


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 cation and genes associated with respiratory nitrate reduction.
2 (2)-O2NO)] (2), which undergoes inner sphere nitrate reduction.
3 l activators that are involved in regulating nitrate reduction.
4 strain plays a primary role in dissimilatory nitrate reduction.
5 ained nitrifiers and heterotrophs capable of nitrate reduction.
6 uction active site and has high activity for nitrate reduction.
7 of toluene, the preferred electron donor for nitrate reduction.
8 otroph that can couple arsenite oxidation to nitrate reduction.
9 on by oxygen during physiological whole-cell nitrate reduction.
10 aling role of nitrite, the direct product of nitrate reduction.
11  role in perchlorate reduction separate from nitrate reduction.
12 R-O-NO) is produced from XO-mediated organic nitrate reduction.
13        This is mediated by FNR (fumarate and nitrate reduction), a regulator of anaerobic metabolism
14 e, we examined the role of FNR (fumarate and nitrate reduction), a well-known global regulator, in th
15 e Mo-molybdopterin (MO-MPT) binding site and nitrate reduction active site and has high activity for
16  approaches simultaneously to show that both nitrate-reduction activities and associated functional b
17 ke the membrane-bound nitrate reductase, the nitrate reduction activity in strain G-179 was not inhib
18                                           No nitrate reduction activity was detected in the Nap- muta
19 ive down-regulation of processes involved in nitrate reduction and amino acid assimilation; ammonium
20 itrate transporter/sensor gene NRT1.1, while nitrate reduction and amino acid content were enhanced i
21 ted expression of some genes in assimilatory nitrate reduction and denitrification pathways, while am
22 responses in Arabidopsis mutants impaired in nitrate reduction and hormone synthesis and also in deca
23 ents are important hotspots of dissimilatory nitrate reduction and interacting nitrogen cycling micro
24 for the dual function of NR2-2/2HbN in which nitrate reduction and nitric oxide dioxygenase reactions
25  functions to assimilate ammonia produced by nitrate reduction and photorespiration, and GS1 is the m
26 nyleneiodonium inhibited XO-mediated organic nitrate reduction and sGC activation, indicating that or
27 tion, as well as for anaerobic dissimilatory nitrate reduction and sulfate reduction, suggesting a si
28        All were negative for urease, indole, nitrate reduction, and gelatin hydrolysis.
29             The tests for catalase reaction, nitrate reduction, and tributilin varied with the strain
30       This research focused on dissimilatory nitrate reduction as an alternative metabolism to dissim
31 y the FNR protein (regulator of fumarate and nitrate reduction) binding to a site centered at positio
32 oFeN1 may contribute to Fe(II) oxidation and nitrate reduction both by an direct enzymatic pathway an
33 y long (and fast reacting) to produce N2O by nitrate reduction but also sufficiently short (or slow r
34 pressed nitrate reductase eliminated aerobic nitrate reduction, but cells of this strain could still
35                            We also show that nitrate reduction by BCG strains during dormancy was gre
36 c nitrite (R-O-NO) was produced from organic nitrate reduction by CPR.
37 at denitrification to N2 and not facultative nitrate reduction by Geobacter spp. might be the primary
38 n recombinant CbR module and methyl viologen nitrate reduction by holo-NaR, suggesting that these act
39 reductase A, is located in the cytoplasm, so nitrate reduction by these four strains is totally depen
40 pe effects ((15)epsilon and (18)epsilon) for nitrate reduction by two assimilatory eukaryotic nitrate
41 te is also a source of NO and if XO-mediated nitrate reduction can be an important source of NO in bi
42 6 mM for toluene) is injected to improve the nitrate reduction capacity of the oil along the water fl
43  was nonchromogenic; showed no activities of nitrate reduction, catalase activity, Tween 80 hydrolysi
44                                              Nitrate reduction, cellular fatty acid analysis, 16S rRN
45 e reductases, assimilatory and dissimilatory nitrate reduction, cellular locations of nitrate reducta
46       The global regulator FNR (for fumarate nitrate reduction) controls the transcription of >100 ge
47 n perchlorate and nitrate were both present, nitrate reduction did not start significantly until perc
48 ion where three microbiological processes of nitrate reduction, disproportionation of sulfur, and met
49 chia coli transcription factor FNR (fumarate nitrate reduction) during changes in O(2) availability,
50 exposed to both perchlorate and nitrate, the nitrate reduction enzyme activity was low.
51 ed that strain P4B1 had both perchlorate and nitrate reduction enzymes.
52 lfur cluster containing protein Fumarate and Nitrate Reduction (FNR) is the master regulator for the
53                                 The Fumarate nitrate reduction (FNR) regulator from Escherichia coli
54                                 Fumarate and nitrate reduction (FNR) regulatory proteins are O(2)-sen
55  by binding of the regulator of fumarate and nitrate reduction (FNR) to a site centered at position -
56 ar to the cAMP receptor protein and fumavate nitrate reduction from Escherichia coli.
57 ne set of genes, designated snr (for "shared nitrate reduction"), have been recently cloned and parti
58 ration was detected from XO-mediated organic nitrate reduction; however, addition of L-cysteine or as
59 ase isozymes are responsible for most of the nitrate reduction in barley seedlings.
60 that tidal pumping may sustain dissimilatory nitrate reduction in intertidal zones.
61 at the membrane anchor, NarI, to the site of nitrate reduction in the membrane extrinsic [Fe-S] clust
62               It was also unable to catalyse nitrate reduction in the presence of physiological elect
63 d ammonium and possesses metabolic genes for nitrate reduction including nar, nap and nrf.
