


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1  disease is, to our knowledge, a potentially new finding.
2  levels of CCL2 in glaucomatous aqueous is a new finding.
3 eon HCs by activation of mAChRs represents a new finding.
4  infection with retinopathy progression is a new finding.
5  on the protein structure substantiate these new findings.
6 a global scale have generated a profusion of new findings.
7 ease therapies, is envisioned based on these new findings.
8 ss biological units of analysis, summarizing new findings.
9  study aimed to corroborate and extend these new findings.
10  gene, implicating 22 genes, of which 11 are new findings.
11 ith formaldehyde is analyzed in light of the new findings.
12      There are broad implications from these new findings.
13 variation is likely to yield many additional new findings.
14 gy is introduced as appropriate based on the new findings.
15  of O2(*-) reactions and thus will result in new findings.
16 rically excitable cells could yield exciting new findings.
17 ements are re-examined in the light of these new findings.
18 tial surveys of the STG have yielded several new findings.
19 evious research in Vienna, we summarize here new findings about concentration levels of iodine isotop
20                        This report describes new findings about how DA depletion alters MC-induced re
21                                              New findings about intracellular signals, including the
22 lucination and suggest potentially important new findings about the association between acoustic perc
23                  In this review, we describe new findings about the composition and dynamics of the t
24 es in genetic and imaging tools have brought new findings about the lineage relationships between ski
25                                In this work, new findings about the molecular mechanisms governing ac
26 emain but have been enriched with remarkable new findings about thymus seeding.
27                                              New findings advance our understanding of how vision is
28                                              New findings also connect insulin resistance to extensiv
29                                        These new findings also have implications for the selection of
30                                 However, the new findings also highlight our lack of knowledge concer
31                                              New findings also indicate that the prefrontal cortex ma
32                                   Intriguing new findings also indicate that there is specificity in
33                                        These new findings also show that connexin 26 deficiency can r
34 ment on fundamental questions raised by this new finding and the associated significance.
35                                          Our new findings and analysis directly link the spatio-tempo
36                 In this review, we highlight new findings and compare these strategies to cell divisi
37          This review aims to summarize these new findings and discuss the broader context of clathrin
38 refore, to summarize some of these important new findings and highlight their potential significant t
39                                        These new findings and histochemical studies showing enhanced
40                          On the basis of the new findings and homology models of the closed and open
41                       Here, we discuss these new findings and propose that there is much more flexibi
42 purpose of this review is to highlight these new findings and provide a conceptual framework for unde
43                    Most of these results are new findings and require confirmation in other studies.
44 ce the translational gap that exists between new findings and the time it takes for them to be incorp
45 ance of cheese MS fingerprinting to generate new findings and to detect even slight differences betwe
46                      To our knowledge, these new findings are based on the fundamentally 3D nature of
47 osome inactivation and focus on topics where new findings are challenging the prevailing view.
48                                              New findings are changing our view of how this happens.
49                                          The new findings are consistent with recent observations of
50                                   Both these new findings are critical in the primate brain and provi
51       Mechanistic insights provided by these new findings are discussed and a minimal mechanistic sch
52                                        These new findings are important because differences in nuclea
53                                        These new findings are opening the way to specific dietary and
54 n to HCC limit diagnosis and management, but new findings are paving the way for better biomarkers an
55                                        These new findings are pertinent to the everyday clinical mana
56                                              New findings are presented in the context of the previou
57                                          The new findings argue that the perception that mutant KRAS
58                   In this review, we discuss new findings associated with the function of gut APCs an
59                                    We report new findings based on high-resolution spatiotemporal liv
60 x natural ecological systems has allowed for new findings, but these models typically ignore the cons
61                          We will cover these new findings by focusing first on the capacity of metabo
62                                              New findings by Jourjine and colleagues identify four ne
63                                              New findings by Morais da Fonseca et al. reveal that acu
64                                              New findings by Pesakou et al. tie daily cycles of axon
65                                              New findings by Tkac et al. (2016) published in this iss
66                                        These new findings can now be seen in the broader context of s
67                                        These new findings challenge long-standing theories, and requi
68 es in neuronal properties exclusively, these new findings challenge us to consider the contribution o
