


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 tween three and ten myelinated segments (2-9 nodes of Ranvier).
2 analysis of glial cell insertions at central nodes of Ranvier.
3 ion and altered distribution of ezrin in the nodes of Ranvier.
4 lustering at axon initial segments (AIS) and nodes of Ranvier.
5 ence of endogenous and exogenous NG2 at some nodes of Ranvier.
6 ient in the clustering of neurofascin at the nodes of Ranvier.
7 ons, restricting its activity to the AIS and nodes of Ranvier.
8 tected in its usual site of concentration at nodes of Ranvier.
9 ntration of voltage-gated sodium channels at nodes of Ranvier.
10 hed adjacent to paranodal loops of myelin in nodes of Ranvier.
11  channels at axon initial segments (AIS) and nodes of Ranvier.
12 yelin instability and disorganization of the nodes of Ranvier.
13 membrane protein diffusion barriers flanking nodes of Ranvier.
14 known about the mechanisms that organize the nodes of Ranvier.
15 ge-gated potassium channels (K(v)1.1) at the nodes of Ranvier.
16 s at specialized regions of the axon, termed nodes of Ranvier.
17  appropriate signaling for the maturation of nodes of Ranvier.
18 n localization of sodium channel proteins at nodes of Ranvier.
19 elinated bipolar cell body and at subsequent nodes of Ranvier.
20 nt endings, ganglionic initial segments, and nodes of Ranvier.
21  axons that have internodes and well-defined nodes of Ranvier.
22 ll (SC) differentiation and formation of the nodes of Ranvier.
23  normally occur only at initial segments and nodes of Ranvier.
24 ries of polarized domains that center around nodes of Ranvier.
25 tion potentials are thought to arise, and at nodes of Ranvier.
26 ay contribute to sodium channel placement at nodes of Ranvier.
27 concentration of sodium channel complexes at nodes of Ranvier.
28  is the main sodium channel isoform at adult nodes of Ranvier.
29 n some but not all basal laminae, and (3) at nodes of Ranvier.
30 shed NG2, which subsequently associates with nodes of Ranvier.
31  discrete subcellular locations, such as the nodes of Ranvier.
32 y play a role in sodium channel placement at nodes of Ranvier.
33 ule that plays a key role in the assembly of nodes of Ranvier.
34 associated with Caspr, is present in central nodes of Ranvier.
35 concentrated in the axon initial segment and nodes of Ranvier.
36 l-adhesion molecules at initial segments and nodes of Ranvier.
37 n(G) 480/270-kD at axon initial segments and nodes of Ranvier.
38 n be remyelinated and reassemble new AIS and nodes of Ranvier.
39 ck appears directed against the axolemma and nodes of Ranvier.
40 l and 79% of disease-associated IgM positive nodes of Ranvier.
41 immunoreactivity was absent at newly forming nodes of Ranvier.
42 mains at axon proximal segments and possibly nodes of Ranvier.
43  plasmamembrane of axon initial segments and nodes of Ranvier.
44 o regularly spaced gaps in the myelin called nodes of Ranvier.
45 of ankyrinG and O-GlcNAc immunoreactivity at nodes of Ranvier.
46 lustering at axon initial segments (AIS) and nodes of Ranvier.
47 ansiently elevates axoplasmic [C(2+)] around nodes of Ranvier.
48 protein present in axon initial segments and nodes of Ranvier.
49 ustering of voltage-gated sodium channels at nodes of Ranvier.
50  enriched at axon initial segments (AIS) and nodes of Ranvier.
51 n requires accumulation of Na(+) channels at nodes of Ranvier.
52  concentration of those channels at AISs and nodes of Ranvier.
53 s such as the axon initial segment (AIS) and nodes of Ranvier.
54 l nerves, important for the formation of the nodes of Ranvier.
55 r strategies but different molecules to form nodes of Ranvier.
56 elin thickness, and molecular disruptions at nodes of Ranvier.
57  did not wrap axons tightly and had expanded nodes of Ranvier.
58  velocity by influencing the spacing between nodes of Ranvier.
59 e long-term maintenance of Na(+) channels at nodes of Ranvier.
60 ansport before anchoring them to the AIS and nodes of Ranvier.
61 ) channels in the axonal initial segment and nodes of Ranvier.
62 yelinated axons to cluster Na(+) channels at nodes of Ranvier.
