


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 ounts from the dorsomedial SCN (vasopressin, neurotensin).
2 a high charge state (e.g., triply protonated neurotensin).
3 rotonated neurotensin, and triply protonated neurotensin.
4  Met- and Leu-enkephalin, angiotensin I, and neurotensin.
5 re not detected including neuropeptide Y and neurotensin.
6 ides: [Lsy(8)] vasopressin, substance P, and neurotensin.
7  binding in the presence of excess unlabeled neurotensin.
8 f of the neuropeptide Y cells do not contain neurotensin.
9 erminal side of proline, for substance P and neurotensin.
10 to show a normal antinociceptive response to neurotensin.
11 izing mutations bound to the peptide agonist neurotensin.
12 ive oil-induced secretion of GLP-1, PYY, and neurotensin.
13 rosine kinases and required local release of neurotensin.
14 ith wakefulness such as orexin, histamine or neurotensin.
15 rats, virally mediated overexpression of the neurotensin 1 (NT1) receptor in the nucleus accumbens an
16 omotes inflammation and colon cancer via the neurotensin-1 receptor (NTR1).
17      In addition, we also tested PD149163, a neurotensin-1 receptor agonist, which has been shown to
18 to endocytic vesicles with agonist-activated neurotensin-1 receptor, oxytocin receptor, angiotensin I
19 -[2-(4-(18)F-fluorobenzamido)ethyl]maleimide-neurotensin ((18)F-FBEM-NT).
20 ide) or a VIP receptor antagonist (hybrid of neurotensin 6-11 and VIP 7-28).
21                            NT69L, is a novel neurotensin (8-13) analog that participates in the modul
22                             NT69L is a novel neurotensin (8-13) analog that produces atypical antipsy
23                                  A series of neurotensin(8-13) (NT) analogues were synthesized throug
24                                              Neurotensin(8-13) and two related analogues were used as
25                          NT69L, an analog of neurotensin(8-13), acts like an atypical antipsychotic d
26 ng peptide receptor ligands (angiotensin II, neurotensin(8-13), an analogue of the C-terminal pentape
27 s; namely, [Tyr(1)]-leu-enkephalin, [Tyr(4)]-neurotensin(8-13), and [Tyr(3)]-octreotide, each of whic
28                                     A set of neurotensin[8-13] (NT[8-13]) analogues featuring substit
29 le hydrogens, whereas the +1 charge state of neurotensin (9-13) has 12 exchangeable hydrogens.
30                           The b 2 portion of neurotensin (9-13) has 6 exchangeable hydrogens, whereas
31 sing a commercially available small peptide, neurotensin (9-13; RPYIL).
32 ize different positions on others, including neurotensin, a 13-residue peptide involved in modulation
33                                              Neurotensin, a neuropeptide growth factor, and its two s
34                                              Neurotensin, a tridecapeptide, is widely distributed in
35   The findings also support a volume mode of neurotensin actions, specifically affecting excitatory t
36 tral tegmental area neurons, substance P and neurotensin activate a channel complex containing NALCN
37                                              Neurotensin activated Akt in HCT-116 cells; this effect
38                                              Neurotensin activated AKT through miR-155-mediated suppr
39 eurons and that it may be useful to consider neurotensin agonists as an adjunct in the treatment of s
40              We tested the effect of a novel neurotensin analog (NT69L), injected intra-peritoneally
41 he study was to induce mild hypothermia with neurotensin analog NT77 or external cooling in a rat mod
42                                   NT69L is a neurotensin analog that can be administered peripherally
43                                     NT69L, a neurotensin analog that crosses the blood-brain barrier,
44                         We report on a novel neurotensin analog with higher selectivity to NTS2, name
45    These results suggest that PIH induced by neurotensin analogs represented by ABS-201 are promising
46  we showed that one of our brain-penetrating neurotensin analogs, NT69L, blocks nicotine-induced loco
47      We induced regulated hypothermia with a neurotensin analogue (NT77) to determine whether it coul
48 onnatural amino acid was incorporated into a neurotensin analogue using standard Fmoc-based protocols
49 s, since it was present in 76% of cells with neurotensin and 45% of those with somatostatin, but only
50 the catabolism of bioactive peptides such as neurotensin and bradykinin.
