


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 l and activity of cholinergic nerves (termed neuroplasticity).
2 ey pathways involved in neurodevelopment and neuroplasticity.
3 nt dental implant placement can reverse this neuroplasticity.
4  valuable model disorder to study structural neuroplasticity.
5 ly G-member2 (ABCG2) have important roles in neuroplasticity.
6 ng neuroprotection, axonal regeneration, and neuroplasticity.
7 gh maladaptations in glutamate signaling and neuroplasticity.
8 dependent reorganization allowing for guided neuroplasticity.
9  characterize perinatal temporal dynamics in neuroplasticity.
10 manization of Foxp2 on learning and striatal neuroplasticity.
11  is linked with decreased activity-dependent neuroplasticity.
12 ange factor, modulates PSD-95-NR2B-dependent neuroplasticity.
13 oderate disease through experience-dependent neuroplasticity.
14 e functions by the long-term manipulation of neuroplasticity.
15 vel cognition by the long-term modulation of neuroplasticity.
16 ify factors responsible for adult peripheral neuroplasticity.
17 nct sociosexual behaviors and the associated neuroplasticity.
18 ence for localized mechanisms of hippocampal neuroplasticity.
19 e and as a key signal for dependence-related neuroplasticity.
20 dulated by genetically driven variability in neuroplasticity.
21 ue to induce long-term depression (LTD)-like neuroplasticity.
22 and function, and regulate cell survival and neuroplasticity.
23 onstrated that chronic pain causes long-term neuroplasticity.
24 ructural changes-that is, the brain displays neuroplasticity.
25 y be a significant modulator of this altered neuroplasticity.
26 ain and dampen stress-induced alterations of neuroplasticity.
27 e impairment, suggesting adaptive structural neuroplasticity.
28 pathy, is accompanied by maladaptive central neuroplasticity.
29 rophic factor (BDNF), proteins essential for neuroplasticity.
30 ation in response to increasing evidence for neuroplasticity.
31 ct involves glycineB/NMDA receptor-dependent neuroplasticity.
32 or the sustained synaptic changes underlying neuroplasticity.
33 d as a key aspect of this experience-induced neuroplasticity.
34 ators of neuronal survival and developmental neuroplasticity.
35 m the basic neuroscience of learning-induced neuroplasticity.
36 ment of the central nervous system and adult neuroplasticity.
37  conditions and are sites of stress-mediated neuroplasticity.
38 own to be important for experience dependent neuroplasticity.
39 ith neuroinflammatory signaling and impaired neuroplasticity.
40 ation, indicating long-term training-related neuroplasticity.
41 -PKA-CREB and cAMP-ERK1/2-CREB signaling and neuroplasticity.
42 re during rescue assays in mice deficient in neuroplasticity.
43 eptor subunit 2 (GluN2) that is critical for neuroplasticity.
44 DHA) 30 min after spinal cord injury induces neuroplasticity.
45 e effects of mucosal mediators on intestinal neuroplasticity.
46 beneficial effects in SCI via enhancement of neuroplasticity.
47 urvivors, with evidence for training-related neuroplasticity.
48 to be within the classic critical period for neuroplasticity [7, 8].
49 ne-bound astrocyte growth inhibitor to limit neuroplasticity, activity-dependent axonal sprouting, an
50        Previous studies demonstrate distinct neuroplasticity adaptations in the two medium spiny neur
51    We examined how a mediator of hippocampal neuroplasticity, adult neurogenesis in the subgranular z
52 ent-related brain potentials (ERPs) to assay neuroplasticity after auditory conditioning in chronic s
53 epresent a strategy for inducing respiratory neuroplasticity after declines in respiratory function t
54 l for rehabilitation, as it shows heightened neuroplasticity, allowing sensorimotor functions to re-m
55 us accumbens, but it is unknown whether this neuroplasticity alters the effect of a subsequent cocain
56 or in the expression of proteins involved in neuroplasticity, an effect mediated through cGMP, PKG, a
57  physical activity has been shown to promote neuroplasticity and an anti-inflammatory state in the ad
58  functional relationship between cholinergic neuroplasticity and ASM contractile phenotypes that oper
59 o) enhancements in hippocampal cognition and neuroplasticity and can alleviate hippocampal cognitive
60 enhance opportunities for the translation of neuroplasticity and circuit retraining research into eff
61 tients with mood disorders who have impaired neuroplasticity and cognition.
