


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 vity, in contrast to the 1:1.3 ratio for the nitration).
2 eptide for RhoA 1) to shield Tyr(34) against nitration.
3  for post-translational modification through nitration.
4  from normal to inverse electron demand upon nitration.
5 and to determine the specific sites of their nitration.
6 OH are significant in prevention of tyrosine nitration.
7 ndrion via a mechanism that requires protein nitration.
8  of particle-bound PAHs toward heterogeneous nitration.
9 de accompanied by extensive vascular protein nitration.
10 ation and Western blot analysis for tyrosine nitration.
11  with a novel modification of Syt1, tyrosine nitration.
12 roxynitrite production, and protein tyrosine nitration.
13 ced by increases in 3-nitrotyrosine and PGIS nitration.
14  many ECD fragments contained the site(s) of nitration.
15 , while CID efficiency remains unaffected by nitration.
16 ed oxido-nitrosative stress and lung protein nitration.
17 with the (*)NO2 present, leading to o-phenol nitration.
18 ion is required to trigger midgut epithelial nitration.
19 els of oxidized RNA and enhanced protein Tyr nitration.
20 -beta-actin association and protein tyrosine nitration.
21  a slightly deactivating aryl substituent in nitrations.
22   In this work we characterize Prx2 tyrosine nitration, a post-translational modification on a noncat
23                In lieu of the unsatisfactory nitration, a regioselective acylation with Cl3CCOCl was
24 ultiple active chimeras that showed improved nitration activity, increased coupling efficiency and hi
25 alyzed for protein glycation, oxidation, and nitration adducts by stable isotopic dilution analysis t
26 pression, protein nitrosylation, and protein nitration, alleviating nitrosative stress.
27 group has previously demonstrated that STAT1 nitration also mediates MDSC inhibitory effects on immun
28 t-mediated protein modification via tyrosine nitration and 4-OH-2-nonenol adduction.
29 ) as critical mediators of midgut epithelial nitration and antiplasmodial immunity that enhance nitri
30    In conclusion, oxidized LDL-mediated PGIS nitration and associated thromboxane receptor stimulatio
31              TAT-fused NipR1 attenuated RhoA nitration and barrier disruption in LPS-challenged human
32 ts blocked Ang II effects on Kv4.3, tyrosine nitration and CaMKIIdelta oxidation and activation.
33 transfer, preventing peroxynitrite-dependent nitration and consequent inactivation of Fe-SODB.
34                  Both ceruloplasmin tyrosine nitration and cysteine thiol oxidation may be operant in
35 vity while increasing ceruloplasmin tyrosine nitration and cysteine thiol oxidation.
36 bunit of phosphoinositide 3-kinase (PI3K) by nitration and diverts the PI3K-Akt survival signal to th
37 which preceded histological changes, protein nitration and DNA double-strand-break induction.
38 neously detect a range of protein oxidation, nitration and glycation adducts within a single sample.
39 ulp could explain the site-specific tyrosine nitration and inactivation of CPB1.
40 ogenous sources of peroxynitrite resulted in nitration and inactivation of Fe-SODA but not Fe-SODB, s
41 (2) peroxynitrite-mediated posttranslational nitration and inactivation of glial-related enzymes (glu
42                   Exposure to UVB results in nitration and inactivation of Polgamma, which is prevent
43 tivity of Polgamma by preventing UVB-induced nitration and inactivation of Polgamma.
44              Furthermore, ADMA enhanced Akt1 nitration and increased its activity.
45 present study was designed to determine PGIS nitration and its association with the inflammatory resp
46       The second involves post-translational nitration and modification of glia-derived proteins know
47                There is much interest in the nitration and oxidation reaction mechanisms initiated by
48 ecies) production such as inhibiting protein nitration and protein aldehyde formation and specificall
49  site with substrate protects against Tyr385 nitration and redirects nitration to alternative Tyr res
50 monstrated increased eNOS activation and PKG nitration and reduced caveolin-1 expression.