51  gonadotropin-releasing hormone antagonists, neurotensin and complement C5a modulators, melanocortin-
52  up-regulated in carcinoid tumors, including neurotensin and connective tissue growth factor.
53 rginine ethyl ester (BAEE) and two peptides, neurotensin and insulin chain B.
54              Intermolecular cross-linking of neurotensin and intramolecular cross-linking of cytochro
55 levels of the dopaminergic circuit modulator neurotensin and is a member of a fold group that include
56                            Here we show that neurotensin and its receptor are elevated in the rat col
57                   This study points out that neurotensin and its two specific receptors are expressed
58  (ACE) can cleave angiotensin I, bradykinin, neurotensin and many other peptide substrates in vitro.
59 endogenous neuropeptide is highly related to neurotensin and neuromedin U, which are involved in bloo
60   Another NTSR, sortilin, which is common to neurotensin and neurotrophins, was also detected as we h
61 siological (GnRH, GnRH(1-9), bradykinin, and neurotensin) and fluorimetric (MCA-PLGPDL-Dnp and orthoa
62 nt elevation of c-fos, prolonged increase of neurotensin, and early reduction followed by recovery of
63 paB-alpha (IkappaB-alpha) levels; and c-fos, neurotensin, and ferritin H expression were determined b
64 l gut-brain peptides, including substance P, neurotensin, and galanin, emerged as important mediators
65  anorectic (appetite-suppressing: alpha-MSH, neurotensin, and GLP-1) peptides after intracerebroventr
66                        Activation of orexin, neurotensin, and metabotropic glutamate Gq/11-linked rec
67 n 3 neuropeptide receptor systems (bombesin, neurotensin, and neuropeptide-Y) that offer high potenti
68 gulators such as atrial natriuretic peptide, neurotensin, and orexin B are also discussed.
69 y protonated gramicidin S, doubly protonated neurotensin, and triply protonated neurotensin.
70 ubstance P, corticotropin-releasing hormone, neurotensin, and vasoactive intestinal peptide; small mo
71 othesis tested was that these two actions of neurotensin are mediated via its high-affinity receptor.
72 dulators, gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA) and neurotensin, are shown to be present in IGL neurons.
73 We found that LHA MC4R-GFP neurons coexpress neurotensin as well as the leptin receptor but do not co
74 se include peptides, such as substance P and neurotensin, as well as acetylcholine and noradrenaline.
75 bradykinin specifically at Phe(5)-Ser(6) and neurotensin at Arg(8)-Arg(9).
76 n residues are at all four positions cleaves neurotensin at the neurolysin site, and the reverse muta
77 s increase neurotensin release from dopamine-neurotensin axons in the PFC.
78      A model for differential recognition of neurotensin based on differences in surface charge distr
79 mately 1; at higher receptor concentrations, neurotensin binding displays positive cooperativity with
80                            We purified three neurotensin-bound NTR1 variants from Escherichia coli an
81 lar [Ca(2+)] induced by GPCR agonists (e.g., neurotensin, bradykinin, and angiotensin II).
82 siologically important neuropeptides such as neurotensin, bradykinin, and gonadotropin-releasing horm
83 tors were treated with fluorescently labeled neurotensin (BT-NT).