62 e improves cognitive functions by modulating neuroplasticity and cortical excitability in nonsmoking
63 clude increased neurogenesis, enhancement of neuroplasticity and deployment of a successful endoplasm
64 ecific genetic interactions related to brain neuroplasticity and development, and that these AKT1 eff
65 rting AKT1's role in transducing hippocampal neuroplasticity and dopaminergic processes, we found epi
66  immediate early genes and genes involved in neuroplasticity and epigenetic modifications.
67 gnaling, and are thus essential for striatal neuroplasticity and fear and anxiety behavior.
68 at should follow early diagnosis to optimize neuroplasticity and function.
69                             We now show that neuroplasticity and functional recovery after stroke is
70 n energy metabolism and processes related to neuroplasticity and growth may be involved in the develo
71 dings advance our understanding of long-term neuroplasticity and have general implications for the de
72 n as environmental enrichment, can stimulate neuroplasticity and improve hippocampal function and per
73 is study advances our understanding of human neuroplasticity and its genetic underpinnings following
74  hippocampal neurons play important roles in neuroplasticity and learning and memory.
75 ays of VU0409551 treatment could reverse the neuroplasticity and learning deficits, respectively, in
76 ty patterns (Arc expression) associated with neuroplasticity and memory.
77 rotein (FMRP), thought to play a key role in neuroplasticity and neuronal translation, in ASD-affecte
78 hich play an important role in sleep-related neuroplasticity and offline information processing.
79 that play an important role in sleep-related neuroplasticity and offline information processing.
80 ulphate using chondroitinase ABC reactivated neuroplasticity and promoted sensorimotor recovery after
81 ential role for tamalin in ECS-induced adult neuroplasticity and provide new insight into the pathway
82  is a novel therapeutic target for enhancing neuroplasticity and recovery after SCI.
83               Erythropoietin (EPO) increases neuroplasticity and reduces cognitive difficulties in tr
84 data suggest that chronic pain-induced PACAP neuroplasticity and signaling in spinoparabrachioamygdal
85 ry results indicate that tDCS may facilitate neuroplasticity and suggest the potential for refining r
86  may be developed incorporating knowledge of neuroplasticity and the critical ingredients of rehabili
87            However, the linkage between this neuroplasticity and the functional deficits in carpal tu
88 llosal projections, showing interhemispheric neuroplasticity and thus, setting a foundation to develo
89 ulation of CaV2.1 channels to other forms of neuroplasticity and to learning and memory are not known
90 ent of newer and more precise tools to alter neuroplasticity and to treat brain-based disorders.
91 ow and why exercise and energy intake affect neuroplasticity and, conversely, how the brain regulates
92 sease, cerebrovascular deregulation, altered neuroplasticity, and changes in glutamate neurotransmiss
93 ations in neurodevelopment, neurogenesis and neuroplasticity, and is involved in the mechanisms of ac
94 Despite the importance of respiratory system neuroplasticity, and its dependence on estrogen in males
95 enes implicated in cell cycle, neurogenesis, neuroplasticity, and neurosignaling.
96 h, strengthens muscles and bones, stimulates neuroplasticity, and promotes feelings of well-being.
97  discovered and unexpected roles for TLRs in neuroplasticity, and the implications of these findings
98  did not), with enrichment in inflammation-, neuroplasticity- and oxidative stress-related pathways.
99 e cellular mechanisms mediating this form of neuroplasticity are poorly understood.
100 up the perspective of harnessing respiratory neuroplasticity as a therapeutic tool for the management
101 xamining the inter-individual variability in neuroplasticity as modeled by a functional polymorphism
102 c brain regions may be the result of altered neuroplasticity associated with chronic compulsive behav
103 hin-KOR system is a central component of the neuroplasticity associated with negative reinforcement s
104 genous cannabinoid system may be part of the neuroplasticity associated with the development of cocai
105               In other mice, we silenced the neuroplasticity-associated neurotrophin brain-derived ne
106  pathology, thus contributing to maladaptive neuroplasticity at multiple levels.
