


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 h permeability edema), and nitrite/ nitrate (nitric oxide production).
2  nitrite/nitrate concentrations (a marker of nitric oxide production).
3 euronal nitric oxide synthase activation and nitric oxide production.
4 ilization of dysfunctional EPCs with blocked nitric oxide production.
5 ascular endothelial growth factor-stimulated nitric oxide production.
6  the increases were blocked by inhibitors of nitric oxide production.
7 be involved in the regulation of endothelial nitric oxide production.
8 se regulator function and is associated with nitric oxide production.
9 icant negative correlation between TCF11 and nitric oxide production.
10 al cofactor for catecholamine, serotonin and nitric oxide production.
11 s, in a dose-dependent manner, and triggered nitric oxide production.
12 nducing arginase I expression and inhibiting nitric oxide production.
13 igation by stimulating pulmonary endothelial nitric oxide production.
14 nvolved in acid resistance and inhibits host nitric oxide production.
15 tion of nuclear factor-kappaB activation and nitric oxide production.
16  COX-2 increases 4-HPR-induced apoptosis and nitric oxide production.
17 roxyphenyl)retinamide (4-HPR) by suppressing nitric oxide production.
18 -activated pathways, endotoxin tolerance, or nitric oxide production.
19 te interleukin-6 secretion but did not alter nitric oxide production.
20  nitric oxide synthase, leading to decreased nitric oxide production.
21 res, but to have no effect on LPS-stimulated nitric oxide production.
22 ects of LPS by inhibiting the stimulation of nitric oxide production.
23 h as proliferation, particle engulfment, and nitric oxide production.
24 sduction of ICSBP with IRF-1 clearly induces nitric oxide production.
25 ter Eph B4 stimulation, indicating increased nitric oxide production.
26 ed bone resorption in the presence of normal nitric oxide production.
27 oxide synthase from caveolae, and preventing nitric oxide production.
28  cytokine-stimulated granuloma formation and nitric oxide production.
29 nd IFN-gamma resulted in iNOS expression and nitric oxide production.
30 mal coupling of extracellular stimulation to nitric oxide production.
31 l recovery, which manifest as an increase in nitric oxide production.
32 iotensin system and inhibition of intrarenal nitric oxide production.
33 y IC + IFN-gamma-induced iNOS expression and nitric oxide production.
34 e, despite displaying a marked deficiency in nitric oxide production.
35 pha-melanocyte-stimulating hormone decreased nitric oxide production.
36 ducible nitric-oxide synthase expression and nitric oxide production.
37 er trauma-hemorrhage via endothelial derived nitric oxide production.
38 ascular resistance and disturbed endothelial nitric oxide production.
39 l immunity, gamma interferon production, and nitric oxide production.
40 compromised in their ability to downregulate nitric oxide production.
41  TGF-beta-induced proliferation and enhances nitric oxide production.
42 ation, reduced HO-1 expression and increased nitric oxide production.
43 re abolished by inhibition of either AMPK or nitric oxide production.
44 e from THP-1 cells as well as superoxide and nitric oxide production.
45 laxation of human and animal airways through nitric oxide production.
46  airway nerves as the source of TLR7-induced nitric oxide production.
47 on through nitric oxide synthase 2-dependent nitric oxide production.
48 re associated with HIF isoform regulation of nitric oxide production.
49  receptors and increase cytosolic Ca(2+) and nitric oxide production.
50 by limiting LDL oxidation via stimulation of nitric oxide production.
51 ide, but rather to suppression of macrophage nitric oxide production.
52 e effector response by increasing macrophage nitric oxide production.
53 ial nitric oxide synthase protein levels and nitric oxide production.
54  +/- 120.1 micromol/l, p = 0.003), decreased nitric oxide production (25.2 +/- 10.8 micromol/l to 22.
55 a stronger bactericidal activity with higher nitric oxide production, a more proinflammatory polarize
56 zed E(h) of Cys/CySS stimulated H2O2 but not nitric oxide production, activated nuclear factor-kappaB
57 cells, transduced with the genes to optimize nitric oxide production, adhered well to the pump surfac
58  play an essential role in the regulation of nitric oxide production after a septic challenge.
