


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 er reduced to hydroresorufin (uncoloured and nonfluorescent).
2 self-pollination, the ddm1/ddm1 lines became nonfluorescent.
3 rescent proteins and thus render macrophages nonfluorescent.
4 idase to selectively render unesterified DHE nonfluorescent.
5 ith an aldehyde group to render the molecule nonfluorescent.
6 luorescence assay, based on the oxidation of nonfluorescent 10-acetyl-3,7-dihydroxyphenoxazine (Ample
7 rs to form upon oxidative cyclization of the nonfluorescent 2:1 lysine-HNE Michael adduct-Schiff base
8 , 151, 160 167, 188, and 210 of cTnI and the nonfluorescent acceptor 4-(dimethylamino)phenylazophenyl
9                                      Using a nonfluorescent acceptor eliminates the necessity to spec
10 les containing a C5-DMB-lipid are mixed with nonfluorescent acceptor vesicles.
11 h the fluorescent donor 1,5-IAEDANS, and the nonfluorescent acceptor, DAB-Mal.
12 eines were protected with the impermeant and nonfluorescent agent, methanethiosulfonate ethyltrimethy
13 de generated by pyruvate oxidase reacts with nonfluorescent Amplex Red at a 1:1 stoichiometry to form
14                      Fluorescent markers and nonfluorescent analytes are initially mixed homogenously
15 ers of mobilities designed to bound those of nonfluorescent analytes of interest.
16 ytes can be used for detection of unlabeled (nonfluorescent) analytes.
17 orescence-activated cell sorting reverted to nonfluorescent and fluorescent phenotypes when placed in
18 that can be repeatedly photoswitched between nonfluorescent and fluorescent states, photobleaching li
19                   Unbound dye is essentially nonfluorescent and has a large extinction coefficient (6
20                              This species is nonfluorescent and has an absorbance maximum of 382 nm.
21 d were chosen so that the substrate would be nonfluorescent and the product fluorescent.
22 y blotting IEF was employed to monitor dark (nonfluorescent) and bright (fluorescent) GFP populations
23 ls, even when contaminating particles (i.e., nonfluorescent) are present.
24 d that the neutral lipid increased the total nonfluorescent area at surface pressures up to 25 mN/m b
25  the opposite effect of decreasing the total nonfluorescent area.
26 ve state, the reporter probe was essentially nonfluorescent at 700 nm due to energy resonance transfe
27     Here we describe a reversibly switchable nonfluorescent bacterial phytochrome for use in multisca
28 s a synthetic chymotrypsin substrate that is nonfluorescent before cleavage by chymotrypsin, but is i
29                                        These nonfluorescent benzofurazan sulfides react rapidly and s
30 resolution 3D images of both fluorescent and nonfluorescent biological specimens with a thickness of
31 eans to visualize the immobilization even of nonfluorescent biomolecules.
32 hich the tumors are first pretargeted with a nonfluorescent biotinylated monoclonal antibody [cetuxim
33 es turn into the emissive red phase from the nonfluorescent blue phase.
34 nit oxidized and the other reduced), and the nonfluorescent (both subunits reduced).
35     In aqueous solution, the probe is almost nonfluorescent but displays significant fluorescence enh
36 bution was found within the population, with nonfluorescent cells showing a much lower PCN (</=1) tha
37 two distinct subpopulations, fluorescent and nonfluorescent cells.
38 een prepared; in contrast to their virtually nonfluorescent character in most environments, the meroc
39 ed schemes can be used to indirectly measure nonfluorescent chemicals in microscopic domains.
40                                              Nonfluorescent chlorophyll catabolites (NCCs) were descr
41 escence, chlorophyll (Chl) is broken down to nonfluorescent chlorophyll catabolites (NCCs).
42 uorescent chlorophyll catabolites (FCCs) and nonfluorescent chlorophyll catabolites (NCCs).
43 nt to fluorescence microscopy for imaging of nonfluorescent chromophores and certain fluorophores.
44      This approach allows for the imaging of nonfluorescent chromophores and is generalizable to any
45                                     When the nonfluorescent chromoprotein asFP595 from Anemonia sulca
46 65 tripeptide, closely resembles that of the nonfluorescent chromoprotein Rtms5 in that the configura
47      The distinction between fluorescent and nonfluorescent colonies was exploited as a scorable phen
48 increases with increasing concentration of a nonfluorescent competitor ss DNA (d(T5-AT4AT5)) (C), ind
49 , the tetrapyrrole substrate, is a colorless nonfluorescent compound.
50 cin) and (ii) the ability to monitor cold or nonfluorescent compounds in a drug discovery setting.
51 ifferent analytes, including fluorescent and nonfluorescent compounds, with a variety of structures w
52 1 ratio between cis (fluorescent) and trans (nonfluorescent) conformations.
53  their specific interaction with Ac-Tempo, a nonfluorescent conjugate of fluorogenic acridine with pa
54 si disappeared abruptly at a transition to a nonfluorescent core continuous with the hair shaft.