63 nerates a substantial fraction of APs in its nodes of Ranvier.
64 d axons requires Na(+) channel clustering at nodes of Ranvier.
65 chwann cells with high concentrations at the nodes of Ranvier.
66 myelin sheath from Na(+) channels located at nodes of Ranvier.
67 tients presenting IgG reactivity against the nodes of Ranvier.
68 e also displayed severe abnormalities at the nodes of Ranvier.
69 source(s) and targeting of components to PNS nodes of Ranvier.
70 n comparison to the extensive injury seen at nodes of Ranvier.
71 pitalized" on this property and clustered at nodes of Ranvier.
72 that play a crucial role in the formation of nodes of Ranvier.
73 motif is sufficient for protein targeting to nodes of Ranvier.
74 n vertebrates are differentially targeted to nodes of Ranvier.
75  for the myelination and organization of the nodes of Ranvier.
76 d loss of Nfasc186 from the AIS but not from nodes of Ranvier.
77 embly of the AIS and normal morphogenesis of nodes of Ranvier all require a heretofore uncharacterize
78         Na(v)1.6 is heavily expressed at the nodes of Ranvier along adult CNS and PNS axons and along
79 onstrate that betaIV spectrin recruitment to nodes of Ranvier also depends on binding to ankG.
80 However, axon diameter and distances between Nodes of Ranvier also influence signal propagation times
81 ealed submembranous localization of Ank-G at nodes of Ranvier and AIS.
82 nkyrinGs of 270 and 480 kDa are localized at nodes of Ranvier and are candidates to couple the voltag
83  found to be coexpressed with neurofascin at nodes of Ranvier and at axon initial segments.
84                        These domains include nodes of Ranvier and axon initial segments.
85  other functional domains of axons (e.g. the nodes of Ranvier and axon terminals) whose development d
86 ompact myelin around host axons and restored nodes of Ranvier and conduction velocity as efficiently
87 d to be present within the axolemma at early nodes of Ranvier and deleterious mutations of the alpha(
88 can diffuse into a desheathed nerve, bind to nodes of Ranvier and fix complement in vitro without res
89 calize with SMIT1 and SMIT2 at sciatic nerve nodes of Ranvier and in axon initial segments, and form
90  play a crucial role in the formation of the nodes of Ranvier and in the rapid propagation of the ner
91 ted Na(+) and K(+) channels are clustered at nodes of Ranvier and mediate the transmembrane currents
92 tes in vivo, and progressive accumulation at nodes of Ranvier and paranodes during postnatal mouse de
93  at paranodes and incisures of control mice, nodes of Ranvier and paranodes were unaffected in Pals1-
94 oskeleton with betaIV and betaII spectrin at nodes of Ranvier and paranodes, respectively, but that l
95  the lateral organization of proteins at the nodes of Ranvier and pave the way for deeper investigati
96 re interposed between sodium channels at the nodes of Ranvier and potassium channels in the juxtapara
97 KChs at the initial segment, and near/within nodes of Ranvier and presynaptic terminals, dendritic KC
98 ellular matrix (ECM) protein surrounding CNS nodes of Ranvier and proposed to function as (1) an inhi
99 by structural and biochemical alterations at nodes of Ranvier and reduced somatosensory-evoked potent
100                     These patterns highlight nodes of Ranvier and Schmidt-Lanterman incisures and can
101 own, but their processes are in contact with nodes of Ranvier and synapses, suggesting a regulatory r
102 ent for the clustering of sodium channels at nodes of Ranvier and the AIS.
103                                       At the nodes of Ranvier and the axon hillocks of central neuron
104 7.2 or Kv7.3, which are instead localized to nodes of Ranvier and the cell bodies of large sensory ne
105                    These domains include the nodes of Ranvier and the flanking paranodal regions wher
106 t supports the development and maturation of nodes of Ranvier and the restoration of impulse conducti
107 ing architectural rearrangements such as the nodes of Ranvier and their associated molecular domains.