69                                The principal new findings concern CheV.
70                                          Our new findings confirm that resonance plays a major role i
71 ethylation machinery, and consider how these new findings could lead to a model for methylation estab
72                                        These new findings define the lysosome as a site of action for
73                               Overall, these new findings demonstrate that E. coli-induced MCP-1 caus
74                                        These new findings demonstrate that miR-19a has a direct role
75                                        These new findings demonstrate that the PCC is vulnerable in t
76                                              New findings demonstrate that the striatum represents mu
77                                    Thus, the new findings demonstrate the in vivo effectiveness of pN
78                                  The central new findings described in our manuscript are the followi
79 tial examination (baseline) and incidence of new findings during 10.5 months of follow-up were calcul
80                                        These new findings enable new strategies for the design of sim
81                                          The new findings enabled us to metabolically engineer entire
82                                        These new findings enhance understanding of rocA biology and t
83                                        These new findings enlarge the circle of the traditional "card
84 fication has mushroomed to accommodate these new findings, even though the real dimensions and comple
85 rier and reach the brain, which represents a new finding for some compounds, such as Q1 and PMBPs, MH
86 talk regions of NiV G interact with NiV F, a new finding for the paramyxovirus family.
87                      These results represent new findings for an urban area.
88              This should lead to hundreds of new findings for common genetic variants across nine psy
89 r metastasis and discuss the significance of new findings for disease management.
90                   This commentary highlights new findings from a recent study identifying adipose tis
91                                     Exciting new findings from Gascon et al. (2016) single out metabo
92                                              New findings from genetic association studies have ident
93                                      Lastly, new findings from laboratories identified transcription
94 ns of other subfamilies are updated based on new findings from the last decade.
95 ted information on gastroparesis focusing on new findings from the past few years.
96                                         This new finding, from a recent study, shows that the brain's
97                                        These new findings further our understanding of SVG remodeling
98 nstrated activation of IL-6R by p28 (IL-30), new findings further suggest a complex interrelation bet
99 cer biology and, more importantly, how these new findings guide more effective diagnostic and treatme
100                                          The new finding has important implications for improving tar
101                                              New findings have added another pot to the mix - cell me
102                                        These new findings have important implications for understandi
103                                          The new findings have practical implications regarding forma
104                                Additionally, new findings have provided information about how the co-
105                                Many of these new findings have significant implications for thromboly
106 nces in cancer genomics and discuss what the new findings have taught us about cancer biology and, mo
107                                     However, new findings here identify tissue-specific promoters rep
108                               Based on these new findings, here we have successfully introduced high-
109                                        These new findings highlight that type I topoisomerases are st
110                                        These new findings highlight the importance of glia for nervou
111                                        These new findings highlight the molecular pathways that are a
112                                        These new findings highlight the potential applications of SPM
113 tly blended into the field of immunology, as new findings highlighted the role played by immunologic
114                                         This new finding highlights the need for future surveillance
115                                         This new finding highlights the potential of Raman spectrosco
116                                          The new finding highlights the unique preservation potential
117                                              New findings, however, show that an ancient X chromosome
118                                              New findings, however, undermine this evolutionary ortho
119                              Altogether, our new findings identify LPCAT3 as a direct PPARdelta targe
120 mor perfusion, many studies have contributed new findings illuminating the underlying molecular pathw
121                                          The new findings imply that the specific chemistry of the li
122 and publishers to discuss how to communicate new findings in a way that best serves the interests of
123        Zeng et al. (2014) describe important new findings in A. nidulans regarding the role of EBA, t
124 n BLBC, as well as the implications of these new findings in cancer diagnosis and treatment.