107 ation and requires time-dependent changes in neuroplasticity at the level of glutamatergic synapses i
108 a and macrophage functions also will enhance neuroplasticity, at and several segments below the injur
109 at enhances endogenous repair and indices of neuroplasticity, at and several segments below the injur
110                            Here we develop a neuroplasticity-based computerized cognitive remediation
111 se the hippocampus is a key area involved in neuroplasticity, behavior, and cognition, we hypothesize
112 ddiction is commonly viewed as a disorder of neuroplasticity, but the potential involvement of MeCP2
113  strata pyramidale and radiatum and assessed neuroplasticity by inducing long-term potentiation (LTP)
114                                              Neuroplasticity can be defined as the ability of the ner
115                    Our results indicate that neuroplasticity can manifest itself as differences in co
116                      We show that beneficial neuroplasticity can occur alongside decoder adaptation,
117  showed comparable improvement, long-lasting neuroplasticity can only be detected in the tDCS group,
118 ng neural decoding and biofeedback to target neuroplasticity causally links early visual cortical pla
119 sed thalamocortical FC, thus suggesting that neuroplasticity changes are unable to compensate for tis
120               Our findings imply that robust neuroplasticity conferred by musical training is not res
121         Furthermore, we studied whether this neuroplasticity contributed to spinal neuron sensitizati
122  is known to regulate emotional behavior and neuroplasticity, contributes to changes in amygdalar str
123                         Furthermore, not all neuroplasticity could be explained by activity-dependent
124 neurogenesis or gliogenesis may help reverse neuroplasticity during abstinence and, thus, may help re
125 ffects of androgen and estrogen treatment on neuroplasticity during photostimulation in male and fema
126  These findings demonstrate acute functional neuroplasticity during stress, with distinct and separab
127 rphism impairs the beneficial behavioral and neuroplasticity effects induced by physical exercise.
128 beneficial effects in spinal cord injury via neuroplasticity enhancement.
129 cy, indicating limited success in modulating neuroplasticity, especially in brains with neural atypic
130              Concomitantly, neurogenesis and neuroplasticity fall significantly.
131                                              Neuroplasticity following antidepressant drug treatment
132 rol of Arc that could be targeted to harness neuroplasticity for clinical applications.
133  In conclusion, primary somatosensory cortex neuroplasticity for median nerve innervated digits in ca
134       These results highlight the utility of neuroplasticity for real-world neuroprostheses.
135 rdsong and exhibits some of the best-studied neuroplasticity found in the adult brain.
136  facilitation (LTF) is a form of respiratory neuroplasticity frequently induced by acute intermittent
137 iological convergence between stress-related neuroplasticity, functional neurological symptoms and re
138                        Models of AIH-induced neuroplasticity have focused on motoneurons; however, mo
139 direct current stimulation to modulate human neuroplasticity have increased in research and clinical
140 direct current stimulation to modulate human neuroplasticity have increased in research and clinical
141       Major advances in the understanding of neuroplasticity have to date yielded few established int
142 essor, has enduring effects on bidirectional neuroplasticity in adulthood, changes in long-term poten
143 pment but continue to play a central role in neuroplasticity in adulthood; and that they work not onl
144                      We examined cross-modal neuroplasticity in anatomically defined subregions of He
145 s and depression, and demonstrate a role for neuroplasticity in antidepressant treatment response and
146 oth measures objectively indicate functional neuroplasticity in auditory perceptual learning.SIGNIFIC
147 MRI) has greatly extended the exploration of neuroplasticity in behaving animals and humans.
148  the central role for miRNAs in drug-induced neuroplasticity in brain reward systems that drive the e
149 ncephalography measures are novel markers of neuroplasticity in carpal tunnel syndrome and could be u
150 ibility that the mechanism may also regulate neuroplasticity in circuits other than the olfactory sen
151  in which genetic variation in glutamatergic neuroplasticity in corticolimbic circuitry underlies phe
152  cervical spinal cord to recover respiratory neuroplasticity in disorders of respiratory insufficienc
153 n of synaptic GABA(A) receptors have induced neuroplasticity in dopamine neurons due to this disinhib
154 ntation, pattern recognition capability, and neuroplasticity in each efferent circuit.
