


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 ter birth and was associated with endogenous neuroprotection.
2  plays a role in immunity, inflammation, and neuroprotection.
3 esults uncover an essential role of TNFR2 in neuroprotection.
4 ow 33.5 degrees C did not provide additional neuroprotection.
5 ted ghrelin-induced AMPK phosphorylation and neuroprotection.
6 3 antagonists may offer future vascular- and neuroprotection.
7 late local microglia in the brain to achieve neuroprotection.
8 also suggests that it has a separate role in neuroprotection.
9 argeting neurons rather than glia to produce neuroprotection.
10 toxic-signaling pathway that plays a role in neuroprotection.
11 urvival signalling pathways, thereby driving neuroprotection.
12 more sensitive functional tests and targeted neuroprotection.
13 ith inflammatory degeneration and TNFR2 with neuroprotection.
14 tion of oxytocin during OGD/R did not induce neuroprotection.
15 es both collateral vessel anatomy and innate neuroprotection.
16 ng that AMPK is a target for ghrelin-induced neuroprotection.
17 Measuring this pathway may help in assessing neuroprotection.
18 NF toward TNFR2, which appears essential for neuroprotection.
19 translational modifications in longevity and neuroprotection.
20  suggests a role for HAT/HDAC homeostasis in neuroprotection.
21 eal a novel promising therapeutic target for neuroprotection.
22  and CP-AMPARs as potential drug targets for neuroprotection.
23 trol aberrant synaptic plasticity and afford neuroprotection.
24 ogenous macrophage reaction while conferring neuroprotection.
25  induction of metabolic changes that provide neuroprotection.
26 volved in apoD-mediated functions, including neuroprotection.
27 nvestigate the details by which SGK1 confers neuroprotection.
28 asticity, and that inhibiting ASIC1a affords neuroprotection.
29 e retaining transcription factors modulating neuroprotection.
30 enetic loss-of-function approaches result in neuroprotection.
31 od pressure optimization as one component of neuroprotection.
32 RNA processing and proteostasis in mediating neuroprotection.
33 cessive iron accumulation, thereby affording neuroprotection.
34 ration, constituting an important target for neuroprotection.
35 /Akt) pathway plays an important role in the neuroprotection.
36  pathway, synaptic function, in p53-mediated neuroprotection.
37 t target for achieving retinal ganglion cell neuroprotection.
38  suggesting that Prx-2 is a key modulator of neuroprotection.
39 LJP-1586, was able to provide dose-dependent neuroprotection.
40 mal stem cell-mediated retinal ganglion cell neuroprotection.
41 nd/or excitotoxicity, and thus also promotes neuroprotection.
42  in the repair of endogenous DNA lesions and neuroprotection.
43 sclerosis to identify the target process for neuroprotection.
44 ocyte (OL) lineage in ERbeta ligand-mediated neuroprotection.
45 h extracts of V. tinus may provide potential neuroprotection.
46 ccluded the effects of calpain inhibition on neuroprotection.
47 at may promote mitochondrial homeostasis and neuroprotection.
48 itivity to mechanical/excitotoxic stress and neuroprotection.
49  states as a new strategy for pharmaceutical neuroprotection.
50 s for its function in neural development and neuroprotection.
51 tau biology that underlies neurotoxicity and neuroprotection.
52 etina and in experimental stroke, leading to neuroprotection.
53 f RTN3 expression eliminated cooling-induced neuroprotection.
54  efflux are all essential to NCEH-1-mediated neuroprotection.
55 ra pars compacta neurons and is required for neuroprotection.
56 injury and ischemic preconditioning-mediated neuroprotection.
57 ossible solution for highly efficient ocular neuroprotection.
58 pens minocycline-induced M2 polarization and neuroprotection.
59 ism by which PGRN oligomeric species provide neuroprotection.
60 Uhthoff's phenomenon) and provide a route to neuroprotection.
61 echanisms, which may be harnessed to produce neuroprotection.
62 n may uncover new mechanisms and targets for neuroprotection.
63 ore (2.2, 2.6, and 2.8 vs 3.7), the greatest neuroprotection (31.0% infarct volume and 1.6 neurologic
64 adaptive response is the buildup of acquired neuroprotection, a synaptic activity- and gene transcrip
65 deficiency in HIV-infected MDM could provide neuroprotection above that provided by current ART or pr
66 onally, IL-10 and IL-17 are required for the neuroprotection afforded by intestinal dysbiosis.