64 ms, but the effect of tides on dissimilatory nitrate reduction, including denitrification, anaerobic
65 n of properties as demonstrated by enzymatic nitrate reduction initiated by light absorption in the n
66  between extractable NR activity and in situ nitrate reduction is due to substrate limitation of NR.
67  voltammetry similar to that observed during nitrate reduction is observed during reduction of the st
68                                              Nitrate reduction is proposed to play a role during the
69 ch encodes the periplasmic molybdoenzyme for nitrate reduction, is increased in response to anaerobio
70 and adapted cultures, while no inhibition of nitrate reduction occurred at the highest H2S concentrat
71 formation indicated that XO-mediated organic nitrate reduction occurred via an acid-catalyzed mechani
72  and sGC activation, indicating that organic nitrate reduction occurs at the flavin site.
73 h nitrite and NO production, indicating that nitrate reduction occurs at the molybdenum site.
74 se factors together, this study reveals that nitrate reduction occurs in mature biofilms of C. testos
75 e and NO formation indicate that XO-mediated nitrate reduction occurs via an acid-catalyzed mechanism
76 he formation of ionic reaction products from nitrate reduction on Pt and Sn-modified Pt electrode in
77             Therefore, CPR catalyzes organic nitrate reduction, producing nitrite, whereas CP can med
78                            The FNR (fumarate nitrate reduction) protein plays a central role in the g
79       Moreover, the rate determining step of nitrate reduction (reduction to nitrite) was enhanced by
80                The Escherichia coli fumarate-nitrate reduction regulator (FNR) protein is the paradig
81 metabolisms, as exemplified by the fumarate, nitrate reduction regulator (FNR).
82 f the CRP/FNR (cAMP-binding protein/fumarate nitrate reduction regulatory protein) family of helix-tu
83 e cAMP receptor protein and the fumarate and nitrate reduction regulatory protein, through a comparis
84       The transcription factor FNR (fumarate nitrate reduction) requires the presence of an iron-sulf
85     The mass balance of pyrite oxidation and nitrate reduction revealed a closed recovery of the elec
86 pable of reducing nitrate, and intriguingly, nitrate reduction significantly enhanced viability of th
87 ompared to the kinetics of the intracellular nitrate reduction step of microbial denitrification.
88 rate to decrease souring results in zones of nitrate-reduction, sulfate-reduction, and methanogenesis
89 me, with elevated nitrate concentrations and nitrate reduction surrounding a region with elevated iro
90 y and is responsible for the inactivation of nitrate reduction that occurs in darkened leaves.
91 aerobic regulation of arginine deiminase and nitrate reduction) that controls anaerobic respiration i
92  activated by FNR (regulator of fumarate and nitrate reduction), the two-component regulatory system
93  members of the genus lack only the gene for nitrate reduction, the first step in the full denitrific
94 uced flavodoxin/ferredoxin (CO2-fixation and nitrate reduction), this discovery further substantiates
95 he network of denitrification, dissimilatory nitrate reduction to ammonia, ammonia oxidation and sulf
96 ) from recycling pathways like dissimilatory nitrate reduction to ammonium (DNRA) or source pathways
97 ich exhibited the capacity for dissimilatory nitrate reduction to ammonium (DNRA).
98 cation genes (56%), or perform dissimilatory nitrate reduction to ammonium (DNRA; (31%).
99 nvolved in denitrification and dissimilatory nitrate reduction to ammonium were coincident with chang
100 ying the pathways required for dissimilatory nitrate reduction to ammonium, a little-studied N proces
101 te ammonification, also termed dissimilatory nitrate reduction to ammonium, but not respiratory denit
102 aerobic ammonium oxidation and dissimilatory nitrate reduction to ammonium, remains unexplored in the
103 iological nitrogen removal process to effect nitrate reduction to N(2), using an internally produced
104                          Thus, XOR catalyzed nitrate reduction to nitrite and NO occurs and can be an
105 H, and 2,3-dihydroxybenz-aldehyde, triggered nitrate reduction to nitrite and NO.
106 neration from skin is dependent on bacterial nitrate reduction to nitrite and subsequent reduction by
107 ce RNS is rarely considered, perhaps because nitrate reduction to nitrite is only prominent in axenic
108 f (18)O-depleted oxygen released as water by nitrate reduction to nitrogen.
109 CPR, the presence of NADPH triggered organic nitrate reduction to NO2(-).
110 n indicated that both, acetate oxidation and nitrate reduction took place at a similar formal potenti
111  is primarily controlled by the fumarate and nitrate reduction transcriptional regulator FNR.
112 e (XO) has been reported to catalyze organic nitrate reduction under anaerobic conditions, but questi
113 ics, magnitude, and mechanism of XO-mediated nitrate reduction under anaerobic conditions, EPR, chemi
114  strain FJG1(T) couples methane oxidation to nitrate reduction under oxygen limitation, releasing nit
115 d to identify FNR (regulator of fumarate and nitrate reduction) variants that are defective repressor
116 ntial profile reveals how NarGH can catalyze nitrate reduction via two pathways having distinct speci
117                     Under anoxic conditions, nitrate reduction was accompanied by nitrogen and oxygen
118  to the process of nitrate accumulation, and nitrate reduction was associated with dormancy relief.
119 erobic nitrate reductase was absent, aerobic nitrate reduction was detectable, but anaerobic nitrate
120            Unexpectedly, the in situ rate of nitrate reduction was extremely low in alpha-DiT1 leaves
121 rate reduction was detectable, but anaerobic nitrate reduction was impaired.
122 ition by nitrite produced from heterotrophic nitrate reduction were the most important mechanisms for

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