


コーパス検索結果 (left1)

1 the fresh liposomes ranged from 75.7 to 81.0 nm and zeta potential from -64.6 to -88.2mV.
2 ees C and 87-117 degrees C for 1.05 and 1.06 nm single-walled carbon nanotubes, respectively.
3           Comparing Ptiso to approximately 1 nm preoxidized (Ptox) and prereduced (Ptmetal) Pt cluste
4  4-10 quintuple layers (1 QL approximately 1 nm).
5 ods, is not effective for large diameter (>1 nm) tubes, and cannot maintain secondary and tertiary st
6 r turnover frequency for CO oxidation than 1 nm Ptmetal clusters but share an identical reaction mech
7 ignment proceeds over a distance less than 1 nm, leading to extremely large effective fields.
8 ominates for atom separations greater than 1 nm.
9 ly examine the reaction intermediates with 1 nm resolution.
10 mission electron microscopy, and found a 10 nm thick transition layer composed of amorphous phase an
11  conditions to predict the structure of a 10 nm Cu NP (158555 atoms).
12 uantum dots, either small ( approximately 10 nm diameter; sQDs) or big (>20 nm; bQDs), were coupled t
13  to assess local thinning rates as low as 10 nm/s with high accuracy.
14 ssible porosity occurs at pore diameters <10 nm, which we attribute to low connectivity of organic ma
15 apse in data acquired by iPALM providing 10 nm isotropic resolution.
16 cules in the distance range from a few to 10 nm.
17                                          100 nm Au ENM were spiked into DI H2O and synthetic and natu
18 ing arbitrary DNA nanoparticles on the 5-100 nm scale for diverse applications in biotechnology.
19                        In this study, a 100 nm-thick amorphous film of tantalum oxide and yttrium ox
20        The mechanical response time of a 100 nm long origami lever to an applied voltage step is less
21 sus with a 30-fold increase in affinity (100 nm).
22 ickness of the metal coating (5, 10, and 100 nm), due to the transient behavior of the metal interfac
23 ures can be varied between approximately 100 nm and 2 microm, enabling the manipulation of light in t
24 er than 85% absorption and approximately 100 nm linewidths by patterning film-coupled nanocubes in pi
25 an ultrathin silica film ( approximately 100 nm) consisting of highly ordered parallel nanochannels e
26  of the CA membrane was determined to be 100 nm and 88 +/- 15 nm using AFM and EIS, respectively.
27  the study of ultrafine particles (UFP, <100 nm in diameter) provides an opportunity to identify plau
28 molecular information was obtained with <100 nm spatial resolution for phase separated particles with
29 and also reveals that the SECM images of 100 nm diameter Si3N4 nanopores are enlarged along the direc
30 al crossbar arrays (up to five layers of 100 nm memristors) using fluid-supported silicon membranes,
31  transferred membranes with thickness of 100 nm to 2.5 [Formula: see text]m and lateral sizes from [F
32 s, with a minimum radius of curvature of 100 nm.
33 near-isotropic lateral resolution of sub-100 nm.
34          The system was calibrated using 100 nm particles containing C, Cd, Mn, and Na, respectively.
35 e in the near-infrared at approximately 1000 nm, as confirmed by our pump-probe absorption measuremen
36 opals having pore diameters from 300 to 1000 nm by measuring the capillary-driven liquid rise.
37 l precursors in a wide range from 20 to 1000 nm followed by one-step thermal activation.
38 nm in a wavelength range from 400 nm to 1000 nm.
39 ximately 3 microm), thin ( approximately 110 nm diameter) tubular carriers.
40 se new dyes showed large Stokes shifts (>110 nm).
41 nal, and virus particles were on average 115 nm in diameter.
42  changes of CaV1.1, located approximately 12 nm away in the PM.
43 ors assemble into a universally conserved 12-nm hexagonal lattice linked by CheA/CheW rings.
44 ong with the dimensions of approximately 120 nm x approximately 80 nm in HeLa cells.
