


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 tures associated with HIV-1 neurotropism and neurovirulence.
2 ents leads to reversions that increase virus neurovirulence.
3 tructural coding regions contributed to AR86 neurovirulence.
4 e noncoding control region are necessary for neurovirulence.
5  the central nervous system and in increased neurovirulence.
6  the spike are also important in determining neurovirulence.
7 ibit OL differentiation, irrespective of MLV neurovirulence.
8 ), which were essential for AR86 adult mouse neurovirulence.
9 t Sindbis virus background confers increased neurovirulence.
10 aky-late (VP16) promoter exhibited wild-type neurovirulence.
11 ace of neural cells, contributing to greater neurovirulence.
12 res nPTB binding, translation initiation and neurovirulence.
13 s that has been selected in vivo for extreme neurovirulence.
14 f the Fr98 envelope gene are associated with neurovirulence.
15 s nonstructural protein genes in adult mouse neurovirulence.
16 TMEV) is divided into two subgroups based on neurovirulence.
17 l and sufficient for complete attenuation of neurovirulence.
18 tutions were engineered and tested for mouse neurovirulence.
19 ell-specific translational control and viral neurovirulence.
20 ficantly reduced virus neuroinvasion but not neurovirulence.
21 o directly address the role of the S gene in neurovirulence.
22 t these differences appear to correlate with neurovirulence.
23  plays an important role in conferring mouse neurovirulence.
24 sFrKP41 (KP41), which differ dramatically in neurovirulence.
25 macrophages in other tissues underlies HIV-1 neurovirulence.
26 he attenuation of vesicular stomatitis virus neurovirulence.
27 reatest effect on early viremia kinetics and neurovirulence.
28  identification of molecular determinants of neurovirulence.
29 ys, in DEN2 E as being responsible for mouse neurovirulence.
30 ucidating the molecular basis of mumps virus neurovirulence.
31 ection of neural cells, thereby facilitating neurovirulence.
32  replicative pathway contribute to increased neurovirulence.
33 ediated arrest of both viral replication and neurovirulence.
34 mbrane portion of envelope and/or nef confer neurovirulence.
35 al functional interactions influencing HSV-2 neurovirulence.
36 Oral poliovirus vaccine can mutate to regain neurovirulence.
37 E Env glycosylation features could influence neurovirulence.
38  the neurological signs observed during H5N1 neurovirulence.
39 ed host, which is required for full reovirus neurovirulence.
40 n processes involved in neuroattenuation and neurovirulence.
41 as the gE/gI interaction is critical for VZV neurovirulence.
42  innate immune responses and thereby enhance neurovirulence.
43  suggesting an immunopathogenic component to neurovirulence.
44 V can be classified into two groups based on neurovirulence: a highly virulent group, e.g., GDVII vir
45 in the RABV glycoprotein had greatly reduced neurovirulence after intracerebral inoculation in suckli
46 been used successfully in the past to reduce neurovirulence and abolish neuroinvasiveness of TBEV, na
47             SARS-CoV protein 6 increases MHV neurovirulence and accelerates MHV infection kinetics in
48 tor of IFN genes (STING) exhibit exacerbated neurovirulence and atypical lymphotropic dissemination o
49 tion, oral polio vaccine (OPV) can revert to neurovirulence and cause paralytic poliomyelitis.
50 p V of the 5'-non-coding region (NCR) reduce neurovirulence and cell-specific cap-independent transla
51      To study the role of these mutations in neurovirulence and demyelination, we prepared a recombin
52 f the rVSV genome, vectors that have reduced neurovirulence and enhanced immunogenicity can be made.
53                Thus, the RBD determined both neurovirulence and folding instability.
54                                The levels of neurovirulence and immunogenicity of the chimeric viruse
55 lymphoblasts at a sequence essential for JCV neurovirulence and in cerebrospinal fluid of immunosuppr
56                   In parallel with increased neurovirulence and increased viral replication, Sindbis
57 types were confirmed, another determinant of neurovirulence and its molecular basis was characterized
58 sal infection of two HPAI strains of varying neurovirulence and lethality.
