


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 uclear accumulation of phospho-HDAC1 and was neuroprotective.
2 nhances calcium export from mitochondria was neuroprotective.
3 n and NO release, because iNOS inhibition is neuroprotective.
4 es that selective inhibition of c-Abl may be neuroprotective.
5 ed or excess soluble AS can be significantly neuroprotective.
6 and WT Abeta1-42 (Alphabeta42) is also found neuroprotective.
7 export of calcium from mitochondria was also neuroprotective.
8  astrocytic CREB is also activity-driven and neuroprotective.
9 h in H2O2-exposed astrocytes, boosting their neuroprotective action in co-cultured neurons.
10 vitro characterization of 4c showed that its neuroprotective action is partially attributable to the
11 n the development of novel therapeutics with neuroprotective action.
12 ditioning with volatile anesthetics provides neuroprotective actions that depend, in part, on activat
13 to test if TASK channels contribute to their neuroprotective actions.
14 nd, contrary to previous assumptions, exerts neuroprotective activities in vitro and in vivo Our resu
15 0 (Hsp70), a chaperone that has demonstrated neuroprotective activity against several intracellular a
16 ng the NMDAR component of the EPSC and shows neuroprotective activity in vivo without inducing psycho
17 oral tests, pregnanolone hemipimelate showed neuroprotective activity without psychomimetic symptoms.
18 the isolates were evaluated for the in vitro neuroprotective activity, both compounds 11 and 12 displ
19 ermine a structure-activity relationship for neuroprotective activity.
20 caffold are not responsible for the observed neuroprotective activity.
21                  However, GM1 is known to be neuroprotective against Abeta-induced toxicity.
22 ether inhibition of mitochondrial fission is neuroprotective against alpha-syn overexpression in vivo
23 ingly, astrocytic alphaBc overexpression was neuroprotective against neuronal cell loss in BACHD brai
24                                   STN DBS is neuroprotective against neurotoxicants in animal models
25          Moreover, we found that 24(S)-HC is neuroprotective against pressure mediated retinal degene
26 b behaves as a water-soluble, brain-permeant neuroprotective agent against oxidative insults without
27   Animal model studies suggest nicotine as a neuroprotective agent and nicotinic acetylcholine (ACh)
28 or isradipine is currently being tested as a neuroprotective agent for PD in a phase III clinical tri
29 d thrombolysis; and 2) could be an efficient neuroprotective agent if given after tissue plasminogen
30 our findings demonstrate that NR is a better neuroprotective agent than NAD(+) in excitotoxicity-indu
31  detail through advanced imaging modalities, neuroprotective agents can and should be re-examined as
32                                   The use of neuroprotective agents in stroke has been a notable fail
33 nvestigating the distribution and effects of neuroprotective agents in the brain.
34 research, and focus on a few key examples of neuroprotective agents that are showing newfound promise
35 gonists and inverse agonists have emerged as neuroprotective agents, and CB2R agonists have entered s
36 hus, EphA2 targeted antagonists may serve as neuroprotective agents.
37 lbenzo[b]furan derivatives and report on the neuroprotective and anti-inflammatory effects of these p
38 crylate group on 2-arylbenzo[b]furan confers neuroprotective and anti-inflammatory effects.
39        The total mRNA analysis revealed that neuroprotective and anti-inflammatory genes were elevate
40 ment of neurodegeneration, being involved in neuroprotective and anti-inflammatory processes.
41                               Estrogens have neuroprotective and antidepressive effects; however, ass
42                                Moreover, the neuroprotective and antiinflammatory effects of A1-exoso
43 ments using one compound from each category (neuroprotective and antiviral) further increased protect
44                    We examined whether their neuroprotective and axonal regeneration potentials can b
45 NTERPRETATION: Our data support the putative neuroprotective and disease-modifying effect of STN-DBS
46  an experimental model for the assessment of neuroprotective and disease-modifying strategies.
47 hat isoform-D is also expressed selectively, neuroprotective and downregulated in HD mice and patient
48 lectively, these data suggest that OECs have neuroprotective and immunomodulatory mechanisms that cre
49 active protein 1 (MCP1) has been shown to be neuroprotective and is released by astrocytes.