51 serum FeOxI is associated with ceruloplasmin nitration and reduced survival in patients with HF.
52 cells was resistant to peroxynitrite-induced nitration and reduction of A subunit binding.
53 NOS causes marked mitochondrial cytochrome c nitration and release and subsequent photoreceptor apopt
54 ion at S70 directly correlates with B56delta nitration and repression of SOD1, but inversely correlat
55 l cells resulted in marked decrease of IRAK4 nitration and restored the inflammatory response after l
56              The effect of the inhibitors of nitration and ribosylation on GAPDH activity, its nuclea
57 ite, NOx, S-nitrosoglutahione reductase, Tyr-nitration and S-nitrosylation along with the expression
58 ms, based on fluorescein bleaching, tyrosine nitration and serum albumin thiol oxidation.
59                                The two-stage nitration and subsequent deacetylation of readily availa
60 response to lipopolysaccharide through IRAK4 nitration and the resultant impairment of kinase activit
61 logical mechanisms accounting for fatty acid nitration and the specific structural characteristics of
62  mechanisms that target ookinetes-epithelial nitration and thioester-containing protein 1 (TEP1)-medi
63 itrotyrosine (NY), Akt and p38 activity, p85 nitration, and caspase-3 cleavage were measured in brain
64 d peroxynitrite-induced FeOxI drop, tyrosine nitration, and cysteine oxidation; flavonoid(-)-epicatec
65 n adducts, protein carbonyl content, protein nitration, and DNA damage determined by the content of 8
66 ncreased generation of nitric oxide, protein nitration, and lipid peroxidation.
67 uantification of the extent of chlorination, nitration, and oxidation in human hemoglobin and to exam
68                 The extents of chlorination, nitration, and oxidation of a total of 12 sites and type
69                    Signaling protein levels, nitration, and phosphorylation were quantitated by immun
70 ased formation of protein carbonyls, protein nitration, and protein S-nitrosylation.
71 l oxidized LDL and glycated LDL levels, PGIS nitration, and retina cell apoptosis, thereby preserving
72                               Thus, tyrosine nitration appears as another mechanism to modulate these
73        Peroxynitrite production and tyrosine nitration are present in several pathological conditions
74 igarette smoking and the extents of tyrosine nitration at alpha-Tyr-24 and at alpha-Tyr-42.
75 or of smoking, chlorination at alpha-Tyr-24, nitration at alpha-Tyr-42, and oxidation at the three me
76 the extents of chlorination at alpha-Tyr-24, nitration at alpha-Tyr-42, and oxidation at the three me
77  sequence-specific identification of protein nitration at low concentrations of 3-NT in complex prote
78 rategy enabled us to investigate the role of nitration at single or multiple tyrosine residues in reg
79  not been possible to determine the roles of nitration at specific residues in regulating the physiol
80               This resulted in site-specific nitration at the 70 kDa polypeptide and impairment of co
81 s is a critical residue for COX-1 catalysis, nitration at this site results in enzyme inactivation.
82 , we found that PKG-1alpha is susceptible to nitration at tyrosine 247 and 425.
83 sisting of sulfonylation at cysteine 674 and nitration at tyrosines 294/295.
84 gain a more mechanistic understanding of how nitration attenuates PKG activity, we developed a homolo
85    Previous studies have shown that tyrosine nitration attenuates PKG-1alpha activity.
86 and functional importance of apoA-I Tyr(166) nitration based upon studies of HDL-like particles recov
87    Herein we report the creation of improved nitration biocatalysts through constructing and characte
88 rp uncovered remarkable regio-promiscuity of nitration biocatalysts.
