


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 models that explain permeation properties of neurotransmitter transporters.
2 tes, is an excellent model for this class of neurotransmitter transporters.
3 ay translate into distinct surface levels of neurotransmitter transporters.
4 embrane proteins, including ion channels and neurotransmitter transporters.
5 echanism are probably conserved in the human neurotransmitter transporters.
6 n receptor (SNARE) components with vesicular neurotransmitter transporters.
7 kely to be the endocytic signal for all SLC6 neurotransmitter transporters.
8 arity to the other two families of vesicular neurotransmitter transporters.
9 des a protein homologous to sodium-dependent neurotransmitter transporters.
10 g of architecture and mechanism of mammalian neurotransmitter transporters.
11 TM6 in DAT and is found in a number of other neurotransmitter transporters.
12 other binding sites for glycine, or at other neurotransmitter transporters.
13 n related to mammalian Na(+)-, Cl(-)-coupled neurotransmitter transporters.
14 uated as inhibitors of presynaptic monoamine neurotransmitter transporters.
15 utations that alter functional properties of neurotransmitter transporters.
16    Thus VGAT is the first of a new family of neurotransmitter transporters.
17 , we present an application of this model to neurotransmitter transporters, a superfamily of proteins
18                        Thus, we enhanced the neurotransmitter transporter activity of rigid nucleosid
19                              Plasma membrane neurotransmitter transporters affect synaptic signaling
20 onstration of phosphorylation of a vesicular neurotransmitter transporter and a potential mechanism f
21 he first example of an interaction between a neurotransmitter transporter and PKC.
22 other pyridine-binding proteins, such as the neurotransmitter transporters and channels, is proposed.
23 ter (PROT) belongs to a large superfamily of neurotransmitter transporters and is expressed in region
24        In addition, the sorting of vesicular neurotransmitter transporters and other synaptic vesicle
25 sis studies performed with related mammalian neurotransmitter transporters and provides exciting sugg
26 roaches for examining the oligomerization of neurotransmitter transporters and sheds light on their d
27 hat a protein that is unrelated to any known neurotransmitter transporters and that was previously su
28 tions, derived homology models of eukaryotic neurotransmitter transporters, and substituted cysteine
29                                              Neurotransmitter transporters are critical for synaptic
30                                              Neurotransmitter transporters are ion-coupled symporters
31              Expression and activity of SLC6 neurotransmitter transporters are modulated by interacti
32                              Plasma membrane neurotransmitter transporters are regulators of extracel
33                                              Neurotransmitter transporters are responsible for remova
34     Mounting evidence supports the idea that neurotransmitter transporters are subject to many forms
35                                 Although the neurotransmitter transporters are suggested to be primar
36 ied an orphan protein related to a vesicular neurotransmitter transporter as system N.
37 logies to classical Na+- and Cl(-)-dependent neurotransmitter transporters but display unusual featur
38              PMAT is not homologous to known neurotransmitter transporters but exhibits low homology
39 dings provide a mechanistic framework of how neurotransmitter transporters can operate as anion-selec
40 s in the Drosophila inebriated (ine)-encoded neurotransmitter transporter cause increased neuronal ex
41                                  Not only do neurotransmitter transporters contribute to the regulati
42                                              Neurotransmitter transporters couple the inward movement
43                                              Neurotransmitter transporters couple to existing ion gra
44                              Plasma membrane neurotransmitter transporters determine in part the conc
45 ng five genes: ine, which encodes a putative neurotransmitter transporter; eag, which encodes a potas
46 ence similarity to the Na(+)/Cl(-)-dependent neurotransmitter transporter family were identified.
47              SERT is the first member of the neurotransmitter transporter family whose folding has be
48  a member of the SLC6 Na+- and Cl--dependent neurotransmitter transporter family whose function has r
49  a novel member of the Na(+)/Cl(-)-dependent neurotransmitter transporter family with the highest seq
50 d transporter GAT1, and other members of the neurotransmitter transporter family, is its regulated re
51 larity to members of the Na+/Cl(-)-dependent neurotransmitter transporter family.
52 ty with members of the Na+ and Cl(-)-coupled neurotransmitter transporter family.
53                              Plasma membrane neurotransmitter transporters for monoamines, GABA, glyc
54 pecific mechanisms that discriminate between neurotransmitter transporters for surface expression and
55 h for and against Na(+)- and Cl(-)-dependent neurotransmitter transporters forming oligomers.