67  have provided evidence that T cell-mediated neuroprotection after CNS injury can occur independently
68 tivation of NMDA receptors (NMDARs) provides neuroprotection against a variety of insults.
69 etylcholine receptors, which participated in neuroprotection against AbetaO-induced toxicity.
70 on demonstrated effective and well tolerated neuroprotection against cell loss in a zebrafish model o
71 In sum, s-NSC transplantation confers robust neuroprotection against cerebral ischemia, probably by a
72 T5 regulates mitochondrial bioenergetics and neuroprotection against cerebral ischemia.
73 rt here that deficiency in bax exerted broad neuroprotection against excitotoxic injury and oxygen/gl
74  cascades mediating potentially compensatory neuroprotection against excitotoxic insult.
75 PA co-treatment-induced Akt-1 activation and neuroprotection against excitotoxicity.
76  Pretreatment with GM1 conferred significant neuroprotection against glutamate-induced cell death.
77  treatment with dexamethasone (Dex) provides neuroprotection against hypoxia ischemia (HI) in newborn
78 gulation of the synaptic cleft structure and neuroprotection against injury.
79 s and in turn the ability of NPAS4 to confer neuroprotection against KA-induced excitotoxicity to be
80 bilization of endogenous PGC-1alpha to exert neuroprotection against mitochondrial insults.
81 tocin regulated GABAAR subunits in affording neuroprotection against OGD/R injury.
82        Local mitophagy likely provides rapid neuroprotection against oxidative stress without a requi
83                         Importantly, network neuroprotection against spreading toxicity can be effect
84 e of the PI3K/Akt pathway in the Dex-induced neuroprotection against subsequent HI brain injury.
85         We conclude that Dex provides robust neuroprotection against subsequent HI in newborn rats in
86 f the Ser/Thr phosphatase activity and their neuroprotection against the damage caused by okadaic aci
87  positive-modulators exerted NMNAT2-specific neuroprotection against vincristine-induced cell death w
88  the TLDc domain is essential for conferring neuroprotection, an important step in understanding the
89                  Furthermore, PS1 may affect neuroprotection and Alzheimer disease by controlling sur
90 hese results have potential implications for neuroprotection and ameliorating early cognitive and mot
91 odel's spinal cord injury, demonstrating its neuroprotection and axonal regeneration properties.
92 ed clusterin expression, may help to achieve neuroprotection and contribute to the prevention of deme
93 tential of manipulating BBB permeability for neuroprotection and drug delivery is immense, as we show
94 ffers potential clinical targets to modulate neuroprotection and drug delivery to the CNS.
95       Thus, there is an unmet need for acute neuroprotection and for treatments that promote neuroreg
96 ce subjected to 30 min MCAo led to sustained neuroprotection and functional behavior benefits for at
97 udy investigates the efficacy of daidzein on neuroprotection and functional recovery in a clinically
98  a potential therapeutic strategy to provide neuroprotection and improve cognitive function in Alzhei
99                    VEGF-B primarily provides neuroprotection and improves survival in CNS-derived neu
100 activator-induced thrombolysis and to obtain neuroprotection and inhibition of tissue plasminogen act
101 itates development of new testing routes for neuroprotection and mechanistic investigation.
102                Participants met the modified Neuroprotection and Natural History in Parkinson Plus Sy
103 tivariate HR 2.32; 95% CI 1.94 to 2.77), the Neuroprotection and Natural History in Parkinson Plus Sy
104                   However, NO's dual role in neuroprotection and neurodegeneration may convert to mal
105 erging mechanisms of loss of opioid-mediated neuroprotection and NMDA-mediated excitotoxicity.
106 rs and is known to have an important role in neuroprotection and other behaviorally relevant processe
107 contribute to both protein aggregate-related neuroprotection and pathogenesis in neurodegenerative di
108 hways through P2 purinoreceptors, leading to neuroprotection and pathology in the CNS.
109 lular mechanism for exogenous CNTF-triggered neuroprotection and provide insight into the complex cel
110 ver, our results indicate that IL-4 mediates neuroprotection and recovery of the injured CNS and sugg
111 g and old Tg mice revealed FTY720-associated neuroprotection and reduced aSyn pathology, suggesting t
112 y to deliver an active form of XBP1 provided neuroprotection and reduced striatal denervation in anim
113 we further analyzed the effect of FSD-C10 on neuroprotection and remyelination.