59 y attenuated in the skin and yet retains its neurovirulence and may reactivate and damage sensory neu
60  39ns1, demonstrated significantly increased neurovirulence and morbidity, including weight loss and
61 tant of BHV-5 displayed a wild-type level of neurovirulence and neural spread in the olfactory pathwa
62 ecular basis for the observed differences in neurovirulence and neuroattenuation, the complete genome
63 R altered virus neuroinvasiveness, decreased neurovirulence and neuroinflammatory responses, and prev
64 9 deletion recombinant was generated and its neurovirulence and neuroinvasive properties were compare
65 ture and pathogenic properties, particularly neurovirulence and neuroinvasiveness for SCID mice, gene
66 e derivative, strain E5, exhibit significant neurovirulence and neuroinvasiveness in normal mice, alb
67 -5 Us9-deleted virus but conferred increased neurovirulence and neuroinvasiveness in our rabbit seizu
68 ells, with the E138K mutation abrogating the neurovirulence and neuroinvasiveness of Japanese encepha
69 pairs of Sindbis virus variants differing in neurovirulence and neuroinvasiveness were derived by lim
70 erent risk of the Sabin strains to revert to neurovirulence and reacquire greater transmissibility th
71  (HSV-1) ICP34.5 protein strongly influences neurovirulence and regulates several cellular antiviral
72 tion of the HIV envelope and viral clades to neurovirulence and residual virus replication in the CNS
73  strongly suggest that (i) the phenotypes of neurovirulence and spontaneous reactivation are separabl
74         These studies unveil determinants of neurovirulence and stability in Japanese encephalitis vi
75  attenuated recombinant viruses show reduced neurovirulence and that peripheral immunization blocks t
76  for the spike gene, differ in the extent of neurovirulence and the ability to induce demyelination.
77 1)Sabin were assessed, a correlation between neurovirulence and the ability to replicate in primary h
78      Further tests in mice demonstrated high neurovirulence and the age-dependent neuroinvasiveness o
79 Such derivative viruses often have increased neurovirulence and transmissibility, and in some cases t
80       gK 8mer treatment also increased viral neurovirulence and viral induced CS in ocularly infected
81 tural proteins are important contributors to neurovirulence and viral tissue tropism.
82           Here, we describe the attenuation, neurovirulence, and immunogenicity of rVSV vectors expre
83 of these amino acid changes in neurotropism, neurovirulence, and neuroattenuation is discussed.
84 tragenic suppressor mutation does not affect neurovirulence; and (iii) the attenuated gamma34.5 mutan
85 pe 1 (HSV-1) mutants that are attenuated for neurovirulence are being used for the treatment of cance
86 isms by which these amino acid changes alter neurovirulence are not known.
87 9 reversion caused a significant increase in neurovirulence as determined by the 50% lethal dose and
88                       When tested in our rat neurovirulence assay against the respective parental str
89  vitro demonstrate a partial recovery of the neurovirulence associated with HSV-1; and (ii) vvD54-M00
90 e gene, MyD116, and the herpes simplex virus neurovirulence-associated gene, ICP34.5.
91 ghlighting a potential strategy to develop a neurovirulence-attenuated vaccine against chickenpox and
92                     Recently, high levels of neurovirulence attenuation were achieved with geneticall
93 l nonstructural genes (except 3B) of the low-neurovirulence BeAn virus strain for cell death.
94 a mutation at residue 103(Lys) had decreased neurovirulence but did induce demyelination.
95  major role in determining organ tropism and neurovirulence but that other genes also play important
96 ropism and suggest that a strategy to reduce neurovirulence by deleting gI could prolong active infec
97 he genetic basis of MuV neuroattenuation and neurovirulence by generating a series of recombinant vir
98 s the first viral protein shown to influence neurovirulence by inhibiting CD8+ T cell protection.
99 CP34.5 (ICP, infected cell protein) enhances neurovirulence by negating antiviral functions of the IF
100                                              Neurovirulence can be attenuated by point mutations or b
101                   In a standardized test for neurovirulence, ChimeriVax-JE and YF-Vax were compared i
102 lone, ps51, was significantly attenuated for neurovirulence compared to that derived from ps55.