45 tigated in the wavelength region of 250-1200 nm for their promising applications for direct solar-the
46 hydrodynamic diameter, DH of 105.12 +/- 1.13 nm) conjugated to recombinant scavenger receptor class B
47 ctures having interparticle gaps of 7 and 13 nm are 2 x 10(10) and 8 x 10(9), respectively, which are
48  were obtained from PPG particles down to 13 nm in diameter and sampled masses in the low pictogram r
49 ically tune the helical pitch from 80 to 130 nm; and (ii) influences the size, shape, and aspect rati
50 ond near-infrared (NIR-II) window (1000-1350 nm).
51 ograms corresponding to a nanoparticle of 14 nm.
52  aluminium with an average grain size of 140 nm, as confirmed by extensive post-impact microscopy ana
53 ne was determined to be 100 nm and 88 +/- 15 nm using AFM and EIS, respectively.
54  oxidation potential for aggregated 4 and 15 nm diameter Au NPs shifts positive by a maximum of 230 a
55 orphology of the particles; approximately 15 nm aggregates consisting of 5-7 nm faceted crystals in t
56 noparticle core that is encapsulated in a 15-nm-thick silica shell wherein the resonant Raman reporte
57 ese findings suggested that 50, 100, and 150 nm SiNPs did not induce acute significant cytotoxicity i
58 e different sizes of SiNPs (50, 100, and 150 nm) in a human corneal endothelial cell (HCEC) line, B4G
59 separated particles with a approximately 150 nm shell and 300 nm core.
60  correspond to system sizes ranging from 150 nm to 9.6 microm, respectively.
61 g particle size (for particle diameters <150 nm) that is independent of the particle generation metho
62 on rate of 15.4 MHz and a wavelength of 1557 nm.
63  n2 exceeding 10(-9) at a wavelength of 1570 nm, for a nonlinarity about five orders of magnitude lar
64 at contributes in propelling the motor by 16 nm have not been quantified.
65  a spatiotemporal resolution of 2 ms and <16 nm.
66 e-controlled self-assembly/disassembly of 16 nm plasmonic nanoparticles at the interface between two
67 resolved ultrafast approach, we measure a 16-nm migration length in poly(2,5-di(hexyloxy)cyanoterepht
68 ns with a peak diameter of approximately 160 nm and move coherently in live cells.
69 h large optical transparency range (580-1620 nm).
70 nm diameter) than high-energy tendrils ( 176 nm diameter), and low-energy tendrils have a smoother su
71 ectron microscopy), size ( approximately 180 nm diameter by nanoparticle tracking analysis), and mark
72 using Ti3 CN at wavelengths of 1558 and 1875 nm.
73 traviolet photodissociation (UVPD) using 193 nm photons has proven to be well-suited for activation a
74 x units of clustered particles (Dh,DLS = 195 nm) and the mono- and trinuclear Cu sites of bilirubin o
75 old atom with a bond distance of 0.194-0.196 nm and additionally bind to two other surface gold atoms
76 bit a strikingly uniform size of 1.6 +/- 0.2 nm and strong ordering, and the array periodicity can be
77 A single-sized CdSe quantum dot (3.0 +/- 0.2 nm) can replace several different dye catalysts needed f
78 enation of bulky molecules ( approximately 2 nm).
79  a low nanomolar Kd value of approximately 2 nm, similar to that observed for ssDNA.
80              The application of ryanodine (2 nm), instead of IP3, also potentiated K20-induced calciu
81 rTiO3 side of the interface occurs within 2 nm of the interface under negative gate-bias.
82 nd will be valuable for applications of 1-20 nm organic films in molecular electronics.
83 netic field enhancement ( approximately 5-20 nm).
84 s coated with 60 nm of amorphous TiO2 and 20 nm of a layer of sputtered C.
85 nses, with smaller sized Ag NPs (5 nm and 20 nm) causing the most dramatic response.
86 erties on a length scale of approximately 20 nm.
87 ibbons amounts to typically approximately 20 nm.