155 mprovement of blood flow and facilitation of neuroplasticity in elderly people, might also have a rol
156 ticolimbic regions undergoes cocaine induced neuroplasticity in female rats.
157                                        Early neuroplasticity in higher visual areas appears to be an
158 specific affect of D2 receptor activation on neuroplasticity in humans, because physiological effects
159                  Improved means of assessing neuroplasticity in humans, including biomarkers for pred
160 the amount of D1-like receptor activation on neuroplasticity in humans, we combined sulpiride, a sele
161        Overall, the results suggest that the neuroplasticity in MIo and SIo occurring in parallel ser
162              Hyperalgesic priming, a form of neuroplasticity in nociceptors, is a model of the transi
163 me, is emerging as an important regulator of neuroplasticity in postmitotic neurons.
164  that are believed to result from functional neuroplasticity in prefrontal and auditory cortices.
165                These data show that LTP-like neuroplasticity in prefrontal-accumbens synapses is init
166                      The ultimate utility of neuroplasticity in real-world neuroprostheses is thus un
167 their involvement in defective signaling and neuroplasticity in relationship with mood disorders is s
168                                              Neuroplasticity in response to adverse environmental con
169 ate preterm adolescents had reduced LTD-like neuroplasticity in response to brain stimulation that wa
170 and limbic brain regions, though associative neuroplasticity in sensory structures is increasingly ap
171 athing protocol find expression as long-term neuroplasticity in serial measurements made over 20 days
172  demonstrate the time-course of white matter neuroplasticity in short-term meditation.
173                             We also compared neuroplasticity in term-born adolescents with that in te
174 analyses of regional activations, we studied neuroplasticity in terms of differential network connect
175                                              Neuroplasticity in the amygdala drives pain-related beha
176 ain-related behaviors.SIGNIFICANCE STATEMENT Neuroplasticity in the amygdala has emerged as an import
177                                              Neuroplasticity in the amygdala plays a key role in emot
178  and genesis of AP can provide insights into neuroplasticity in the auditory system.
179                                              Neuroplasticity in the cortico-accumbens pathway is regu
180                                  ECT-induced neuroplasticity in the hippocampus and amygdala relates
181  exerts a nonlinear dose-dependent effect on neuroplasticity in the human motor cortex that differs f
182  following loss of natural reward by causing neuroplasticity in the mesolimbic pathway during the nat
183                        Drugs of abuse induce neuroplasticity in the natural reward pathway, specifica
184  increases expression of cellular markers of neuroplasticity in the non-injured S1 compared to TBI ra
185 ion at the wrist by somatotopically distinct neuroplasticity in the primary somatosensory cortex foll
186 o characterized by functional and structural neuroplasticity in the primary somatosensory cortex of t
187 ciplinary findings pertaining to respiratory neuroplasticity in the rat.
188 les provide an innate model for the study of neuroplasticity in the regulation of aggression.
189 lling evidence has demonstrated considerable neuroplasticity in the respiratory control system, few s
190 ared to NH in core and belt ACFs, indicating neuroplasticity in the right hemisphere.
191 t that physical activity could contribute to neuroplasticity in the RVLM.
192 the hypothesis that singing activity induces neuroplasticity in the song control system independent o
193 by TCT in ESZ are associated with structural neuroplasticity in the thalamus.
194 , our findings suggest that learning-related neuroplasticity in the VLO may be necessary for memory r
195 e caused by a focusing effect of nicotine on neuroplasticity in these subjects.
196 TA) are a key target of addictive drugs, and neuroplasticity in this region may underlie some of the
197                     We examined motor cortex neuroplasticity in three groups of adolescents who were
198 plore the use of decoder adaptation to shape neuroplasticity in two scenarios relevant for real-world
199  receptors actively regulate cocaine-induced neuroplasticity in vivo, these data support the hypothes
200 ose born deaf can offer unique insights into neuroplasticity, in particular in regions of superior te
201  of several susceptibility genes involved in neuroplasticity, including Bdnf, its receptor TrkB, the
202 nding attenuation of FLX-induced hippocampal neuroplasticity, including decreased hippocampal neuroge
203                           Changes related to neuroplasticity, including enhanced adult hippocampal ne
204 genesis and expression of genes critical for neuroplasticity, including WNT pathway components and io
205                                          The neuroplasticity induced by Pavlovian fear conditioning h
206 finity, concentration level, and the kind of neuroplasticity induced.