59                   Differential regulation of nitric oxide production along the longitudinal and crypt
60  low-density lipoprotein reduces endothelial nitric oxide production (an important mediator of vasore
61  TMEV infection through preemptive antiviral nitric oxide production and antiviral STAT1 activation.
62 rom the internal store in endothelial cells, nitric oxide production and artery relaxation.
63 hosphorylation of eNOS, whereas it decreased nitric oxide production and bioactivity.
64  effect of soy isoflavone supplementation on nitric oxide production and blood pressure in menopausal
65 drial Ang system is coupled to mitochondrial nitric oxide production and can modulate respiration.
66        Tumor necrosis factor-alpha increased nitric oxide production and caused similar increase in S
67  MDSCs with ibrutinib significantly impaired nitric oxide production and cell migration.
68                                          The nitric oxide production and cytokine secretion in rat pe
69 ion of renal kallikrein expression increased nitric oxide production and dampened renal superoxide pr
70                      Moreover, DATS restored nitric oxide production and decreased endothelial nitric
71  synthesis, restored cellular BH4 levels and nitric oxide production and decreased radiation-induced
72      Finally, HHcy potentiated HG-suppressed nitric oxide production and eNOS activity in HAECs, whic
73 important role in the regulation of iNOS and nitric oxide production and hence could account for some
74 ally ill patients with sepsis have increased nitric oxide production and increased bone resorption, w
75 ed in a significant decrease in MCAO-induced nitric oxide production and inducible nitric-oxide synth
76        Th1 cells, but not Th2 cells, induced nitric oxide production and inhibited intracellular para
77 ibited LPS- and IFN-gamma-induced macrophage nitric oxide production and iNOS mRNA accumulation.
78 nt macrophages, stimulating iNOS expression, nitric oxide production and interleukin-1 (IL-1) release
79             This cascade requires prostanoid/nitric oxide production and is independent of Wnt/LRP5.
80 ability to activate macrophages in vitro for nitric oxide production and killing of Leishmania major
81  soy isoflavone supplementation to stimulate nitric oxide production and lower blood pressure in meno
82 ormal vascular function via endothelial cell nitric oxide production and modulation of Ca(2+) handlin
83                                         Limb nitric oxide production and muscle phospho-endothelial n
84                                Inhibitors of nitric oxide production and of SNO blocked PAF-induced S
85  features of microglial activation including nitric oxide production and phagocytosis.
86 ssociated with increased iNOS expression and nitric oxide production and prevented by L-NIO, an enzym
87 ave found reductions of basal and stimulated nitric oxide production and responses to exogenous nitri
88          Insights into mechanisms regulating nitric oxide production and signaling and their integrat
89 response requires protein kinase A-dependent nitric oxide production and subsequent PAK2 phosphorylat
90 nostic tests, including measurement of nasal nitric oxide production and systematic analysis for muta
91 eprived motor neuron survival by suppressing nitric oxide production and the consequent peroxynitrite
92 ilar to estrogens, are believed to stimulate nitric oxide production and thus lower blood pressure.
93 ophages prevented LPS-induced growth arrest, nitric oxide production and TNF-alpha secretion by ANA-1
94  nitric oxide synthase (iNOS) expression and nitric oxide production and to inhibit beta cell functio
95  antagonist, anakinra, efficiently decreased nitric oxide production and vascular proliferation and r
96 s hypertension and atherosclerosis, in which nitric oxide production and/or biological activity is im
97 duced increase in urinary nitrates/nitrites (nitric oxide production) and 8-isoprostane (oxidative st
98  (CPSI, related to urea cycle and endogenous nitric oxide production) and complement factor H-related
99 ated protein product has defects in folding, nitric oxide production, and binding of cofactors.