88  an Atomic Force Microscope tip (diameter 20 nm) - simulating a nano-object - approaches and contacts
89 roximately 10 nm diameter; sQDs) or big (>20 nm; bQDs), were coupled to AMPARs via different-sized li
90 rystal solar cells is extended to 820 nm, 20 nm broader than the corresponding polycrystalline thin-f
91 tricular myocytes; a median separation of 20 nm in 2D electron microscopy and 3.3 nm in 3D electron t
92                 Further size reduction to 20 nm leads to significant particle agglomeration, thus dec
93 sample depths up to 10 microm with up to 20 nm planar and 80 nm axial resolution, now enabling DNA-b
94 e effects in SP resonances supported by a 20-nm-thick metallic film of indium tin oxide (ITO), a plas
95 that these artificial capsids assemble as 20-nm hollow shells that attack bacterial membranes and upo
96 roadband absorption measures >87% from 1,200 nm to over 2,200 nm with a maximum absorption of 98.1% a
97 ght absorption enhancement from 800 to 1,200 nm.
98 on measures >87% from 1,200 nm to over 2,200 nm with a maximum absorption of 98.1% at 1,550 nm and re
99                     Herein, we deposit a 200 nm-thick Zr-based thin-film metallic glass (TFMG), which
100  Voltammetric thin layer ( approximately 200 nm) ionophore-based polymeric films of defined ion-excha
101 S double mutant, inducing an astonishing 200 nm red shift in the absorbance maximum.
102  structures with a diameter ranging from 200 nm to 600 nm.
103                Results show that small (<200 nm) negative and neutral charged NPs exhibit an immunosu
104 itive membrane curvatures with a radius <200 nm.
105 on reaction involves step-like events of 200 nm (600 bp) size and is strongly suppressed by forces ab
106 o demonstrate EDL behaviour, a sputtered 200 nm-thick SiO2 electrolyte was incorporated into InGaZnO
107 amples with a thickness of YIG less than 200 nm.
108  performance of wavelengths from 250 to 2000 nm, comparable to the state-of-the-art antireflective co
109 rgy-dependent experiments ( approximately 21 nm(2)).
110 iting chemotaxis in vitro with an IC50 of 21 nm Furthermore, we observed that 1B6 displayed a rapid d
111 s with a larger bond distance of 0.203-0.213 nm, forming an Au-O-Au-O-Au structure.
112  ultraviolet photodissociation (UVPD) at 213 nm to measure deuterium levels at single residue resolut
113    The encapsulation results in stable 21-22 nm sized CCMV-like particles, which is characteristic of
114           Low energy tendrils are finer ( 22 nm diameter) than high-energy tendrils ( 176 nm diameter
115 NA molecule is shared between two or more 22-nm-diameter capsids, in analogy with the multiplets of 2
116 fusion pores using v-SNARE-reconstituted 23-nm-diameter discoidal nanolipoprotein particles (vNLPs)
117 ith an ultracompact footprint of 2300 x 2300 nm(2), which are monolithically grown on silicon-on-insu
118 cture of the skyrmion core, identifying a 25 nm central region of uniform magnetization followed by a
119 etamaterial with Ag layer thickness below 25 nm is discussed.
120 biopolymer layers only [Formula: see text]25 nm thick, occupying [Formula: see text] of volume.
121 ye absorption on TiO2 films with up to a 250 nm blue-shift of the dye absorption onset on TiO2.
122 as these structures lie at or below the 250 nm diffraction limit of light microscopy.
123 es for various cytosolic proteins in the 250-nm-wide shaft of live primary cilia with a spatiotempora
124 CBDs) in aqueous solution by ozone, UV-C(254 nm) photolysis, and the corresponding advanced oxidation
125 band photoresponse from the ultraviolet (255 nm) to the mid-infrared (4.3 microm) wavelengths, with t
126 tion was unusually tight ( approximately 260 nm) for an Hsp70-client interaction and involved non-can
127 reflectivity following the pump pulse of 266 nm light, we determined an initial radical formation tim
128 raviolet illumination wavelength (UV) of 266 nm.
