


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1                              In contrast, in nonciliated adult podocytes and differentiated cultured
2         Prominent staining was also noted in nonciliated airway epithelial cells, bronchial and pulmo
3 man EC-SOD (hEC-SOD) to alveolar type II and nonciliated bronchial epithelial cells.
4 ransforms the alveolar type II cells and the nonciliated bronchiolar cells (Clara cells) of the lungs
5 e bronchoalveolar lavage fluid (BALF) and in nonciliated bronchiolar cells, alveolar type II epitheli
6  being attributed to either type II cells or nonciliated bronchiolar epithelial (Clara) cells.
7                                    Pulmonary nonciliated bronchiolar epithelial cells (Clara cells) a
8                                          The nonciliated cell tropism of recent human H3N2 viruses re
9 influenza viruses infected both ciliated and nonciliated cell types in the first round of infection,
10 h accumulation of mucus-like material within nonciliated cells and increased subepithelial deposition
11 9N2 isolates (which infect both ciliated and nonciliated cells at ratios of 1:1 to 3:2) or other wate
12 cted to apical ciliated cells and occasional nonciliated cells but not goblet cells.
13 nam/1203/2004) replicated efficiently within nonciliated cells despite a low initial infection rate.
14 ell density, and the pattern of ciliated and nonciliated cells did not occur in the peripheral bronch
15 H3N2 viruses infected a higher proportion of nonciliated cells in HAE than a 1968 pandemic-era human
16 d on the surface of a small number of single nonciliated cells in the lymphoepithelium.
17 icroscopy indicated that bacteria adhered to nonciliated cells in the population.
18 ricting the expression of markers typical of nonciliated cells of the distal lung parenchyma.
19 yered epithelium structure with ciliated and nonciliated cells on its apical surface.
20                                              Nonciliated cells present a higher proportion of alpha-2
21 like cell tropisms (preferentially infecting nonciliated cells) different from the tropisms showed by
22 basal bodies and centrosomes in ciliated and nonciliated cells, respectively.
23  which were less abundant, were presented on nonciliated cells.
24 d airway epithelium composed of ciliated and nonciliated cells.
25  of and in between the pair of centrioles in nonciliated cells.
26 resent in control bronchial epithelium or in nonciliated cells.
27 sting an important role for cell polarity in nonciliated cells.
28 ses with 222D or 222E, which targeted mainly nonciliated cells.
29 cell secretory protein, normally produced by nonciliated epithelial cells in lung parenchyma were lac
30 all clumps of apical ciliated and occasional nonciliated epithelial cells, apoptosis and sloughing of
31  200 genes that are absent in the genomes of nonciliated eukaryotes but are conserved in ciliated org
32 ng in internalization of the bacteria within nonciliated human airway epithelial cells by the process
33 administration of naphthalene, a toxicant of nonciliated respiratory epithelial cells (Clara cells).
34 e hypothesize that allurin is synthesized by nonciliated secretory cells in the luminal epithelium of
35 ial cell-lineage-tracing analysis identified nonciliated secretory epithelial cells, known as Clara c

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