114 on, both TubA and exogenous FGF-21 conferred neuroprotection and restored mitochondrial trafficking i
115     These results indicate that NPY promotes neuroprotection and restores bone marrow dysfunction fro
116 ere the main impact comes down to diminished neuroprotection and resultant neurodegeneration.
117 BMSCs target CXCL12-producing DRGs to elicit neuroprotection and sustained neuropathic pain relief vi
118  activation of innate immune cells, enhanced neuroprotection and tissue repair, and improved the succ
119 reas lag behind our current understanding of neuroprotection and vascular biology in general.
120 counterparts (which could be consistent with neuroprotection), and whether better childhood cognitive
121 ct neuronal excitability, neurotransmission, neuroprotection, and calcium signaling in physiological
122 ed molecular patterns, purinergic receptors, neuroprotection, and clinical trials.
123 , in the identification of novel targets for neuroprotection, and in improved outcome measures could
124  cerebrospinal fluid drainage, pharmacologic neuroprotection, and intensive neuromonitoring.
125 ported to have multiple functions, including neuroprotection, and no major adverse effects have been
126 wever, the mechanisms by which APOE2 confers neuroprotection are largely unknown.
127 ficity of these T cells and how they mediate neuroprotection are unknown.
128 sclerosis (MS) therapy largely for potential neuroprotection as it was recognized that FAEs are capab
129 the progesterone group exhibited substantial neuroprotection as late as 6 h after stroke onset.
130 istology showed that recovery was not due to neuroprotection, as expected given the delayed treatment
131 re providing novel avenues for investigating neuroprotection, as well as more extensive characterizat
132                                              Neuroprotection assessment in PD cellular models of our
133 s experimental treatments aimed at promoting neuroprotection, axonal regeneration, and neuroplasticit
134 his is a narrative review of ischemic stroke neuroprotection based on electronic database searches, r
135 se findings reveal a novel mechanism of BDNF neuroprotection; BDNF not only prevents apoptosis throug
136                          Remarkably, besides neuroprotection, BRF110 up-regulates tyrosine hydroxylas
137 on) by oxidative stress, providing increased neuroprotection, but also reduced penetration of many th
138         Hypothermia shows promise for stroke neuroprotection, but current cooling strategies cause un
139 line (ACh) receptors (nAChRs) as targets for neuroprotection, but the underlying neuroprotective mech
140 ch immunomodulatory capabilities can lead to neuroprotection by attenuating microglial activation and
141  These results suggest that LNA-CTGs promote neuroprotection by blocking the detrimental activity of
142 ments with dopaminergic MN9D cells indicated neuroprotection by both 1a and (-)-9b from toxicity of M
143 f PPAR-alpha action via fenofibrate leads to neuroprotection by both reducing neuroinflammation and p
144 urthermore, compound 44 demonstrated in vivo neuroprotection by decreasing Abeta1-42-induced toxicity
145                                              Neuroprotection by Foxp1 is likely to be mediated by the
146                                              Neuroprotection by HSF1 does not require its trimerizati
147        We report that the novel mechanism of neuroprotection by HSF1 involves cooperation with SIRT1,
148  blockade of HSP90 signaling does not reduce neuroprotection by HSF1.
149            In cerebrocortical cell cultures, neuroprotection by IFNbeta against gp120 toxicity is dep
150  novel mechanism by which miR-7 accomplishes neuroprotection by improving mitochondrial health.
151                    We report no evidence for neuroprotection by in vivo pretreatment with therapeutic
152 report that prepubescent castration provides neuroprotection by increasing selenium-dependent antioxi
153              The Ryk-ICD fragment suppressed neuroprotection by lin-18/Ryk loss-of-function in expand
154                  Therefore, one mechanism of neuroprotection by nicotine is pharmacological chaperoni
155                                      Because neuroprotection by NMDA or K25 is mediated by Ras (and n
156                 We previously described that neuroprotection by SIRT1 is independent of its catalytic
157           We summarize here how NPD1 elicits neuroprotection by up-regulating c-REL, a nuclear factor
158 otes both forms of AMPAR plasticity and that neuroprotection, by inhibiting ASIC1a, circumvents any f
159 ong more physically fit individuals reflects neuroprotection, by which fitness protects against age-r
160 member of the core gene program for acquired neuroprotection, can protect against dendritic beading.