129                                      The 267 nm excitation of dCyd leads to a non-negligible populati
130 contents, specific extinction at 232 and 268 nm (K232 and K268), p-anisidine value (pAV), and fatty a
131  vesicle fusion events with approximately 27 nm localization precision at single hippocampal synapses
132 apsids, in analogy with the multiplets of 28-nm-diameter particles formed with normal-composition RNA
133 ture and the shortest wavelength reaches 284 nm.
134 ities and throats in between of less than 29 nm, with a curvature radius r k < 14.4 nm; typical large
135 ith delocalization sizes in the range of 1-3 nm.
136 ossess a small mean pore diameter of 1.0-1.3 nm with a molecular weight cutoff (MWCO) of 1000-2000 Da
137 eters of 6-7 mum and depth approximately 2-3 nm.
138 n of 20 nm in 2D electron microscopy and 3.3 nm in 3D electron tomography indicates a genuine signall
139 ould be restricted to Co NPs larger than 5.3 nm.
140 responses with a very high sensitivity (89.3 nm Pa(-1) ), which is three orders of magnitude higher t
141 persed ultrafine MgO nanocrystallites (ca. 3 nm in size), together with the rGO sheets and in situ ge
142                                        The 3 nm spatial resolution we demonstrate here is the result
143                                      Using 3 nm NiPd NPs as an example, we demonstrate that NiPd-NG-S
144 istors down to the size that satisfies the 3-nm node and beyond.
145 on of fluorophores with a precision of 10-30 nm, revealing the cell's nanoscale architecture at the m
146 lectrodes (tip diameters approximately 15-30 nm) to establish the first intracellular recordings from
147 P(BTZ-DOX)] with small particle sizes (20-30 nm) for dual drug delivery.
148 an individual Ag FTNW with diameter about 30 nm.
149          The core-shell nanoparticles are 30 nm in size and were not superparamagnetic.
150  and a spectral shift of the resonance by 30 nm, both achieved at unprecedentedly low pump fluences o
151   The fractions of particles smaller than 30 nm (F30) varied among the tested systems, ranging from 1
152 of new Pil1p molecules with approximately 30-nm precision.
153 rted into accordingly brighter images at <30-nm resolution.
154 re all in the range of approximately 100-300 nm, whereas BTZ and CFZ absorption in PDMS was approxima
155 densities for latex nanoparticles of 160-300 nm in diameter were in the range of 1041-1063 kg m(-3) w
156  crystals in the fuel additive became 50-300 nm, near-spherical, single crystals in the exhaust.
157 We demonstrate anomalous dispersion in a 300 nm thick silicon nitride film, suitable for semiconducto
158 es with a approximately 150 nm shell and 300 nm core.
159  at wavelength intervals between 200 and 300 nm.
160 cherichia coli cells, with approximately 300 nm spatial resolution and high chemical sensitivity.
161 s (Deltaepsilon = +/-100 M(-1) cm(-1) at 300 nm).
162 more, we enhance spatial resolution (to <300 nm in all three dimensions) by applying our method to si
163  nanoscale thickness ([Formula: see text]300 nm) of nacre's building blocks, the aragonite lamellae (
164  within the wavelength range of 334.5 to 306 nm as a result of surface nonlinearity polarization at t
165 e sharp electroluminescence (EL) peak at 325 nm and achieved an external quantum efficiency (EQE) of
166                                    Under 325 nm 2.30 mW cm(-2) UV illumination and at a -0.45% compre
167 e OCT system (laser center wavelength: 1,330 nm; frequency: 30 KHz) during and up to 10 min after lig
168                         Interactions with 34-nm long, S-shaped Atg17 complexes are required to overco
169 icity processes on the length scales (85-340 nm) and timescales (1 ns-1mus) that we examine, we use r
170 gions of the protein upon irradiation at 349 nm.
171              The films ranging from 10 to 35 nm display a giant elongation of out-of-plane lattice pa
172 ture and the incident light intensity at 355 nm tune the characteristic switching time over several o
173 d in solution, with lambdamax in the 330-360 nm range.