89 loride (L-NIL) solely restricts lung protein nitration but fails to prevent or reverse the major toba
90 chin, which prevented ceruloplasmin tyrosine nitration but not cysteine oxidation, partially impeded
91   The reactivity of ambient particles toward nitration by N2O5/NO3/NO2, defined by relative 1-NPY for
92                        However, the examined nitration by NO2(+) is supported by (1) the absence of 3
93 teine 674 sulfonylation and tyrosine 294/295 nitration, (c) restored SERCA activity, and (d) improved
94                                          The nitration can enhance the allergenic potential of protei
95                             We also observed nitration, cross-linking of SP-D, and a significant decr
96                  The reaction proceeded as a nitration-debromination sequence to highly stereoselecti
97  to hyperactive eNOS and subsequent tyrosine nitration-dependent impairment of PKG activity, which re
98 longation is interrupted upon Y10 nitration: Nitration disrupts fibril-forming folds by preventing H1
99  oxidized LDL and glycated LDL, induced PGIS nitration, enhanced apoptotic cell death, and impaired b
100             When multiple potential sites of nitration exist, tandem mass spectrometry (MS/MS) method
101       Kinetic analyses suggest that tyrosine nitration facilitates the intermolecular disulfide forma
102                   Post-translational protein nitration has attracted interest owing to its involvemen
103                               We report that nitration (i.e., the irreversible addition of a nitro gr
104                              Pathways of GUA nitration in aqueous solution under atmospherically rele
105 nitration in polluted air, while the rate of nitration in bulk material may be low depending on phase
106  increased SK/IK protein levels and tyrosine nitration in cultured human cardiac microvascular endoth
107 of the other four tyrosine residues prone to nitration in Hsp90, was sufficient to down-regulate mito
108 activation at low NO levels, the role of Tyr nitration in p53 activation was evaluated.
109 e reported that oxidative modifications, and nitration in particular, of T cells as well as serum pro
110 ate in protecting COX-1 from inactivation by nitration in pathophysiological settings.
111 ncreased damage by glycation, oxidation, and nitration in patients with type 2 diabetes, including pa
112 e surface of aerosol particles undergo rapid nitration in polluted air, while the rate of nitration i
113                                     Tyrosine nitration in proteins is an important post-translational
114  possibilities for investigating the role of nitration in regulating protein structure and function i
115 ciation, eNOS activity, and protein tyrosine nitration in the lungs.
116 lity of "shielding" peptides to prevent RhoA nitration in the management of ALI.
117 discovered low endogenous levels of tyrosine nitration in the peptide YYCFQGNQFLR in the heme-binding
118 tudies show that phenolic substrates undergo nitration in the presence of PN or PN-metal complexes, i
119                                     Tyrosine nitration in these conditions has been reported extensiv
120 study we evaluated the possible role of RhoA nitration in this process.
121  primary endogenous substrate for fatty acid nitration in vitro and in vivo, yielding up to 10(5) gre
122 ometry data indicated five sites of tyrosine nitration in vitro including Tyr(248), the tyrosine at t
123 pid peroxidation, protein carbonylation, and nitration in WAT and liver.
124 ation, methylthiolation, S-nitrosylation and nitration) in a natural microbial community from an acid
125 tyrosine formation (ONOO(-)-specific protein nitration) in endothelial plasma membrane in DM, which c
126 rtook this study to test our hypothesis that nitration inactivates PKCdelta, contributing to impaired
127 eroxynitrite promoted further PDI oxidation, nitration, inactivation, and covalent oligomerization.
128 atic and cellular mechanisms account for CLA nitration, including reactions catalyzed by mitochondria
129 f alpha-syn play critical roles in mediating nitration-induced alpha-syn oligomerization.
130 phenyl)porphyrinato iron III chloride or the nitration inhibitor epicatechin.