50 y whether preventing alpha-Syn expression is neuroprotective and leads to better physiological and fu
51 ophic factor (BDNF) in particular can confer neuroprotective and neuro-regenerative effects in precli
52                 Our work has identified both neuroprotective and neurodegenerative roles for a previo
53 Li) is a potent mood stabilizer and displays neuroprotective and neurogenic properties.
54 K3 inhibition, and specifically VP3.15, as a neuroprotective and neuroreparative disease-modifying tr
55 glucagon-like peptide (GLP-1) receptor exert neuroprotective and neurorestorative effects across a ra
56  The prion protein (PrP) seems to exert both neuroprotective and neurotoxic activities.
57                 General anesthetics are both neuroprotective and neurotoxic with unclear mechanisms.
58                                 The combined neuroprotective and symptomatic effects of BRF110 identi
59 ses BDNF-trkB signaling to contribute to the neuroprotective and symptomatic efficacy of STN DBS.SIGN
60  therapeutic potential for PD, offering both neuroprotective and symptomatic improvement.
61 t some of the negative risk factors might be neuroprotective and thus beneficial in individuals with
62                                         Such neuroprotective architectural strategies may be conserve
63                  Herein, we demonstrate that neuroprotective aromatic carbamates function to increase
64 or source of endogenous neural stem cells or neuroprotective astrocytes after SCI.
65 rly neuronal help-me signal that activates a neuroprotective astrocytic response, which fails in ALS,
66 inal cord reactive astrocytes is potentially neuroprotective at an early onset of reactive astroglios
67 eved that the highest likelihood of securing neuroprotective benefit from drugs will be in these subj
68                  It displays a wide range of neuroprotective benefits associated with anti-aging.
69  as prevention targets based on evidence of "neuroprotective" benefits in observational studies.
70 led previously to the discovery of our first neuroprotective brain penetrant hit compound MPAQ (5c).
71 ing to Abeta42 through its holdase domain is neuroprotective, but its ATPase activity is not required
72            In this study, we investigate the neuroprotective capabilities of an analogous peptide SAL
73                            Furthermore, this neuroprotective capacity was independent of intracellula
74 at exosomes secreted from astrocytes contain neuroprotective cargoes that could support the survival
75 n at Ser-1303 by Dapk1, that is blocked by a neuroprotective cell-permeable peptide mimetic of the re
76      Ethoxyquin was recently identified as a neuroprotective compound against toxic neuropathies and
77 c acid (4486.2+/-165.6mug/kgd.w), which is a neuroprotective compound.
78                        To discover druggable neuroprotective compounds for dopamine neurons, we have
79 nisms of retinal degeneration and screen for neuroprotective compounds, and provide the basis for cel
80 re remains significant uncertainty about the neuroprotective/degenerative role of these cells due to
81 /GluN2B NMDA receptors are fully occupied at neuroprotective doses of eliprodil.
82            Thus, AUTEN-99 serves as a potent neuroprotective drug candidate for preventing and treati
83 ted imaging evaluation) and therapeutic (eg, neuroprotective drugs and treatments for haemorrhagic st
84  on the potential targets for development of neuroprotective drugs in Parkinson's disease and suggest
85 cell-based models for their cytotoxicity and neuroprotective effect against oxidative toxins (H2O2, r
86 cotinic drugs that might exert this apparent neuroprotective effect are asking whether agonists, anta
87 e A1 receptor (A1R) is a key mediator of the neuroprotective effect by endogenous adenosine.
88  indicated that yolkin displayed a potential neuroprotective effect by the ability to stimulate cells
89  non-ionotropic activity of GluN2ARs and the neuroprotective effect is attenuated by Akt inhibition.
90 onnectivity analyses crucially supported the neuroprotective effect of bilingualism by showing an inc
91 arently safe, but is unlikely to enhance the neuroprotective effect of cooling after birth asphyxia.
92               These results implied that the neuroprotective effect of ethoxyquin is mediated through
93 trogen isoflavone intervention to engage the neuroprotective effect of glutamate oxaloacetate transam
94                                          The neuroprotective effect of NR could not be explained by g
95 rate that this alteration contributes to the neuroprotective effect of pair bonding against drug rewa
96 ies generated in SH-SY5Y cells, suggesting a neuroprotective effect of the hydroethanolic extracts fr
97  this study was to explore the signaling and neuroprotective effect of transactivator of transcriptio
98                      We have found a similar neuroprotective effect using topical administration of n
99 croglia in the irradiated brain would have a neuroprotective effect.
