


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 ronal pathologies, in which it may influence neuronal survival.
2 of axonal transport, a critical function for neuronal survival.
3 ng mutations in genes encoding regulators of neuronal survival.
4 e by neurons, and had the ability to enhance neuronal survival.
5 ibited extensive spinal damage and decreased neuronal survival.
6 d morphology, motor control, and age-related neuronal survival.
7 s a key component in synaptic plasticity and neuronal survival.
8  p600/calmodulin interaction is required for neuronal survival.
9 naling, compromising synaptic plasticity and neuronal survival.
10          In addition, CART is a regulator of neuronal survival.
11 egulate locomotion, motor axon targeting and neuronal survival.
12 biquitin/proteasome pathway is essential for neuronal survival.
13 cultured neurons and examined how it affects neuronal survival.
14 d protein p600 (also known as UBR4) promotes neuronal survival.
15 g through gp130 in photoreceptors to promote neuronal survival.
16 th tau variants on subcellular transport and neuronal survival.
17 ion of Akt signaling, resulting in augmented neuronal survival.
18 d inhibiting the UPR and thus contributes to neuronal survival.
19 toplasmic dynein is necessary for axonal and neuronal survival.
20 me of the main aSyn hallmarks are related to neuronal survival.
21 antly and concentration-dependently enhanced neuronal survival.
22 bolism of acidic substrates is essential for neuronal survival.
23 o suppress oxidative damage and thus promote neuronal survival.
24 e intracellular signaling pathways mediating neuronal survival.
25  and axonal development, synaptogenesis, and neuronal survival.
26 crease or increase the RNase activity affect neuronal survival.
27 ocal microenvironment that is deleterious to neuronal survival.
28 o hypoxic conditions plays a pivotal role in neuronal survival.
29 tasis more conducive to brain resiliency and neuronal survival.
30 onal cells such that it results in increased neuronal survival.
31  of hypertonic saline hydroxyethyl starch on neuronal survival.
32 hat TLE1 is necessary for the maintenance of neuronal survival.
33 ement responsible for mTOR-dependent retinal neuronal survival.
34  the quality control mechanisms required for neuronal survival.
35 nd this response was important in prolonging neuronal survival.
36 ablished roles in muscle differentiation and neuronal survival.
37 ignaling proteins regulating cell growth and neuronal survival.
38 ntal toxins, and other stimuli that threaten neuronal survival.
39 h integrin receptor signaling, that controls neuronal survival.
40 grade transport of TrkA endosomes to support neuronal survival.
41 urite outgrowth and dendritic elaboration to neuronal survival.
42 brain development including neurogenesis and neuronal survival.
43 e, while intermediate doses had no effect on neuronal survival.
44 ulate neuronal plasticity, neurogenesis, and neuronal survival.
45 l nervous system (CNS), ultimately affecting neuronal survival.
46 s, documenting the role of the Grx system in neuronal survival.
47 e, normalized clearance of ROS, and improved neuronal survival.
48 ns in the regulation of memory formation and neuronal survival.
49 hancement of antioxidant defenses to promote neuronal survival.
50  is a trophic factor essential for long-term neuronal survival.
51 itical for the control of synaptogenesis and neuronal survival.
52 for synaptic function, memory formation, and neuronal survival.
53 ion of mutant huntingtin protein (mtHtt) and neuronal survival.
54 (MEF2D), a transcription factor required for neuronal survival.
55 crease or increase the RNase activity affect neuronal survival.
56 1 and the interplay between inflammation and neuronal survival.
57 C expression, unlike NR2A and NR2B, supports neuronal survival.
58 eath, whereas cell cycle inhibition elevates neuronal survival.
59 er factor 2D activity, which is required for neuronal survival.
60 d in synaptic plasticity, axonal growth, and neuronal survival.
61 or presenilin-dependent memory formation and neuronal survival.
62 lement-binding protein (CREB) and to promote neuronal survival.
63 llular signals driven by dynein is vital for neuronal survival.
64  that is essential for neurotransmission and neuronal survival.