174 e obtained when santonin was irradiated (365 nm) in the presence of methylamine.
175 ed with blue-shifted (E254D, lambdamax = 390 nm; D380N, lambdamax = 506 nm) and one with red-shifted
176 oducing slits, s = 95, 195, 245, 295 and 395 nm.
177 ediction for the most tortuous path (s = 395 nm) is reduced by 14% compared to a straight beam of eq
178 a silicon avalanche photodiode, and the 3950 nm photons are measured with an upconversion photon dete
179 an 29 nm, with a curvature radius r k < 14.4 nm; typical large needle-like arrays having 20 2D layers
180 h the predicted values of 1.08 Omega and 4.4 nm, respectively.
181 heets (SiNSs) with thickness approximately 4 nm and lateral size of several micrometers, based on the
182   Organic fluorescent dyes ( approximately 4 nm), quantum dots, either small ( approximately 10 nm di
183  macromolecular resolution ( approximately 4 nm).
184    Nickel nanoparticles ( approximately 5.40 nm) confined in the cylindrical nanochannels show great
185 e performed using monodisperse 5, 50 and 400 nm gold particles supported on silica with liquid-phase
186 on-to-current efficiency of over 50 % at 400 nm were achieved with incorporation of Co oxygen evoluti
187 tion of 5 nm in a wavelength range from 400 nm to 1000 nm.
188 ; that these are formed in the tissue as 400-nm particles; and that they attach to the surface of cor
189 PE detection by fluorescence (lambdaex = 403 nm, lambdaem = 508 nm) occurred after the lipid reacted
190 orescence and can be triggered by light (405 nm) as well as with hydrogen peroxide in aqueous phospha
191 under 40 Suns equivalent excitation with 405 nm light.
192                       Upon excitation at 407 nm, the composition-optimized NYS:0.10Sm(3+) exhibited a
193 291 untreated, irradiated (253.7 nm, 310-410 nm), and oxidized (UV-H2O2, ozone) poultry litter extrac
194          We previously showed that blue (415 nm) and green (540 nm) wavelengths were more effective i
195 ters produces a major absorption peak at 422 nm without releasing iron or sulfide from the clusters.
196 precisely controlled sizes between 10 and 43 nm were prepared and functionalized with rose bengal and
197 d apparent quantum yield (AQY) of 27% at 440 nm over PCzF/g-C3 N4 .
198 to current efficiency (IPCE) of 17.1% at 440 nm.
199                  Here we show that blue (450-nm) light converts atRAL specifically to 11cRAL through
200      Here, blue-emission ( approximately 470 nm) Cs-based perovskite NCs are derived by directly mixi
201 ter blue light irradiation for 10 min at 470 nm, the sample was reimaged and analyzed.
202 sponding autofluorescence (AF) images at 488 nm (SW-AF) and at 787 nm (NIR-AF).
203 teristics of MoS2 phototransistors from 495 nm (blue) to 590 nm (amber).
204 llable coating thickness varying between 1-5 nm has been achieved.
205 S of unit cell thickness ( approximately 1.5 nm).
206 beta3 (alphavbeta3-MPs of approximately 12.5 nm), we demonstrated specific localization to breast can
207     These polymers self-assemble into 28+/-5 nm micelles in water.
208 ns assemble into tetrameric filaments of 3.5 nm thickness.
209  of 1.14 Omega and in relative height of 3.5 nm, which agreed reasonably well with the predicted valu
210 ht of more than 23 kDa and a diameter of 4.5 nm, making it the largest, structurally characterized M2
211 ution SEM, which also showed approximately 5 nm sized Pt particles on the glass surface surrounding t
212 n, we report on ultrasmall ( approximately 5 nm) Pd-Ni-P ternary nanoparticles for ethanol electrooxi
213 NiFe-layered double hydroxide (NiFe-LDH) (<5 nm) and nanocarbon using the molecular precursor of meta
214 tion responses, with smaller sized Ag NPs (5 nm and 20 nm) causing the most dramatic response.
215 ometer is able to achieve a resolution of 5 nm in a wavelength range from 400 nm to 1000 nm.
