


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 ation, and thereby regulates the activity of nitrate reductase.
2  confirming that the NapA enzyme is the sole nitrate reductase.
3 ation of phosphoenolpyruvate carboxylase and nitrate reductase.
4 low to support respiration by membrane-bound nitrate reductase.
5  the activities of both acid phosphatase and nitrate reductase.
6 , that is constitutive and not inducible for nitrate reductase.
7  biosynthesis of a molybdopterin cofactor of nitrate reductase.
8  required by various molybdoenzymes, such as nitrate reductase.
9 at the first seven genes encode a functional nitrate reductase.
10 rom Arg but via conversion of nitrite by the nitrate reductase.
11 omponents as exemplified by incorporation of nitrate reductase.
12 produced NO, and this requires expression of nitrate reductase.
13       This enhancement required a functional nitrate reductase.
14 tate had no influence on synthesis of either nitrate reductase.
15 , such as the membrane-bound and periplasmic nitrate reductases.
16 ree of homology to prokaryotic dissimilatory nitrate reductases.
17 cteria readily reduce nitrate to nitrite via nitrate reductases.
18 y double mutations in NOA1 and either of the nitrate reductases.
19 e aerobe, expresses two distinct respiratory nitrate reductases.
20 . Typhimurium strains with defects in either nitrate reductase A (narG mutant) or the regulator induc
21                             Escherichia coli nitrate reductase A (NarGHI) is a membrane-bound enzyme
22      The molybdenum atom of Escherichia coli nitrate reductase A (NarGHI) is coordinated by two PPT-d
23                          Synthesis of active nitrate reductase A and the cytoplasmic, NADH-dependent
24 s with a second set of mutants revealed that nitrate reductase A couples more effectively with ubiqui
25 es present in Escherichia coli suggests that nitrate reductase A, encoded by the narGHI genes, is the
26 te of the only functional nitrate reductase, nitrate reductase A, is located in the cytoplasm, so nit
27 ocess, we knocked down the gene encoding for nitrate reductase, a key enzyme required for the assimil
28  we show that the native localization of the nitrate reductase, a major respiratory complex under ana
29  the biofilm state included those encoding a nitrate reductase, a nitrite reductase, and a nitric oxi
30 sence of protein FA, to enhance the level of nitrate reductase activation achieved on incubation with
31 lent cations among the CRP/FNR (fumarate and nitrate reductase activator protein) superfamily of regu
32 AMP receptor protein)- and FNR (fumarate and nitrate reductase activator protein)-dependent promoters
33                                 Increases in nitrate reductase activities after exposure of barley pl
34 oli which produced formate hydrogenlyase and nitrate reductase activities only when grown in medium w
35 efects in metabolism including a loss of all nitrate reductase activities, biofilm maturation, and vi
36  that the PA1006 protein is critical for all nitrate reductase activities, growth as a biofilm in a c
37 ures and hypoxic cultures yielded comparable nitrate reductase activities.
38           We also detected nitrate-inducible nitrate reductase activity (2 to 39 nmol min-1 mg-1) in
39                                              Nitrate reductase activity (NRA) associated with the mic
40 shown to moderately affect fermentation, but nitrate reductase activity and fnr are dispensable for f
41 berated from the membrane, NarGH retains its nitrate reductase activity and forms films on graphite a
42 produced a strain that had aerobic levels of nitrate reductase activity but failed to show hypoxic up
43 vity increased approximately 100-fold, while nitrate reductase activity decreased 10-fold in whole-ce
44 ing the loss of assimilatory and respiratory nitrate reductase activity in a mobA deletion mutant.