65 shut-off aerobic glycolysis is essential for neuronal survival.
66 , including regulating neuroinflammation and neuronal survival.
67 s, essential for learning and memory and for neuronal survival.
68 ffects cellular iron homeostasis and DAergic neuronal survival.
69 despite full recovery of vesicle docking and neuronal survival.
70 ion in neuronal progenitors and post-mitotic neuronal survival.
71 bute to defects in synaptic transmission and neuronal survival.
72 role of mitochondrial dynamics in regulating neuronal survival.
73 nti-neoplastic drug, significantly decreased neuronal survival.
74 lling in striatal pathways, and in promoting neuronal survival.
75 excitatory synaptic connectivity and enhance neuronal survival.
76 ulation of striatal output, and in promoting neuronal survival.
77 al survival, whereas increased PS1 increases neuronal survival.
78 ng synapse formation, neurite outgrowth, and neuronal survival.
79 d little effect on global RNA processing and neuronal survival.
80 diate neurite outgrowth, synaptogenesis, and neuronal survival.
81 , but not from IL-4-deficient mice, enhanced neuronal survival.
82 ctional perturbation of proteins critical to neuronal survival.
83 ic reticulum chaperone that is implicated in neuronal survival.
84  in memory formation, synaptic function, and neuronal survival.
85 pment and function, neuronal metabolism, and neuronal survival.
86 dicating that (1) IHCs are not necessary for neuronal survival, (2) neuronal loss in the other hearin
87     In addition, in vivo, 1) We examined CA1 neuronal survival 7 days after global forebrain ischemia
88 c response in the neonatal cochlea preserves neuronal survival, afferent innervation, and hearing sen
89 ical neurons in culture with IL-10 increased neuronal survival after exposure to oxygen-glucose depri
90 hways in an integrated program to facilitate neuronal survival after growth factor withdrawal.
91 release, two processes that would compromise neuronal survival after ischemic/excitotoxic insults.
92  and intracellular pathways that can promote neuronal survival after retinal injury, but the intrinsi
93  and overall PID burden and showed increased neuronal survival after stroke.
94 dox effector factor-1 correlate closely with neuronal survival against ischemic insults, depending on
95  (HDAC) inhibitors have been used to promote neuronal survival and ameliorate neurological dysfunctio
96                     Histologic evaluation of neuronal survival and astrocytic proliferation was perfo
97  including neurogenesis, neuronal migration, neuronal survival and axon guidance.
98       Importantly, Armcx1 also promotes both neuronal survival and axon regeneration after injury, an
99 sms that create a supportive environment for neuronal survival and axon regeneration after spinal cor
100 urthermore, Armcx1 knockdown undermines both neuronal survival and axon regeneration in the high rege
101 t impacts neuronal injury responses, such as neuronal survival and axon regeneration, remain largely
102 ating transcription factor 3 (ATF3) promotes neuronal survival and axonal growth.
103 in receptors, it is also thought to regulate neuronal survival and blood vessel development through U
104        In vitro BDNF/TrkB signaling promotes neuronal survival and can help neurons resist toxic insu
105 he HDAC proteins have been shown to regulate neuronal survival and death, whether HDAC7 has a similar
106 rs (NMDARs) appear to play opposite roles in neuronal survival and death.
107  mechanism for CXCR4-dependent regulation of neuronal survival and death.
108 est that HDAC1 is a molecular switch between neuronal survival and death.
109 shed the critical role of PIKE in regulating neuronal survival and development by substantiating the
110 how that PIKE is important in regulating the neuronal survival and development of neocortex.
111  that have recently emerged as regulators of neuronal survival and developmental neuroplasticity.
112 e four MEF2 isoforms play important roles in neuronal survival and differentiation and in synapse for
113  neurotrophic factor (BDNF) is essential for neuronal survival and differentiation during development
114 es diverse biological functions ranging from neuronal survival and differentiation during development
115 otrophin receptor (p75(NTR)) is critical for neuronal survival and differentiation.
116  of inositol polyphosphates is necessary for neuronal survival and differentiation.