131 re, we developed a peptide designated NipR1 (nitration inhibitory peptide for RhoA 1) to shield Tyr(3
132 r studies also support the notion that SOD-2 nitration is a critical mechanism that maintains elevate
133                                      Protein nitration is a frequent post-translational modification
134 n reported extensively, but whether tyrosine nitration is a marker or plays a role in the cell-death
135                                     Tyrosine nitration is an important sequel of cellular signaling i
136 tal chelators, and heme ligands reveals that nitration is contingent upon the binding of nitrite to h
137                           Biological protein nitration is involved in several disease states, includi
138                                      Protein nitration is involved in the endothelial barrier dysfunc
139       In the nucleus of NOS activated cells, nitration levels of beta-catenin influenced its associat
140                        In addition, tyrosine nitration may help regulate the repair cycle of photosys
141 ase inactivation, NO consumption, or protein nitration may modulate the biological actions of IDO exp
142 ring posttranslational modifications such as nitration may play a role in antibody-mediated autoimmun
143 ns, but precise localization of the sites of nitration may require either of the "slow-heating" metho
144 dues to alanine (S617A and S1179A) inhibited nitration-mediated eNOS translocation to the mitochondri
145 l immunomodulatory function through tyrosine nitration-mediated impairment of interleukin-1 receptor
146  Thus, we have identified a new mechanism of nitration-mediated RhoA activation involved in LPS-media
147 athology involving oxidative damage, protein nitration, myofiber cell death and marked neuromuscular
148 ch fibril elongation is interrupted upon Y10 nitration: Nitration disrupts fibril-forming folds by pr
149                                         PGIS nitration, nitric oxide synthases, adhesion molecules, m
150 nol is added prior to *NO reaction with 2, o-nitration occurs giving 2,4-di-tert-butyl-6-nitrophenol.
151                                 Whether PGIS nitration occurs in human diabetic atherosclerotic arter
152 d to produce nitronium ion, leading to ortho-nitration of 2,4-di-tert-butylphenol (DTBP).
153 zo-1,2,4-oxadiazole (4), was obtained by the nitration of 5,5'-diamino-3,3'-azo-1,2,4-oxadiazole usin
154                   Among numerous approaches, nitration of a 3-farnesyl-substituted unprotected pyrrol
155                                              Nitration of a 76-kDa cochlear protein correlated with c
156 O can promote the regio- and stereoselective nitration of a broad range of olefins.
157  of PP2A results from peroxynitrite-mediated nitration of a conserved tyrosine residue within B56delt
158  and efficient method for the regioselective nitration of a series of aliphatic and aromatic carboxyl
159 s reveal that cell death can be triggered by nitration of a single protein and highlight nitrated Hsp
160                           Here, we show that nitration of a single tyrosine residue on a small propor
161 seful reagent for regio- and stereoselective nitration of a wide variety of aromatic, aliphatic, and
162              We assessed S-nitrosylation and nitration of AJ-associated proteins to identify downstre
163 e AgNO2/Pd(PPh3)4-promoted regiocontrolled o-nitration of alpha-sulfonylmethylstyrenes in MeNO2 with
164                                The resultant nitration of amino acids is considered a specific effect
165 tion of a diazonium compound was observed by nitration of an amino substituted triazolyl tetrazole wi
166                          Thus, site-specific nitration of apoA-I at Tyr(166) is an abundant modificat
167                                          The nitration of aromatic amines by the photofragmentation p
168 PCET) mediated regioselective ortho-specific nitration of aromatic C(sp(2))-H bonds using chelation-a
169 gent was prepared and used for the efficient nitration of aromatic compounds (even aniline derivative