45       We measured reduced viologen-dependent nitrate reductase activity in a series of strains with c
46              Consistent with our hypothesis, nitrate reductase activity in colonized plants was twice
47                          This indicates that nitrate reductase activity in M. tuberculosis is due to
48           Mycobacterium tuberculosis induces nitrate reductase activity in response to decreasing oxy
49                    The narG mutant showed no nitrate reductase activity in whole culture or in cell-f
50                       In this hypoxic state, nitrate reductase activity is strongly induced.
51               All eight lines had detectable nitrate reductase activity ranging from 7% to 150% of wi
52 ized that colonized plants would have higher nitrate reductase activity than uncolonized plants becau
53 phenotype in line with a severe reduction in nitrate reductase activity that may be due to the overac
54  subsequently express methyl viologen-linked nitrate reductase activity under aerobic conditions with
55  previous studies had demonstrated that high nitrate reductase activity under substrate-limiting cond
56                      The napF operon-encoded nitrate reductase activity was not sensitive to azide, a
57 rains have lost hydrogen sulfide production, nitrate reductase activity, and gas production from gluc
58 elated with enhanced nitrate content, higher nitrate reductase activity, and sustained ammonium conte
59 re or assimilate nitrate and did not express nitrate reductase activity, confirming that the NapA enz
60 reported appearance of a respiratory type of nitrate reductase activity, the increase in glycine dehy
61 5, neither of which contained any detectable nitrate reductase activity, were selected for complement
62 erepressed and expresses very high levels of nitrate reductase activity.
63 yanide was a noncompetitive inhibitor of the nitrate reductase activity.
64 the Wood-Ljungdahl pathway genes and repress nitrate reductase activity.
65 60 and AMC364 lack methyl viologen-supported nitrate reductase activity.
66 ron catalyst inspired by the active sites of nitrate reductase and (per)chlorate reductase enzymes.
67  which are predicted to encode a periplasmic nitrate reductase and eight encode proteins homologous t
68 e cofactors of many metalloenzymes including nitrate reductase and Mo-nitrogenase.
69 ose oxidase and galactose oxidase deactivate nitrate reductase and must be quenched for biosensor app
70                                Both membrane nitrate reductase and nitrite reductase enzyme complexes
71  nitrate or nitrite at 15 degreesC, although nitrate reductase and nitrite reductase were still activ
72 we generated knockouts of the genes encoding nitrate reductase and nitrite reductase, resulting in st
73 n of reduction equivalent, and activities of nitrate reductase and nitrite reductase.
74 lates 3-hydroxy-3-methylglutaryl-Coenzyme A, nitrate reductase and sucrose phosphate synthase in vitr
75                   A fluorometric assay using nitrate reductase and the NADPH regenerating system was
76 K, which delivers nitrate to the respiratory nitrate reductase and transfers the product, nitrite, to
77 , together with nasBC (encoding assimilatory nitrate reductase) and nasF (required for nitrite reduct
78 and catalase, and lack of motility, oxidase, nitrate reductase, and gelatinase.
79  strains defective in the two membrane-bound nitrate reductases, and also defective in either ubiquin
80     It is well established that assimilatory nitrate reductase (ANR) activity in soil is inhibited by
81 ry effect of ammonium (NH4+) on assimilatory nitrate reductase (ANR) activity in soil is not due to N
82 ed sites in sulfite oxidase and assimilatory nitrate reductase as deduced from crystallography (sulfi
83 icated that two isolates held genes encoding nitrate reductase as the only dissimilatory N-oxide redu
84 are critical for controlling the activity of nitrate reductase, as the formation of polar assemblies
85 stant Staphylococcus aureus in </=6 h: (i) a nitrate reductase assay and (ii) a resazurin microplate
86          Our results were confirmed with the nitrate reductase assay and genomic sequencing.
87 nitrogen cycle and human health, taxonomy of nitrate reductases, assimilatory and dissimilatory nitra
88  to nitrite was accomplished using NADPH and nitrate reductase, (b) excess NADPH, proteins, and inter
89   The construction and characterization of a nitrate reductase-based amperometric electrode for deter
90           Plasma NO3- was reduced to NO2- by nitrate reductase before determination of NO2- concentra
91 lack nitrate reductase Z and the periplasmic nitrate reductase, but express all combinations of narK
92 tein, NarJ, which is not present in purified nitrate reductase, but is required for biogenesis of the
93 nd conclude that 14-3-3 most likely inhibits nitrate reductase by inducing a conformational change th
94 have been found to regulate the plant enzyme nitrate reductase by reversible phosphoserine binding.
95 , alpha, beta, and gamma, of the respiratory nitrate reductase complex in Escherichia coli.