207 ficity, concentration level, and the kind of neuroplasticity induced.
208                                              Neuroplasticity is a fundamental property of the nervous
209 ults suggest that stimulus-specific auditory neuroplasticity is abnormal in schizophrenia.
210 ions, which emerge when experience-dependent neuroplasticity is at its peak.
211          The ability of neuritin to increase neuroplasticity is confirmed in models of learning and m
212                                              Neuroplasticity is essential for recovery after stroke a
213                                              Neuroplasticity is essential to prevent clinical worseni
214                                              Neuroplasticity is limited in maturity, but it is promot
215   These data indicate that PSA-NCAM-mediated neuroplasticity is necessary for antidepressant action;
216             We demonstrated that cholinergic neuroplasticity is necessary for the induction of persis
217 hapes brain development throughout life, but neuroplasticity is variable from one brain system to ano
218 ated in neuroprotection, carcinogenesis, and neuroplasticity, is a Ca(2+)-sensitive and ligand-operat
219 e II (alphaCaMKII), a molecule implicated in neuroplasticity, is a target of CPEB and can also affect
220                                              Neuroplasticity manifests as normalization of aberrant f
221                                    Disrupted neuroplasticity may be an important aspect of the neural
222 extinction occurs during DCS administration, neuroplasticity may be enhanced.
223 ibutions of DHT and E2 signaling in songbird neuroplasticity may be regulated by photoperiod and that
224                                              Neuroplasticity may play a critical role in developing r
225     These data suggest that altered amygdala neuroplasticity may play a role the early dispositional
226                              Cocaine-induced neuroplasticity mediated by histone acetylating and deac
227 call induces a limited period of hippocampal neuroplasticity mediated, in part, by S-nitrosylation of
228                  Our observations argue that neuroplasticity mediating perceptual learning occurs at
229             To address this issue, we used a neuroplasticity model based on treatment of neuronal cul
230  they may play a role related to the reduced neuroplasticity observed in depression.
231                                              Neuroplasticity occurs with many variations, in many for
232 rgic inhibition also plays a crucial role in neuroplasticity of adult animals: the balance between ex
233 This study relies on knowledge regarding the neuroplasticity of dual-system components that govern ad
234       It represents a natural example of the neuroplasticity of motion adaptation.
235       Using information from research on the neuroplasticity of selective attention and on the centra
236         We hypothesize that epilepsy-related neuroplasticity of septohippocampal cholinergic neurons
237 lly regulated by environment and underscores neuroplasticity of serotonergic neurons in C. elegans un
238 ave major implications for understanding the neuroplasticity of the brain, which could hypothetically
239                                              Neuroplasticity of the C. elegans IL2 sensory neurons pr
240 diction may involve progressive drug-induced neuroplasticity of the dorsal striatum.
241 ctory learning, and emphasize the functional neuroplasticity of the GABAergic system as a result of l
242 -shaped effects of D1 receptor activation on neuroplasticity of the motor cortex.
243                                          The neuroplasticity of the mu-opioid system is of future res
244 stem or 'darkness within.' Understanding the neuroplasticity of the neurocircuitry that comprises the
245                                              Neuroplasticity of the visual cortex or higher cortical
246  exercise and cognitive challenge to enhance neuroplasticity, our ACM addresses two fundamental quest
247 ic strokes, suggesting impaired capacity for neuroplasticity over this hemisphere as a consequence of
248      They directly regulate inflammation and neuroplasticity pathways and also influence insulin sens
249 lar proteases have emerged as key players in neuroplasticity phenomena.