100 ce, demonstrating that ghrelin mediates CR's neuroprotective effect.
101 tion of CSD does not underlie PEA's profound neuroprotective effect.
102 10), a vesicular Ca(2+) sensor, as the first neuroprotective effector protein downstream of the TF NP
103                                 However, the neuroprotective effector proteins induced by RBM3 and th
104 s a powerful CR proxy in dementia and exerts neuroprotective effects against neurodegeneration.
105 sults demonstrate that chrysophanol provided neuroprotective effects and inhibited glial activation,
106 ggests that mechanisms underlying riluzole's neuroprotective effects are insufficient for clinical re
107 tional in vitro studies showed antioxidative neuroprotective effects as well as the ability to penetr
108  findings suggest that pridopidine may exert neuroprotective effects beyond its role in alleviating s
109                       Finally, VX-765 showed neuroprotective effects by preserving tyrosine hydroxyla
110 have been shown to exert both neurotoxic and neuroprotective effects during development and in models
111                         These studies reveal neuroprotective effects for PDE4 inhibitors in Cln3(Delt
112  studied whether, and how, nicotine produces neuroprotective effects in cultured dopaminergic neurons
113 , sphingosine-1-phosphate lyase 1 (SPL), has neuroprotective effects in Huntington's disease models.
114 se data demonstrate that modulating Ryrs has neuroprotective effects in nGD through mechanisms that p
115 like peptide-1 (GLP-1) receptor agonist, has neuroprotective effects in preclinical models of Parkins
116 Since glucagon-like peptide 1 (GLP-1) exerts neuroprotective effects in the central nervous system an
117 ecific cell targeting or to enhance the drug neuroprotective effects in the CNS.
118 rolyl hydroxylase domain proteins (PHDs) has neuroprotective effects in various in vitro and in vivo
119 offers cytoprotective, cardioprotective, and neuroprotective effects in vivo and in vitro.
120 of a pyrazoline derivative that demonstrated neuroprotective effects in vivo, we synthesized a series
121                                              Neuroprotective effects involved oxidative stress reduct
122 hancing glucose uptake in neurons has strong neuroprotective effects involving improved proteostasis.
123 ng AMPK in dopamine neurons may recapitulate neuroprotective effects of CR without requiring dietary
124 BDNF signaling in the SN participates in the neuroprotective effects of DBS remains unknown.
125                                              Neuroprotective effects of fingolimod in mouse models of
126 1PR1-selective antagonist, W146, blocked the neuroprotective effects of FTY720.
127                       We determined that the neuroprotective effects of IL-21R arose from signaling t
128             After 2 weeks of LIP ultrasound, neuroprotective effects of LIP ultrasound were evaluated
129                     Here, we investigate the neuroprotective effects of Liraglutide along with the si
130                   Purpose To investigate the neuroprotective effects of low-intensity pulsed (LIP) ul
131 henothiazines, we significantly enhanced the neuroprotective effects of mild hypothermia.
132 db mice retinas; 2) to determine the retinal neuroprotective effects of systemic and topical administ
133 eta1-42, providing a molecular basis for the neuroprotective effects of the chaperone.
134                               We studied the neuroprotective effects of the cytokines, granulocyte-co
135 The aim of this trial was to investigate the neuroprotective effects of the glucagon-like peptide-1 a
136 med to evaluate the antioxidant activity and neuroprotective effects of the hydroethanolic extracts f
137                Our findings suggest that the neuroprotective effects of TubA likely involve HDAC6 inh
138 fying anti-Alzheimer's drugs, based on their neuroprotective effects on neuron cells, their antineuro
139                      CA appears to exert its neuroprotective effects through inhibition of oxidative
140                              These prominent neuroprotective effects warrant the consideration of tam
141                     Finally, the treatment's neuroprotective effects were blocked by a p-Akt inhibito
142                              Their potential neuroprotective effects were examined in mouse focal isc
143                                          The neuroprotective effects were secondary to a reduction in
144                         EM2 exhibited strong neuroprotective effects, including reduced brain infarct
145 t 1 mg/kg of eliprodil, a dose with reported neuroprotective effects, more than 99.5% of binding site
146 though it has been suggested that it confers neuroprotective effects, the exact genomic mechanism has
147 te microglia-mediated inflammation and exert neuroprotective effects, with potential for alleviation
148 dies against CCL4, respectively, abolish the neuroprotective effects.