161   Although the use of native VIP facilitates neuroprotection, clinical application of the hormone is
162  been proposed for novel therapeutic uses in neuroprotection, cognitive impairment, Parkinson's disea
163 eived prophylactic early high-dose rhEPO for neuroprotection, compared with infants who received plac
164 ol 3 kinase eliminated retinal ganglion cell neuroprotection conferred by mesenchymal stem cell co-cu
165 TN3 expression is a mediator of RBM3-induced neuroprotection, controlled by novel mechanisms of escap
166    To examine whether endophilin-B1-mediated neuroprotection could be a novel therapeutic target for
167                       Despite the absence of neuroprotection, daidzein improved motor/gait function i
168 eve that the ability of microglia to provide neuroprotection deteriorates as our brains get older and
169 novel therapeutic strategy for photoreceptor neuroprotection during acute stress.
170 ypothermic circulatory arrest (HCA) provides neuroprotection during cardiac surgery but entails an is
171 tau pathology underlies the loss of estrogen neuroprotection during the course of AD.
172                                          The neuroprotection effect of AAV9-GFP-CIP lasted an additio
173 olecular mechanism by which oxytocin affords neuroprotection, especially the interaction between oxyt
174 jection of either lipoxin was sufficient for neuroprotection following acute injury, while inhibition
175 ental evidence suggests that T cells mediate neuroprotection following CNS injury; however, the antig
176  interaction with syntaxin 1A, could lead to neuroprotection following ischemic injury in vivo The mi
177 nificantly increased cell viability, induced neuroprotection following ischemic reperfusion, and decr
178 el will prove valuable in efforts to develop neuroprotection for PD.
179      In preclinical models, STN DBS provides neuroprotection for substantia nigra (SN) dopamine neuro
180 ve stress detoxification pathway and confers neuroprotection from in vitro and in vivo excitotoxicity
181        The increased release of dopamine and neuroprotection from MPTP toxicity in the VMAT2-overexpr
182 the activation state of REST may distinguish neuroprotection from neurodegeneration in the ageing bra
183 duced functional benefits and the absence of neuroprotection further suggest the presence of nonoverl
184 ate from bench to bedside along the paths of neuroprotection, gene replacement and stem cell-based re
185 ter cerebral I/RI and found that it produced neuroprotection in a manner similar to HSPC treatment.
186 rotrophic and the former exhibits remarkable neuroprotection in a mouse acute ischemic stroke model.
187               Glial immune responses provide neuroprotection in a variety of contexts.
188 l engulfment receptor Draper/MEGF10 provides neuroprotection in an AD model of Drosophila (both sexes
189 horibosyltransferase (NAMPT) produced robust neuroprotection in an aggressive CIPN model utilizing th
190 f Kv2.1 can be uniquely modulated to provide neuroprotection in an animal model of acute ischemic str
191 itive function in SAH mice as well as offers neuroprotection in blood- or hemoglobin-treated PCNs and
192 cal CO2 extract of Nerium oleander, provides neuroprotection in both in vitro and in vivo brain slice
193  while other mechanisms control PEA-mediated neuroprotection in damaged tissue resulting from traumat
194 eta on either astrocytes or neurons, whereas neuroprotection in EAE mediated via ERalpha signaling re
195                 Together, our data show that neuroprotection in EAE mediated via ERbeta signaling doe
196 tion of ATF6 signaling, which promotes early neuroprotection in HD.
197      Selected compounds were also tested for neuroprotection in in vitro studies with PC-12 cells tre
198                         This should maximize neuroprotection in ischemic tissue while minimizing on-t
199 on, leading to neovascularization as well as neuroprotection in mammals.
200             Helium has been shown to provide neuroprotection in mechanical model of acute ischemic st
201              In this study, there was strong neuroprotection in mice lacking AQP4 in a model of globa
202         Reports also indicated PGRN-mediated neuroprotection in models of Alzheimer's and Parkinson's
203 odendrocyte survival could be beneficial for neuroprotection in MS.
204 uses side effects that can limit its use for neuroprotection in multiple sclerosis.
205 otransmission may be an important target for neuroprotection in multiple sclerosis.See De Stefano and
206 l-based therapy to promote remyelination and neuroprotection in myelin diseases.