125   Especially promising in this direction are new findings in humans and animals that converge in indi
126                  In this review, we evaluate new findings in mitochondrial genetics, recent developme
127                         By incorporating the new findings in our previous model of glutamate uptake b
128                        This review discusses new findings in phenotypic and functional characterizati
129                                              New findings in several of the uncommon immunodeficienci
130         Here, we highlight and discuss these new findings in the context of immune activation and pat
131                       Here, we discuss these new findings in the context of previous research.
132                       This review summarizes new findings in the field of maltreatment, addressing ep
133                                  Translating new findings in the laboratory into therapies for patien
134                       This review summarizes new findings in this rapidly developing field that showc
135                       This review summarizes new findings in this rapidly developing field, focusing
136                                        Thus, new findings in this report link an important role in CA
137                                              New findings include an additional lipid-binding site wi
138                                              New findings include BLOC-1 interactions with the COG co
139                                        Other new findings include unprotected behavior, suggesting hi
140                                   With these new findings, including evidence of dose-response, we be
141                                              New findings indicate that corepressors are not necessar
142                                        These new findings indicate that females of all races now have
143                                     Instead, new findings indicate that OFC provides predictions abou
144                                              New findings indicate that subset polarization of CD4(+)
145                                        These new findings indicate that the titanite formed during la
146                                          The new findings indicate that upregulating FLG protein leve
147                                              New findings indicate that, after decapitation, planaria
148                                          Our new findings indicate that, given the right fossilizatio
149                               This important new finding indicates that mitochondria are a primary so
150                              One interesting new finding is that aggregation prone peptide sequences
151                                            A new finding is that barriers to introgression due to sex
152     Clinical diagnostic application of these new findings is already well under way, despite incomple
153                                        These new findings lay the foundation for future investigation
154                      Taken altogether, these new findings lead us to propose that a transient interac
155                                        These new findings link elevated levels of plasma 5-HT to alte
156                                         This new finding may help improve decadal predictions of futu
157                                        These new findings may have broad chemical and environmental i
158                                        These new findings might open the way for innovative therapies
159                                              New findings necessitate a paradigm shift in our underst
160                                        These new findings not only unravel a novel mechanism by which
161  the known fluoroquinolone protomers and the new finding of cephalosporin protomers.
162               In the latter, we focus on the new finding of endosomal mRNA transport and its implicat
163                        This report describes new findings of an investigation of a bifunctional nanoc
164 mmarize the recent developments and exciting new findings of cellular functions of IQGAP1.
165                            We also summarize new findings of how the EC directly regulates clock outp
166 ses adopts the tavorite structure-type, this new finding offers both a potential way to prepare new c
167                  Overall, our study provides new findings on a significant issue of the ERAP-mediated
168                                        Three new findings on Aplysia may be relevant for the understa
169                            We also highlight new findings on candidate CRC-potentiating species and c
170 6 to transcription in an attempt to link the new findings on CDK6's transcriptional activity to cell-
171                                        These new findings on CNNM2 structure and processing may aid t
172                        Here, we review these new findings on FN interaction with GF in the context of
173 to-date summary of the literature describing new findings on lamin functions in various cellular proc
174 ast decade this dogma has been challenged by new findings on non-coding RNAs (ncRNAs) such as microRN