216 ies of radiative heat transfer in few A to 5 nm gap sizes, performed under ultrahigh vacuum condition
217 ) and narrow pore size distribution ( 2 to 5 nm), the ECF anode exhibited a high reversible specific
218                                      Using 5 nm detonation nanodiamond covalently linked to poly(ally
219  single fluorescent particles as small as 50 nm in diameter and single quantum-dots.
220 es comprising of grain sizes ranging from 50 nm to 3.20 microm and correspond to system sizes ranging
221 cal crystalline domain sizes smaller than 50 nm.
222 es featuring a common excitation band at 500 nm, tunable excitation band in the deep red/near-infrare
223             Pore size tunability between 500 nm-10 microm is established by regulating the phase sepa
224 carbon ultramicroelectrodes (CUMEs), ca. 500 nm radii.
225 results for silk with various diameters: 500 nm, 1.6 microm, and 3 microm.
226 sient or when [Ca(2+) ]i was buffered to 500 nm.
227 , lambdamax = 390 nm; D380N, lambdamax = 506 nm) and one with red-shifted (D380E, lambdamax = 533 nm)
228 orescence (lambdaex = 403 nm, lambdaem = 508 nm) occurred after the lipid reacted with a water-solubl
229 blue-shifted transient with a lambdamax= 510 nm that first grows and then decays with time constants
230 ve to the wild-type protein (lambdamax = 527 nm).
231               Under a repump of 2.33 eV (532 nm), the PL increases rapidly, with a time constant 30 m
232 itting under visible light illumination (532 nm).
233  the second harmonic of an Nd:YAG laser (532 nm), hold promise for manipulating and interrogating bio
234 one with red-shifted (D380E, lambdamax = 533 nm) absorption maxima relative to the wild-type protein
235 n of 1 with CN(-) revealed a new band at 540 nm and the nonlinear curve fitting analysis showed good
236 sly showed that blue (415 nm) and green (540 nm) wavelengths were more effective in stimulating osteo
237  with a maximum absorption of 98.1% at 1,550 nm and remains large for high angles.
238 compositionally tailored such that the 1,550 nm wavelength resides above the two-photon absorption ed
239 A purple chromophore with characteristic 550 nm absorption is formed due to a specific orientation of
240 ) to 7.9 x 10(-2) m(2) g(-1) at lambda = 550 nm with absorption Angstrom exponents (AAE) between 3.5
241 rmation of a transient with a lambdamax= 570 nm with a lifetime of 70 ns.
242 phototransistors from 495 nm (blue) to 590 nm (amber).
243 g complete precursor conversion (d = 1.7-6.6 nm) to be controlled.
244 and that lipophilic particles smaller than 6 nm can embed in lipid bilayers.
245   The possibility to separate 20, 40, and 60 nm sized Ag NPs simultaneously present in a mixture was
246 d by tomographic imaging at approximately 60 nm resolution without the need for sectioning or stainin
247 op casting onto Si electrodes coated with 60 nm of amorphous TiO2 and 20 nm of a layer of sputtered C
248      Our SERRS nanoparticles consist of a 60-nm gold nanoparticle core that is encapsulated in a 15-n
249 d range of visible light excitation (400-600 nm).
250 uinone core allow absorption from 400 to 600 nm.
251 s with a diameter ranging from 200 nm to 600 nm.
252 la: see text], diffuses as a particle of 600-nm hydrodynamic radius dissolved in water.
253 nic absorption features (lambdamax =460, 610 nm) typical of a Mn-peroxide species and a 29-line EPR s
254                            Alexa-Albumin 647 nm fluorphore was chosen as a surrogate for nab-paclitax
255  cobalt nanoparticles down to a radius of 65 nm.
256                                        A 650 nm LED at five different incident angles is used to illu
257 rgest lambdamax for both absorption (635-653 nm) and emission (706-707 nm), but also the lowest fluor
258  diode laser (aluminum-gallium-arsenide, 660 nm) was applied to test sites immediately after surgery
259 ived stem cells (hASC), compared to red (660 nm) and near-infrared (NIR, 810 nm).