207 f DEDTC, our data do not support its use for neuroprotection in neuropathologies involving oxygen dep
208 ronal maintenance factor and provides potent neuroprotection in numerous preclinical models of neurol
209 ptic function of aminergic cells may provide neuroprotection in Parkinson's disease (PD) as well as t
210 dvances that underlie putative therapies for neuroprotection in Parkinson's disease and Huntington's
211 ier of sensitivity to l-DOPA and of nicotine neuroprotection in PD.
212 roteostasis should inform new strategies for neuroprotection in polyQ-expansion diseases.
213 pment of NAD(+) replenishment strategies for neuroprotection in prion diseases and possibly other pro
214  mitigate alpha-syn pathology and to mediate neuroprotection in proteolipid protein alpha-syn (PLP-SY
215 onstrated that bexarotene was ineffective in neuroprotection in rats in vivo, the results revealed th
216 he contribution of autophagy to IPC-mediated neuroprotection in rats subjected to ischemic spinal cor
217 of VEGF bioactivity, and the role of VEGF in neuroprotection in retinal development.
218 to modulate brain immune response to achieve neuroprotection in the 6-hydroxydopamine model.
219 stigation of cardiac glycosides in providing neuroprotection in the context of ischemic stroke.
220 -1beta, IL-6, TNFalpha and NOS2 and promotes neuroprotection in the cortical and hippocampal cell pop
221 ong-term analysis demonstrated a significant neuroprotection in the cortical region in the galectin-3
222 evention of blood-brain barrier opening, and neuroprotection in the hippocampus, without modifying se
223 n's immune system are essential for ensuring neuroprotection in the normal and pathological CNS.
224 onists D-519 and D-520 exhibited significant neuroprotection in this assay, while their parent molecu
225  revealed that overexpression of apoD led to neuroprotection in various mouse models of acute stress
226 actor -AA or -AB led to profound optic nerve neuroprotection in vivo following experimental induction
227                          MKP-1 also provided neuroprotection in vivo in a lentiviral model of HD neur
228 re then assessed for their ability to confer neuroprotection in vivo when given 3 hours after neonata
229            Furthermore, PF-06447475 provided neuroprotection in wild-type rats.
230 decreased FGF-21 mRNA levels and reduced the neuroprotection induced by FGF-21 or lithium-VPA co-trea
231              Yet targeting this receptor for neuroprotection is challenging due to its broad expressi
232 nferred neuroprotection, suggesting that the neuroprotection is mediated, at least partly, by secrete
233 veries remain promising, clinical utility of neuroprotection is still quite limited at this time.
234                       A hallmark of acquired neuroprotection is the stabilization of mitochondrial st
235 nograft tumors, ANG-induced neurogenesis and neuroprotection, levels of pro-self-renewal transcripts
236                                     However, neuroprotection may be complemented by the protection of
237               Complicating the challenges of neuroprotection, misfolded human disease proteins and mi
238 phila TDP1 gene, and that it is critical for neuroprotection, normal longevity, and repair of damaged
239 es and provide a potential mechanism for the neuroprotection observed in various settings following l
240 egeneration, suggesting it may contribute to neuroprotection observed in vivo.
241 n the brain when given systemically, confers neuroprotection of both gray and white matter, and lacks
242 D) (3 h) plus reoxygenation (RX) (24 h), the neuroprotection of Class I HDAC inhibitor MS-275 was cou
243      These finding provided evidences of the neuroprotection of EphA2 antagonist and a novel approach
244 d the expression of AdipoR1 and restored the neuroprotection of gAD, while intracerebroventricular in
245 ng beneficial effects, including significant neuroprotection of hippocampal CA1 neurons and preservat
246 esynaptic mechanism that could contribute to neuroprotection of retinal ganglion cells by alpha2 agon
247 erm trkB blockade abolished STN DBS-mediated neuroprotection of SN neurons following progressive 6-hy
248        The prominent role of K2P channels in neuroprotection offers novel avenues of research into th
249 and [magnesium] and [preterm or premature or neuroprotection or 'cerebral palsy'].
250 -type lectin receptors on macrophages causes neuroprotection or neurotoxicity, respectively.