103                                      The low-neurovirulence DA strain uses sialic acid as a corecepto
104 solution of the crystal structure of the low-neurovirulence DA virus in complex with the sialic acid
105 llustrate that (i) the protein synthesis and neurovirulence defects observed in gamma34.5 mutant viru
106                                          One neurovirulence determinant mapped to the N-terminal port
107 ama virus, four of which are predicted to be neurovirulence determinants based on various sequence co
108 em for investigating the molecular basis for neurovirulence determinants encoded within the JE E prot
109 estigate ZIKV-host interactions and identify neurovirulence determinants of ZIKV.
110 iral genome that correlate with the level of neurovirulence determined by the monkey neurovirulence t
111 es a potential mechanism for modulating TMEV neurovirulence during persistence in the mouse central n
112 nce of markers of virus neuroattenuation and neurovirulence, ensuring mumps vaccine safety has proven
113 of the MV genome which are required for full neurovirulence equivalent to CAM/RB.
114     Our data show that HSV-1 0DeltaNLS lacks neurovirulence even in highly immunocompromised mice lac
115 ta indicate that the MuV SH protein is not a neurovirulence factor and highlight the importance of di
116 mplex virus 1 (HSV-1) defective in the viral neurovirulence factor infected cell protein 34.5 (ICP34.
117 lence the expression of ICP34.5, a key viral neurovirulence factor, and that miR-III is able to silen
118 ression of lytic cycle genes (especially the neurovirulence factor, ICP34.5) and suggest a mechanism
119 utions lie outside the coding region for the neurovirulence factor, ICP34.5.
120  is blocked completely when viruses lack the neurovirulence factor, infected cell protein 34.5, or wh
121 90% of the ORF encoding ORF-34.5, a putative neurovirulence factor, which is transcribed from the opp
122 f the HSV gamma(1)34.5 gene, which encodes a neurovirulence factor.
123  neurotropism through ICP34.5, a major viral neurovirulence factor.
124 I reduces expression of ICP34.5, a key viral neurovirulence factor.
125 hat has a nearly 1 million-fold reduction in neurovirulence following intracerebral (i.c.) inoculatio
126                Even though LGT has low-level neurovirulence for humans, it, and its more attenuated e
127 sage of dengue and YF viruses have increased neurovirulence for mice but reduced viscerotropism for h
128 and 172 in the E2 glycoprotein determine the neurovirulence for mice of different ages and the effici
129 ve isolates of each lineage showed increased neurovirulence for PVR-Tg21 transgenic mice.
130 uroblastoma cells and reduced its peripheral neurovirulence for SCID mice.
131 ted herpes simplex virus lacking its ICP34.5 neurovirulence gene (HSVDelta34.5).
132      The herpes simplex virus type 1 (HSV-1) neurovirulence gene encoding ICP34.5 controls the autoph
133 ut this response is antagonized by the HSV-1 neurovirulence gene product, ICP34.5.
134 EV) consist of two groups, the high- and low-neurovirulence groups, based on lethality in intracerebr
135 afety test with which to measure mumps virus neurovirulence has also hindered analysis of the neuropa
136 del that mimics systemic DEN disease without neurovirulence has been an obstacle, but DENV-2 models t
137  of cluster-specific reversions could confer neurovirulence; however, residue 138 of the E protein (E
138 roteins of Sindbis virus have been linked to neurovirulence; however, the molecular mechanisms by whi
139 dies have mapped an important determinant of neurovirulence in adult mice to a single amino acid chan
140 protein 1 (nsP1) 538 that is associated with neurovirulence in adult mice.