108 chemistry, we show that AOE elongates the AN nodes of Ranvier and triggers notable perinodal morpholo
109 AnkG is required for assembly of the AIS and nodes of Ranvier and was a transformative innovation in
110 , are involved in axo-glial communication at nodes of Ranvier, and are required for normal action pot
111 protein concentrated in myelinated fibers at nodes of Ranvier, and NF155, the oligodendrocyte-specifi
112 l protein ankyrinG at axon initial segments, nodes of Ranvier, and postsynaptic folds of the mammalia
113 a+ channels are clustered at high density at nodes of Ranvier, and Shaker-type K+ channels are seques
114 contrast, we observed minimal AGAb uptake at nodes of Ranvier, and this structure thus remained vulne
115  voltage-gated ion channel clustering at the nodes of Ranvier are essential for the rapid saltatory c
116                                          The nodes of Ranvier are essential regions for action potent
117                                              Nodes of Ranvier are excitable regions of axonal membran
118 y as postnatal day 5, during the period that nodes of Ranvier are forming.
119             Axonal initial segments (IS) and nodes of Ranvier are functionally important membrane sub
120                                              Nodes of Ranvier are regularly placed, nonmyelinated axo
121 channels at axon initial segments (AISs) and nodes of Ranvier are required for initiation, propagatio
122             Axon initial segments (AISs) and nodes of Ranvier are sites of action potential generatio
123             Axon initial segments (AISs) and nodes of Ranvier are sites of clustering of voltage-gate
124                                              Nodes of Ranvier are specialized, highly polarized axona
125 time-dependent manner.SIGNIFICANCE STATEMENT Nodes of Ranvier are the myelin-free gaps along myelinat
126           The axon initial segment (AIS) and nodes of Ranvier are the sites of action potential initi
127 pha-subunits in the juxtaparanodal region of nodes of Ranvier as well as in the axons and terminals o
128 al dendritic tree-like arbors with excitable nodes of Ranvier at peripheral and branching nodes and e
129 are localized to the paranodal region of the nodes of Ranvier, between axons and Schwann cells.
130  not affect sodium channel clustering at the nodes of Ranvier but alters the location of the Shaker-t
131 c nerve from WAVE1-/- mice, there were fewer nodes of Ranvier but nodal morphology was normal, implic
132 ssed first and becomes clustered at immature nodes of Ranvier, but as myelination proceeds, Na(v)1.6
133 the mobile population do not accumulate near Nodes of Ranvier, but continue to travel anterogradely.
134 as associated with the presence of malformed nodes of Ranvier characterized by an accumulation of axo
135 onal components of axon initial segments and nodes of Ranvier, colocalizing with ankyrin-G and voltag
136 ight be helpful for high-frequency firing at nodes of Ranvier compared to Nav1.2.
137 zed to cochlear nerve fibers, near the first nodes of Ranvier (D2) and in the inner spiral bundle reg
138 -spectrin, Nav1.6, and the Kv7.3 channels in nodes of Ranvier either dissolved or extended into the p
139 nd paranodal junctional components, immature nodes of Ranvier form normally, but rapidly destabilize
140 ation of contactin and Na(+) channels at new nodes of Ranvier forming during remyelination.
141 ease in IgM (immunoglobulin M) deposition at nodes of Ranvier from 5.3+/-3.1% to 28.7+/-8.4% (mean+/-
142 rlie and are associated closely with nascent nodes of Ranvier, identified by clusters of ankyrin G.
143 formation disrupts the targeting of beta2 to nodes of Ranvier in a myelinating co-culture system and
144 ng of voltage-gated sodium channels (Nav) at nodes of Ranvier in a nodal complex.
145 at the distal axon initial segment (AIS) and nodes of Ranvier in a ratio of approximately 40 to 1.
146 re broad and may include dysfunctions at the nodes of Ranvier in a subgroup of patients.
147 soforms, Nav 1.6 is selectively expressed at nodes of Ranvier in both the CNS and the PNS.
148 linated axons in MS, with Nav1.6 confined to nodes of Ranvier in controls but with diffuse distributi
149 fluxes, Na pumps, mitochondrial motility) at nodes of Ranvier in frog during normal nerve activity.
150  Here we show both in vivo and ex vivo, that nodes of Ranvier in intramuscular motor nerve bundles ar
151  (Na(+)) channels are highly concentrated at nodes of Ranvier in myelinated axons and play a key role
152 av1.6 is the major sodium channel isoform at nodes of Ranvier in myelinated axons and, additionally,
153 cities are sensitive to the distance between nodes of Ranvier in myelinated axons have implications f
154 at high density in axon initial segments and nodes of Ranvier in myelinated axons.
155 inated axons, but are highly concentrated at nodes of Ranvier in myelinated axons.
156 in-actin network found at axonal segments of nodes of Ranvier in myelinated axons.