170                                          The nitration of benzene by nitronium ion in the gas phase h
171            Moreover, high NO levels provoked nitration of beta-catenin, and induced its translocation
172                   Iron(III)-mediated radical nitration of bisarylsulfonyl hydrazones is described.
173                                     The ipso-nitration of calix[6]arene-based molecular receptors is
174             Together these data suggest that nitration of CCL2 during inflammation provides a mechani
175                            Cisplatin induced nitration of cellular proteins within the organ of Corti
176 ant Oxr1 attenuated oxidative stress marker, nitration of cellular proteins, and ameliorated apoptosi
177 his inhibition was mediated through tyrosine nitration of chlamydial protein by peroxynitrite, an NO
178 roxynitrite, and mass spectroscopy confirmed nitration of conserved tyrosine residues within the C-te
179               The site- and protein-specific nitration of CPB1 and the possible high nitration yield
180                                     Tyrosine nitration of CPB1 was significantly reduced in the prese
181                                              Nitration of CyPD and ANT in LGN mitochondria occurs by
182 ) emission signal at 550 nm is observed upon nitration of DHAs due to the generation of fluorescent d
183 s that differ from those of mNOSs, including nitration of different metabolites and protection agains
184 thesized easily in a one-step process by the nitration of FOX-7 in high yield (>93%).
185 PO is the major pathway for chlorination and nitration of HDL in human atherosclerotic tissue.
186 on monitoring were used to quantify tyrosine nitration of in vivo samples and when hemopexin was incu
187 s insulin action in hepatocytes via tyrosine nitration of insulin receptors.
188                        Furthermore, in vitro nitration of IRAK4 resulted in impairment of the kinase
189                                     In vitro nitration of Lba with excess nitrite produced several is
190 h, these results support the hypothesis that nitration of Lmo4 influences cisplatin-induced ototoxici
191 cochlear proteins and is the first to report nitration of Lmo4.
192 monary Rtp801 and consequent iNOS/NO-induced nitration of lung proteins, that otherwise lead to incre
193 Cu-catalyzed chemo- and regioselective ortho-nitration of N,1-diaryl-5-aminotetrazoles and N,4-diaryl
194 Cu-catalyzed chemo- and regioselective ortho-nitration of N,1-diaryl-5-aminotetrazoles and N,4-diaryl
195  reactions, an alternative route through the nitration of N-ethoxycarbonyl-protected 3,4-diaminofuraz
196            Molecular modeling indicates that nitration of one Tyr327 stabilizes the dimer by about 2.
197 eased endothelial permeability, also induced nitration of p120-catenin-associated p190RhoGAP-A.
198                         Thus, eNOS-dependent nitration of p190RhoGAP-A represents a crucial mechanism
199                  We demonstrate by EMSA that nitration of p53 by ONOO(-) (300 x 10(-6) M) abrogates D
200 xygenation injury dramatically increased the nitration of p85 and activation of p38 but decreased Akt
201 apoptosis, accompanied by increased tyrosine nitration of PGIS and decreased PGIS activity.
202 etes, suggesting a possible role of tyrosine nitration of PGIS in the development of atherosclerosis
203 nflammation (nitrative stress), leads to the nitration of phospholipids, resulting in the formation o
204         We propose that VCP/p97-mediated Tyr nitration of PP2A increases the levels of phosphatases P
205 sent study was to determine whether tyrosine nitration of prostacyclin synthase (PGIS) contributes to
206 ling by interaction with diverse targets and nitration of protein tyrosines.
207                NO and its derivatives induce nitration of proteins during inflammation.
208                                              Nitration of Prx has been reported in vitro as well as i
209                                      Radical nitration of readily available 2-bromo-2-fluorostyrenes
210  showed that the inactivation was related to nitration of specific tyrosine residues in the three sub
211  Nano-LC-MS/MS showed this was related to de-nitration of specific tyrosine residues, suggesting KGDH
212 , oxidative impairment and enhanced tyrosine nitration of the 70 kDa FAD-binding protein occur in the
213 T. cruzi Fe-SODs is due to the site-specific nitration of the critical and universally conserved Tyr(
214 MDSCs with Ag-specific CD8(+) T cells caused nitration of the molecules on the surface of CD8(+) T ce
215 ection sensitivity increased with increasing nitration of the molecules.