141  oral poliovirus vaccine (OPV) is tested for neurovirulence in animals and also for the presence of n
142 els can serve as a host determinant of viral neurovirulence in C57BL/6 mice, reflecting the direct in
143 102/103 in an sPV1(M) background restored wt neurovirulence in CD155 transgenic (tg) mice and suppres
144 le genetically and phenotypically, including neurovirulence in CD155 transgenic mice, the large major
145  for poliovirus recombinants with attenuated neurovirulence in experimental animals that corroborate
146 ble molecular mechanisms of enhanced B virus neurovirulence in humans, which results in an 80% mortal
147 e virus, the ICP47- mutant expressed reduced neurovirulence in immunologically normal mice, and T cel
148 g1 vectors demonstrated dramatically reduced neurovirulence in mice following direct intracranial ino
149  However, the ICP47- mutant exhibited normal neurovirulence in mice that were acutely depleted of CD8
150 valuated for growth in cultured cells or for neurovirulence in mice.
151 s virus (SV) is a critical determinant of SV neurovirulence in mice.
152 ess, TBEV/DEN4Delta30 virus exhibited higher neurovirulence in monkeys than either LGTV or YF 17D, su
153 e primary target of MeV infection, abrogates neurovirulence in neonatal H-2(d) congenic C57BL/6 mice.
154 ited replication in C6/36 cells, and lack of neurovirulence in newborn ICR mice.
155 use of this vaccine candidate in humans, its neurovirulence in nonhuman primates needed to be evaluat
156 ed for clinical evaluation when assessed for neurovirulence in nonhuman primates.
157 rhinovirus type 2 resulted in attenuation of neurovirulence in primates.
158 is a determinant of Sindbis virus growth and neurovirulence in suckling mice as well as persistent in
159 ese results suggest that the determinants of neurovirulence in the envelope gene may influence the ef
160 ls that may not allow accurate prediction of neurovirulence in the human host.
161 phalitis virus/dengue virus) abolished virus neurovirulence in the mature mouse CNS.
162 dues as virus-specific determinants of mouse neurovirulence in this chimeric system.
163  beta in the brain represents a correlate of neurovirulence in this disease, whereas the TNF response
164  plays an important role in cell tropism and neurovirulence in vivo.
165 x virus type 1 (HSV-1) is required for viral neurovirulence in vivo.
166 an neuronal cells, exhibited increased mouse neurovirulence in vivo.
167 y for replication (neurotropism) and damage (neurovirulence) in the brain and an 88-1961 wild-type vi
168 -specific propagation deficit and eliminates neurovirulence inherent in poliovirus without affecting
169 any aspects of viral pathogenesis; promoting neurovirulence, inhibiting interferon-induced shutoff of
170 ike gene, we have previously shown that high neurovirulence is associated with the JHM spike protein,
171                                              Neurovirulence is determined by the sequence of the vira
172                                              Neurovirulence is determined by the sequence of the vira
173  heterokaryon analyses revealed that loss of neurovirulence is due to trans-dominant repression of PV
174                           This difference in neurovirulence is not the complete explanation for the f
175  molecular and cellular basis of coronavirus neurovirulence is poorly understood.
176 tigate a possible role for HE in MHV-induced neurovirulence, isogenic recombinant MHV-A59 viruses wer
177  in primary neuronal cultures, the increased neurovirulence it conferred may be due in part to the in
178       L/ST-4BS was completely attenuated for neurovirulence (LD50 > 10(6) PFU) relative to wild-type
179  relationship between macrophage tropism and neurovirulence, macaques were inoculated with two recomb
180 nants of simian immunodeficiency virus (SIV) neurovirulence map to the env and nef genes.
181 alysis of the Cas-Br-E genome indicates that neurovirulence maps to the env gene, which encodes the s
182                                        Since neurovirulence may be determined at the early stages of
183      These findings suggest that coronavirus neurovirulence may depend on a novel discriminatory abil
184 nse silent transmission, whereas the reduced neurovirulence may have contributed to the absence of pa
185 oliovirus vaccine strain, known to attenuate neurovirulence, may further restrict tropism by eliminat
186                                The increased neurovirulence mediated by the virus encoding glycine at
187 tified sites in the LGT genome that promoted neurovirulence/neuroinvasiveness.