84 ed in most of the pharmacological effects of neurotensin but is associated with hypothermia and hypot
85  ACE2 can also cleave des-Arg bradykinin and neurotensin but not bradykinin or 15 other vasoactive an
86                 In the lateral hypothalamus, neurotensin, but neither orexin nor MCH neurons, express
87  have discovered that the modulatory peptide neurotensin can induce a persistent synaptic depression
88   Exposure of colonic explants to toxin A or neurotensin causes mast cell degranulation, which is inh
89                  Intra-PFC administration of neurotensin concentration-dependently increased extracel
90 el biochemical species (human serum albumin, neurotensin, creatinine, glycine, and alanine) were reta
91       Tissue concentrations of CCK, GIP, and neurotensin decline with feeding.
92                                              Neurotensin decreases food intake in the rat when inject
93 rine genes: prohormone convertase 1 (PCSK1); neurotensin; delta/notch-like EGF repeat containing; and
94  with 5 mg/kg morphine (intraperitonally) or neurotensin directly into the periaqueductal gray region
95                                        Since neurotensin-dopamine interactions have been implicated i
96 ptor dynamics, possibly explains the reduced neurotensin efficacy in the constitutively active NTSR1
97                                              Neurotensin exerts potent analgesia by acting at both NT
98                                              Neurotensin expression increased colony formation by HCT
99            Striatal tissue concentrations of neurotensin, expression of neurotensin/neuromedin N (NT/
100 n-G shows a high degree of similarity to the neurotensin family of peptides.
101 ing gastrin-releasing peptide, neuromedin B, neurotensin, gastrin, cholecystokinin and arginine vasop
102 se, including substance P, somatostatin, and neurotensin have actions such that they should be consid
103                                          The neurotensin hexapapetide fragment NT(8-13) is a potent a
104 sin/neuromedin N (NT/N) mRNA, and numbers of neurotensin-immunoreactive neurons are increased by d-am
105                                The GABA- and neurotensin-immunoreactive neurons project to the SCN wi
106 ting less than 50 amol of angiotensin II and neurotensin in a microLC MALDI MS run under standard exp
107 ntal approaches implicating the neuropeptide neurotensin in both the mechanism of action of antipsych
108  NTS1 and behaves like the endogenous ligand neurotensin in the functional assay.
109 astrointestinal tract, suggesting a role for neurotensin in the interrelationships that comprise the
110 , these findings suggest a selective role of neurotensin in the modulation of dopamine neurotransmiss
111 high-affinity neurotensin receptor (NTR) and neurotensin in these subdivisions of rat NAc to determin
112                           For triply charged neurotensin, in which a direct comparison can be made be
113  insulinotropic peptide (GIP), glucagon, and neurotensin increase by respective factors of 25-, 6-, 6
114   In mice, intraperitoneal administration of neurotensin increased the growth rate of HCT-116 xenogra
115       Cell stimulation with the GPCR agonist neurotensin induced a rapid and reversible plasma membra
116  asphyxial cardiac arrest was decreased with neurotensin-induced hypothermia (14+/-11 secs) and prolo
117 There was less ischemic neuronal damage with neurotensin-induced hypothermia (28+/-24%) and prolonged
118 fter asphyxial cardiac arrest was lower with neurotensin-induced hypothermia (score, 0) and prolonged
119 or 24 hrs (prolonged external cooling) or by neurotensin-induced hypothermia administration 30 mins a
120                                              Neurotensin-induced hypothermia improved neurologic outc
121 s were randomized to a normothermic control, neurotensin-induced hypothermia, brief external cooling,
122                        Our results show that neurotensin-induced mast cell degranulation in colonic e
123  examined whether substance P is involved in neurotensin-induced mast cell degranulation.
124         Whereas CPA6 converts enkephalin and neurotensin into forms known to be inactive toward their
125                            Administration of neurotensin into the brain results in responses in the g
126  that colonic mast activation in response to neurotensin involves release of substance P.
127                                              Neurotensin is a tridecapeptide present in the brain and
128                                              Neurotensin is a tridecapeptide that participates in reg
129                                   Nearly all neurotensin is colocalized with neuropeptide Y in IGL ne
130          In the rat prefrontal cortex (PFC), neurotensin is exclusively localized to dopamine axons a
131                                      Because neurotensin is exclusively localized to dopamine axons i
132        The estimated IC(50) value (2 nM) for neurotensin is in agreement with the literature; this ag
133 alpha)q/11 upon treatment of SCLC cells with neurotensin is not inhibited by ET-18-OCH3.