251 mmatory cells respond to TBI and can provide neuroprotection or participate in maladaptive secondary
252 herapeutic strategies for immune modulation, neuroprotection, or repair of the damaged central nervou
253 ealthy tissue during CSD potentially adds to neuroprotection outside a damaged area, while other mech
254 neuronal viability and conferred a degree of neuroprotection, presumably by counteracting inducible n
255 phate given prior to preterm birth for fetal neuroprotection prevents CP and reduces the combined ris
256 pathways, are not required for HSF1-mediated neuroprotection, protection is abrogated by inhibition o
257 on of systemic inflammation and standardized neuroprotection protocols that limit glial injury could
258           We thus tested the hypothesis that neuroprotection provided by PBI-05204 to rat brain slice
259  of TrkB receptors for BDNF is necessary for neuroprotection provided by PBI-05204, using three indep
260 e downstream targets of AID action mediating neuroprotection remained so far unknown.
261  contribution of autophagy to IPC-associated neuroprotection remains unclear.
262 ly data from trials with the intent of fetal neuroprotection (RR 0.95, 95% CI 0.80 to 1.13, 4,448 bab
263 ues in the molecule as potential targets for neuroprotection.SIGNIFICANCE STATEMENT The importance of
264  media from mesenchymal stem cells conferred neuroprotection, suggesting that the neuroprotection is
265 assays of BBB permeation, neurotoxicity, and neuroprotection supported the potential of compound 37 a
266    Fingolimod at 1 mg/kg/day provided better neuroprotection than 5 mg/kg/day.
267 ognitive functions, and provided more robust neuroprotection than non-engineered NSCs or gal-1-overex
268  MMP-12 after focal cerebral ischemia offers neuroprotection that could be mediated via reduced MMP-9
269 hese results indicate a linagliptin-mediated neuroprotection that is glucose-independent and likely i
270                       VAP-1 blockade yielded neuroprotection that was associated with an attenuation
271 njury may in fact play a significant role in neuroprotection, the mechanism which may be through the
272 s in which the intent of treatment was fetal neuroprotection, there was a significant reduction in th
273 n which elevating astrocytic alphaBc confers neuroprotection through a potential non-cell-autonomous
274  data uncover an entirely novel mechanism of neuroprotection through the stimulation of glucose metab
275 nfected individuals could provide additional neuroprotection to ART.
276 Ir was not toxic to brain tissue and offered neuroprotection to dopaminergic cells and their terminat
277 cortical neurons, from metabolic support and neuroprotection to the release of cytokines that trigger
278 o modulation of SMN2 encoded transcripts, to neuroprotection, to an expanding repertoire of periphera
279     Blockading P2X7 receptor(P2X7R) provides neuroprotection toward various neurological disorders, i
280 inated heme protein likely to be involved in neuroprotection, using crystallography under noble gas p
281 on-ionotropic activity of GluN2ARs to confer neuroprotection via Akt activation.
282 adiol is a multi-active steroid that imparts neuroprotection via diverse mechanisms of action.
283 xamic acid-based HDAC inhibitors may mediate neuroprotection via HDAC-independent mechanisms and affi
284 IV transmission, but also conferred extended neuroprotection via increased BBB integrity (elevated le
285                                              Neuroprotection was assessed using in vitro and in vivo
286                                         This neuroprotection was associated with enhanced Akt-1 activ
287                 Diphenyleneiodonium-elicited neuroprotection was associated with the inhibition of mi
288 Tx and CM groups in young rats, whereas less neuroprotection was detected in the aged rats and mainly
289                               Moreover, LXB4 neuroprotection was different from that of established L
290                                DREAM-related neuroprotection was linked to an interaction between DRE
291                                              Neuroprotection was not limited to models of demyelinati
292 nhibition of NAMPT blocked P7C3-A20-mediated neuroprotection, whereas supplementation with the NAMPT
293 er injury and identifies a novel strategy of neuroprotection, which might improve the neurological ou
294 g early HIV infection, can provide prolonged neuroprotection, which might significantly delay the ons
295                      The safety and improved neuroprotection with a combination of melatonin with coo
296 atment paradigms can be envisioned combining neuroprotection with IA device treatment to potentially
297 tective immune response in GALTs and confers neuroprotection with improved locomotor recovery.
298                                              Neuroprotection with P7C3 compounds has been demonstrate
299        These findings support the concept of neuroprotection with phenytoin in patients with acute op
300 hese factors conferred retinal ganglion cell neuroprotection, with factors from the platelet-derived

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