96 ssion of genes coding for the membrane-bound nitrate reductase complex is responsive to CF sputum nit
97 taining bacteriochlorophyll and assimilative nitrate reductase constituted <1% of the sampled bacteri
98                                 Two of these nitrate reductase-deficient cell lines, nia 3 and nia 25
99 tant with the napA gene encoding periplasmic nitrate reductase deleted could not respire or assimilat
100 eletion mutations in genes encoding membrane nitrate reductase (Delta narGH) and nitrite reductase (D
101 bunit of R. solanacearum's sole assimilatory nitrate reductase, did not grow on nitrate as a sole nit
102 te sensor-response regulator and in membrane nitrate reductase displayed altered motility and biofilm
103                            The P. aerophilum nitrate reductase distinguishes itself from nitrate redu
104 ochrome c reductase fragment of spinach NADH-nitrate reductase (EC, consisting of the contig
105 al inactivation of the aerobically expressed nitrate reductase eliminated aerobic nitrate reduction,
106 operon and a periplasmic cytochrome c-linked nitrate reductase encoded by the napFDAGHBC operon.
107                                  Periplasmic nitrate reductase, encoded by the napFDAGHBC operon, fun
108                Also required are respiratory nitrate reductase, encoded by the narGHJI operon, and mo
109                                 Two distinct nitrate reductases, encoded by narGHI and nasBC, functio
110     The S. Typhimurium genome contains three nitrate reductases, encoded by the narGHI, narZYV, and n
111 sses two membrane-bound proton-translocating nitrate reductases, encoded by the narGHJI and narZYWV o
112 rifier whose genome contains two periplasmic nitrate reductase-encoding gene clusters.
113     Eight of these were further analyzed for nitrate reductase enzyme activity and nitrate reductase
114 r nitrite and electron transport through the nitrate reductase enzyme in narK mutants reveals that Na
115 , and skin commensal bacteria can synthesize nitrate reductase enzyme.
116  coli synthesizes two biochemically distinct nitrate reductase enzymes, a membrane-bound enzyme encod
117 ertion of the M. tuberculosis narGHJI into a nitrate reductase Escherichia coli mutant allowed anaero
118 ate reduction by two assimilatory eukaryotic nitrate reductase (eukNR) enzymes.
119 nts was counteracted by azide, which induced nitrate reductase expression only if the transcriptional
120 study constitutes the first description of a nitrate reductase from a hyperthermophilic archaeon.
121 assimilation, we generated a knockout in the nitrate reductase gene (NR-KO) of the model pennate diat
122                A cloned Arabidopsis thaliana nitrate reductase gene Nia 2 was introduced into each of
123          A 1.8-kb promoter fragment from the nitrate reductase gene NIA1 was identified that acts as
124 sites in the upstream promoter region of the nitrate reductase gene, NIA1, and physically interact un
125 gions, designated as NP1 and NP2, of the two nitrate reductase genes NR1 and NR2, respectively, are s
126 ranscription of the two Arabidopsis thaliana nitrate reductase genes.
127 uctural genes, except for single cis-QTL for nitrate reductase, Glu dehydrogenase, and shikimate dehy
128 h a 14-3-3-binding phosphopeptide, including nitrate reductase, glyceraldehyde- 3-phosphate dehydroge
129 uminex, and No2-/No3- was measured using the nitrate reductase/Griess assay.
130 hen incubated at 100 degrees C, the purified nitrate reductase had a half-life of 1.5 h.
131  synthase-type enzyme and from nitrite using nitrate reductase has been demonstrated previously.
132                              Hypotheses that nitrate reductase has direct or indirect roles in nitrat
133 ons, the napF operon, encoding a periplasmic nitrate reductase, has unique features with respect to i
134          Both membrane-bound and periplasmic nitrate reductases have been found in denitrifying bacte
135                   The electrode consisted of nitrate reductase held by dialysis membrane onto a Nafio
136 nces appear to be related to the activity of nitrate reductase in cells and to the possible expressio
137                  Yet the role of periplasmic nitrate reductase in denitrification has not been clearl
138             Low expression of membrane-bound nitrate reductase in narK mutants was counteracted by az
139   To analyze the function of the periplasmic nitrate reductase in Pseudomonas sp. strain G-179, the n
140 is is consistent with a role for the aerobic nitrate reductase in redox homeostasis.
141 s of acid phosphatase, cysteine protease and nitrate reductase in sap samples from epidermal and meso
142  propose that they should be designated nap (nitrate reductase in the periplasm) genes.
