


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 eration are among the most widely replicated neurophysiological abnormalities in schizophrenia and ar
2 e relatives of patients with SCZ demonstrate neurophysiological abnormalities that are intermediate b
3 ting from behavioral analysis to identifying neurophysiological abnormalities, which are likely to be
4                         We provide the first neurophysiological account of how working memory trainin
5                                       Recent neurophysiological accounts of predictive coding hypothe
6                     To find out, we recorded neurophysiological activity associated with attentional
7 ess this gap in knowledge, we recorded local neurophysiological activity from 1,678 contact electrode
8 ssue, we compare behavioural performance and neurophysiological activity in monkeys as they transitio
9 ovement in BrainPhys basal medium to support neurophysiological activity is an important step toward
10 formation at once, and elicited a pattern of neurophysiological activity similar to that observed whe
11 onsidered as indirect observers of their own neurophysiological activity, and the relationship betwee
12  intervals) can serve as a biomarker for the neurophysiological adaptability that putatively underlie
13                                      Reduced neurophysiological adaptation may relate to prior report
14                            Here, we assessed neurophysiological adaptation to stimulus repetition in
15 promised by white matter (WM) injury but the neurophysiological alterations linking them remain uncle
16                                        These neurophysiological alterations should be considered in b
17                             Furthermore, the neurophysiological analysis shows that the observed diff
18  precursor cell (NPC) transplantation had on neurophysiological analysis, early after treatment, redu
19        Combining proboscis choice tests with neurophysiological, anatomical and molecular analyses we
20 f neuronal networks in vivo and in vitro The neurophysiological and anatomical requirements for initi
21                       The connection between neurophysiological and behavioral changes, and the commo
22                              The best fit to neurophysiological and behavioral data was given by a da
23 ctivity and improve the long-term functional neurophysiological and behavioral outcome in the pediatr
24                                 Although the neurophysiological and behavioral phenotypes of NRG1 mut
25  cortical network dynamics in the context of neurophysiological and behavioral recordings.
26                                        While neurophysiological and behavioral research in monkeys ha
27 lateral pharyngeal motor cortex reverses the neurophysiological and behavioural effects of focal cort
28                             These convergent neurophysiological and behavioural effects underline the
29    Diagnosis is reached by melding clinical, neurophysiological and biochemical features with various
30                                              Neurophysiological and computational investigations poin
31 d early, social touch has unique, beneficial neurophysiological and epigenetic effects.
32                                              Neurophysiological and fMRI studies in macaque and human
33 rietal lobe still represents a challenge for neurophysiological and functional neuroimaging studies.
34  particularly fruitful for understanding the neurophysiological and genetic underpinnings of species-
35          Moreover, the global fluctuation in neurophysiological and hemodynamic activity is likely mo
36 he current study supports both the classical neurophysiological and integrative models of tinnitus; o
37                          We investigated the neurophysiological and molecular correlates of strain-de
38 xpressions, these neurons have less distinct neurophysiological and morphological properties.
39 y used carbamate pesticide carbofuran causes neurophysiological and neurobehavioral deficits in roden
40 or processing, provides a unified account of neurophysiological and neuroimaging evidence that the AC
41        Interleukin-1 (IL-1) mediates diverse neurophysiological and neuropathological effects in the
42 ence of oral creatine supplementation on the neurophysiological and neuropsychological function of he
43 rm have been used to explain a wide range of neurophysiological and psychophysical data, and many rec
44 sufficient to mimic many of the biochemical, neurophysiological, and behavioral symptoms observed in
45  reversal of biochemical, neuropathological, neurophysiological, and behavioural deficits associated
46 ions, and incorporation of advanced imaging, neurophysiological, and body fluid markers.
47 nificant clinical, surgical, psychophysical, neurophysiological, and engineering challenges remain to
48 condary outcomes were demographic, clinical, neurophysiological, and laboratory data.
