


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 by the lack of a structural understanding of noncompetitive inhibition.
2 tosterone binding to AR-T877A likely through noncompetitive inhibition.
3 nable to distinguish between competitive and noncompetitive inhibition.
4 s not affected by NorA expression, exhibited noncompetitive inhibition.
5 exhibited competitive inhibition for ATP and noncompetitive inhibition against ATF2.
6    Acetylated (Lys14Ac) H3 peptide displayed noncompetitive inhibition against both H3 peptide and Ac
7 te substrates ATP and CEA, respectively, and noncompetitive inhibition against their noncognate subst
8 such compound, ALS 1-0635, indicated linear, noncompetitive inhibition, and Dixon plot analysis from
9 eptide, and isoleucine 8 is critical for its noncompetitive inhibition at alpha(1B)-ARs.
10                                 In contrast, noncompetitive inhibition by a UbcH7C86A product analog
11                                              Noncompetitive inhibition by dGMP and 8-oxo-dGMP indicat
12 hanism of activation and its competitive and noncompetitive inhibition by different compounds.
13       We find that transinhibition is due to noncompetitive inhibition by L-methionine, much like a n
14        Thiol specificity of the reaction and noncompetitive inhibition by the cognate methionine, as
15  arsenate has been examined, and reversible, noncompetitive inhibition by theophylline has been studi
16  proteins by differentiating competitive and noncompetitive inhibition demonstrates its ability as a
17 competitive inhibition for Cdc25 DSPases and noncompetitive inhibition for PTP1B.
18 (ACh), PhTX-343 caused activation-dependent, noncompetitive inhibition (IC50 = 17 microM at -100 mV)
19 hibition in regard to external [K(+)] versus noncompetitive inhibition in respect to external [Cl(-)]
20                                         This noncompetitive inhibition is consistent with interferenc
21 m), whereas a Ubc5BC85A product analog shows noncompetitive inhibition (Ki = 2.2 +/- 0.5 mum), consis
22                 This study demonstrates that noncompetitive inhibition kinetics describe the impact o
23 , the hydroxamic acid, SC81956, demonstrated noncompetitive inhibition kinetics with a Ki of 23 nM.
24 time-dependent inhibitors of PC2, exhibiting noncompetitive inhibition kinetics; the most potent inhi
25 nhibit the C-terminal sEH activity through a noncompetitive inhibition mechanism involving a new bind
26 y competition with substrate, and the linear noncompetitive inhibition observed was consistent with i
27  Our results represent a molecular view into noncompetitive inhibition of a sodium-coupled transporte
28 elective and, with respect to the substrate, noncompetitive inhibition of Abeta(1-42) production was
29 .77 microM at-100 mV), activation-dependent, noncompetitive inhibition of ACh-induced whole-cell curr
30 terol cyclase (OSLC) inhibitor showed potent noncompetitive inhibition of bacterial squalene:hopene c
31                                  HPP+ showed noncompetitive inhibition of both serotonin and dopamine
32                           Insulin produced a noncompetitive inhibition of both the chymotrypsin-like
33                            UCPH-101 exhibits noncompetitive inhibition of EAAT1, and its binding site
34 ly inhibition is analogous to competitive or noncompetitive inhibition of enzymes.
35 ith PGIP as well as a possible mechanism for noncompetitive inhibition of EPG-II.
36 peptidyl substrate cleavage but as classical noncompetitive inhibition of factor X activation by acti
37 te of the FXIa-LC by S-2366 also resulted in noncompetitive inhibition of FIX activation.
38 ,3', 5-L-triiodothyronine (L-T3) indicated a noncompetitive inhibition of muscimol-stimulated (36)Cl(
39 tory compound, termed JF5, also demonstrated noncompetitive inhibition of the alpha(2A)-adrenergic re
40 strychnine-insensitive glycine binding site (noncompetitive inhibition of the binding of [3H]TCP, pA2
41 n-substrate-binding site that is involved in noncompetitive inhibition of the enzyme.
42  resulting in binding to activated fVIII and noncompetitive inhibition of the intrinsic fXase complex
43                 Photoprobes 1-3 showed mixed noncompetitive inhibition of the Klenow fragment polymer
44 d that copper (I) and (II) cations displayed noncompetitive inhibition of the LC (Ki approximately 1
45 r-Burk plots indicated mixed competitive and noncompetitive inhibition of the protease by BV.
46 show that the synthetic Mag-1 peptides cause noncompetitive inhibition of the receptor channel activi
47          The nucleoside 3'-phosphates caused noncompetitive inhibition of the type I adenylyl cyclase
48 is the most potent inhibitor, effecting pure noncompetitive inhibition of the wild type human AMPD3 r
49 osolic GR without affecting K(m), suggesting noncompetitive inhibition of this thiol-dependent enzyme
50  with only two functional residues exhibited noncompetitive inhibition of thrombin.
51                                          The noncompetitive inhibition pattern observed for both clea
52  at high neomycin concentrations, indicating noncompetitive inhibition rather than direct competitive
53 onal UV-vis spectroscopy, and competitive vs noncompetitive inhibition reactions could be delineated
54  Consistent with the observed time-dependent noncompetitive inhibition, the cocrystal X-ray structure
55 l molecule analinopyrimidine, exhibited pure noncompetitive inhibition versus ATF2 and competitive in
56 e hydrolyzed peptide product, Pd1, exhibited noncompetitive inhibition versus both ATP and S3 substra
57 hibits competitive inhibition versus ATP and noncompetitive inhibition versus cysteine, with an inhib
58                  Glutarate gives S-parabolic noncompetitive inhibition versus NADH, indicating the fo
59 than glucose or fructose concentrations, and noncompetitive inhibition was observed.
60             Both analogs exhibited parabolic noncompetitive inhibition, which means that two molecule
61  both classes of compounds display primarily noncompetitive inhibition with respect to either ATP or
62 ibition pattern with respect to pyruvate and noncompetitive inhibition with respect to GAP/d-glyceral
63 respect to erythrose-4-phosphate and partial noncompetitive inhibition with respect to phosphoenolpyr
64 y of triclosan for the enzyme and results in noncompetitive inhibition, with K(i) and K(i)' values of

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