134                                              Neurotensin is present in selective mesolimbic dopaminer
135 on striatal, nigral, cortical, and accumbens neurotensin-like immunoreactivity (NTLI); (2) the effect
136 minergic behavioral effects of basal ganglia neurotensin may be attenuated in conditions of reduced d
137                      The peptide transmitter neurotensin may be one such modulator of interneurons.
138                             The neuropeptide neurotensin mediates several intestinal functions, inclu
139                                              Neurotensin MPN, orexin-containing LHA, and catecholamin
140 RH) neurons show extensive coexpression with neurotensin mRNA, but they are distinct from hypocretin/
141 os-IR was observed in neurons that expressed neurotensin mRNA.
142 tide Y and decreased proopiomelanocortin and neurotensin mRNAs in the arcuate nucleus (ARH); increase
143 ular nucleus (PVH) and (2) increased CRH and neurotensin mRNAs in the lateral hypothalamic (LHA) and
144                            Expression of the neurotensin/neuromedin (NT/N) gene in preoptic area neur
145              Expression of the gene encoding neurotensin/neuromedin N (NT/N) is mostly limited to the
146 concentrations of neurotensin, expression of neurotensin/neuromedin N (NT/N) mRNA, and numbers of neu
147 her, these observations suggest that CRH and neurotensin neurons in the LHA constitute a novel anatom
148                         Specific loss of SCN neurotensin neurons was associated with loss of activity
149       Some thyrotropin-releasing hormone and neurotensin neurons were labeled, but none of the calcit
150 es-specific vasopressin and species-specific neurotensin neurons.
151 It was previously shown that bombesin and/or neurotensin (NT) acts as a survival and migratory factor
152               Expression of the neuropeptide neurotensin (NT) and its high affinity receptor (NTR1) i
153                            The expression of neurotensin (NT) and its receptor (NTR1) is up-regulated
154                                 The peptides neurotensin (NT) and neuromedin N exert effects on neuro
155                                              Neurotensin (NT) and neurotensin receptor 1 (NTR1) have
156                      The peptide transmitter neurotensin (NT) exerts diverse neurochemical effects th
157           A method was developed to quantify neurotensin (NT) fragment [8-13] and a novel NT[8-13] de
158 minal end of the minimal biologically active neurotensin (NT) fragment, leading to the synthesis of n
159                                   Release of neurotensin (NT) from intestines is markedly stimulated
160 ral injections of leptin induce hypothalamic neurotensin (NT) gene expression in association with a r
161                                              Neurotensin (NT) has emerged as an important modulator o
162 zine, increase synthesis of the neuropeptide neurotensin (NT) in both the striatum and the nucleus ac
163 eported elevated serum levels of the peptide neurotensin (NT) in children with autism spectrum disord
164  (PMA)-mediated secretion of the gut peptide neurotensin (NT) in the BON human endocrine cell line.