117 naling of nerve growth factor (NGF) supports neuronal survival and differentiation.
118  implicated in cellular processes underlying neuronal survival and differentiation.
119  of beta-catenin expression by ORF2 promotes neuronal survival and differentiation.
120 ate supplies of cellular Ub is essential for neuronal survival and establish that decreased Ub availa
121                 Enhancing anabolism promoted neuronal survival and function and could potentially ben
122  role for PS and tau in axonal transport and neuronal survival and function and implicate their misre
123 ophic factor (BDNF) has been shown to impact neuronal survival and function and improve synaptic plas
124          Neurotrophin growth factors support neuronal survival and function.
125               Mitochondria are essential for neuronal survival and function.
126 urotrophic factor (BDNF), a key modulator of neuronal survival and function.
127  marrow-derived angiogenesis, thus improving neuronal survival and functional outcome.
128  developing better strategies for increasing neuronal survival and functional recovery.
129 derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) regulates neuronal survival and growth and promotes synaptic plast
130                               After axotomy, neuronal survival and growth cone re-formation are requi
131 harmacological treatments, which can promote neuronal survival and improve outcome in Huntington's di
132 termine structure-activity relationships for neuronal survival and in parallel characterized the enzy
133 improves NGF-dependent receptor trafficking, neuronal survival and innervation.
134 g both SAG directional neurite outgrowth and neuronal survival and is expressed in both the developin
135              FoxG1 has been shown to promote neuronal survival and its downregulation leads to neuron
136 To better understand the role of LRRK2 in DA neuronal survival and its role in the susceptibility of
137 rate that PDGF-CC is critically required for neuronal survival and may potentially be used to treat n
138 enesis, glial differentiation and migration, neuronal survival and metabolism, neuronal morphogenesis
139  to cellular homeostasis might contribute to neuronal survival and modulate the pathogenic process in
140 ial role in learning and memory by promoting neuronal survival and modulating synaptic connectivity.
141 ts of BDNF on SG neurons in vitro, including neuronal survival and neurite extension.
142 econd messenger mediating activity-dependent neuronal survival and neurite growth.
143  in multiple physiological actions including neuronal survival and neurite outgrowth during developme
144 1, two transcription factors associated with neuronal survival and neurite outgrowth, and increased L
145 de (PACAP) is a trophic factor that promotes neuronal survival and neurite outgrowth.
146 ing and memory, and plays a critical role in neuronal survival and neuroinflammation in pathological
147 lance and mitochondrial function to regulate neuronal survival and neurotransmitter release.
148 e beneficial effects of hypertonic saline on neuronal survival and on cerebral blood flow have been s
149 trophic factor (BDNF) is closely linked with neuronal survival and plasticity in psychiatric disorder
150 ide range of biological responses, including neuronal survival and plasticity, cardiac stress respons
151 exert both protective and harmful effects on neuronal survival and plasticity.
152 ed in animal and in vitro studies to enhance neuronal survival and programmed cell death depending on
153 , miR-210 inhibition significantly increased neuronal survival and protected the activity of mitochon
154 elicits a rapid immune response that affects neuronal survival and recovery, but the role of meningea
155 fibrillary tangles, TIA1 reduction increased neuronal survival and rescued behavioral deficits and li
156 tion of both Hdac1 and Hdac2 in mice impacts neuronal survival and results in an excessive grooming p
157   Finally, we show that the VEGF164-mediated neuronal survival and SEMA3A-mediated axon guidance coop
158 ical role in NGF-mediated functions, such as neuronal survival and sensitivity to pain.
159 s substantially overlap with those promoting neuronal survival and synapse integrity and with those a
160 derived astrocytes were capable of promoting neuronal survival and synaptogenesis when co-cultured wi
161 ate the structural changes to the effects on neuronal survival and the ability to induce stress granu
162 ted the structural changes to the effects on neuronal survival and the ability to induce stress granu
163 nation to a demyelinated state that supports neuronal survival and ultimately remyelination of axons.