49                       Demographic, clinical, neurophysiological, and laboratory data.
50                                Neuroimaging, neurophysiological, and modeling techniques have led to
51 re is accumulating evidence from behavioral, neurophysiological, and neuroimaging studies that the ac
52  ophthalmological studies, and audiological, neurophysiological, and vestibular test results.
53       Here, using a combined behavioural and neurophysiological approach, we demonstrate that the mol
54 Progress has relied upon currently available neurophysiological approaches in the context of patients
55 ce of this input is appreciated, its precise neurophysiological architecture remains unknown.
56 odel of preliteracy, revealing that a 30-min neurophysiological assessment predicts performance on mu
57 y confirmed episodic ataxia type 2 underwent neurophysiological assessment to determine whether axona
58 city deficits using combined behavioural and neurophysiological assessment, along with neuropharmacol
59 ta call for more sensitive and comprehensive neurophysiological assessments in AD patient evaluations
60                               Functional and neurophysiological assessments were performed before and
61                                          Its neurophysiological bases are not known.
62                      These results provide a neurophysiological basis for human laminar fMRI and link
63                           To investigate the neurophysiological basis for offline gains, we performed
64 orward model during perception and provide a neurophysiological basis for the application of music ma
65 s) model described by Mather et al. offers a neurophysiological basis for the arousal mechanism which
66                              This provides a neurophysiological basis for the association between A2A
67 he identified neuronal cell group provides a neurophysiological basis for the progressive decline of
68 althy and disordered brain function, but the neurophysiological basis of emotional experience is stil
69  here contribute to our understanding of the neurophysiological basis of motor rhythms and suggest th
70 dings contribute to our understanding of the neurophysiological basis of motor rhythms and their beha
71 lus, and provide important insights into the neurophysiological basis of negative neuroimaging signal
72 e well documented, but attempts to study the neurophysiological basis of their behavior had been thwa
73 n the cortex and spinal motoneurons, but the neurophysiological basis of this communication is poorly
74                                 However, the neurophysiological basis through which animals alter the
75  This study demonstrates improvements on the neurophysiological, behavioral and subjective level in s
76 of concept, we selected one of the potential neurophysiological biomarkers identified in this study-G
77 ed the effects of ketamine and CP-101,606 on neurophysiological biomarkers in rats immediately after
78            Current findings reveal real-time neurophysiological biomarkers of compulsion and warrant
79 identified for the concurrent development of neurophysiological biomarkers relevant to SZ pathology i
80                                              Neurophysiological biomarkers were assessed using a tran
81 t rest, with the magnitude of these specific neurophysiological changes being mirrored by individual
82 d of major significance, focal and non-focal neurophysiological changes distant to the lesion should
83 gly, we found no evidence for behavioural or neurophysiological changes following tDCS over left M1 o
84 Here we summarise molecular, behavioural and neurophysiological changes related to poststroke fatigue
85 oined by von Monakow in 1914 to describe the neurophysiological changes that occur distant to a focal
86 wal, these results could reflect some of the neurophysiological changes thought to occur in the MHb t
87 evels are quite general and suggest that the neurophysiological changes we see for simple sounds gene
88 y for linking focal neuropathology to remote neurophysiological changes.
89 r learning results in at least two important neurophysiological changes: modulation of cerebellar out
90                                          The neurophysiological characteristics underlying electroaco
91 d cognitive response time windows, providing neurophysiological characterization of attentional dysfu
92 d experimental paradigms and offer the first neurophysiological characterization of language control
93                 We have performed a detailed neurophysiological characterization of neurons in the ro
94 ere, we apply new methods to examine dynamic neurophysiological connectivity in the context of a rand
95 superior colliculus (SC) that captures known neurophysiological constraints on saccade programming.