55 FAs mimicked many properties of their native nonfluorescent counterparts, including uptake, distribut
56  while background cysteines are blocked with nonfluorescent covalent modifiers.
57 was prevented or reversed by addition of the nonfluorescent COX inhibitor (S)-flurbiprofen.
58             Subsequent click reactivity with nonfluorescent dansyl azide results in a 70-fold fluores
59  molecular constitution of the most abundant nonfluorescent DCC (NDCC), At-NDCC-1, was determined.
60 tion of Amplex Red, which is a colorless and nonfluorescent derivative of dihydroresorufin, produces
61 s: diazabenzoindoles, which remain virtually nonfluorescent, despite having a similar, rigid structur
62 ression of the different monolayers produced nonfluorescent domains that emerged for temperatures bet
63 nd repaired with grafts from strain-matched, nonfluorescent donors and secured in place with fibrin g
64          Continuous measurement of efflux of nonfluorescent drugs on the same cell culture in situ, o
65 ive cells and fluorescently stained by small nonfluorescent dye molecules added from outside the cell
66       We report here a novel, water-soluble, nonfluorescent dye that efficiently quenches fluorescenc
67                              Specifically, a nonfluorescent dye, BCECF-AM, is able to penetrate both
68 ion in the presence of a strongly absorbing, nonfluorescent dye.
69              Dark fluorescence quenchers are nonfluorescent dyes that can modulate the fluorescence s
70 technique is extensible to a wide variety of nonfluorescent dyes.
71 een fluorescent protein from a background of nonfluorescent E. coli cells and shown that the bacteria
72 imental mixtures composed of fluorescent and nonfluorescent endocrine disruptors were analyzed.
73 mical assay format for the immobilization of nonfluorescent enzyme substrate, Leucine-GlutamicAcid-Hi
74 .8 microM) is comparable to that of cAMP and nonfluorescent Epac-selective agonist 8-(4-chlorophenylt
75                            PvdP converts the nonfluorescent ferribactin, containing two iron binding
76 action within the material that converts the nonfluorescent film into a globally fluorescent material
77 ctural similarities between luciferase and a nonfluorescent flavoprotein, which is expressed in the l
78                        In the second, caged (nonfluorescent) fluorescein-dextran was microinjected in
79 s article is to highlight the versatility of nonfluorescent Forster resonance energy transfer (FRET)
80 on, in which fluorescence is produced by two nonfluorescent fragments (N and C) of cyan fluorescent p
81  protein-fragment complementation, using two nonfluorescent fragments derived from fluorescent protei
82 ssay is based on the association between two nonfluorescent fragments of a fluorescent protein when t
83                                              Nonfluorescent fragments of the fluorescent protein Venu
84  is based on the complementation between two nonfluorescent fragments of the yellow fluorescent prote
85 ncorporation ratios (IRs=1.9 and 3.8) of the nonfluorescent FRET acceptor, K(D) values of 0.04+/-0.02
86                   DNA sequencing analysis of nonfluorescent GFP clones indicated that the mutations i
87 ed on functional complementation between two nonfluorescent GFP fragments, can be used to detect the
88 extrinsic probe positions in the presence of nonfluorescent GM1.
89                           Thus, formation of nonfluorescent ground-state hydrogen-bond complexes betw
90            Pc's possess a propensity to form nonfluorescent H-dimers that is utilized as the molecula
91        We prepared CHO cell lines expressing nonfluorescent halves (YN and YC) of yellow fluorescent
92 ugh a 1,2,3-triazole moiety, was essentially nonfluorescent in aqueous solutions.
93 he green fluorescent protein chromophore are nonfluorescent in solution but demonstrate a bright emis
94 pyr-1 diacetate (DA-ZP1-TPP), is essentially nonfluorescent in the metal-free state; however, exposur
95                     The aldehydes are almost nonfluorescent in water, but addition of primary amines
96 ed by the activation illumination intensity; nonfluorescent inactive molecules are activated by a hig
97 he initial photochemical step, which forms a nonfluorescent intermediate absorbing at 696 nm (A696).
98 ther shows the antioxidant reactivity of the nonfluorescent intermediate semiquinone.
99  reaction, which can occur below 200 K, is a nonfluorescent intermediate with a broad absorbance band
100 e-resolved studies confirmed the presence of nonfluorescent intramolecular H-aggregates that increase
101                                              Nonfluorescent, ionic nanocrystals (NCs) of CdSe were co
102                          Resazurin (blue and nonfluorescent) is reduced to resorufin (pink and highly
103                      Determined pIC(50)s for nonfluorescent JNK-1 inhibitors were also consistent wit
104 pt study to apply SERS-based detection using nonfluorescent labels to investigate alternative gene sp
105           A four-plex detection scheme using nonfluorescent labels was demonstrated for DNA sequences
106                                              Nonfluorescent labels were used for an array-format mult
107 erved under most reaction conditions was the nonfluorescent lactam form of the originally fluorescent
108 itrogen atoms forces the molecule to adopt a nonfluorescent lactone form, providing a convenient meth
109 receptor-Gialpha2 fusion protein, and with a nonfluorescent ligand and receptor-GFP fusion protein.