164 rthermore, RGMa blocking antibodies promoted neuronal survival, and enhanced the plasticity of descen
165 racellular signaling pathway responsible for neuronal survival, and lay the foundation for future neu
166 he collapse of the laminB2 meshwork, impairs neuronal survival, and markedly reduces the cellularity
167 athways, including reducing edema, improving neuronal survival, and modulating inflammation and apopt
168 gulating neuronal differentiation, promoting neuronal survival, and modulating synaptic efficacy and
169 ellular ligand that promotes neurite growth, neuronal survival, and synaptic maturation.
170  an important role in dendritic development, neuronal survival, and synaptic plasticity.
171 cluding regulation of dendrite arborisation, neuronal survival, and synaptogenesis.
172 understand how Kv3.3 mutations are linked to neuronal survival, and to develop strategies for treatme
173  relationships between protein synthesis and neuronal survival are poorly understood.
174             L1-induced neurite outgrowth and neuronal survival are reduced in MBP-deficient cerebella
175 A function might therefore present a risk to neuronal survival as a significant adverse effect.
176 s (NMDARs), moderate NMDAR activity supports neuronal survival at least in part by regulating gene tr
177 ted proteins, were shown to be essential for neuronal survival, because siRNA knockdown resulted in d
178    The strong association of LCB levels with neuronal survival both in vivo and in vitro suggests hig
179 hat both Cav1.2 and Cav1.3 are necessary for neuronal survival but are differentially required for th
180 evidence for the role of endogenous Pink1 in neuronal survival, but also supports a role of DJ-1 and
181 Neurotrophins are widely thought to regulate neuronal survival, but this role has not been clearly de
182 DNTs) bind Toll receptors instead to promote neuronal survival, but whether they can also regulate ce
183 tinuous cerebral blood flow is essential for neuronal survival, but whether vascular tone influences
184 h IGF-1, a neurotrophic factor that promotes neuronal survival by activating Akt, prevents the apopto
185          P7C3 aminopropyl carbazoles promote neuronal survival by enhancing nicotinamide adenine dinu
186  affects epigenetic histone modification and neuronal survival by facilitating HDAC3 activity and reg
187 ines may contribute to in vivo regulation of neuronal survival by modulating microglial neurotoxic pr
188 t diabetes-induced peroxynitrite impairs NGF neuronal survival by nitrating TrkA receptor and enhanci
189         Kv2.1-encoded channels thus regulate neuronal survival by providing a converging input for tw
190 e biological functions in mammals, including neuronal survival, cholesterol metabolism, cell differen
191 week postinjury, a time point when increased neuronal survival correlated with reduced apoptosis.
192 stitutive, whereas after the critical period neuronal survival could be actively promoted by both con
193 target-derived proneurotrophins might affect neuronal survival/death decisions through a retrograde t
194 pposite functions in synaptic plasticity and neuronal survival/death, which may be related to their d
195 es mouse and chick SAG neurite outgrowth and neuronal survival, demonstrating key instructional roles
196    Likewise, the ability of FoxG1 to promote neuronal survival depends on TLE1.
197 urotrophic factor (BDNF), which is vital for neuronal survival, development, and function.
198 , VEGF-B treatment at the dose effective for neuronal survival did not cause retinal neovascularizati
199 c factor (GDNF), which is known to influence neuronal survival, differentiation, and neurite morphoge
200 with high potency and specificity, promoting neuronal survival, differentiation, and synaptic functio
201  kinase receptor B (TrkB) receptor, mediates neuronal survival, differentiation, synaptic plasticity,
202   NMDA receptor (NMDAR) stimulation promotes neuronal survival during brain development.
203 CD10/CCM3, acting as a critical regulator of neuronal survival during development.
204 onditions, whereas exogenous PEA15 increases neuronal survival even in the absence of PS1, which indi
205 ically stabilizes activated Ret and enhances neuronal survival, even though Cbl-family E3 ligases nor
206         CDK5 mediates phosphorylation of the neuronal survival factor myocyte enhancer factor 2 (MEF2
207 ures, we observed "good neighbor" effects on neuronal survival following an excitotoxic insult.