260 es that swell up to lattice dimensions of 68 nm.
261 , and possible activation by light above 680 nm.
262 e EEMs from 291 untreated, irradiated (253.7 nm, 310-410 nm), and oxidized (UV-H2O2, ozone) poultry l
263 oximately 15 nm aggregates consisting of 5-7 nm faceted crystals in the fuel additive became 50-300 n
264 rently, lithography technology for the sub-7 nm node and beyond has been actively investigated approa
265 struggles to meet the requirements for the 7-nm technology node, there has been tremendous progress i
266 derivatives, with absorption between 500-700 nm, BODIPY-bacteriochlorin arrays should allow for const
267 ion spectra of these proton pumps beyond 700 nm would generate new prospects in optogenetics, membran
268 he NIR spectral region, in the range 642-701 nm.
269 bsorption (635-653 nm) and emission (706-707 nm), but also the lowest fluorescence quantum yields.
270 th selective pumping of chlorophyll f at 740 nm, we observe a final approximately 150 ps decay assign
271 and subsequent activation by laser light 753 nm with a fixed power of 150 mW/cm for 22 min 15 s) or a
272  part of a feedback loop, we stabilize a 780 nm diode laser to achieve a linewidth better than 1 MHz.
273                                      The 780 nm photons are measured with a silicon avalanche photodi
274 nce (AF) images at 488 nm (SW-AF) and at 787 nm (NIR-AF).
275  an effective mesh size of approximately 3-8 nm, which determines the size scale at which droplet pro
276 ns nanoparticles or proteins larger than 6-8 nm in the body and rapidly excretes smaller ones through
277 s alpha lobe, using a dataset of isotropic 8 nm voxels collected by focused ion-beam milling scanning
278 ngling-bond magnetic polarons (DBMPs) in 2.8-nm diameter CdSe colloidal nanocrystals (NCs).
279 range of stepwise-smaller nanodiscs (6- to 8-nm diameter) to overcome this limitation.
280 to 10 microm with up to 20 nm planar and 80 nm axial resolution, now enabling DNA-based super-resolu
281 s of approximately 120 nm x approximately 80 nm in HeLa cells.
282  response over the range between 450 and 800 nm, and a high short-circuit current density (J SC ) of
283 ltiple functions under NIR excitation at 800 nm: 1) Light harvesting by the UCNP shell containing Nd
284 nologically very important wavelength of 800 nm in 0.26 mm thick HMB crystal leads to one order of ma
285 device with a panchromatic IPCE onset of 800 nm.
286 o kill cancer cells and hela cells under 800 nm laser irradiation.
287 ation of Murine Leukemia Virus (MLV) via 805 nm femtosecond pulses through gold nanorods whose locali
288  to red (660 nm) and near-infrared (NIR, 810 nm).
289 ingle crystal solar cells is extended to 820 nm, 20 nm broader than the corresponding polycrystalline
290 sing OCTA systems operating at 1050- and 840-nm wavelengths.
291 cillator-strength NIR absorptivity up to 850 nm, near-unity intersystem crossing (ISC) quantum yields
292 ocotyl expressing GFP-AtCESA6 was 184 +/- 86 nm min(-1) (n = 2755).
293 ensities of LP-hCy7 nanoprobe at 690 and 860 nm are decreased and increased, respectively.
294  from approximately 300 to approximately 900 nm, using short aminonitriles (dicyandiamide or cyanamid
295        For an energy below 1.3 eV (above 950 nm), the PL is suppressed by more than two orders of mag
296 ) complexes that, upon NIR excitation at 980 nm, showed an unprecedented Yb to Tb upconversion sensit
297 ence (UCL) for visualized guidance under 980 nm laser.
298 tyl, n-hexyl, n-octyl) (</=0.01 carboxylates nm(-2)).
299  a deformation-induced 9R phase with tens of nm in width in ultrafine-grained aluminium with an avera
300                 When the pore size is on the nm scale, as the porosity increases, despite the decreas

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