149 elated kinase A (TrkA), and to thereby exert neuroprotective effects.
150  ketimine (LK), which has been shown to have neuroprotective effects.
151 inal toxicity, paradoxically provided potent neuroprotective effects.
152 ischemia reperfusion injury and did not show neuroprotective effects.
153  and more detailed evidence of its potential neuroprotective effects.
154 gh AMPK in SN dopamine neurons mediates CR's neuroprotective effects.
155 s the issue of bilingualism and its putative neuroprotective effects.
156  by which HN exerts its cardioprotective and neuroprotective effects.
157 CNS injury that involve either neurotoxic or neuroprotective effects.
158 (secreted phosphoprotein 1), which has known neuroprotective effects.
159 idative and anti-inflammatory activities and neuroprotective effects.
160 ite, and produce anticancer, anxiolytic, and neuroprotective efficacies via cannabinoid receptor type
161 xypeptidase II which has demonstrated robust neuroprotective efficacy in many neurological disease mo
162 ely, our data demonstrate that Bok acts as a neuroprotective factor rather than a pro-death effector
163 , our results suggest exogenous IFNbeta as a neuroprotective factor that has potential to ameliorate
164 on in microglia, functioning as an important neuroprotective factor.
165 to investigate potential non-cell autonomous neuroprotective factors influencing AbetaO toxicity.
166 matory markers, and diminished expression of neuroprotective factors.
167                        In all cases, the key neuroprotective function of these kinases is uncertain.
168 rough ARALAR-MAS pathway is required for its neuroprotective function.
169 og to human FPR2/lipoxin A4 receptor) evoked neuroprotective functions after cerebral ischemia/reperf
170      Here we discuss current evidence of the neuroprotective functions of microglia with a focus on o
171 ation, and that it has both neurotrophic and neuroprotective functions.
172                        The identification of neuroprotective genes based on naturally occurring allel
173                                 Induction of neuroprotective heat-shock proteins via pharmacological
174 em, and exogenous EPO therapy is potentially neuroprotective, however the epigenetic and transcriptio
175 sulfide-rich spider venom peptide, is highly neuroprotective in a focal model of ischemic stroke.
176 tivation by a Drp1 peptide inhibitor P110 is neuroprotective in a MPTP animal model.
177 concentrations approved for therapy were not neuroprotective in a PD mouse model.
178                  Erythropoietin treatment is neuroprotective in animal experimental and human clinica
179 nous Insulin-Like Growth Factor-1 (IGF-1) is neuroprotective in animal models of brain injury, and ha
180 n peptide, a calpain inhibitor, was strongly neuroprotective in mice lacking Rho while photoreceptor
181  activation of regenerative signaling is not neuroprotective in motor neurons undergoing C9orf72 toxi
182                           LTCC blockers were neuroprotective in mouse neurotoxin models of PD, and is
183            Inhibition of miR-142-3p could be neuroprotective in MS.
184 ucleotide adenylyl transferase 2 (NMNAT2) is neuroprotective in numerous preclinical models of neurod
185  sodium-channel inhibition with phenytoin is neuroprotective in patient with acute optic neuritis.
186 organ injury in other disease states and are neuroprotective in preclinical models of critical illnes
187 hibition of voltage-gated sodium channels is neuroprotective in preclinical models.
188   Estriol treatment is anti-inflammatory and neuroprotective in preclinical studies.
189                                Helium proved neuroprotective in rodents and cardioprotective in rabbi
190 ndogenous antioxidant enzymes and has proven neuroprotective in studies of neurodegenerative models a
191                     Both drugs were markedly neuroprotective in two mouse models of neurodegeneration
192 r cobalamin, a vitamin B12 vitamer, would be neuroprotective in vitro and in vivo.
193                    Treatment with EVP4593, a neuroprotective inhibitor of neuronal SOC channels, resc
194 babies, 5 trials, NNT to benefit 46) and the neuroprotective intent analysis (RR 0.68, 95% CI 0.53 to
195 isease in its prodromal phase and to promote neuroprotective interventions before the onset of motor
196 V1.2 are identified as potential targets for neuroprotective interventions.
197 trocytes, as well as in evaluating potential neuroprotective interventions.
198 athletes with lower levels of the putatively neuroprotective KYNA/QUIN ratio reported significantly w
199 nurenine (3-HK); quinolinic acid (QUIN)] and neuroprotective [kynurenic acid (KYNA)] KP metabolites.