96        Such single-cell responses could be a neurophysiological correlate of texture boundary detecti
97 se two forms of attenuation have dissociable neurophysiological correlates and are likely functionall
98                                 However, the neurophysiological correlates of (pre)activated prior kn
99 tentials (ERPs) were used to investigate the neurophysiological correlates of attention and response
100 es in primary somatosensory cortex represent neurophysiological correlates of discrete perceptual cyc
101  episodic memory retrieval and provide clear neurophysiological correlates of intrinsic and task-depe
102 open up new avenues for the study of dynamic neurophysiological correlates of structural controllabil
103 ingle paradigm and identified their distinct neurophysiological correlates.
104 en tested extensively against behavioral and neurophysiological data for decisions about consumer goo
105 ese findings provide extensive, quantitative neurophysiological data for use in modeling the psycholo
106  analysed detailed demographic, clinical and neurophysiological data from 116 patients with genetical
107                                        These neurophysiological data link experimentally the cortical
108                                              Neurophysiological data obtained with paralyzed eyes sug
109                              Behavioural and neurophysiological data regarding multi-component behavi
110                                              Neurophysiological data showed that THC-exposed rats dis
111               However, the interpretation of neurophysiological data within this framework is ambiguo
112  account for different phenomena observed in neurophysiological data, such as pattern completion and
113 subsequently confirmed by re-analysis of the neurophysiological data.
114  but has not been well explored from in vivo neurophysiological datasets.
115  sequence of events that lead to progressive neurophysiological deficits in vulnerable neurons and ci
116 ts and the prevention of the emergence of HD neurophysiological deficits.
117 unction of rapid neural adaptation as a core neurophysiological difference in dyslexia that may under
118    These synaptic changes do not manifest as neurophysiological differences or alterations in dendrit
119 tterns of neuronal synchrony signify diverse neurophysiological disruptions and pathological underpin
120 ted 2 years of music training had a stronger neurophysiological distinction of stop consonants, a neu
121 ral MRI was normal, but EEG showed extensive neurophysiological disturbances that included the unusua
122 e cannot be explained by persistent cellular neurophysiological dysfunction in either the penumbral o
123            Aerobic exercise improved various neurophysiological dysfunctions in Ts65Dn mice, includin
124                   Identification of specific neurophysiological dysfunctions resulting in selective r
125 ustic and linguistic information, and with a neurophysiological effect in the sub-second range.
126                             Critically, this neurophysiological effect of tSMS is paralleled by slowe
127 ltimodal imaging approach to investigate the neurophysiological effects of tDCS in older adults and f
128                               The brain-wide neurophysiological effects of the catecholamines norepin
129  in terms of behavioral symptoms, the global neurophysiological effects of traumatic stress are incre
130                                        These neurophysiological effects on the hippocampus were preve
131 rovide evidence for evolutionarily conserved neurophysiological effects, some of which are remarkably
132 y and other supplementary neurocognitive and neurophysiological endophenotypes in schizophrenia proba
133             These findings provide the first neurophysiological endorsement of the hypothesis that dA
134 e, but also the neurochemical and downstream neurophysiological environment of striatal circuits in a
135                 After 6 months of treatment, neurophysiological evaluation of both sensory and motor
136                                 Clinical and neurophysiological evaluation revealed features consiste
137 ngs demonstrate a direct relation of defined neurophysiological events to a specific BOLD activity pa
138                               Behavioral and neurophysiological evidence for CD in primates comes lar
139                              Despite growing neurophysiological evidence for invariant object represe
140                                              Neurophysiological evidence for pathological conditions
141 as responsible for vision and cognition, but neurophysiological evidence for the involvement of feedb
142                                     However, neurophysiological evidence for this hypothesis is rare,
143                                       Recent neurophysiological evidence indicates that the amygdala
144                                              Neurophysiological evidence of a feedforward model of th
145  perceptual inference and provide compelling neurophysiological evidence of the brain's capacity to e
146                                       Recent neurophysiological evidence suggests that information ne
147                                              Neurophysiological evidence suggests that loss aversion
148                                              Neurophysiological evidence suggests that neuromodulator
149 riods of stronger gamma oscillations provide neurophysiological evidence that is consistent with othe
150                                   We present neurophysiological evidence that the motor system is inv
151     Here, however, we present behavioral and neurophysiological evidence that these animals also perc
152 ography (OR, 10 [5.3-22] and 3.8 [2.5-5.7]), neurophysiological examination (OR, 1.8 [1.3-2.6]), and