165 ANC-1 as a model system, we demonstrate that neurotensin (NT) induced a rapid and striking activation
166 ANC-1 as a model system, we demonstrate that neurotensin (NT) induced translocation of phosphorylated
167                                              Neurotensin (NT) is a 13 amino acid neuropeptide that is
168                                              Neurotensin (NT) is a 13-amino-acid peptide that, among
169                                              Neurotensin (NT) is a gastrointestinal neuropeptide that
170                                              Neurotensin (NT) is a gut peptide that plays an importan
171                                              Neurotensin (NT) is a gut peptide that plays an importan
172                                              Neurotensin (NT) is a neuropeptide neurotransmitter in t
173                                              Neurotensin (NT) is a neuropeptide with antinociceptive
174                                              Neurotensin (NT) is a tridecapeptide neurotransmitter in
175                                       Native neurotensin (NT) is a tridecapeptide that binds to NTR a
176                     The neuropeptide/hormone neurotensin (NT) mediates intestinal inflammation and ce
177                                              Neurotensin (NT) modulates ventral tegmental area (VTA)
178     In the Arc, a few CART neurons coexpress neurotensin (NT) mRNA.
179  acid (PNA) complementary to mRNA of the rat neurotensin (NT) receptor (NTR1) was demonstrated by a g
180  transduction properties of the class A GPCR neurotensin (NT) receptor 1 (NTS1) under defined experim
181          In contrast to these receptors, the neurotensin (NT) receptor NTS1 is much less stable in de
182                                          The neurotensin (NT) receptor-1 (NTS1) is overexpressed in a
183  Previous studies indicated that the peptide neurotensin (NT) stimulates Cl(-) secretion in animal sm
184        Application of the modulatory peptide neurotensin (NT) to midbrain dopaminergic neurons transi
185                                              Neurotensin (NT) triggers signaling in human colonic epi
186                                              Neurotensin (NT) via its receptor 1 (NTR1) modulates the
187 eleasing hormone (CRH), enkephalin (ENK), or neurotensin (NT) with glutamic acid decarboxylase isofor
188                                              Neurotensin (NT), a neuropeptide released in the gastroi
189 (CALR), gastrin releasing peptide (GRP), and neurotensin (NT), and receive input from the retina and
190 the present study, we identify the effect of neurotensin (NT), one of the most abundant peptides in t
191 own to be secreted by NE-like cells, such as neurotensin (NT), parathyroid hormone-related peptide, s
192 ng corticotropin-releasing hormone (CRH) and neurotensin (NT), secreted in response to the metabolic
193 nd methamphetamine) on neuropeptides such as neurotensin (NT), the present study was designed to dete
194 that focus on receptors for the neuropeptide neurotensin (NT).
195 ts effect being nearly comparable to that of neurotensin (NT).
196                                              Neurotensin (NT; also known as NTS), a 13-amino-acid pep
197 ed peptides containing the sequence of human neurotensin, NT4, are much more selective than native mo
198 ecific binding of ligands, arrays presenting neurotensin (NTR1), adrenergic (beta1), and dopamine (D1
199 abinoid (CB(1)) antagonist (SR141716), and a neurotensin (NTS(1)) antagonist (SR48692).
200 es of the IL-8 functional network identified neurotensin (NTS) and CXCL1 to be preferentially express
201                                              Neurotensin (NTS) is a 13 amino acid neuropeptide that i
202                                              Neurotensin (NTS) is a 13-amino-acid peptide that functi
203 c LHA leptin receptor (LepRb)-containing and neurotensin (Nts)-containing (LepRb(Nts)) neurons lie in
204 e we identify a steroid-responsive subset of neurotensin (Nts)-expressing mPOA neurons that interface
205 of bivalent ligands for dopamine D2 receptor/neurotensin NTS1 receptor (D2R/NTS1R) heterodimers.
206                      However, the effects of neurotensin on cortical interneurons are poorly understo
207 itive binding assay with BT-NT and unlabeled neurotensin on NTR1 arrays.
208 and downstream signaling, whether induced by neurotensin or ionizing radiation, establish a molecular
209 2-adrenergic compounds, but not cannabinoid, neurotensin, or muscarinic drugs.
210                                    Thiolated neurotensin peptide (Cys-NT) efficiently reacted with (1
211 nd to specifically target pancreatic cancer, neurotensin peptide (NT)-conjugated polyethylene glycol
212                                    Thiolated neurotensin peptide was then labeled with (18)F using th
213  a simple and efficient method to radiolabel neurotensin peptide with (18)F for NTR-targeted imaging.