100 nteractions in vivo by endothelial-dependent nitric oxide production, and by direct modulation of leu
101 ibit increased gamma interferon (IFN-gamma), nitric oxide production, and delayed-type hypersensitivi
102 resulted in impaired fungicidal ability, low nitric oxide production, and elevated synthesis of inter
103 etermining organism survival, superoxide and nitric oxide production, and expression of the cytokines
104 ndothelial nitric oxide synthase expression, nitric oxide production, and heme oxygenase-1 (HO-1) exp
105 F + LPS + IFN-gamma-induced iNOS expression, nitric oxide production, and IL-1 mRNA expression by hum
106  nitric oxide synthase uncoupling, decreased nitric oxide production, and increased superoxide genera
107 essed by proliferation rate, apoptosis rate, nitric oxide production, and inflammatory markers TNF-al
108 II (inducible) nitric oxide synthase (iNOS), nitric oxide production, and inhibition of DNA synthesis
109 ble nitric oxide synthase (iNOS) expression, nitric oxide production, and inhibits glucose-stimulated
110 rditis virus (EMCV)-induced iNOS expression, nitric oxide production, and iPLA2 enzymatic activity in
111 's anti-Plasmodium defense as a substrate of nitric oxide production, and its availability therefore
112 ltures, and gene expression, collagenase and nitric oxide production, and NF-kappaB activation were d
113 otein kinase C translocation and activation, nitric oxide production, and nitric oxide-activated poly
114     Total leukocyte counts, myeloperoxidase, nitric oxide production, and proteins were all significa
115 loperoxidase activity and total cell counts, nitric oxide production, and proteins.
116 otaxis, endothelial inflammation, oxidation, nitric oxide production, and thrombosis reveal other dim
117 that high doses of nonspecific inhibitors of nitric oxide production are contraindicated in septic sh
118 uced energy deficiency, and (ii) the role of nitric oxide production as a potential mechanism for ene
119 s, and considerable evidence points to local nitric oxide production as an important but complex regu
120 activate macrophage NF-kappa B signaling and nitric oxide production, as well as the MAP kinase p38,
121 rn, Northern, and Western blot analysis, and nitric oxide production assays.
122 ile there can be detrimental consequences of nitric oxide production at pathological concentrations,
123 the TLR7 antagonist IRS661 and by inhibiting nitric oxide production but not by inhibiting prostaglan
124 ucible nitric oxide synthase, also increased nitric oxide production but this response was reduced by
125 ent of zinc deficiency-induced intracellular nitric oxide production but was attenuated by the additi
126 is dependent on NMDA receptor activation and nitric oxide production, but little else is known about
127 ing pathway is not involved in TNF-alpha and nitric oxide production, but, interestingly, negatively
128                                Inhibition of nitric oxide production by activated macrophages by usin
129 using the Limulus amebocyte lysate assay and nitric oxide production by alveolar macrophage.
130 sors have been used to measure extracellular nitric oxide production by BALB/c mouse macrophages.
131                                              Nitric oxide production by cells subjected to pulsatile
132                                              Nitric oxide production by cultured cells was measured e
133                                AM stimulates nitric oxide production by endothelial cells, whereas PA
134 localization of eNOS is required for optimal nitric oxide production by endothelial cells.
135                                  Deficits in nitric oxide production by endothelial nitric oxide synt
136             This was associated with reduced nitric oxide production by hepatocytes.
137 te-macrophage colony-stimulating factor] and nitric oxide production by human and murine monocyte/mac
138 I-C) + IFN-gamma-induced iNOS expression and nitric oxide production by human islets are prevented by
139  Gram-negative bacteria induces cytokine and nitric oxide production by inflammatory cell types.
140  that lipopolysaccharide increases medullary nitric oxide production by iNOS induction, resulting in
141 in complement-mediated phagocytosis, inhibit nitric oxide production by macrophage-like cells, protec
142 IFN-gamma fails to induce iNOS expression or nitric oxide production by macrophages isolated from IRF
143 I isozymes, participate in the regulation of nitric oxide production by modulating the availability o
144 A + IFN-gamma-stimulated iNOS expression and nitric oxide production by mouse islets.
145 sRNA + IFN-gamma-induced iNOS expression and nitric oxide production by mouse peritoneal macrophages
146                                              Nitric oxide production by pex cells was dependent upon
147  nitric oxide synthase (iNOS) expression and nitric oxide production by rat, mouse, and human islets.
148                                NOS-dependent nitric oxide production by S. scabies was also reduced i
149 arinic and nicotinic receptor activation and nitric oxide production by using immunocytochemistry for
150                                              Nitric oxide production by various routes was sufficient
151              Estrogen receptor regulation of nitric oxide production by vascular endothelium may invo
152             Inhibition of protein synthesis, nitric oxide production, Ca2+ entry into cells, and pert
153 ietary supplementation aimed to increase the nitric oxide production can also be beneficial.
154                         Thus, differences in nitric oxide production cannot account for the different
155  guanosine 3', 5'-monophosphate, an index of nitric oxide production, compared with WT mice.