200                        However, in T1D, this neuroprotective mechanism is insufficient to prevent neu
201 of how cholesterol metabolism can modulate a neuroprotective mechanism that attenuates alpha-synuclei
202 gets for neuroprotection, but the underlying neuroprotective mechanism(s) are unknown.
203 act as a critical component of an endogenous neuroprotective mechanism.
204 db/db mice; and 3) to examine the underlying neuroprotective mechanisms.
205       Cooling and hypothermia are profoundly neuroprotective, mediated, at least in part, by the cold
206 kynurenine metabolites and reduced levels of neuroprotective metabolites relative to healthy football
207 M2 deficiency may disrupt the formation of a neuroprotective microglia barrier that regulates amyloid
208 al disorders, and there is an unmet need for neuroprotective modalities to improve photoreceptor surv
209 he activity of nicotinamide riboside (NR) in neuroprotective models and the recent description of ext
210                   A combination of the known neuroprotective molecule, pigment epithelium-derived fac
211 tion of the immune response and induction of neuroprotective molecules in the central nervous system
212                             We highlight the neuroprotective nature of certain myeloid cells by empha
213 critical importance of the time at which the neuroprotective noble gases xenon and argon should be ad
214 armacological analysis of the aforementioned neuroprotective peptide revealed that it acts in a seque
215                                              Neuroprotective pharmacological strategies are needed to
216  showed that specific tau phosphorylation is neuroprotective, phenocopying tau ablation, thus highlig
217 ovesicles secreted from hNSC affords similar neuroprotective phenotypes after head-only irradiation.
218 wards inflammatory suppression, resulting in neuroprotective phenotypes and improved functional recov
219 results identify a paradigm for compensatory neuroprotective PK2 signalling in nigral dopaminergic ne
220 ed as promising drug candidates endowed with neuroprotective potential and brain permeability.
221 ch is accompanied by impairment of astrocyte neuroprotective potential in vitro We further show that
222                                          The neuroprotective potential of astrocytes was itself sensi
223 t that CK2 inhibitors could release the full neuroprotective potential of HSJ1, and deserve future in
224 aim of the current study was to evaluate the neuroprotective potential of mesenchymal stem cells (MSC
225 tnatal treatment strategies exist to enhance neuroprotective potential of microglia.
226                                   The direct neuroprotective potential of pharmacological NOX4 inhibi
227  alterations in astrocytes, and impair their neuroprotective potential.
228 compounds were synthesized, and mostly their neuroprotective profile exceeded that offered by the hea
229 nti-inflammatory ability with an interesting neuroprotective profile on in vitro models of neuronal d
230 we go on to demonstrate that hydralazine has neuroprotective properties against endogenous and exogen
231 iluzole is a glutamate-modulating agent with neuroprotective properties approved for use in amyotroph
232 ike conditions in rat brain slices suggested neuroprotective properties for these imidazo[1,5-a]quino
233 c brain injury but, thus far, these putative neuroprotective properties have not been reported in hum
234 ecently, meclizine has been assessed for its neuroprotective properties in ischemic stroke and Huntin
235 SPO ligands have shown anti-inflammatory and neuroprotective properties in models of CNS injury.
236 proteins, investigating their expression and neuroprotective properties in parallel.
237 DM1 myoblasts, while compounds 1 and 53 have neuroprotective properties in SMA-derived cells.
238                        Here, we evaluate the neuroprotective properties of argon after experimental s
239          Recent reports have highlighted the neuroprotective properties of Cu((II))ATSM, yet there ar
240                  These data suggest that the neuroprotective properties of microvesicles act through
241                                          The neuroprotective properties of our compounds were further
242                             Lithium may have neuroprotective properties that require further investig
243       Caffeine, one component of coffee, has neuroprotective properties, and has been shown to suppre
244 inal polypeptide (VIP) is known to have many neuroprotective properties, but in the avian brain, alth
245 ed that elevated ghrelin, a gut hormone with neuroprotective properties, during CR prevents neurodege
246 imental work shows that heparinoids may have neuroprotective properties.