153 EG acquisition also in settings with limited neurophysiological experience.
154 mal way and reproduces behavioral as well as neurophysiological experimental data on tasks ranging fr
155 cols should help to expand the boundaries of neurophysiological experimentation, enabling analytical
156 effects of cannabis, this study examined the neurophysiological factors that may affect studies of br
157 ansmission in VAMP1(lew/lew) mice, observing neurophysiological features of presynaptic impairment, s
158                        We propose that these neurophysiological findings may reflect the existence of
159                                        These neurophysiological findings provide evidence for develop
160 d paralysis in patients with radiological or neurophysiological findings suggestive of spinal motor n
161 lear whether and how connectivity in various neurophysiological frequency ranges develops atypically
162 hite matter microstructural organization and neurophysiological function in the aging brain, in relat
163 n receptor agonist, significantly affect the neurophysiological function of suprachiasmatic nucleus n
164          Changes in both brain structure and neurophysiological function regulating homotopic as well
165 organization and task-related modulations in neurophysiological function resulted in poor bimanual pe
166            By interrelating brain structure, neurophysiological function, and behavior, the current s
167 mportantly, we found that WM microstructure, neurophysiological function, and bimanual performance we
168 ing a link between increases in frataxin and neurophysiological function.
169  cell proliferation and differentiation, and neurophysiological function.
170 s in the nervous system and ensure important neurophysiological functionality for many processes.
171                        However, the specific neurophysiological functions of most DEG/ENaC-encoding g
172                                 To date, the neurophysiological functions of most family members rema
173 usicians are often reported to have enhanced neurophysiological functions, especially in the auditory
174                Despite its important role in neurophysiological functions, the molecular mechanisms o
175 ntifying characteristic vigilance states and neurophysiological hallmarks such as sleep spindles.
176            We examined whether cognitive and neurophysiological impairments on a performance-monitori
177 uced semantic predictions are reflected by a neurophysiological index, which we therefore call the se
178 een prolonged cannabis use and the following neurophysiological indicators: (1) global and regional r
179 To probe latent assumptions of these models, neurophysiological indices are needed.
180 la model has the potential to provide unique neurophysiological insights about network properties of
181             These findings provide important neurophysiological insights into how our visual system o
182                      We undertook a detailed neurophysiological investigation of five patients with C
183                                              Neurophysiological investigations of neural network acti
184                 However, there have been few neurophysiological investigations of speech production i
185 blished their utility for awake and behaving neurophysiological investigations.
186 ompensation time scale is above the range of neurophysiological latency.
187 d unpredicted stimuli are dissociable at the neurophysiological level using human electroencephalogra
188                                       At the neurophysiological level, a single mechanism has been pr
189 on processes, evident at both behavioral and neurophysiological levels.
190                                 However, the neurophysiological manifestation of reward-related signa
191 red arousal and further establish principled neurophysiological markers of these states.
192                                          Our neurophysiological measure of suppression--the PD compon
193   Motor Unit Number Index (MUNIX) is a novel neurophysiological measure that provides an index of the
194                      We present a robust new neurophysiological measure, the tremor stability index,
195                                              Neurophysiological measures included nerve conduction st
196                                Cognitive and neurophysiological measures of attention-vigilance and e
197                                              Neurophysiological measures of corticomotor excitability
198 ory DH interneurons post-SCI could provide a neurophysiological mechanism of central sensitization an
199  and consolidation of episodic memory, their neurophysiological mechanisms are not well understood.