188      However, when tested in a stringent NHP neurovirulence (NV) model, this vector was not adequatel
189 EV SA14-14-2 E protein, as shown by the high neurovirulence of an analogous YFV/JEV Nakayama chimera
190 n vivo relationship between hsp72 levels and neurovirulence of an hsp72-responsive virus using the mo
191 r-normal trigeminal ganglion replication and neurovirulence of an ICP34.5 mutant in IFN-alpha/betaR-/
192 , CD8+ T cell depletion did not increase the neurovirulence of an unrelated, attenuated HSV-1 glycopr
193  of the gE epitope significantly reduced the neurovirulence of BHV-5 in rabbits.
194 (HS) as an attachment receptor increases the neurovirulence of cell culture-adapted strains of Sindbi
195   We investigated the genetic basis of mouse neurovirulence of dengue virus because it might be direc
196  this interaction contributes to the extreme neurovirulence of EEEV.
197 eduction in viral replication and associated neurovirulence of HSV.
198           Here, we demonstrate that the high neurovirulence of JHM is associated with accelerated spr
199 oprotein GP2 has been shown to attenuate the neurovirulence of JUNV in suckling mice.
200                             In contrast, the neurovirulence of LGTV exhibited the reverse profile, pr
201  is likely an important factor in the severe neurovirulence of MHV-JHM in wild-type mice.
202 n animal model that can reliably predict the neurovirulence of mumps virus vaccine candidates in huma
203 immune recognition because a decrease in the neurovirulence of mutant viruses was observed in neonata
204              We now show that attenuation of neurovirulence of PV/HRV2 chimeras is not confined to CD
205                                              Neurovirulence of several mumps virus strains was assess
206 s than for the parental GDVII virus, and the neurovirulence of the adapted virus in intracerebrally i
207 ne envelope residues were found to influence neurovirulence of the Friend murine polytropic retroviru
208                                  The reduced neurovirulence of the ICP47- mutant was due to a protect
209                                              Neurovirulence of the mutant virus was determined in a t
210 iated three amino acid changes with enhanced neurovirulence of the neuroadapted vaccine strain: one e
211 se and three amino acid changes with reduced neurovirulence of the neuroattenuated wild-type strain:
212  a significant (P = 0.031) difference in the neurovirulence of the two recombinants.
213 rvous system (CNS) enables alteration of the neurovirulence of the virus and control of the neuropath
214                   We found that the level of neurovirulence of the virus correlates with its differen
215 anslation initiation, and attenuation of the neurovirulence of the virus without a marked effect on v
216 ese modifications also affected the residual neurovirulence of the virus, but it remained immunogenic
217 he capsid-specific mutations strongly affect neurovirulence of the virus.
218                                          The neurovirulence of these "spongiogenic retroviruses" is d
219                           The relative human neurovirulence of these strains was proportional to the
220 ue sections indicated that the variations in neurovirulence of these viruses could not be explained b
221                                          The neurovirulence of these viruses has long been known to b
222 Deletion of gamma134.5 greatly decreases the neurovirulence of this mutant virus but also reduces its
223 ain, and may be a key reason for the greater neurovirulence of TSE prions relative to many other auto
224                                The increased neurovirulence of vaccine derivatives has been known sin
225     These results suggest that the decreased neurovirulence of VarK may be due to its failure to effi
226                                          The neurovirulence of VSV in animal models requires the atte
227 nts of HRV2 and FMDV severely attenuated the neurovirulence of VSV without perturbing its oncolytic p
228 nize/evade immune responses, and the extreme neurovirulence of wild-type NA-EEEV may be a consequence
229 o determine those structures responsible for neurovirulence (or attenuation) of these chimeric viruse
230 infections may contribute to the adult mouse neurovirulence phenotype of S.A.AR86.
231 s responsible for the observed change of the neurovirulence phenotype.
232 dicate that the assay correctly assesses the neurovirulence potential of mumps viruses in humans and
233 rat model may prove useful in evaluating the neurovirulence potential of new live, attenuated vaccine
234                         We describe here the neurovirulence properties of a herpes simplex virus type
235                                              Neurovirulence properties of these recombinant viruses w
236       We aimed to characterize antigenic and neurovirulence properties of WPV1-SOAS silently circulat
237 r of potentially causal genes, including the neurovirulence protein ICP34.5 (RL1).