208  to NMDAR trafficking and may be involved in neuronal survival following excitotoxicity.
209 ovel neuroprotective agent that may increase neuronal survival following injury by reducing surface e
210 annel can be selectively targeted to improve neuronal survival following injury in vivo The experimen
211 sm by which GluN2C is upregulated to promote neuronal survival following ischemia.
212 that when expressed on the surface, promotes neuronal survival following NMDA-induced excitotoxicity.
213 y, inhibition of mTORC1 or GSK3beta promotes neuronal survival following NMDA-induced injury.
214  via axonal transport with the cell soma for neuronal survival, function, and repair.
215 wth factor (bFGF or FGF2), are necessary for neuronal survival, growth, and differentiation, and may
216 t in widely divergent functional outputs for neuronal survival, growth, and synaptic function.
217 pment, sexual differentiation, and long-term neuronal survival have been suggested.
218 eractions and enhances neurite outgrowth and neuronal survival homophilically, i.e. by self binding.
219 s that TLE1 cooperates with FoxG1 to promote neuronal survival in a CK2- and PI3K-Akt-dependent manne
220 en autophagy and apoptosis, which influences neuronal survival in AD-related neurodegeneration.
221 fragment that promotes neurite outgrowth and neuronal survival in cell culture.
222 t to understand the mechanisms that regulate neuronal survival in deaf ears.
223 sion molecule promotes neurite outgrowth and neuronal survival in homophilic and heterophilic interac
224 in the absence of glutamate, while promoting neuronal survival in its presence.
225  that unlike Nna1, CCP5 is not essential for neuronal survival in mouse.
226 proved spatial learning, memory and ischemic neuronal survival in ovariectomized rats.
227 OXR1) has emerged as a critical regulator of neuronal survival in response to oxidative stress, and i
228            Endocytic events are critical for neuronal survival in response to target-derived neurotro
229 strategy to improve penumbral blood flow and neuronal survival in stroke or other ischemic conditions
230 tion, learning and memory, and age-dependent neuronal survival in the adult brain.
231 he gamma-secretase complex, are required for neuronal survival in the adult cerebral cortex.
232 e importance of cochlear supporting cells in neuronal survival in the adult inner ear.
233 f learning and memory and the maintenance of neuronal survival in the brain and suggest that presenil
234  tau aggregates was associated with improved neuronal survival in the cerebral cortex and the brainst
235  activation of PI3K/Akt signaling to promote neuronal survival in the face of global ischemia.
236 st the hypotheses that DRG11 is required for neuronal survival in the V pathway and that PrV cell dea
237   gamma-Protocadherins (PCDH-gamma) regulate neuronal survival in the vertebrate central nervous syst
238 sease onset has not been reported to improve neuronal survival in these models.
239 linked to neurodegenerative disease hindered neuronal survival in this model; of these mutations, the
240 d apoptosis, while its upregulation promoted neuronal survival in vitro.
241  we identify OMA1 as a critical regulator of neuronal survival in vivo and demonstrate that stress-in
242 tion of p75NTR can also significantly affect neuronal survival in vivo by changing the intracellular
243 schaemic brain tissue, reflected by enhanced neuronal survival, increased angiogenesis and decreased
244            Thus, long OPA1 forms can promote neuronal survival independently of cristae shape, wherea
245  of neurodegeneration by virtue of promoting neuronal survival independently of early disease-specifi
246 r to those of murine astrocytes in promoting neuronal survival, inducing functional synapse formation
247 n olfactory bulb neurogenesis with long-term neuronal survival is extremely limited.
248                                              Neuronal survival is necessary for the proper function o
249 de, whether LRP1 also plays a direct role in neuronal survival is not clear.
250 duced cell death, where its association with neuronal survival is poorly understood.
251 e that the role of the Pcdhg gene cluster in neuronal survival is primarily, if not specifically, med
252 uclear transcription factor known to promote neuronal survival, is directly phosphorylated by GSK3bet
253 ent of insulin-sensitive pathways regulating neuronal survival, learning, and memory.