157                 Axoglial junctions flank the nodes of Ranvier in myelinated nerves.
158 6, clusters voltage-gated sodium channels at nodes of Ranvier in myelinated nerves: here, we investig
159 rons and colocalizes with Na(v)1.6 at mature nodes of Ranvier in myelinated sensory fibers in the dor
160 dapter proteins to axon initial segments and nodes of Ranvier in neurons, and betaIV-spectrin dysfunc
161  axons and more myelinated axons with intact nodes of Ranvier in oestrogen receptor beta ligand-treat
162     In this study, developmental analysis of nodes of Ranvier in optic nerve axons reveals that early
163  (NF) and Nr-CAM are localized at developing nodes of Ranvier in peripheral myelinated axons prior to
164                                              Nodes of Ranvier in peripheral nerve and in the spinal c
165 m and potassium (Kv1.1, 1.5) channels at the nodes of Ranvier in peripheral nerves from human, rat an
166 opment and/or maintenance of myelination and nodes of Ranvier in sciatic nerve.
167 dium currents that have been reported at the nodes of Ranvier in sensory versus motor axons.
168                                              Nodes of Ranvier in the axons of myelinated neurons are
169             The absence of FHFs from Navs at nodes of Ranvier in the central nervous system suggests
170    The mechanisms of channel localization at nodes of Ranvier in the CNS during development in both n
171           Here, we show that the assembly of nodes of Ranvier in the CNS involves three mechanisms: a
172 onstrate that Kv3.1b subunits are present at nodes of Ranvier in the CNS of both rats and mice.
173  OLs that express myelin proteins and reform nodes of Ranvier in the context of chronic demyelination
174                  Na(+) channel clustering at nodes of Ranvier in the developing rat optic nerve was a
175 ctly influences Na(+) channel distributions, nodes of Ranvier in the hypomyelinating mouse Shiverer w
176             Nerve impulses are propagated at nodes of Ranvier in the myelinated nerves of vertebrates
177 ciation of NG2 cells and astrocytes with the nodes of Ranvier in the optic nerve, corpus callosum, an
178 we examined the development of heminodes and nodes of Ranvier in the peripheral axons of type I ANFs
179               These results demonstrate that nodes of Ranvier in the peripheral nervous system form i
180 aracterized by high-frequency firing, and at nodes of Ranvier in the PNS and some nodes in the CNS.
181 wise, betaIV spectrin is concentrated at the nodes of Ranvier in the rat sciatic nerve.
182 lination and that the number and location of nodes of Ranvier in the sciatic nerve are determined by
183 ptic vesicle fusion, in the formation of the nodes of Ranvier in the vertebrate nervous system.
184                     Sixty-two percent of all nodes of Ranvier in this region were flanked by at least
185 ccount for the low level of Na(v)1.6-S21P at nodes of Ranvier in vivo and at the surface of transfect
186 Although NG2(+) cells form associations with nodes of Ranvier in white matter, measurements of conduc
187 annel subtypes are sequentially expressed at nodes of Ranvier, indicating an unexpected regulation in
188          Clustering of Na(+) channels at the nodes of Ranvier is coordinated by myelinating glia.
189 annels at the axon initial segment (AIS) and nodes of Ranvier is essential for the initiation and pro
190 mbrane barrier important for assembly of the nodes of Ranvier is found at the paranodal junction.
191          A high density of Na(+) channels at nodes of Ranvier is necessary for rapid and efficient ac
192  of voltage-gated sodium (Na(v)) channels at nodes of Ranvier is paramount for action potential propa
193 otential are slowed and the number of mature nodes of Ranvier is reduced, but Na(v)1.6, contactin, ca
194 lear whether continued axon-glial contact at nodes of Ranvier is required to maintain these channels
195 ies, but their association with pathology of nodes of Ranvier is unclear.
196 n and promote the reestablishment of AIS and nodes of Ranvier is unknown.
197 assembly of axon initial segments (AISs) and nodes of Ranvier, it is difficult to uncouple their role
198           While staining was observed at the nodes of Ranvier, it was not restricted to these locatio
199 re myelinated but show structural defects at nodes of Ranvier, leading to delayed propagation of acti
200                                           At nodes of Ranvier, Na+ channel clustering occurred very e
201 and reassemble the axon initial segments and nodes of Ranvier necessary for rapid and efficient actio
202 altatory conduction and abnormalities at the nodes of Ranvier (NOR) interface where myelin and axons
203 nkyrin-G at axon initial segments (AISs) and nodes of Ranvier (NR).
