


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1                              Orbitrap is the newest addition to the family of high-resolution mass sp
2 gy of phosphatidylinositol (PtdIns) 5-P, the newest addition to the family of phosphoinositides (PI),
3 nterferons (IFNs), including IFN-lambda, the newest addition to the interferon family, constitute an
4                                          The newest addition to this group of disorders is the defect
5 sent the third version of PathVisio with the newest additions and improvements of the application.
6               These lipoamides represent the newest additions to a relatively rare family of marine c
7                                   One of the newest adjuvants in approved products is AS04, which com
8 amos HIV Database, created to respond to the newest advances in HIV neutralizing antibody research.
9 e use of stimulating catheters represent the newest advances in this area.
10 iplatelet agents are emerging as some of the newest agents that seem to have cardioprotective capabil
11  In this review, we update the reader on the newest and best models and approaches available for stud
12                                 SMG-1 is the newest and least studied member of the phosphoinositide
13       The IL-17/IL-17 receptor family is the newest and least understood of the cytokine subclasses.
14                   Yatakemycin represents the newest and now most potent member of a class of naturall
15                                          The newest animal model of FraX, the fruit fly Drosophila, h
16 tributed and evolving resistance to even the newest antibiotics.
17 tical significance) among those starting the newest antidepressant, paroxetine, is of a magnitude tha
18 we present a corresponding discussion of the newest antihyperglycemic category, modulators of the inc
19                   This review highlights the newest application areas, including some of the strategi
20                        BLAST searches of the newest assemblies are integrated with genome maps.
21                              In the USA, the newest available monitoring option during magnetic reson
22                                     With the newest beamline developments, a comprehensive time serie
23                                  Using these newest bNAbs, and a wide range of diverse recombinant En
24                                   FFP18, the newest Ca2+ indicator designed to selectively monitor ne
25 e PA700, and together comprise the sixth and newest CAD subunit of the regulatory complex of the 26S
26                                          The newest catenin, p120(ctn), differs from the classical ca
27                                          The newest challenge stems from the health-care revolution,
28            Integrase (IN) inhibitors are the newest class of antiretroviral agents developed for the
29 ns from Arabidopsis represent members of the newest class within the myosin superfamily (class XI).
30            The oxazolidinones are one of the newest classes of antibiotics.
31 um antibiotic chloramphenicol and one of the newest clinically important antibacterials, linezolid, i
32                              However, in our newest compounds an interesting shift of preference to t
33                                          The newest condition in which a role for complement has been
34 In addition, only a few studies examined the newest CT colonography technology.
35 ance energy transfer (FRET) acceptor for the newest cyan fluorescent proteins.
36 f T(H)1 cells in promoting autoimmunity, the newest data defy simple paradigms.
37                  Here we present some of the newest data on the structure of the chromatin fiber in b
38 racrine factors, of which betatrophin is the newest described, increase beta cell mass in murine mode
39 e key aim of this review is to emphasize the newest development in the design of sensing and biosensi
40  semiconductors has been the backbone of the newest developments in microelectronics, energy conversi
41                                          The newest developments in molecular imaging are described,
42 round the world can stay up-to-date with the newest developments in their field and are therefore les
43    PURPOSE OF REVIEW: This study reviews the newest developments on experimental therapies for the tr
44                               We present the newest devices being promoted for difficult-airway manag
45 replicated DNA spans the cell center and the newest DNA extends toward the cell poles.
46 eedle aspiration cytology (EUS-FNA), and the newest emerging application is EUS-guided interventions.
47                                          The newest family member, Drosophila nAhomo, was discovered
48  in 2001, but progress on understanding this newest family of intramembrane proteases has been rapid.
49           The IgM Fc receptor (FcmuR) is the newest FcR, and coligation of FcmuR and Fas/CD95 on Jurk
50             In this review, we highlight the newest findings about PARP-1's role in stress responses
51                 A critical discussion of the newest findings in the field of bacterial ncRNAs shows h
52                   This review highlights the newest findings on the genetic etiology or implications
53 Thermotherapy and chemothermotherapy are the newest focal methods that are showing promising results
54                           It begins with the newest formulation (Neoral, Sandoz Pharmaceuticals, East
55 catheter aortic valve implantation using the newest generation balloon-expandable THV is associated w
56 are no cardiovascular data available for the newest generation contraceptive hormone formulations, in
57 2.41 inverted question mark, a member of the newest generation of antagonists capable of significantl
58                                          The newest generation of automated continuous-monitoring blo
59     Off-pump coronary bypass surgery and the newest generation of drug-eluting stent platforms offer
60 early activity with the accessibility of the newest generation of high-throughput platforms and techn
61 tions of large MSI data sets acquired on the newest generation of MSI instruments and evaluate these
62                                          The newest generation of RSNO sensors utilizes an amperometr
63                                          The newest generation scanner is capable of producing CCTA o
64 nd connects traditional QTL mapping with the newest genotyping technologies.
65 pped all of the 1000 Genomes sequence to the newest human reference (GRCh38), and will release update
66                   In conclusion, some of the newest ideas for the future are discussed.
67  prevalence and clinical significance of the newest immune checkpoint, HHLA2, in osteosarcoma.
68  subspecialty is ideally suited to apply the newest information technology to traditional needs in ar
69 ctives in Diabetes article, we highlight the newest insights in immune cell interactions in obesity a
70 controlled trials have demonstrated that the newest latent tuberculosis (LTBI) regimen, 12 weekly dos
71 tative analysis and to take advantage of the newest LC x LC separation technology to identify isomers
72 , this compilation of published work for the newest mammalian target of rapamycin inhibitor everolimu
73       This article reviews literature on the newest materials currently on the market and provides an
74 s since their introduction in 1988, with the newest medication introduced in 2002.