238  virus 1 (HSV-1) encodes the multifunctional neurovirulence protein ICP34.5.
239 y is antagonized by the herpes simplex virus neurovirulence protein, ICP34.5.
240 ave indicated that sequences responsible for neurovirulence reside within the env gene.
241 sociated with persistent virus and increased neurovirulence, RJHM(N514S) was not more virulent than t
242 ines have neurovirulent properties, a monkey neurovirulence safety test (MNVT) is performed.
243 tates, to test a novel rat-based mumps virus neurovirulence safety test.
244                            A trend of higher neurovirulence scores was observed in monkeys inoculated
245                            Low- but not high-neurovirulence strains use sialic acid as an attachment
246 gy data from an exploratory nonhuman primate neurovirulence study indicated that some of these attenu
247 irus strains was assessed in a prototype rat neurovirulence test and compared to results obtained in
248 SH protein (rMuVDeltaSH) are attenuated in a neurovirulence test using newborn rat brains and may be
249 nt DEN virus tetravalent vaccine in a formal neurovirulence test, as well as its protective efficacy
250 ompared to that of YF-VAX in a formal monkey neurovirulence test.
251 d compared to results obtained in the monkey neurovirulence test.
252 l of neurovirulence determined by the monkey neurovirulence test.
253 st national regulatory organizations require neurovirulence testing of virus seeds used in the produc
254 , NB15a did not differ from YF5.2iv in mouse neurovirulence testing, based on mortality rates and ave
255 s and CD155 receptor-specific antibodies and neurovirulence tests in CD155 transgenic mice confirmed
256 etic elements that contribute to adult mouse neurovirulence, the neurovirulent Sindbis virus strain A
257                                     The high-neurovirulence Theiler's murine encephalomyelitis virus
258   Infection of susceptible mice with the low-neurovirulence Theiler's murine encephalomyelitis virus
259                                      The low-neurovirulence Theiler's murine encephalomyelitis viruse
260 the sequence of the envelope gene determines neurovirulence, this effect appears to operate through a
261  that M1-D macrophages infected with the low-neurovirulence TMEV BeAn virus became apoptotic through
262  In this study, we demonstrate that the high-neurovirulence TMEV GDVII virus uses the glycosaminoglyc
263                                          Low-neurovirulence TMEV result in a persistent central nervo
264 5 mutation in the suppressor mutant restores neurovirulence to wild-type levels.
265 stinct clusters were required to restore the neurovirulence typical of the YFV/JEV Nakayama virus.
266                                              Neurovirulence was assayed in a mouse model for MV encep
267  surveillance isolates were sequenced, their neurovirulence was determined using transgenic mouse exp
268 fectious particles yielded virus whose mouse neurovirulence was highly attenuated.
269 the contribution of nsP1 Thr 538 to S.A.AR86 neurovirulence was provided by experiments in which a th
270 enetic basis of mumps virus neurotropism and neurovirulence was until recently not understood, largel
271 e only feature that correlated with relative neurovirulence was viral burden as measured by both vira
272 s system (CNS) infection that correlate with neurovirulence, we compared two neurovirulent MuLV, Fr98
273    To identify the molecular determinants of neurovirulence, we constructed an infectious simian immu
274 this hyperactive membrane fusion activity in neurovirulence, we discovered that the growth of JHM in
275         To investigate how histidine confers neurovirulence, we examined the various stages of the vi
276  better understand the determinants of HIV-1 neurovirulence, we isolated viruses from brain tissue sa
277 andidate host genes that modulate alphavirus neurovirulence, we utilized GeneChip Expression analysis
278                            No differences in neurovirulence were seen between the wild-type and the S
279 ruses passaged in vivo demonstrate decreased neurovirulence, whereas those passaged in vitro demonstr
280 aviruses attenuates S.A.AR86 for adult mouse neurovirulence, while introduction of Thr at position 53
281 viruses (mouse hepatitis virus) of different neurovirulences with primary cell cultures of brain immu
282 is important for efficient neural spread and neurovirulence within the CNS and could not be replaced

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