200                                 However, the neurophysiological mechanisms by which acupuncture impac
201                                 To study the neurophysiological mechanisms mediating assignment of mo
202  reveals potential biomarkers and underlying neurophysiological mechanisms of compulsion and warrants
203                                              Neurophysiological mechanisms underlying automatic proce
204 ing flow parsing hypothesis with established neurophysiological mechanisms.
205 xpose to view important, but obscure central neurophysiological mechanisms.
206 cal performance requires both behavioral and neurophysiological metrics amenable to correlative analy
207 ngs, we conclude that PS remains a plausible neurophysiological model of auditory stream segregation.
208                          Our findings extend neurophysiological models of the effects of stress-relat
209 whether AD induces the same pathological and neurophysiological modifications in synaptic functions i
210 th Alzheimer's disease, detected by extended neurophysiological monitoring, can also lead to accelera
211                              We also discuss neurophysiological, neuroimaging, and clinical studies s
212                 We highlight the behavioral, neurophysiological, neuroimaging, and computational laws
213 data cohort comprising 149 patients for whom neurophysiological, neuroimaging, proteomic and genomic
214 e, making comparisons with past results from neurophysiological, oculometric and biomechanical studie
215 e may serve as a guide in the search for the neurophysiological origin and circuitry of spinal contro
216 d and spontaneous oscillations are of common neurophysiological origin, whereas the N40 TEP component
217 is the curvatures of maturational changes in neurophysiological oscillations and synchrony, rather th
218 uperior to sham in producing improvements in neurophysiological outcomes, both local to the wrist (i.
219                           Here we describe a neurophysiological paradigm for performing tethered and
220 , these drugs had different acute effects on neurophysiological parameters.
221 n GMPPB to identify the associated clinical, neurophysiological, pathological and laboratory features
222  diseases, describing the clinical clues and neurophysiological patterns that may help the clinician
223 dely used in the study of psychophysical and neurophysiological performance, we expect that task-spec
224                                          The neurophysiological phenotype was broad but most patients
225 tivity contribute to both the elucidation of neurophysiological principles and the development of bra
226 ible semantics, documenting operation of the neurophysiological principles of lateral/surround inhibi
227 rial data is aided by familiarity with basic neurophysiological principles, potential mechanisms of a
228 s targeting, mapping and modulating distinct neurophysiological processes in normal and epileptogenic
229 orithms combined with dynamics of mesoscopic neurophysiological processes.
230 istinct compartments coding equally distinct neurophysiological properties that allow an organism to
231 nd have progressive cerebellar molecular and neurophysiological (Purkinje cell firing frequency) phen
232 ly respond to levels of acetylcholine in the neurophysiological range.
233 rovide initial intracranial evidence for the neurophysiological reality of the merge operation postul
234 ctions that could potentially be tested with neurophysiological recording techniques.
235 x, measured by cerebral blood flow (CBF) and neurophysiological recordings (local field potentials, L
236                                              Neurophysiological recordings assessed the ability of 5-
237                                              Neurophysiological recordings confirmed robust optogenet
238                                              Neurophysiological recordings from auditory-sensitive ne
239 neural mechanism has been rarely examined by neurophysiological recordings in the same subjects acros
240        Our results are strikingly similar to neurophysiological recordings in the superior colliculus
241 subsecond measures of cholinergic signaling, neurophysiological recordings, and cholinergic receptor
242 k using simulated single-neuron examples and neurophysiological recordings.
243 s resting-state networks, on the other hand, neurophysiological reports show that short-range correla
244                                              Neurophysiological research in nonhuman primates has sho
245  biological model with applications to basic neurophysiological research into all types of movements
246 hus), an important nonhuman primate model in neurophysiological research, which were engineered to ex
247                         We propose that this neurophysiological response is the neural substrate of a
248 ns are sufficient to quantitatively simulate neurophysiological response properties of MSTd cells, su
249                                Amplitudes of neurophysiological responses (multifocal electroretinogr
250                   Over the past two decades, neurophysiological responses in the lateral intraparieta
251 ess can explain perceptual rivalry and other neurophysiological responses to a range of static stimul
252                                     Epidural neurophysiological responses to frequency and duration d
253  quintessential method for understanding the neurophysiological responses to stimuli.