214                             We conclude that neurotensin plays a key role in the pathogenesis of C. d
215 axons in the PFC, we also determined whether neurotensin plays a role in the ability of dopamine agon
216                  These findings suggest that neurotensin plays an important role in regulating prefro
217  releasing hormone, galanin, neuropeptide Y, neurotensin, preproenkephalin and tachykinin 1; this inv
218                                              Neurotensin promotes inflammation and colon cancer via t
219           These results suggest that central neurotensin protects the gastric mucosa against CWR-indu
220 roscopic immunolabeling of the high-affinity neurotensin receptor (NTR) and neurotensin in these subd
221                            The prevalence of neurotensin receptor (NTR) in several human tumors makes
222          To date, there are two types of the neurotensin receptor (NTR) that have been molecularly cl
223 1AR), endothelin type A receptor (ETAR), and neurotensin receptor (NTR).
224 e promoter region of the mouse high affinity neurotensin receptor (Ntr-1) gene was characterized, and
225                                   The type 1 neurotensin receptor (NTS1) belongs to the G protein-cou
226 re of a constitutively active, agonist-bound neurotensin receptor (NTSR1) and molecular dynamics simu
227  groups were inherently detrimental to human neurotensin receptor 1 (hNTR1) binding affinity or recep
228 peutic efficacy of oAd/DCN/LRP-PEG-NT toward neurotensin receptor 1 (NTR)-overexpressing pancreatic c
229 cally induced hypothermia (PIH) by the novel neurotensin receptor 1 (NTR1) agonist ABS-201 in a focal
230 mbinations that preferentially interact with neurotensin receptor 1 (NTR1) and our stabilized mutants
231 2-carboxylic acid (SR48692), a high-affinity neurotensin receptor 1 (NTR1) antagonist.
232                                        Using neurotensin receptor 1 (NTR1) as a proof of principle, w
233   In this study, we define the high-affinity neurotensin receptor 1 (NTR1) as a tractable new molecul
234                      Increased expression of neurotensin receptor 1 (NTR1) has been shown in a large
235                         Neurotensin (NT) and neurotensin receptor 1 (NTR1) have been shown to play a
236                                              Neurotensin receptor 1 (NTR1) is overexpressed in ductal
237 tivating the G protein-coupled receptor, the neurotensin receptor 1 (NTR1).
238 quired for this network disturbance, we used neurotensin receptor 1 (Ntsr1) cre-driver mice to ablate
239 STR1, SSTR2), kisspeptin recepotor (KissR1), neurotensin receptor 1 (NTSR1), neuropeptide S receptor
240 ese effects requires mast cell expression of neurotensin receptor 1 and neurolysin.
241                        Starting from the rat neurotensin receptor 1, a class A GPCR, we generated a s
242  receptors (angiotensin II type 1A receptor, neurotensin receptor 1, vasopressin V2 receptor, thyrotr
243              Pharmacological manipulation of neurotensin receptor 2 confirms behavioural effects obse
244 acrophage inflammatory protein 1 (MIP-1) and neurotensin receptor 2.
245 te as to whether a peripherally administered neurotensin receptor agonist represents a sound strategy
246 ta further support a role for NT69L or other neurotensin receptor agonists to treat nicotine addictio
247 eadministration of a mu opioid receptor or a neurotensin receptor antagonist into the ventral PAG.
248                Pretreatment of rats with the neurotensin receptor antagonist SR-48, 692 inhibits toxi
249  administered peripherally, serum levels and neurotensin receptor binding potency of 1 peaked within
250 l and hydrodynamic experiments that purified neurotensin receptor NTS1, a class A GPCR, dimerizes in
251    We previously determined the structure of neurotensin receptor NTSR1 in an active-like conformatio
252  and a hormone through the activation of the neurotensin receptor NTSR1, a G-protein-coupled receptor
253  (AS-MOR MM), antisense PNAs targeted to the neurotensin receptor subtype 1 (AS-NTR1), or saline and
254 in-G were found to be potent agonists of rat neurotensin receptor type 1.
255                     Compounds acting via the neurotensin receptor type 2 (NTS2) are known to be activ
256 cosylated Thr10 contulakin-G for a number of neurotensin receptor types including the human neurotens
257                                              Neurotensin receptor was expressed in 88% of the surgica
258  of the GHS-R is most closely related to the neurotensin receptor-1 (NT-R1) (35% overall protein iden
259                                              Neurotensin receptor-1 (NTR1) is a promising target for
260 on by binding of its high affinity receptor, neurotensin receptor-1 (NTR1).