254 ular link between activation of GSK3beta and neuronal survival machinery which may underlie in part G
255 , chaperone-mediated autophagy modulates the neuronal survival machinery, and dysregulation of this p
256 n primary neurons, suggesting that decreased neuronal survival might be a consequence of an impaired
257 ed in neurons and glia that is implicated in neuronal survival on the basis that mutations in the GRN
258 determinants of whether this factor promotes neuronal survival or death.
259 k analysis to search for key determinants of neuronal survival or death.
260 odulin knockdown did not significantly alter neuronal survival or synapse formation but depressed spo
261                        Because Src maintains neuronal survival, our results implicate calpain cleavag
262    A1 astrocytes lose the ability to promote neuronal survival, outgrowth, synaptogenesis and phagocy
263                  OGD progressively decreased neuronal survival over 48 h in a severity-dependent mann
264 rly stages of neuronal development involving neuronal survival, polarization, and neuritic growth and
265 te axon regeneration, alone they can promote neuronal survival possibly by regulating the retrograde
266 its high-affinity receptor TrkB and promotes neuronal survival; restoring BDNF signaling is thus of p
267            However, histologic assessment of neuronal survival revealed a potentially broader therape
268 ation of the signaling pathways that mediate neuronal survival signaling could lead to new therapeuti
269 as effects on mitochondrial permeability and neuronal survival similar to those caused by PARP1 activ
270 l retrograde trafficking events required for neuronal survival, such as neurotrophic signaling.
271 oxG1 blocks the ability of IGF-1 to maintain neuronal survival suggesting that FoxG1 is a downstream
272 the dendritic network, memory formation, and neuronal survival, suggesting that pharmacological inhib
273  proliferation, neuronal differentiation, or neuronal survival there.
274 e results show that C1q can directly promote neuronal survival, thereby demonstrating new interaction
275 hic factor (BDNF) plays an important role in neuronal survival through activation of TrkB receptors.
276  increased the level of laminin and promoted neuronal survival through an integrin-dependent mechanis
277  microtubule associated protein tau promotes neuronal survival through binding and stabilization of M
278     Nna1 is a monomeric enzyme essential for neuronal survival through hydrolysis of polyglutamate-co
279 irst to report a role for MMP9 in regulating neuronal survival through the developmental process that
280 ts the balance between neurodegeneration and neuronal survival toward the stimulation of pro-survival
281 mulation of autophagosomes is detrimental to neuronal survival under certain neurodegenerative condit
282 Inhibition of gamma-secretase also decreases neuronal survival under GD conditions, which suggests th
283  of PS1, which indicates that PEA15 promotes neuronal survival under GD conditions.
284 mber of the globin superfamily, may regulate neuronal survival under hypoxia or oxidative stress.
285 thermore, down-regulation of PEA15 decreases neuronal survival under reduced glucose conditions, wher
286 ated animals demonstrated significantly more neuronal survival upstream of the lesion site, with some
287 ific sets of genes, which may decide between neuronal survival versus death.
288 gest that presenilin functions in memory and neuronal survival via its role as a gamma-secretase subu
289                                              Neuronal survival was evaluated by stereology.
290                                              Neuronal survival was examined using immunocytochemistry
291 flammation was decreased and hippocampal CA3 neuronal survival was increased, although hemorrhage vol
292                             Global ischemia: neuronal survival was similar in all 3 groups of mice.
293 oprotection while the GLP2-induced effect on neuronal survival was unaffected.
294 the significance of JAZ in the regulation of neuronal survival, we overexpressed it in neurons.
295 tection while GLP2- and VIP-induced enhanced neuronal survival were unaffected.
296 n of presenilin 1 (PS1) results in decreased neuronal survival, whereas increased PS1 increases neuro
297           Its interaction with HDRP promotes neuronal survival, whereas interaction with HDAC3 result
298 provement in motor deficits and dopaminergic neuronal survival with non-invasive intranasal delivery,
299 CPG15 and CPG15-2 promote neurite growth and neuronal survival with similar efficacy.
300 eature of CNS injury that heavily influences neuronal survival, yet the signals that initiate and con

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