


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 iverse levels of MaxiK channel expression in non-excitable and excitable cells.
2 o-triazole (CAI) is a synthetic inhibitor of non-excitable calcium channels that reversibly inhibits
3 transcript in rabbit kidney, as well as in a non-excitable cell line, LLC-RK1, derived from rabbit ki
4  Ca2+ signalling in the rat megakaryocyte, a non-excitable cell type in which membrane potential can
5 ns was investigated in rat megakaryocytes, a non-excitable cell type recently shown to exhibit depola
6 acellular stores in the rat megakaryocyte, a non-excitable cell type.
7 ment model to simulate calcium transients in non-excitable cells (consisting of a plasma membrane Ca2
8 Y to maintain high input resistance in these non-excitable cells also requires the K(+) channel subun
9  is the predominant Ca(2+) influx pathway in non-excitable cells and is activated in response to depl
10 letal muscle with Ca(2+) entry mechanisms in non-excitable cells are also reviewed.
11          Agonist-activated Ca(2+) signals in non-excitable cells are profoundly influenced by calcium
12 emporal patterns of resting potentials among non-excitable cells as instructive cues in embryogenesis
13 lar Ca2+ stores and mediate Ca2+ influx into non-excitable cells at resting membrane potential.
14 calcium-release-activated current (ICRAC) in non-excitable cells but at present there is little infor
15                                      In many non-excitable cells Ca2+ influx is mainly controlled by
16 y voltage-regulated Ca2+ channels whereas in non-excitable cells Ca2+ influx is mediated by store-ope
17 to surrounding myocytes, suggesting that the non-excitable cells in the scar closely follow myocyte a
18 AC channel function and SOCE in a variety of non-excitable cells including lymphocytes and other immu
19 was to determine the mechanism through which non-excitable cells influence the spontaneous activity o
20           Receptor-enhanced entry of Ca2+ in non-excitable cells is generally ascribed to a capacitat
21 esults suggest that electrically integrated, non-excitable cells modulate the excitability of cardiac
22 n triggering CICR, and indicate that CICR in non-excitable cells resembles CICR in cardiac myocytes w
23                                           In non-excitable cells stromal interaction molecule 1 (STIM
24                   They also are expressed in non-excitable cells such as macrophages and neoplastic c
25 introduce and analyse a simple model for two non-excitable cells that are dynamically coupled by a ga
26 e field of agonist-activated Ca(2+) entry in non-excitable cells underwent a revolution some 5 years
27                                           In non-excitable cells, agonist-induced depletion of intrac
28                                      In most non-excitable cells, calcium influx is signaled by deple
29 nce for activation of CICR by Ca2+ influx in non-excitable cells, demonstrate a previously unrecogniz
30 usly expressed in electrically excitable and non-excitable cells, either as alpha-subunit (BKalpha) t
31                              In electrically non-excitable cells, for example epithelial cells, this
32 techniques to follow the activation state of non-excitable cells, including lymphocytes.
33 e generation of Ca2+i signals, especially in non-excitable cells, is store-operated Ca2+ entry (SOCE)
34 he sole Ca2+ entry mechanism in a variety of non-excitable cells, store-operated calcium (SOC) influx
35 e characterization of several other types of non-excitable cells, such as the microglia (brain macrop
36                                           In non-excitable cells, the initial Ca2+ release is typical
37                                           In non-excitable cells, the major Ca2+ entry pathway is the
38                                      In many non-excitable cells, the predominant mode of agonist-act
39                                           In non-excitable cells, thiol-oxidizing agents have been sh
40 utine quantification of calcium responses in non-excitable cells.
41  raise intracellular Ca(2+) concentration in non-excitable cells.
42 tivation of discrete downstream responses in non-excitable cells.
43 physiological voltages and calcium levels in non-excitable cells.
44 ch are not physiological conditions for most non-excitable cells.
45  agonist-induced cytosolic Ca(2+) signals in non-excitable cells.
46 ir relation to SOC channels in excitable and non-excitable cells.
47  plays a critical role in Ca2+ signalling in non-excitable cells.
48 ated Calcium Entry (SOCE) is well studied in non-excitable cells.
49 pathway responsible for diverse functions in non-excitable cells.
50 llular communication in astrocytes and other non-excitable cells.
51 posed to encode SOCCs responsible for CCE in non-excitable cells.
52 chanical forces regulate membrane traffic in non-excitable cells.
53  and cellular function in both excitable and non-excitable cells.
54 ing membrane potential in both excitable and non-excitable cells.
55 any distinct functions in both excitable and non-excitable cells.
56 functions in both electrically excitable and non-excitable cells.
57 niversal mode of signalling in excitable and non-excitable cells.
58  volume decrease (RVD) of both excitable and non-excitable cells.
59 ulating intracellular calcium homeostasis in non-excitable cells.
60 ed as a novel regulator of cell processes in non-excitable cells.
61            However, they are also present in non-excitable eukaryotic cells and prokaryotes, which ra
62             Notwithstanding endothelia being non-excitable in nature, the hypothesis of Ca(2+)-induce
63             Here we present evidence that in non-excitable LNCaP prostate cancer cells, BK channels c
64   The present study demonstrates CICR in the non-excitable parotid acinar cells, which resembles the
65                                    Using the non-excitable rat megakaryocyte as a model system, we no
66 2+ entry, a common pathway for Ca2+ entry in non-excitable tissue, is apparent in the syncytiotrophob
67 ions has broad implications in excitable and non-excitable tissues.

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