143   These results suggest that the periplasmic nitrate reductase in this strain plays a primary role in
144 loroplasts and nitrite reductase, but not by nitrate reductase, indicated that N(2)O produced by leav
145 at position 543 (Ser543) promotes binding to nitrate reductase inhibitor protein (NIP).
146 ese findings suggest that the membrane-bound nitrate reductase is critical for P. aeruginosa anaerobi
147 al analysis revealed that the membrane-bound nitrate reductase is essential for P. aeruginosa anaerob
148                                        Since nitrate reductase is likely responsible for NO productio
149           These results show that one of the nitrate reductases is specific for respiration and denit
150 ra crassa, the expression of the nit-3 gene (nitrate reductase) is dependent upon nitrogen derepressi
151 gulated structural gene nit-3, which encodes nitrate reductase, is dependent upon a synergistic inter
152 uctase1 (NR1) and NR2 (genes that encode two nitrate reductase isoforms) was greatly reduced in the n
153    The activity of the more slowly migrating nitrate reductase isozyme (NR1) was induced by NO3- in g
154           Four isogenic lines with different nitrate reductase isozyme combinations were used to dete
155 r all four genotypes indicating that neither nitrate reductase isozyme has a direct role in nitrate u
156 ld type indicating that the NADH and NAD(P)H nitrate reductase isozymes are responsible for most of t
157                                         Both nitrate reductase isozymes were induced by nitrate and w
158 L.) has NADH-specific and NAD(P)H-bispecific nitrate reductase isozymes.
159      These results indicate that periplasmic nitrate reductase, like fumarate reductase, can function
160 ctor (MoCo) biosynthesis proteins as well as nitrate reductase maturation factor NarJ and component N
161 ed for nitrate reductase enzyme activity and nitrate reductase mRNA production.
162 ared in wild-type Columbia-0 (Col-0) and the nitrate reductase mutant nia1nia2.
163                  Interestingly, the membrane nitrate reductase mutant was avirulent in C. elegans, wh
164                                              Nitrate reductase mutants were isolated from hNP 588 pro
165 ous oxide, we demonstrate that a periplasmic nitrate reductase, NAD(P)-linked and copper-containing n
166 occus pantotrophus can express a periplasmic nitrate reductase (Nap) during aerobic growth.
167 re we report that DnrF selectively repressed nitrate reductase (nap) genes, preventing further NO for
168    This result suggests that the periplasmic nitrate reductase (Nap) of S. gotlandica strain GD1(T) f
169 scherichia coli K-12, encoding a periplasmic nitrate reductase (Nap), encodes seven proteins.
170 ified into three distinct types--periplasmic nitrate reductase (Nap), respiratory nitrate reductase (
171 t, a strain lacking a functional periplasmic nitrate reductase (napA mutant) exhibited a marked growt
172 xample the signal peptide of the periplasmic nitrate reductase (NapA) is bound by a cytoplasmic chape
173                                  Periplasmic nitrate reductase (NapABC enzyme) has been characterized
174                                  Periplasmic nitrate reductase (napFDAGHBC operon product) functions
175 plasmic nitrate reductase (Nap), respiratory nitrate reductase (Nar) and assimilatory nitrate reducta
176 copper, zinc superoxide dismutase (SOD1) and nitrate reductase (NaR) coimmobilized on carbon nanotube
177 for a reagentless nitrate biosensor based on nitrate reductase (NaR) from Escherichia coli could be a
178 NO), FNR also regulates genes, including the nitrate reductase (nar) operon, a major source of endoge
179  nitrate differently than the membrane-bound nitrate reductase (Nar), which is generally prevalent am
180 atalysis by eukaryotic molybdenum-containing nitrate reductase (NaR, EC were investigated
181  (tnaA), a tryptophan permease (tnaB), and a nitrate reductase (narG), as well as a natural drop in t
182 rification pathway employs inventory such as nitrate reductase NarGH serving M. denitrificans sp. nov
183 e-containing subunit NarI of the respiratory nitrate reductase NarGHI as proteins that interact with
184  coregulation of NasDEF with the respiratory nitrate reductase NarGHI during nitrate respiration.
185 compared with the highly similar respiratory nitrate reductase NarGHI, which has a relatively much lo
186 uctase family of enzymes, which includes the nitrate reductase NarGHI.