250  The two major classes of activity-dependent neuroplasticity predict different consequences of activi
251  brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) in neuroplasticity related to schizophrenia and the recent
252 elationship between connectivity changes and neuroplasticity-related gene expression profiles in the
253 tion epigenetically primes the expression of neuroplasticity-related genes, which is accompanied by h
254  associated with decreased expression of the neuroplasticity-related polysialylated neural cell adhes
255                To advance the translation of neuroplasticity research towards clinical applications,
256 itation (pLTF), a form of spinal respiratory neuroplasticity resulting in increased phrenic nerve mot
257 R-/- mice reverses their deficits in several neuroplasticity signaling pathways and improves their co
258 , decreased dendritic spine density, altered neuroplasticity signaling pathways, and cognitive defici
259  signaling in any form of respiratory system neuroplasticity.SIGNIFICANCE STATEMENT Exposure to acute
260            Conversely, by using Hebbian-like neuroplasticity, silent yet intact circuits enter a hibe
261         Diabetes may impair the capacity for neuroplasticity such that patients experience a slower a
262 ion of genes implicated in the mechanisms of neuroplasticity, such as the NMDA and AMPA subunits and
263 d topographic correspondence between Arc and neuroplasticity suggests Arc may be intrinsic to the neu
264 upon a structural scaffolding with intrinsic neuroplasticity that changes with development, aging, di
265          Long-term potentiation is a form of neuroplasticity that has been recently demonstrated in h
266                                     The same neuroplasticity that leaves emotional regulation, behavi
267 traint stress causes long-lasting changes in neuroplasticity that likely reflect pathological modific
268    This is interpreted as a failure of adult neuroplasticity that maintains neuropil space.
269                                          The neuroplasticity that subserves learning and memory is al
270 a suggest a mechanism of aberrant prefrontal neuroplasticity that underlies enhanced propensity for i
271  significantly reduced capacity for cortical neuroplasticity, the key overall mechanism underlying le
272 ognitive training and neuromodulation affect neuroplasticity, their combination could promote greater
273 ic memory and is commonly thought to rely on neuroplasticity to adapt to the ever-changing environmen
274 ation or TrkB signaling in vivo impaired the neuroplasticity to chronic stress and the effects of the
275 mental hypothesis linking decreased amygdala neuroplasticity to early-life dispositional anxiety.
276 us system may interact with aberrant central neuroplasticity to produce the clinical picture.
277 ticofugal system is thought to contribute to neuroplasticity underlying auditory perceptual learning.
278                                              Neuroplasticity underlying drug-induced sensitization ha
279                 Here we demonstrate that the neuroplasticity underlying nociceptor priming requires 7
280 sticity suggests Arc may be intrinsic to the neuroplasticity underlying perceptual learning.
281           Spinal mGluR5 is a key mediator of neuroplasticity underlying persistent pain.
282 ation/ageing identified cardinal examples of neuroplasticity, underlying mechanisms, therapeutic impl
283  The second uses neuroimaging to investigate neuroplasticity, via changes in connectivity, cortical t
284                    Nevertheless, hippocampal neuroplasticity was impaired in LV-IRAS-treated rats.
285                                  The role of neuroplasticity was investigated using fMRI.
286 he molecular and cellular mechanisms of this neuroplasticity, we investigated the effects of olfactor
287                 Since inflammation modulates neuroplasticity, we studied the impact of inflammation c
288                   After 14 sessions, Arc and neuroplasticity were aligned with target-induced activit
289  Arc expression and physiologically measured neuroplasticity were strong in a high-frequency auditory
290                    Neural reuse is a form of neuroplasticity whereby neural elements originally devel
291 t is highly likely that inflammation-induced neuroplasticity, which is not detectable by clinical dia
292 ppocampal neural circuitry provides enhanced neuroplasticity, which plays a crucial role in learning
293 o the long-term molecular changes underlying neuroplasticity, which typically require activation of t
294 e local connectome fingerprint also revealed neuroplasticity within an individual reflected as a decr
295 ered after SCI and characterized DHA-induced neuroplasticity within the adult injured spinal cord.
296  remodels cortical synapses and suggest that neuroplasticity within the healthy oPFC gates the influe
297  target genes that are well-known markers of neuroplasticity within the hippocampus.
298 ted protein Homer2 regulates alcohol-induced neuroplasticity within the nucleus accumbens (NAC), but
299        Activity-dependent and BDNF-dependent neuroplasticity within the OFC coordinate outcome-based
300 localize the site and candidate mechanism of neuroplasticity within upstream regions of this inhibito

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