261 ding only to microspots corresponding to the neurotensin receptor; this specificity was further demon
262          Accumulating evidence suggests that neurotensin receptors (NTRs) play key roles in cancer gr
263                          Compounds active at neurotensin receptors (NTS1 and NTS2) exert analgesic ef
264                    Compound 1 binds to human neurotensin receptors 1 and 2 with IC(50) of 10.6 and 54
265 tained high affinity and agonist potency for neurotensin receptors and exhibited dramatically improve
266 wo new tritiated tracers for angiotensin and neurotensin receptors are described.
267                Ca2+ mobilization mediated by neurotensin receptors is also inhibited by ET-18-OCH3.
268 ither the protein phosphatase calcineurin or neurotensin receptors, and persists surprisingly long af
269 opeptide growth factor, and its two specific neurotensin receptors, NTSR1 and NTSR2, were shown to be
270 pitates with G(alpha)q/11 upon activation of neurotensin receptors; this association is inhibited by
271                                   Targets of neurotensin-regulated microRNAs were identified via bioi
272                                              Neurotensin regulates both satiety and breast cancer gro
273 ysis in freely moving rats to assess whether neurotensin regulates PFC GABAergic interneurons.
274                  Xenin-25 is a 25-amino acid neurotensin-related peptide that amplifies GIP-mediated
275 ating that D2 autoreceptor agonists increase neurotensin release from dopamine-neurotensin axons in t
276 ption that is mediated in part by opioid and neurotensin release within the ventral PAG.
277                         Peptide YY (PYY) and neurotensin responses resembled those of GLP-1.
278                                       Unlike neurotensin responses, ibogaine alone did not alter DYN
279                                              Neurotensin's effects are mediated mainly through two re
280                   Systematic modification of neurotensin sequence in NT4 peptides led to identificati
281 nolase, parathyroid hormone-related peptide, neurotensin, serotonin, and chromogranin A.
282 n digesting pythons, the regulatory peptides neurotensin, somatostatin, motilin, and vasoactive intes
283                                              Neurotensin stimulated differential expression of 38 mic
284 ed microarray analysis of mRNA expression by neurotensin-stimulated NCM460 cells that overexpressed N
285 opin-releasing hormone, nerve growth factor, neurotensin, substance P and mast cells are recruited hi
286                      Larger peptides such as neurotensin, substance P, bradykinin, and the oxidized i
287  Because ibogaine influences the activity of neurotensin systems, a dopamine-linked neuropeptide, the
288                               The ability of neurotensin to increase GABA levels in the PFC was also
289 heir stress resistance and the adsorption of neurotensin to plasma membranes with the distinct biphas
290 ding of NT4 peptides, with respect to native neurotensin, to either cancer cell lines or human cancer
291 neurotensin type 1 receptor (hNTR1), the rat neurotensin type 1 and type 2 receptors, and the mouse n
292 urotensin receptor types including the human neurotensin type 1 receptor (hNTR1), the rat neurotensin
293 n (group I glutamate metabotropic receptors, neurotensin type 1) could similarly elicit wave-like act
294 n type 1 and type 2 receptors, and the mouse neurotensin type 3 receptor were determined.
295 natriuretic peptide, somatostatin, oxytocin, neurotensin, vasopressin, and substance P), and three th
296                              In each region, neurotensin was detected in a few NTR-immunoreactive axo
297                                              Neurotensin was functional in B cell lines; it induced t
298 TSR2 was overexpressed, NTSR1 decreased, and neurotensin was unexpressed in B cell leukemia patient's
299 -dead TrkA, and siRNA against TrkA sortilin, neurotensin, whereas siRNA against p75(NTR) and the MAP
300 eptor concentrations, NTS1 binds the agonist neurotensin with a Hill slope of approximately 1; at hig

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