187                            The expression of nitrate reductase (NarGHI) was examined using a narG-lip
188 and regulatory regions of the membrane-bound nitrate reductase narGHJI operon (Pnar) are fused to a g
189 er altered nitrate control of NarL-dependent nitrate reductase (narGHJI) and fumarate reductase (frdA
190  (star) mutants that constitutively activate nitrate reductase (narGHJI) gene expression and repress
191 m the structural genes of the membrane-bound nitrate reductase (narGHJI) in Paracoccus pantotrophus t
192 trimethylamine oxide reductase (dmsABC), and nitrate reductase (narGHJI), used during anaerobic respi
193 an anaerobic regulator, FNR, and respiratory nitrate reductase, NarGHJI.
194 duced genes, including those for respiratory nitrate reductase, narGHJI.B. subtilis has two distinct
195 ory nitrate reductase (Nar) and assimilatory nitrate reductase (Nas), they are defined by their cellu
196       Among tobacco transformants carrying a nitrate reductase (Nia) construct under the control of t
197 nse of NR2, but not NR1 or the gene encoding nitrate reductase (NiR), to light signals was impaired i
198 te assimilation, including the gene encoding nitrate reductase (NIT1), are subject to repression by a
199 as reporters Chlamydomonas genes that encode nitrate reductase (NITI) and arylsulfatase (ARS2) transc
200       The active site of the only functional nitrate reductase, nitrate reductase A, is located in th
201 nd nor genes (associated, respectively, with nitrate reductase, nitrite reductase, and nitric oxide r
202 s (e.g. those encoding nitrate transporters, nitrate reductase, nitrite reductase, ferredoxin reducta
203         Studies on the diurnal variations of nitrate reductase (NR) activity during the life cycle of
204                                              Nitrate reductase (NR) activity increased up to 14-fold
205  experiments generally paralleled changes in nitrate reductase (NR) activity.
206 4-3-3 proteins bind to the hinge 1 region of nitrate reductase (NR) and inhibit its activity.
207        The nature of the association between nitrate reductase (NR) and membranes was examined.
208 state inhibition of the NO-generating enzyme nitrate reductase (NR) attenuates NO production in respo
209                 The comparative induction of nitrate reductase (NR) by ambient NO3- and NO2- as a fun
210           The inactivation of phosphorylated nitrate reductase (NR) by the binding of 14-3-3 proteins
211 extremely low in alpha-DiT1 leaves, although nitrate reductase (NR) expression and activity remained
212  (NRs), the nucleotide sequences encoding 19 nitrate reductase (NR) genes from 16 species of fungi, a
213                                              Nitrate reductase (NR) in leaves is rapidly inactivated
214                                              Nitrate reductase (NR) is a complex molybdenum cofactor
215                      Eukaryotic assimilatory nitrate reductase (NR) is a multi-domain protein that ca
216 reduction of nitrate to nitrite catalyzed by nitrate reductase (NR) is considered to be the rate-limi
217                                              Nitrate reductase (NR) is rapidly inactivated by phospho
218                            Spinach leaf NADH:nitrate reductase (NR) responds to light/dark signals an
219 was capable of phosphorylating and rendering nitrate reductase (NR) sensitive to inhibition by 14-3-3
220 inhibited both glutamine synthetase (GS) and nitrate reductase (NR) was highly purified from cauliflo
221 inated phosphorylation and 14-3-3 binding of nitrate reductase (NR), 6-phosphofructo-2-kinase/fructos
222 , the major mechanism of NO synthesis is via NITRATE REDUCTASE (NR), an enzyme of nitrogen assimilati
223                          Banding patterns of nitrate reductase (NR), nitrite reductase (NiR), and glu
224 milation in plants by tuning the activity of nitrate reductase (NR), the first and rate-limiting enzy
225 OH1)-mediated hydrogen peroxide (H2 O2 ) and NITRATE REDUCTASE (NR)-mediated nitric oxide (NO) in gua
226                                            A nitrate reductase (NR)-null mutant of Arabidopsis was co
227 to regulate the expression of genes encoding nitrate reductase (NR).
228 ation of inorganic nitrogen by knocking down nitrate reductase (NR).