175             A mouse infection model presents new findings on pathological mechanisms in the colon.
176 d child outcomes, and to direct attention to new findings on pregnancy anxiety, a potent maternal ris
177                                        These new findings on TE expression and function in the CNS ha
178      To systematize existing data and review new findings on the cause of schizophrenia and outline a
179                                              New findings on the cellular mechanisms and molecular pl
180                                              New findings on the diverse roles of PARPs in chromatin
181                           Here we report the new findings on the dysregulation of survival factor, my
182 s includes energy-restricted weight loss and new findings on the effects of alternative day fasting;
183                            Here we summarize new findings on the mechanisms of regulation of Cx36-con
184  on observational data and led to unexpected new findings on the origins of pathogens and source popu
185 view provides a contemporary overview of key new findings on the pathophysiology, diagnosis, treatmen
186                             Here we describe new findings on the range of cellular immune responses i
187                           We focus mainly on new findings on the relative importance of actin in clat
188                                 To highlight new findings on the relevance of gastrointestinal protoz
189                                              New findings on the RIF1 protein by four research groups
190          Recent studies in mice have yielded new findings on the role of maternally provided proteins
191                                The strongest new finding (P = 1.6 x 10(-11)) was with rs1625579 withi
192 on syndrome is the most common presentation; new findings predict which patients are likely to experi
193                                        These new findings provide a convenient way to generate 3,4-di
194                              Together, these new findings provide a preclinical proof of concept defi
195 icroglia maintain optic glioma growth, these new findings provide a strong preclinical rationale for
196                                        These new findings provide an opportunity for the present reap
197                                        These new findings provide direct support for a role of ICLs i
198                                              New findings provide evidence that developmentally stage
199                           Recently, however, new findings provide evidence that in different species,
200      Taken together, to our knowledge, these new findings provide evidence that the evolutionary-dire
201                              Together, these new findings provide fundamental insight into cell biolo
202                                      And the new findings provide important mechanistic insight, such
203                                        These new findings provide mechanistic support that periodonta
204                                        These new findings provide mechanistic support that SCFAs from
205                                        These new findings provide nationally relevant evidence of the
206                                          The new findings provide suggestive evidence of damselfly co
207                                          The new findings provide us an enhanced understanding of aco
208                                         This new finding provides a first step toward resolving the r
209                                              New findings published in The EMBO Journal show that in
210               There has been an explosion of new findings recently giving us insights into the involv
211 oes not exist, all programs can benefit from new findings regarding sweat testing, carrier detection,
212                     In particular, we review new findings regarding the biological variation in osmot
213 he first classification in 1987, a number of new findings regarding the cellular origins, molecular p
214 ching addictions, particularly ways based on new findings regarding the neurobiological underpinnings
215                                              New findings regarding the penetration of MMC to the end
216 mily throughout the plant kingdom, summarize new findings regarding the unique evolution of FT in mul
217 ovides an historical perspective, along with new findings, regarding the roles of the IKK and NF-kapp
218                                          Our new findings reinforce and add a new piece of evidence t
219 I (SR-BI), and highlights several surprising new findings related to the impact of SLU pathways in ch
220             In this review, we will focus on new findings related to these different developmental pr
221                              We focus on the new findings reported during this outbreak, especially t
222                                              New findings reported in this issue of The EMBO Journal
223                                        These new findings reveal distinct and overlapping signaling m
224                                        These new findings reveal that direct activation of ERalpha po
225                                        These new findings reveal the ability of RvD2 to reduce TLR4 e
226 ly organized across these synapses; however, new findings reveal their synaptic asymmetry.