156 Previous studies have suggested that loss of nitric oxide production contributes to these changes.
157 onstitutive iNOS expression and, implicitly, nitric oxide production, contributing to the poor surviv
158 s evidence suggesting that the inhibition of nitric oxide production could be a desirable future ther
159 trogen receptor (ER)-mediated stimulation of nitric oxide production, demonstrated by preinjecting th
160                                     Elevated nitric oxide production did not occur after FAK depletio
161                                Inhibition of nitric oxide production did not significantly affect the
162                                              Nitric oxide production doubles within 10 min exposure t
163  is important for developing ways to control nitric oxide production during angiogenesis and in many
164            NNFC caused a progressive drop in nitric oxide production during flow cessation followed b
165                           Blocking CX3CR1 or nitric oxide production during G-CSF treatment reduces e
166  chemokine expression, cell recruitment, and nitric oxide production during primary LVS infection and
167 g either CD23 upregulation or CD23-dependent nitric oxide production eliminated the enhanced antifung
168  had no effect, and inhibition of endogenous nitric oxide production failed to increase TF expression
169 s fast responses and an initial overshoot of nitric oxide production for given doses of TNF and IFN-g
170  72 h was shown to dose-dependently increase nitric oxide production from 6-day-old retinal cultures.
171 , which were consistently unable to suppress nitric oxide production from activated macrophages.
172                                              Nitric oxide production from AMs of HHCs increased on Da
173  have indicated the importance of sufficient nitric oxide production from arginine during normal frac
174       In rat cerebellar slices, we activated nitric oxide production from each isoform of nitric oxid
175             Under proatherogenic conditions, nitric oxide production from endothelial cells is reduce
176  ectoenzyme on T cells, controls the rate of nitric oxide production from GSNO and thus markedly affe
177       However, to our knowledge, evidence of nitric oxide production from HU metabolism in humans has
178 se-mediated pathway as a potential source of nitric oxide production from hydroxyurea.
179                    These results demonstrate nitric oxide production from the ferric catalase oxidati
180 ium influx, tumor necrosis factor-alpha, and nitric oxide production in a concentration-dependent man
181 rasite Toxoplasma gondii is able to suppress nitric oxide production in activated macrophages.
182 herapy also significantly increased vascular nitric oxide production in apoE(-/-) mice.
183 -SP1 induced the ability of MSP-1 to inhibit nitric oxide production in bone marrow macrophages.
184                          Cytokines stimulate nitric oxide production in bone, and high concentrations
185 ble nitric oxide synthase and stimulation of nitric oxide production in chondrocytes by octacalcium p
186 mor growth assays reveal that Notch-mediated nitric oxide production in endothelial cell requires VEG
187     This study uncovers a novel mechanism of nitric oxide production in endothelial cells in tumors,
188  importance, shear stress does not stimulate nitric oxide production in endothelial cells on fibronec
189 RBC-derived ATP, which is known to stimulate nitric oxide production in endothelial cells, resulting
190                   In addition, it stimulates nitric oxide production in endothelial cells, which may
191 ylcooxygenases (COX-1 and COX-2), aromatase, nitric oxide production in endotoxin-stimulated macropha
192 ases in interleukin-8, GRO-alpha, MCP-1, and nitric oxide production in HeLa and AGS cells, despite s
193 ctive effect of copper depends on endogenous nitric oxide production in hippocampal neurons, demonstr
194 educed by 30% cytokine-induced apoptosis and nitric oxide production in INS-1E cells.
195 rk form the basis for real-time detection of nitric oxide production in living cells.
196 proinflammatory cytokines and suppression of nitric oxide production in macrophages.
197 pha-melanocyte-stimulating hormone regulates nitric oxide production in melanocytic cells by modulati
198                                              Nitric oxide production in murine J774A.1 cells, as well
199                              hVEGF-B induced nitric oxide production in NP macrophages (P < 0.05).
200 nefitted from (1) documentation of low nasal nitric oxide production in PCD and (2) discovery of bial
201 s work is to demonstrate that RBCs stimulate nitric oxide production in platelets by employing a cont
202 tion of inducible nitric-oxide synthase, and nitric oxide production in RAW 264.7 cells.
203 anticoronavirus activity, and suppression of nitric oxide production in RAW264.7 cells (a measure of
204 hanisms that induce TIMSC and the effects on nitric oxide production in response to endotoxin.
