processing in neuronal networks relies on the precise synchronization
231 eins used by neurons to develop and maintain neuronal networks, relying on trans homophilic interacti
232 rtheless, the functional organization of the neuronal network remains obscure.
233                    Inferring connectivity in neuronal networks remains a key challenge in statistical
234 ely to facilitate environmental influence on neuronal network reorganization and so provide a plausib
235                                              Neuronal networks represent physiological mechanisms, se
236 iple estrogen feedback loops within the GnRH neuronal network required for fertility in the female mo
237 GNIFICANCE STATEMENT The proper formation of neuronal networks requires accurate guidance of axons an
238 to be stored within anatomically distributed neuronal networks requiring the hippocampus; however, it
239 d can prevent the appropriate integration of neuronal networks, resulting in neurodegenerative disord
240 ce gain in central auditory and non-auditory neuronal networks, resulting in tinnitus.
241 rovide a powerful tool to analyze changes in neuronal network rewiring during hippocampal learning an
242   Genes in neuron-associated compared to non-neuronal networks showed higher preservation between hum
243 model for synchronous infra-slow bursting in neuronal networks.SIGNIFICANCE STATEMENT Infra-slow rhyt
244 by neuronal activity and, in turn, modulates neuronal network slow oscillations.
245  cells that probably started to connect into neuronal networks soon afterward.
246 t mostly from transient increases in overall neuronal network spiking rates, rather than changes in p
247  that the intermediate level organization of neuronal networks strongly influences the dynamics of th
248 hich are known to be the results of aberrant neuronal network structure and/or function in the brain.
249  using multi-electrodes arrays, we show that neuronal network synchronization was altered in MECP2dup
250 dult-onset dysfunction and degeneration of a neuronal network that are seen in patients, including de
251 most complete reconstruction of a vertebrate neuronal network that can reproduce the complex, rhythmi
252 ical synapses change the behavior of a small neuronal network that exhibits complex rhythmic output p
253 te circadian and hormonal signals within the neuronal network that regulates fertility in females.
254 ional approach to model a randomly connected neuronal network that relies on short-term synaptic faci
255 ain is thus a prerequisite to understand the neuronal network that underlies celestial compass orient
256                                              Neuronal networks that are directly associated with glom
257 e believed to contribute to the stability of neuronal networks that are perpetually influenced by Heb
258   The brain processes sensory information in neuronal networks that are shaped by experience, particu
259                             Do behaviors and neuronal networks that control them evolve together in l
260 thmic movements of animals are controlled by neuronal networks that have been conceived as hierarchic
261 ient to evoke learning-related plasticity in neuronal networks that modulate learning.
262                                 Furthermore, neuronal networks that were either modulated or not by a
263 sor muscles is largely regulated by a spinal neuronal network, the central pattern generator, the act
264             Abnormalities in two large-scale neuronal networks-the frontoparietal central executive n
265 rt-term memory can be studied using cultured neuronal networks, thereby setting the stage for therape
266 ectivity metrics in the microscopic scale of neuronal networks through a wide set of network conditio
267                            Disintegration of neuronal networks through different pathological process
268 sy cellular oscillators communicate within a neuronal network to generate precise system-wide circadi
269 tors for computational models of large-scale neuronal networks to address this challenge.
270  properly balanced in individual neurons and neuronal networks to allow proper brain function.
271 and (3) reveal the necessity of coupling the neuronal networks to chemical and environmental variable
272           Brain function requires connecting neuronal networks to empower movement, sensation, behavi
273 tamate receptor content that are required by neuronal networks to generate cellular correlates of lea
274  utilizes the innate capacity of surrounding neuronal networks to provide protection against both for
275 s and humans requires constant adaptation of neuronal networks to signals of various types and streng
276 chitecture of cortex is flexible, permitting neuronal networks to store recent sensory experiences as
277  that Bri2 BRICHOS monomers potently prevent neuronal network toxicity of Abeta, while dimers strongl
278             Within the hippocampal formation neuronal networks undergo major reorganization, includin
279            Our results suggest that separate neuronal networks underlie error sensitivity and retriev
280 vely, these studies suggest that spinal cord neuronal networks underlying flexion reflex, multiple fo
281 ose the best-suited genetic tools to dissect neuronal networks underlying the behavior of larval frui
282     They are widely used for the analysis of neuronal networks using light in the emerging field of o
283 llular acidity can alter the excitability of neuronal networks via activation of acid-sensing ion cha
284 rentially expressed across layers of the PFC neuronal network, we hypothesized that cholinergic signa
285 tory and inhibitory GABA actions in cortical neuronal networks, we present a novel optogenetic approa
286   Motivated by the growth and development of neuronal networks, we propose a class of spatially-based
287                        Furthermore, distinct neuronal networks were recruited in awake versus anesthe
288             Scaffold-supported, reprogrammed neuronal networks were successfully grafted into organot
289 ry-sympathetic coupling as part of a complex neuronal network, which in response to the challenges pr
290 on selectivity compared to that of the local neuronal network, which is primarily composed of excitat
291 tional three-dimensional architecture of the neuronal network while also allowing researchers to obta
292       Understanding the detailed dynamics of neuronal networks will require the simultaneous measurem
293 s proposed to be formed of a local attractor neuronal network with a capacity in the order of 10,000
294  a critical set of properties of the spiking neuronal network with STDP that was sufficient to solve
295 temporal patterns of spontaneous activity in neuronal networks with neuron clustering.
296 he brain, synaptic communication establishes neuronal networks with the capacity to integrate, proces
297 pports group stability, and that this endows neuronal networks with the flexibility to continuously r
298 ever, the cellular identity of the activated neuronal network within the responsive barrel was unchan
299               In conclusion, we propose that neuronal networks within the spinal cord that control le
300                                              Neuronal networks within the superior colliculus (SC) en

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