227 ussion of these studies is complemented with new findings revealing the frequency of activity cliff f
228                                         This new finding reveals crucial redox regulatory mechanisms
229                                         This new finding reveals that both budding yeast and human ch
230                                        These new findings should be instrumental to promote the immun
231                                        These new findings should guide the development of selective M
232                            Altogether, these new findings show that expression of the Ac-mut form of
233                                        These new findings show that the enhanced production of kynure
234                        This review discusses new findings since 2013 and proposes strategies emanatin
235                                         This new finding strongly supports efforts to develop new dru
236 rmal neutrophil differentiation, and lead to new findings such as biomarkers for APL and additional m
237                                              New findings, such as length-dependent force generation,
238       Previous cometary measurements and our new finding suggest a wide range of D/H ratios in the wa
239                                          The new findings suggest a multifarious nature of the 'missi
240                                              New findings suggest that aging is a modifiable risk fac
241                                        These new findings suggest that early intervention programs sh
242                                        These new findings suggest that early thymocytes do indeed hav
243 ation on auditory encoding in mammals, these new findings suggest that linking vocal motor and coroll
244                                        These new findings suggest that Si3N4 might provide unique new
245                                        These new findings suggest that such a novel, macrophage-based
246                          Taken together, the new findings suggest that the alpha1 Na/K-ATPase may be
247                                        These new findings suggest that the loops and tails may offer
248                                        These new findings suggest that the sodium ion in the alloster
249                                        These new findings suggest that TRPC1 channels normally functi
250                                              New findings suggest that tyrosine kinase receptor engag
251 ecently received substantial attention, with new findings suggesting that many of the forms of synapt
252                                         This new finding suggests that sensory-specific associations
253                                        These new findings support the concept that the CD40/CD40L dya
254                                        These new findings support the important role of glial cells i
255                                 Notably, the new findings support the long-held view that these tumor
256                                    Thus, the new findings, taken together with what we have already r
257 upon HSV-2 infection, which is a significant new finding that could be exploited for designing new di
258 ium carbamate when water vapor is present; a new finding that has impact on control of the chemistry
259 e EMBO Journal, Andree and colleagues reveal new findings that an intracellular bacterial pathogen ex
260 ortant clinical consequences to all of these new findings that are relevant for the pathogenesis of d
261                                          The new findings that cones and rod bipolar cells also under
262 e in genetic studies could actually generate new findings that could index novel biologic pathways un
263                       This review focuses on new findings that enhance understanding of cellular and
264 gical Gene-environment Study (COGS) presents new findings that further characterize the genetic bases
265           The review particularly focuses on new findings that have emerged since the identity, exten
266 ch work in this area, generating a series of new findings that have significantly advanced out unders
267                                              New findings that hippocampal sequences play an importan
268 ion of genetics and economics, presents some new findings that illustrate the state of genoeconomics
269                               We report here new findings that implicate the C-RING domain in AP7-med
270                                   We present new findings that Lyp promotes TLR responses in primary
271 ure in ROHHAD has included case reports with new findings that may provide insight into pathophysiolo
272                   Here, I summarize exciting new findings that offer the possibility of a quantum imp
273                            Here, we evaluate new findings that provide insights into the development
274                 In this review, we highlight new findings that refine thalamic contributions to corti
275                            We also highlight new findings that suggest the presence of unique or high
276 ng Review, we highlight some of the exciting new findings that were presented, and discuss emerging t
277          This review summarizes the past and new findings, the mechanisms proposed and later proven,
278                                        These new findings therefore provide new opportunities for the
279 s from the literature, but with capacity for new findings to emerge.
280                    The implications of these new findings to the basic understanding of CNS repair pr
281                            Altogether, these new findings uncover iTregs as potent regulators of ILC2
282                                        These new findings underscore the importance of a proper cap s
283                                              New findings underscore the importance of SR-BI-mediated
284                                          The new findings unexpectedly point to the Bcl-6 and Blimp-1
285                        The identification of new findings using higher-magnification dermoscopy may e
286 onder that dies at the site of inflammation, new findings using live imaging of embryonic zebrafish a
287                                A significant new finding was that nicotine also increased the orienti
288                          On the basis of our new findings, we propose a model in which leiomodin regu
289                               Based on these new findings, we propose that FKBP51 can use the Hsp90 c
290                               Nine of the 10 new findings were replicated.
291                                        These new findings were reproduced in mice treated with RSV or
292                              In this review, new findings will be highlighted concerning the roles of
293                                        These new findings will be important in the understanding of t
294                                        These new findings will contribute to furthering the understan
295  the coming years, and we believe that these new findings will contribute to our understanding of hum
296                                        These new findings will enable the determination of how bioche
297 nd we anticipate that incorporation of these new findings will lead to even better outcomes.
298                                        These new findings will revolutionize the design of polymer fi
299                       By incorporating these new findings with results from prior studies, we propose
300 ansect, square, point counts), comparing the new findings with results of our research in Europe, sit

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