205 n vitro TNF-alpha, interleukin 6 (IL-6), and nitric oxide production in response to LPS.
206 ed by arterial endothelial cells, especially nitric oxide production in response to physiologic stimu
207                                     Enhanced nitric oxide production in sepsis is related to suggeste
208  nitric oxide synthase inhibitor to decrease nitric oxide production in septic shock.
209                     MnSOD siRNA also reduced nitric oxide production in supernatants of IPAH-ECs.
210 ain and prevented nerve injury-evoked excess nitric oxide production in the DRG, whereas administerin
211                                              Nitric oxide production in the grafts was increased by C
212 anisms of altered myocyte function caused by nitric oxide production in this setting are not establis
213 dothelial cell proliferation, migration, and nitric oxide production in vitro and increased expressio
214 creased inflammatory responses and increased nitric oxide production in vitro in response to Salmonel
215 dothelial nitric oxide synthase activity and nitric oxide production, increased aortic cyclooxygenase
216 oglia exposed to 15-30 microm zinc increased nitric oxide production, increased F4/80 expression, alt
217 and Ca(2+) influx, which activates low-level nitric oxide production, increases apical membrane Cl(-)
218 n the iNOS gene promoter activity and on the nitric oxide production induced by LPS and IFN-gamma.
219 n; the finding that inhibiting superoxide or nitric oxide production inhibits both peroxynitrite prod
220  Inhibition of strain-related prostanoid and nitric oxide production inhibits strain-related (and bas
221                 Mechanical strain suppressed nitric oxide production, iNOS mRNA, and iNOS protein sti
222 unctional analysis revealed that endothelial nitric oxide production is decreased by Notch inhibition
223 that MyD88- and Card9-mediated IFN-gamma and nitric oxide production is essential for protection agai
224 ible nitric oxide synthase, in which ROS and nitric oxide production is greatly decreased; (iii) a kn
225 ed association with actin filaments but peak nitric oxide production is transient due to actin S-nitr
226 lial dysfunction, characterized by decreased nitric oxide production, is one of the early features in
227  that arginase activity, which inhibits host nitric oxide production, is post-translationally stimula
228 ent increases in reactive oxygen species and nitric oxide production leading to increased caspase 3 a
229 pression profiles, oxygen consumption rates, nitric oxide production levels, shear stress responses,
230 s are associated with improper regulation of nitric oxide production, making NOS a therapeutic target
231      Our data indicate that tumor-associated nitric oxide production may promote cancer progression b
232 ric oxide synthase--the gene responsible for nitric oxide production--may be affected by air pollutan
233                    The resulting increase in nitric-oxide production might be critical to the atherop
234 elerated calcium influx (n = 9) and enhanced nitric oxide production (n = 12) (vs four and eight cont
235 ue to defective oxidative phosphorylation or nitric oxide production), Na+ influx through voltage-gat
236 systemic hypertension or changes in cerebral nitric oxide production needs to be evaluated.
237 -X(L) in the regulation of cytosolic Ca(2+), nitric oxide production (NO), c-Jun NH(2)-terminal kinas
238 transport and ii) fluid shear stress induced nitric oxide production (NO).
239 iazen-1- ium-1,2-diolate [DETA-NO]) or block nitric oxide production (Nomega-methyl-L-arginine [L-NMA
240                                   Inhibiting nitric oxide production (Nomega-nitro-L-arginine, 50 mic
241 lin were analyzed for iNOS up-regulation and nitric oxide production (NOx) in the presence of various
242 thelial nitric oxide synthase contributed to nitric oxide production, only inducible nitric oxide syn
243 he differences appear to be due to defective nitric oxide production or bioavailability and might exp
244 ot activate macrophage NF-kappa B signaling, nitric oxide production or inducible nitric-oxide syntha
245 tivation of NF-kappaB, but it did not affect nitric oxide production or iNOS gene expression.