56 ntrast, little is known about the control of neurotransmitter transporter function by interacting pro
57 noaminergic perikarya, but also of monoamine neurotransmitter transporter function.
58 derate but biologically important changes in neurotransmitter transporter function.
59                                              Neurotransmitter transporters function in synaptic signa
60                                              Neurotransmitter transporters generate larger currents t
61 r beta(2), thyroid hormone receptor TRbeta), neurotransmitter transporters (glutamate/aspartate trans
62     The second transmembrane domain (TM2) of neurotransmitter transporters has been invoked to contro
63                                              Neurotransmitter transporters have long been known to re
64 siological investigations of plasma membrane neurotransmitter transporters have shown that carriers c
65 This is the first demonstration of an insect neurotransmitter transporter immunolocalization study.
66 uch on recent insights into the functions of neurotransmitter transporters in their physiological con
67 omain-containing protein PICK1 and monoamine neurotransmitter transporters in vitro and in vivo.
68 ntracellular loop of all Na+/Cl(-)-dependent neurotransmitter transporters, in conformational changes
69 turally related to the Na(+)-Cl(-)-dependent neurotransmitter transporters, including the dopamine tr
70 ertheless, single-channel events produced by neurotransmitter transporters indicate the functional an
71 nable to automation for the discovery of new neurotransmitter transporter inhibitors.
72              Uptake by Na(+)/Cl(-)-dependent neurotransmitter transporters is the principal mechanism
73                                              Neurotransmitter transporters limit transmitter concentr
74 he highly conserved subfamily of orthologous neurotransmitter transporters, lineage-specific, paralog
75 internalization motifs, suggesting that SLC6 neurotransmitter transporters may have evolved unique en
76                                              Neurotransmitter transporters may promote synapse specif
77                                    Vesicular neurotransmitter transporters must localize to synaptic
78            In LeuT, a prokaryotic homolog of neurotransmitter transporters, Na(+) stabilizes outward-
79                                 Plasmalemmal neurotransmitter transporters (NTTs) regulate the level
80 and pharmacological properties of eukaryotic neurotransmitter transporters obtained through structura
81                                              Neurotransmitter transporters of the SLC6 family of prot
82                            A high density of neurotransmitter transporters on axons and presynaptic b
83                                    Vesicular neurotransmitter transporters package transmitter into t
84                             Sodium-dependent neurotransmitter transporters participate in the clearan
85                               Sodium-coupled neurotransmitter transporters play a key role in neurona
86                                              Neurotransmitter transporters play an important role in
87                                              Neurotransmitter transporters play important roles in re
88  their previously characterized targets, the neurotransmitter transporter proteins.
89                              Plasma membrane neurotransmitter transporters rapidly traffic to and fro
90                                              Neurotransmitter transporters regulate synaptic transmit
91 nt drugs are G protein-coupled receptors and neurotransmitter transporters, respectively.
92 hrine transporter (NET) are sodium-dependent neurotransmitter transporters responsible for reuptake o
93 embers of a family of Na+- and Cl--dependent neurotransmitter transporters responsible for the rapid
94  Cocaine binds with high affinity to several neurotransmitter transporters, resulting in elevated neu
95 in transporter gene solute carrier family 6 (neurotransmitter transporter, serotonin), member 4 (SLC6
96 Tin2 in the SLC6A4 (solute carrier family 6 [neurotransmitter transporter, serotonin], member 4) gene
97 inephrine, and dopamine-by directly blocking neurotransmitter transporters (SERT, NET, and DAT, respe
98  of LeuT, a bacterial homologue of mammalian neurotransmitter transporters, show a molecule of bound
99                                              Neurotransmitter transporters, targets of abused and the
100 d (GABA) transporter GAT-1 is a prototype of neurotransmitter transporters that maintain low synaptic
101                    As is observed with other neurotransmitter transporters, the activity of EAAC1 is
102 plicated in the regulation of many different neurotransmitter transporters, this study provides the f
103 polarized epithelial cells stably expressing neurotransmitter transporters to analyze the sorting beh
104 However, the molecular architecture coupling neurotransmitter transporters to the endocytic machinery
105  differs from inhibitory mechanisms for some neurotransmitter transporters under similar conditions.
106  act to modulate the expression of glutamate neurotransmitter transporters via gene activation.
107 rter related to the family of biogenic amine neurotransmitter transporters was functionally expressed
108                                              Neurotransmitter transporters, which act to clear transm
109 rier properties, and it shares topology with neurotransmitter transporters with unknown structure and

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