216 h undergoes I2 -catalyzed oxidative alpha-CH nitration of the nitromethyl subunit followed by [3+2] c
217 e PN treatment resulted in a small amount of nitration of the P450 as determined by mass spectrometry
218                                              Nitration of the pro-survival chaperone heat shock prote
219                                 We find that nitration of the single tyrosine (Y39) in this domain di
220 em mass spectrometry assay demonstrated that nitration of the STAT1-Tyr701 occurs in PBMC derived fro
221                    Moreover, we observe that nitration of the three tyrosines (Y125/133/136) in the C
222 , and a general trend for the regioselective nitration of three aromatic units out of six in moderate
223                    The regiochemistry of the nitration of toluene by NO2(+)BF4(-) in dichloromethane
224 supports H(2)O(2)/ONOO(-)-mediated oxidation/nitration of TPH1 and DDC, affecting, in turn, enzyme fu
225                                              Nitration of Tyr often causes loss of protein activity a
226                     Our study shows that the nitration of Tyr(247) and the attenuation of cGMP bindin
227 ited preserved activity, suggesting that the nitration of Tyr(247) is critical in attenuating PKG-1al
228                This model predicted that the nitration of Tyr(247) would decrease the affinity of PKG
229                                    Increased nitration of Tyr-39 on endogenous alpha-synuclein via el
230 sines allowed us to demonstrate preferential nitration of Tyr314 and the formation of Tyr228-dependen
231                NO derived from iNOS mediates nitration of tyrosine residues in IRF5 protein, leading
232                                  NO mediates nitration of tyrosine residues in RORgammat, leading to
233 on by investigating the effects of oxidative nitration of tyrosine residues on the structure of aS an
234  genes, ArgR, showed that post-translational nitration of tyrosine residues within this protein is re
235 peroxynitrite caused a fairly indiscriminate nitration of tyrosine residues, reversible modifications
236                                              Nitration of tyrosine reverses the tyrosine inhibition o
237                            The oxidation and nitration of unsaturated fatty acids by oxides of nitrog
238 A models endogenously nitrated cyt c because nitration of WT-cyt c is associated with its translocati
239                                              Nitration of Y(56) and Y(142) was previously reported.
240        These results lead us to suggest that nitration of Y125/133/136 reduces the membrane-binding a
241 mice was associated with increased levels of nitration on STAT1.
242                                              Nitration on Tyr-24, Tyr-42 (alpha-globin), and Tyr-130
243 y established that COX-1 undergoes selective nitration on Tyr385 via a mechanism that requires the pr
244 er, post-translational modifications such as nitration, phosphorylation, and sulfoxidation of specifi
245 evidence of residual but significant protein nitration, prevalent oxidative DNA damage, and poly(ADP-
246               Inhibition of cochlear protein nitration prevented cisplatin-induced hearing loss.
247 urthermore, a newly developed regioselective nitration procedure for perylene monoimide diesters (PMI
248 me binding by hemopexin declined as tyrosine nitration proceeded in vitro Three nitrated tyrosines re
249                                        The o-nitration process provides a series of sulfonyl o-nitros
250                      Finally, a biocatalytic nitration process was developed to nitrate 4-Me-DL-Trp.
251 ly described the development of biocatalytic nitration processes driven by an engineered P450 TxtE fu
252 h are also involved in physiological protein nitration processes.
253 , with the maximal yield of the oxidation or nitration product occurring at a 1:1 ratio.
254                            Notably, covalent nitration products 4, 5 and 6, 7 were obtained by reacti
255 vivo, yielding up to 10(5) greater extent of nitration products as compared with bis-allylic linoleic
256  isomers purified from the biomimetic acidic nitration products of conjugated linoleic acid (CLA).
257 hat cannot be accessed efficiently via other nitration protocols.
258 ing rate constants of nitration with NO2(+), nitration rates are competitive under nighttime and liqu
259 increase in the relative rate of an aromatic nitration reaction, affording functionalization on the a
260 on and triggers cell death via oxidation and nitration reactions.
