


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1  leukoencephalopathy and of JCV granule cell neuronopathy.
2 in rats paralyzed with a virus-induced motor neuronopathy.
3 e subject (I. W.) with a large-fibre sensory neuronopathy.
4 al partners in relation to unexplained motor neuronopathies.
5 on in the central nervous system, peripheral neuronopathy and diluted pigmentation in the 'pale tremo
6 otor phenotypes, muscle pathology, and motor neuronopathy and dramatically extended survival.
7 ical disorders such as JC virus granule cell neuronopathy and JC virus encephalopathy, and might also
8 distinct clinical entities: JCV granule cell neuronopathy and JCV encephalopathy.
9 ifocal leukoencephalopathy, JCV granule cell neuronopathy, and JCV encephalopathy.
10     Childhood onset motor neuron diseases or neuronopathies are a clinically heterogeneous group of d
11                               Paraneoplastic neuronopathies are presumed to be the result of an autoi
12 s group of disorders, paraneoplastic sensory neuronopathies are the most frequent; many of these pati
13 This syndrome resulted from JCV granule cell neuronopathy associated with a novel JCV mutation.
14 ical continuum of predominantly motor distal neuronopathy/axonopathy with mild to moderate sensory in
15 mutated in one dominant form of distal motor neuronopathy (DHMN7A).
16                      Distal hereditary motor neuronopathies (dHMNs) are a clinically and genetically
17 manifested predominantly as subacute sensory neuronopathy did not improve after prednisone treatment
18 n dysfunction occurs in a variety of sensory neuronopathies for which there are currently no satisfac
19 indings of a case of cerebellar granule cell neuronopathy (GCN), a JCV-associated CNS disease, so far
20 al leukoencephalopathy (PML) or granule cell neuronopathy (GCN).
21 ravel the mechanisms underpinning peripheral neuronopathy in autosomal recessive polymerase gamma-rel
22 ominantly a distal axonopathy, rather than a neuronopathy in the central nervous system of the mouse
23 suggest that neurodegeneration may occur as "neuronopathy" in patients with ALS-FTD.
24 h multiple sclerosis exhibit primary retinal neuronopathy, in the absence of retrograde degeneration
25          Our results suggest that SBMA motor neuronopathy involves altered expression of VEGF, consis
26  the JC polyomavirus (JCV); JCV granule cell neuronopathy is caused by infection with a mutated form
27                                   Peripheral neuronopathy is often part of the clinical syndrome and
28 rmining the likelihood a given neuropathy or neuronopathy is related to an underlying malignancy.
29 to call this novel syndrome JCV granule cell neuronopathy (JCV GCN).
30 ne defect underlying late onset spinal motor neuronopathy (LOSMoN/SMAJ; Online Mendelian Inheritance
31 enance in motoneurons from progressive motor neuronopathy mutant mice, a mouse model of motoneuron di
32 euronal nuclear antibody type 1 with sensory neuronopathy (n = 7), K(+)-channel antibody with limbic
33 ellar degeneration or paraneoplastic sensory neuronopathy, neither removal of the autoantibody nor tr
34 ve implications for the treatment of sensory neuronopathies of diverse etiologies.
35             First, some PNSs such as sensory neuronopathy or Lambert-Eaton myasthenic syndrome rarely
36 his, the molecular mechanisms underlying the neuronopathy remain to be elucidated and treatment strat
37 xb) into Hexb-deficient mice, a model of the neuronopathy Sandhoff disease.
38              In most cases of familial motor neuronopathy, the disease is caused by either gain-of-ad
39                Unexpected discovery of motor neuronopathy, which may be useful for the definition of

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