75                   It will also highlight the newest medications associated with uveitis and scleritis
76  cloning and characterization of HIVEP3, the newest member in the human immunodeficiency virus type 1
77                                 GST-5 is the newest member of an emerging family of carbohydrate 6-O-
78                               Etk/Bmx is the newest member of Btk tyrosine kinase family that contain
79 odes a protein of 769 amino acids and is the newest member of the aurora/Ipl1p protein kinase family.
80                                   B7x is the newest member of the B7-CD28 family and is thought to da
81  structure, expression and regulation of the newest member of the Brd gene family, Ocho, which is loc
82     The inducible costimulator (ICOS) is the newest member of the CD28/CD152 receptor family involved
83       We suggest mycothione reductase as the newest member of the class I flavoprotein disulfide redu
84                                 IL-27 is the newest member of the cytokine family comprised of IL-12
85 he expression and activity of cyclin E2, the newest member of the G(1) cyclin family, is largely unkn
86 rst direct functional evidence for CYGB, the newest member of the globin family, as a tumor suppresso
87                                  IFIX is the newest member of the human HIN-200 family and is often d
88                   Interleukin (IL)-27 is the newest member of the IL-12 family of heterodimeric cytok
89                                          The newest member of the mismatch repair gene family, GTBP,
90                                          The newest member of the mitogen activated protein (MAP) kin
91             Apolipoprotein A-V (apoA-V), the newest member of the plasma apolipoprotein family, was r
92 The haemolysin of Haemophilus ducreyi is the newest member of the Proteus/Serratia family of pore-for
93 ubcellular localization of synapsin III, the newest member of the synapsin family, in cultured mouse
94                             We show that the newest member of this family, alphad, is expressed on hu
95                                          The newest member of this gene family is the theta subunit.
96 re and implement new resources to enable the newest members of the community to engage fully with the
97 holipase Cepsilon (PLCepsilon) is one of the newest members of the phosphatidylinositol-specific phos
98 diatric radiologists, particularly among the newest members.
99  in situ hybridization (FISH) represents the newest methodologic approach for testing for this geneti
100          Transpupillary thermotherapy is the newest modality used as primary treatment or as compleme
101 to their mechanism of action and some of the newest molecules and targets which are being investigate
102 g is gaining importance in cardiology as the newest, most complex, and rapidly emerging noninvasive t
103 itomises the triumphs and challenges of this newest nations' first 18 months.
104                    Laulimalide is one of the newest naturally occurring macrolides known to act as a
105                                  PAXX is the newest NHEJ factor, which shares structural similarity w
106                                          The newest NIH institute, the National Institute of Biomedic
107 ps of infection similar to EFV, but that the newest NNRTI, etravirine (ETR), did not.
108                           Ceftaroline is the newest of the approved parenteral agents for SSSIs cause
109                     This paper discusses the newest of the available clinical observations that nonac
110 troimino or cyanoimino pharmacophore are the newest of the four most important classes of insecticide
111 t antagonizes the PI3 kinase pathway, is the newest one on the list.
112 e could be random, or else the oldest or the newest ones might be favoured.
113 ) and inactivation (CYP24A1, CYP3A4) and the newest physiological roles of vitamin D.
114                    Here, we characterize the newest PIKK family member, hSMG-1, as a genotoxic stress
115 e of polar divisions, with a bias toward the newest pole.
116 ntified from genomic sequence as well as the newest published family members.
117 se studies will likely be facilitated by the newest reagents-the noninfectious recombinant virus-like
118                              Thus, O3 is the newest recognized component of the EFC and the smallest
119                                          The newest recommendations for their delivery are outlined h
120                                          The newest screening guidelines (2006 World Health Organizat
121 cterial organisms have been sequenced by the newest sequencing technologies.
122                         The quad pill is the newest single-pill, once-daily option for the treatment
123  and lamellipodia transiently concentrate at newest sites, but decrease at older, stabilized sites.
124 elated with 82% of common deletions, but the newest SNP platforms effectively tag about 50%.
125                                          The newest studies reveal that bone marrow edema may be a mo
126 recent reports of the most commonly used and newest systemic drugs that have been implicated in ocula
127                     The state-of-art and the newest technologic approaches in electrochemical biosens
128  latest developments in surgical options and newest technologies to improve outcomes.
129 sease mutations are described, including the newest technologies using whole genome amplification (WG
130 apy with specific focus on studies using the newest technology.
131                                          The newest Th cell subset produces the cytokine IL-17.
132                                              Newest therapies are first evaluated in patients with li
133                                          The newest therapies for psoriasis target its immune compone
134 phasis on strategy as opposed to seeking the newest treatment option.
135 ulin and biological agents and trials of the newest treatments are being reviewed.
136                                   One of the newest types of protein organelle are encapsulin nanocom
137 t of modest NH3 emission reduction among the newest vehicles and increased emissions from a growing n
138                                          The newest version of the Glaucoma Treatment Compliance Asse
139 ion of Assays for Monitoring Autophagy." The newest version of the guidelines was published in 2016.
140                                          The newest versions of the mouse, GRCm38 and the rat, Rnor_6
141 ning (PVS) guidelines and review some of the newest vision screening techniques.
142               Among multi-item measures, the Newest Vital Sign (English) performed moderately well fo
143                       Among HL measures, the Newest Vital Sign demonstrated a significant relationshi
144 creens have led to the identification of the newest yeast V-ATPase subunit, Vma9p.

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