254                                              Neurophysiological responses to the fundamental frequenc
255                                  The precise neurophysiological role of this calcium-dependent facili
256                Relating cognitive control to neurophysiological signals at a cellular level in prefro
257                      Our results demonstrate neurophysiological signatures of network-specific neuron
258                  Here, we sought to identify neurophysiological signatures of such processes in the h
259 ctional relationship between these two basic neurophysiological signatures of working memory remains
260       There were clinical, radiological, and neurophysiological signs of myelopathy.
261                      We estimate the maximum neurophysiological size of the MFP to be approximately 6
262  the deconstruction of normal and pathologic neurophysiological states into trans-membrane voltage ac
263 9-11] and receptive field shifts reported in neurophysiological studies [12-14].
264 ecent primary progressive aphasia and normal neurophysiological studies have challenged this concept,
265                                     Previous neurophysiological studies have not explicitly controlle
266         Recent behavioral, neuroimaging, and neurophysiological studies have renewed the idea that th
267                                              Neurophysiological studies have typically sought insight
268 pharmacoresistant patients are available for neurophysiological studies in vitro.
269                           Psychophysical and neurophysiological studies indicate that during the prep
270 framework, we review recent neuroimaging and neurophysiological studies investigating connectome deve
271                                              Neurophysiological studies on identified hippocampal neu
272                                         Most neurophysiological studies performed so far investigated
273   Consistent with these diverse projections, neurophysiological studies reveal a multidimensional set
274                                              Neurophysiological studies suggest that the prefrontal c
275                                              Neurophysiological studies that have targeted the fMRI i
276 re sounds has been independently reported in neurophysiological studies using probabilistic stimulus
277                                      MRI and neurophysiological studies were compatible with mild myo
278                                     However, neurophysiological studies with hearing animals have sho
279                              To characterize neurophysiological subcortical abnormalities in myoclonu
280 ing that cyclically gates perception and the neurophysiological substrate promoting audio-visual inte
281 egration being a widely accepted notion, its neurophysiological substrate remains unclear.
282  with depression can be subdivided into four neurophysiological subtypes ('biotypes') defined by dist
283 , yet this hypothesis currently lacks direct neurophysiological support.
284 eared selectively when the touch activated a neurophysiological system for affective touch in the rec
285           The recent discovery of a separate neurophysiological system for affectively laden touch in
286 s mediated by a separate, specific C tactile neurophysiological system than faster, neutral touch, mo
287 rcuits, cellular signaling, and manipulating neurophysiological systems in awake, behaving animals.
288 that could be used to improve intraoperative neurophysiological target mapping during electrode impla
289 ing, for drinking behavior were dominated by neurophysiological targets and signaling mechanisms of a
290                         To date no validated neurophysiological technique is available that has prove
291 se that future work integrate behavioral and neurophysiological techniques used with primates to exam
292                                              Neurophysiological testing confirms involvement of large
293 ned from cerebrospinal fluid examination and neurophysiological testing.
294  confocal microscopy (CCM), skin biopsy, and neurophysiological tests in 86 recently diagnosed type 2
295 ts underwent genetic analysis of DNMT1 gene, neurophysiological tests investigating sleep, auditory f
296 rrently at 2 timescales corresponding to the neurophysiological theta band (4-7 Hz) and gamma band ra
297 onlinear "mixed" selectivity is an important neurophysiological trait for enabling complex and contex
298                   Using this model system, a neurophysiological "two-concentration" acetylcholine or
299                          Here, we reveal the neurophysiological underpinnings of this sensorimotor co
300 learning or cultural norms and the potential neurophysiological underpinnings which together offer no

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