246      Mitochondrial inhibition did not affect nitric oxide production or MAP kinase phosphorylation, w
247  M N(omega)-nitro-L-arginine (LNNA) to block nitric oxide production, or 10(-5) M glibenclamide to bl
248 t dsRNA + IFN-gamma-induced iNOS expression, nitric oxide production, or the inhibitory actions of th
249 dothelial sodium channel activation, reduced nitric oxide production, oxidative stress, and inflammat
250 mmune splenocyte population markedly reduced nitric oxide production, prevented suppression of PFC re
251 ealthy children, HDL(CKD) strongly inhibited nitric oxide production, promoted superoxide production,
252                          Inhibition of local Nitric Oxide production reduced firing rates but did not
253 a demonstrate that differential flow-induced nitric oxide production regulates matrix-specific PAK si
254 ry network to modulate adaptive immunity via nitric oxide production, reminiscent of the monocytic su
255  deprivation can be attributed to diminished nitric oxide production resulting from the activity of t
256 e MEK/ERK pathway potentiates LPS-stimulated nitric oxide production, suggesting that LPS-stimulated
257 carrying mutant p53 and that a high level of nitric oxide production suppresses tumor growth and meta
258 ne stimulation in these cells also activated nitric oxide production that was blocked by sigma1-recep
259 ities (tubule formation, cell migration, and nitric oxide production) that were mediated by rcav-1 st
260 ages may determine the rate and magnitude of nitric oxide production, thereby regulating the cytotoxi
261 ut (KO) mice, indicating that the absence of nitric oxide production through iNOS is not compensated
262 ndothelial cells, PTX3 significantly blunted nitric oxide production through the matrix metalloprotei
263 lcium signals in primary cells that activate nitric oxide production to increase ciliary beating and
264 epleted immune cells with IFN-gamma restored nitric oxide production to levels comparable to those of
265 sRNA + IFN-gamma induces iNOS expression and nitric oxide production to similar levels by macrophages
266 ssembly of supramolecular complexes coupling nitric oxide production to upstream and downstream compo
267 hrough its regulation of eNOS expression and nitric oxide production to vascular hyperpermeability an
268 ant induction of reactive oxygen species and nitric oxide production trigger marrow vessel leakiness,
269 endently confirmed by an increase in myocyte nitric oxide production upon extracellular application o
270 ell-induced immunosuppression is mediated by nitric oxide production via inducible nitric oxide synth
271                                              Nitric oxide production was assessed by measuring the ra
272 ur previous studies showed that T/HS-induced nitric oxide production was associated with lung injury,
273                           Furthermore, renal nitric oxide production was decreased, and homogenates f
274 s cultured on more compliant substrates, and nitric oxide production was enhanced.
275                                      Splenic nitric oxide production was impaired in infected memTNF
276                                        Basal nitric oxide production was increased and endothelial ni
277                 The tested doses showed that nitric oxide production was inhibited by L-NMMA in canin
278                       Finally, inhibition of nitric oxide production was lethal, indicating that high
279                                              Nitric oxide production was measured by Griess reaction,
280                                              Nitric oxide production was measured by the Griess react
281                                TLR7-mediated nitric oxide production was measured using a fluorescent
282                                 Furthermore, nitric oxide production was prevented and, more importan
283                 To determine whether altered nitric oxide production was responsible, plasma nitrite
284 ducible nitric oxide synthase expression and nitric oxide production was severely impaired in the INS
285                                        Nasal nitric oxide production was very low in PCD (nl/minute;
286 ell lysis would be detrimental to epithelial nitric oxide production we hypothesized that perforin wa
287 els, cytokine levels, eicanosoid levels, and nitric oxide production were compared between strains.
288                  Cell proliferation rate and nitric oxide production were increased and apoptosis rat
289   Both Limulus amebocyte lysate activity and nitric oxide production were related to the degree of op
290            We further revealed that IL-6 and nitric oxide production were significantly higher by wil
291 nction and endothelial dependent relaxation (nitric oxide production) were determined using an organ
292 ate dehydrogenase membrane leakage assay and nitric oxide production, were used to determine if these
293 -induced activity of the HRE is dependent on nitric oxide production, which acts as a diffusible para
294 tis virus (EMCV) induces iNOS expression and nitric oxide production, which are unaffected by a domin
295     Moreover, endothelial stiffening reduces nitric oxide production, which promotes smooth muscle ce
296  and 23 mo) to characterize changes in renal nitric oxide production with age.
297 nti-TGF-beta treatment resulted in increased nitric oxide production within parasitized lesions.
298 function by increasing arginase activity and nitric oxide production, without affecting reactive oxyg
299       Reduction of HAP through inhibition of nitric oxide production worsened the recovery from FHVOO
300 eatment showed no effects on tube formation, nitric oxide production, wound healing or cell prolifera

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