261 133F, Y136F and Y133/136F) can still undergo nitration readily to form higher-order oligomers.
262 e plasmon resonance spectroscopy showed that nitration reduced heparan sulphate binding by CCL2.
263                                              Nitration reduced the potential of CCL2 to stimulate mon
264 SK/IK activities via oxidation- and tyrosine nitration-related mechanisms.
265 everal caspases, resulting in an ineffective nitration response that makes the parasite undetectable
266                      Pfs47 suppresses midgut nitration responses that are critical to activate the co
267    Furthermore, inhibition of B56delta(Y289) nitration restores PP2A holoenzyme assembly, thereby per
268        Our investigations show that tyrosine nitration results in a change of the conformational stat
269        Mass spectrometry identified a single nitration site in Akt1 located at the tyrosine residue (
270      We also found that Tyr-192 is the major nitration site in apoA-I of circulating HDL but that Tyr
271 sion HDL, and Tyr-18 of apoA-I was the major nitration site in HDL exposed to MPO in vitro, suggestin
272        Mass spectroscopy identified a single nitration site, located at Tyr(34) in RhoA.
273 iable carbon chain length, double bonds, and nitration site.
274  CuCl2.2H2O as catalyst and Fe(NO3)3.9H2O as nitration source at room temperature.
275  CuCl2.2H2O as catalyst and Fe(NO3)3.9H2O as nitration source at room temperature.
276 tomic force microscopy, we report that Abeta nitration stabilizes soluble, highly toxic oligomers and
277 t depending on the cell type, distinct Hsp90 nitration states regulate different aspects of cellular
278 isrupt the M80-Fe ligation (such as tyrosine nitration) stimulate nuclear translocation and confer ne
279 uggested that the mechanism by which Tyr(34) nitration stimulates RhoA activity was through a decreas
280 as halogenation, formylation, carboxylation, nitration, sulfonation, and others are discussed in deta
281 re cleavages in the vicinity of the sites of nitration than ECD.
282 5F-PKG-1alpha, were both less susceptible to nitration than WT PKG-1alpha, but only Y247F-PKG-1alpha
283  that diabetes preferentially increases PGIS nitration that is associated with excessive vascular inf
284 was performed to determine the potential for nitration to alter the chemical and biological propertie
285 tects against Tyr385 nitration and redirects nitration to alternative Tyr residues on COX-1, preservi
286 ne is required for mitigating damaging lipid nitration under nitrooxidative stress conditions and, co
287 unoprecipitated CPB1 was probed for tyrosine nitration using monoclonal nitrotyrosine-specific Abs in
288 ctive iminoquinone intermediate (2OHCBZ) and nitration via peroxynitrite (2OHCBZ and 3OHCBZ) as well
289 roxidase substrates, NO consumption, and IDO nitration was inhibited by l-Trp.
290 tive nitrogen species and prevents DNA bases nitration, what makes beech seeds oil interesting raw ma
291             Oxidative stress causes PKCdelta nitration, which prevents its phosphorylation and contri
292 iate in the classic SEAr reaction of benzene nitration with mixed acid.
293 rder kinetic rate constants of methoxyphenol nitration with NO2(*) are substantially higher than the
294 her than the corresponding rate constants of nitration with NO2(+), nitration rates are competitive u
295 ed myocardial complex II to in vitro protein nitration with OONO(-).
296 sttranslational modification of proteins via nitration within atherosclerotic plaque-laden arteries a
297 sequentially, and we propose that epithelial nitration works as an opsonization-like system that prom
298   For example, when Y39 is not available for nitration (Y39F and Y39/125F), the extent of cross-linki
299 ific nitration of CPB1 and the possible high nitration yield to inactivate it were elucidated by conf
300 ound to be approximately 10 by examining the nitration yields of fluorescein, an external NO(2) trap.

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