229        Recombinant Arabidopsis thaliana NADH:nitrate reductase (NR; EC was produced in the m
230 des were based on sequences from Arabidopsis nitrate reductase (NR2) and the plasma membrane proton p
231 evolutionary mechanisms and relationships of nitrate reductases (NRs), the nucleotide sequences encod
232                                          The nitrate reductase of the hyperthermophilic archaeon Pyro
233  nitrate reductase distinguishes itself from nitrate reductases of mesophilic bacteria and archaea by
234 ed to determine the role of NADH and NAD(P)H nitrate reductases on nitrate transport and assimilation
235 uctase, narGHJI.B. subtilis has two distinct nitrate reductases, one for the assimilation of nitrate
236 tate levels of nitrate revealed that the two nitrate reductase operons are differentially expressed i
237 al that controls the expression of these two nitrate reductase operons in a differential and compleme
238                       Mutants lacking either nitrate reductase or fumarate reductase also had major c
239     In support of this idea, mutants lacking nitrate reductase or fumarate reductase have extreme col
240 ochrome bd oxidase is more advantageous than nitrate reductase or fumarate reductase.
241                              Strains lacking nitrate reductase outcompeted fumarate reductase mutants
242 /proton symporter NasA from the assimilatory nitrate reductase pathway, support that NarK1 functions
243                Binding of 14-3-3 proteins to nitrate reductase phosphorylated on Ser543 (phospho-NR)
244 ilation through inhibition of phosphorylated nitrate reductase (pNR) in darkened leaves.
245 hO(-), 2-AdO(-), Pr(i)()O(-)), dissimilatory nitrate reductase (QR' = 2-AdS(-)), and formate dehydrog
246 ma 70-type promoter and an FNR (fumarate and nitrate reductase regulator protein) binding site, both
247 RP (cAMP receptor protein)/FNR (fumarate and nitrate reductase regulatory protein) family of transcri
248 genes, encoding nitrate/nitrite permease and nitrate reductase, respectively, were isolated from the
249 d to a heme-depleted, catalytically inactive nitrate reductase, restoring its nitrate-reducing enzyme
250 f the napFDAGHBC operon encoding periplasmic nitrate reductase results from synergistic transcription
251 ity to alpha- and beta-subunits of microbial nitrate reductase, selenate reductase, dimethyl sulfide
252 on of nitrate was developed using simplified nitrate reductase (SNaR) that was produced by genetic re
253 ory nitrate reduction, cellular locations of nitrate reductases, structural and redox chemistry are d
254                   The MPT containing enzymes nitrate reductase, sulphite oxidase, and SN oxide reduct
255 ns still allow proper nitrogen repression of nitrate reductase synthesis.
256 he C-terminal domain of gp91(phox) on a corn nitrate reductase template suggests close proximity of t
257                             Here we purify a nitrate reductase that specifically catalyzes the format
258                    Unlike the membrane-bound nitrate reductase, the nitrate reduction activity in str
259 te-regulated genes (including those encoding nitrate reductase, the nitrate transporter NRT1, and glu
260  this strain are Mo-dependent enzymes, as is nitrate reductase; thus, transport of molybdate is impor
261 est that S. Typhimurium uses the periplasmic nitrate reductase to support its growth on the low nitra
262 lla cytochrome bd-II oxidase synergized with nitrate reductases to drive luminal expansion, and both
263 f the narGHJI operon encoding membrane-bound nitrate reductase under any growth condition tested.
264                                              Nitrate reductase utilizes a Moco but its activity was u
265              In contrast, when the anaerobic nitrate reductase was absent, aerobic nitrate reduction
266                                  The aerobic nitrate reductase was expressed but not utilized in liqu
267 te biosensor based on recombinant eukaryotic nitrate reductase was implemented in commercial screen-p
268       Notably, the expression of respiratory nitrate reductase was not affected by the carbon sources
269   Under anaerobic conditions the activity of nitrate reductase was reduced by only 50%, showing that
270 synthetic source of NO in tomato cotyledons, nitrate reductase was shown to be under strict control o
271 otype (Az12;Az70) which is deficient in both nitrate reductases, was only 13% of the wild type indica
272 ogenase 3 and several molybdoenzymes such as nitrate reductase were also increased.
273              The activities for fumarate and nitrate reductase were lower in ETRA-153, as were the le
274 ction focuses on the features of periplasmic nitrate reductase where the catalytic subunit of the Nap
275 n and use of four isogenic strains that lack nitrate reductase Z and the periplasmic nitrate reductas

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