204 find that Na(v)1.6 is highly concentrated at nodes of Ranvier of both sensory and motor axons in the
205  is a component of axon initial segments and nodes of Ranvier of mature axons in peripheral and centr
206 s directed against axon initial segments and nodes of Ranvier of myelinated axons, including the axon
207 d at high density at juxtaparanodes flanking nodes of Ranvier of myelinated axons.
208 icated as the predominant isoform present at nodes of Ranvier of myelinated fibres.
209 n the cortex or cerebellum or at optic nerve nodes of Ranvier of Scn1b(W/W) mice.
210 ation of 12 glial and axonal proteins at the nodes of Ranvier of teased sciatic nerve fibers.
211 egenerated peripheral nerve fibers, and that nodes of Ranvier of these axons display proper sodium ch
212 ous Schwann cells can establish and maintain nodes of Ranvier on central axons for over one year, and
213 irth and then persists almost exclusively at nodes of Ranvier on myelinated axons.
214 in high density at axon initial segments and nodes of Ranvier or in regulating the activity of immobi
215  of MBOs to discrete axonal subdomains (i.e. nodes of Ranvier or presynaptic terminals) are poorly un
216                                These include nodes of Ranvier, paranodal axoglial junctions and juxta
217         High densities of sodium channels at nodes of Ranvier permit action potential conduction and
218 t with neuronal neurofascin; however, Nav at nodes of Ranvier persist, albeit with approximately 40%
219 that TTX-sensitive sodium channels at axonal nodes of Ranvier play a significant role in the secondar
220 ntenance of voltage-gated sodium channels at nodes of Ranvier, possibly by mediating trans interactio
221 sence of CK2 at the axon initial segment and nodes of Ranvier provides a mechanism to regulate the sp
222 tibodies to neurofascin selectively targeted nodes of Ranvier, resulting in deposition of complement,
223 oskeletons are also required for assembly of nodes of Ranvier.SIGNIFICANCE STATEMENT A periodic axona
224             Of particular importance are the nodes of Ranvier, sites of voltage-gated sodium channel
225 edJ mice, resulting in delayed maturation of nodes of Ranvier, slowed nerve conduction velocity, redu
226  in the eighth nerve root and in neighboring nodes of Ranvier stained for unmasked glucuronic acid 3-
227  and Caspr2 also resulted in widening of the nodes of Ranvier, suggesting that Caspr2 (which is prese
228 aracteristics between human, rat, and bovine nodes of Ranvier suggests an essential role for this def
229  for mitochondrial function is high, such as nodes of Ranvier, synapses, and active growth cones.
230 that P0 is also important for organizing the nodes of Ranvier that occupy the gaps in the insulation.
231  of myelinating Schwann cells project to the nodes of Ranvier; their composition and physiologic func
232 ed essential for Na(+) channel clustering at nodes of Ranvier to facilitate fast and efficient action
233 r axonal NF in clustering of Na+ channels at nodes of Ranvier via interactions with receptors on Schw
234 g excess paranodal loops, and the density of nodes of Ranvier was reduced, relative to control mice.
235 were myelinated by the transplanted OECs and nodes of Ranvier were formed.
236 fic localization of Na(v)1.6 channels in the nodes of Ranvier were unchanged.
237              At the axon initial segment and nodes of Ranvier, where nerve impulses are generated and
238  sodium channels within the axon membrane at nodes of Ranvier, where their presence supports saltator
239 enriched at axon initial segments (AISs) and nodes of Ranvier, where they are necessary for generatio
240  are restricted to axon initial segments and nodes of Ranvier, where they are responsible for initiat
241 high density of Na(v)1.6 at the newly formed nodes of Ranvier which were flanked by paranodal Caspr s
242  channels are clustered in high densities at nodes of Ranvier, while K(+) channels are found in juxta
243  at axon initial segments and colocalized at nodes of Ranvier with ankyrinG and the voltage-dependent
244                   beta1 subunits localize to nodes of Ranvier with neurofascin in sciatic nerve axons
245 on, the AP depolarizing wave invades initial nodes of Ranvier within a fraction of a millisecond and
246  (3) and that NG2-positive processes contact nodes of Ranvier within the nodal gap at the location of

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