247                       To test this potential neuroprotective property, neurons were pretreated with G
248 SC transplantation improves recovery through neuroprotective, regenerative, and cell replacement mech
249 njury after alkali burn and explored a novel neuroprotective regimen suitable for prompt administrati
250 s suggest that Nos and Pum provide a crucial neuroprotective regulatory layer to ensure that neurons
251 rontotemporal dementia mice, both drugs were neuroprotective, rescued memory deficits and reduced hip
252 s, possibly indicating a potential intrinsic neuroprotective response.
253  Muller survival pathways might underlie the neuroprotective response.
254 f this process in these models is strikingly neuroprotective, resulting in the discovery of the first
255 , suggesting that TRPC channels might play a neuroprotective role during mechanical stress.
256              Together, our results suggest a neuroprotective role for Shh signaling in the context of
257 S active products due to its anti-stress and neuroprotective role in dementias particularly in retrog
258 ere, we argue that microglia play an overall neuroprotective role in prion pathogenesis.
259 n striatal and cortical neurons that plays a neuroprotective role in these cells.
260               In particular, we consider the neuroprotective role of astrocyte gap junction coupling.
261 imental models of ischemia, we demonstrate a neuroprotective role of GluN2C, suggesting a mechanism b
262          Altogether, these findings validate neuroprotective role of Shh signaling and highlight the
263                          Here, we describe a neuroprotective role of the protein in acute hypoxia.
264 facilitated by elevated pressure and plays a neuroprotective role under glaucomatous conditions, whil
265 s have well-documented anti-inflammatory and neuroprotective roles in the central nervous system.
266 (sAPPalpha) play important physiological and neuroprotective roles.
267 (RGCs) in the eye to characterize a secreted neuroprotective signal present in retinal astrocyte cond
268 dentified a prominent lipid component of the neuroprotective signal through metabolomics screening.
269                      Here, we identify a new neuroprotective signaling cascade involving the activity
270                       Intranasal delivery of neuroprotective ST266 is a potential novel, noninvasive
271 seful tool for modeling disease-modifying or neuroprotective strategies for disease processes before
272 mine and DMV neurons in PD and could promote neuroprotective strategies that emulate endogenous homeo
273 osis (MS) research, there is still a lack of neuroprotective strategies, because the main focus has r
274 ng these mechanisms is vital to help develop neuroprotective strategies.
275 ovascular ischemia and is a target for novel neuroprotective strategies.
276 ue has potential in the future assessment of neuroprotective strategies.
277 n favor of early limitation of care or novel neuroprotective strategies.
278 anism of pUL37 x 1 may be considered a novel neuroprotective strategy in diseases where mitochondrial
279  challenge in stroke is finding an effective neuroprotective strategy to treat cerebral ischemic inju
280 arly evidence that TNS could be an effective neuroprotective strategy.
281 f Kv2.1 is an effective and highly promising neuroprotective strategy.SIGNIFICANCE STATEMENT Kv2.1 is
282 e identification of novel anticonvulsive and neuroprotective targets.
283 s monitoring effects of neuroregenerative or neuroprotective therapeutics.
284 mptoms but induce dyskinesias over time, and neuroprotective therapies are nonexistent.
285 or the development of disease biomarkers and neuroprotective therapies.
286 ility of targeting the JAK/STAT pathway as a neuroprotective therapy for neurodegenerative diseases.
287 nAChR) in fetal microglia will augment their neuroprotective transcriptome profile, while the antagon
288 rapidly translatable, disease-modifying, and neuroprotective treatment for Friedreich's ataxia.
289 thermia has long been considered a promising neuroprotective treatment of ischemic stroke, but the tr
290 , thus constituting a promising agent for HD neuroprotective treatment.
291 he early stages of the disease when putative neuroprotective treatments could stop neurodegeneration.
292 k may need to be considered in the design of neuroprotective treatments for brain injury.
293 markers for use in future clinical trials of neuroprotective treatments in MS.
294 se model, identifying a potential target for neuroprotective treatments in MS.
295 d GP+RAP/alpha-syn, is capable of triggering neuroprotective Treg responses in synucleinopathy models
296 ures, with important implications for future neuroprotective trials in rapid eye movement sleep behav
297 urrently diagnosed may be an ideal group for neuroprotective trials.
298  a new class of fluorinated analogues of the neuroprotective tripeptide glycine-proline-glutamate (GP
299 bolism might address glycemic control and be neuroprotective, we treated prediabetic and T2D mice wit
300 ong-term potentiation (LTP) and is generally neuroprotective, while calpain-2 activation limits the e

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