110 saturation of the receptor binding site with nonfluorescent ligand and use of a null-reactive CCK rec
111 h either radiolabeled ligand binding assays (nonfluorescent ligands) or fluorescence intensity assays
112             Upon fusion of a nanodisc with a nonfluorescent liposome containing cognate proteins (for
113  fluorescent protein, and of fluorescent and nonfluorescent M3-M4 loops.
114 ple FRET (OS-FRET) method employing a novel, nonfluorescent methanethiosulfonate-linked acceptor that
115                        Dihydroresorufin is a nonfluorescent molecule, which can be electrochemically
116 cence fluctuations, and when fluorescent and nonfluorescent molecules compete for surface binding sit
117 nsity, the concentrations of fluorescent and nonfluorescent molecules in solution, the solution diffu
118 tiate intramolecular cyclization and convert nonfluorescent molecules to highly fluorescent products.
119 iation rate constants of the fluorescent and nonfluorescent molecules, the surface site density, the
120 s can result in usefully high emission from "nonfluorescent" molecules and million-fold increases in
121  soluble peptides reacted slowly, generating nonfluorescent monooxygenated and dioxygenated products.
122 highly fluorescent photoproduct as well as a nonfluorescent monooxygenated photoproduct.
123 lyzed reaction between hydrogen peroxide and nonfluorescent N-acetyl-3,7-dihydroxyphenoxazine (Amplex
124 nd a photo-insensitive molecule (Amber) as a nonfluorescent (N) place holder: namely, NDAN, NDNA, and
125 luorescent NAD(P)H are assayed directly, and nonfluorescent NAD(P) are enzymatically reduced to their
126               The dye self-assembles to form nonfluorescent nanoparticles (Dh = 200 nm) which selecti
127 th affinity and specificity similar to their nonfluorescent natural counterparts.
128                    We speculate that it is a nonfluorescent nonultraviolet active cross-link between
129                           Photoactivation of nonfluorescent NQMP-caged 3-allyloxyfluorescein produces
130 he absolute binding density of the ligand on nonfluorescent nucleic acid is independent of a priori k
131 es between two different states, typically a nonfluorescent "off" state and a fluorescent "on" state
132 s present in the enzyme have been changed to nonfluorescent ones in various combinations without majo
133  have been performed because they either are nonfluorescent or lack an ionizable OH group.
134 hese amines and their imine derivatives were nonfluorescent or very weakly fluorescent.
135 tion of resazurin termed AlamarBlue from its nonfluorescent oxidized state to its fluorescent reduced
136                                     When the nonfluorescent peptide amphiphile component is designed
137 phile, and the second molecule is a shorter, nonfluorescent peptide amphiphile of complementary charg
138 e is hindered, and the compound remains as a nonfluorescent peptide conjugate.
139                             ER delivery of a nonfluorescent peptide was demonstrated using a mAb high
140 te the NADH-driven oxidation of a colorless, nonfluorescent phenoxazine dye (Amplex Red) to a brightl
141 nedimethylimidazolinone (BDI) dye, is nearly nonfluorescent (Phif < 0.001) in common solutions at roo
142 rane organelles filled with melanin, a dark, nonfluorescent pigment.
143         FRET was diminished upon addition of nonfluorescent pre-SufI, indicating that the initial bin
144 ntails generating a fluorescent probe from a nonfluorescent precursor, 4-ethynyl-N-ethyl-1,8-naphthal
145 ifies structures labeled with fluorescent or nonfluorescent probes.
146 neous transformation of resorufin to less or nonfluorescent product(s) in the absence of hydrogen per
147 by metabolically active cells led to a final nonfluorescent product, and hence an underestimation of
148 sed on the chlorination of resorcinol to its nonfluorescent products in the presence of HOCl.
149     However, the flavin binding sites of the nonfluorescent protein are likely not representative of
150                    We deduce the fraction of nonfluorescent proteins for EGFP, mRFP, and mCherry as w
151 159 and Cys171, locking the chromophore in a nonfluorescent protonated state.
152 cation and classification of fluorescent and nonfluorescent pseudomonads.
153                  Here we report the use of a nonfluorescent quencher (Black Hole Quencher, BHQ) as an
154 rophore of the desired emission color, and a nonfluorescent quencher.
155 donor, and the beta-clamp was labeled with a nonfluorescent quencher.
156      Our results illustrate the potential of nonfluorescent quenchers in single-molecule correlation
157 d, 6-TAMRA) near the carboxyl terminus and a nonfluorescent quenching group (QSY-7) near the amino te
158 re and carries a 5'-fluorescent moiety, a 3'-nonfluorescent quenching moiety, and an appropriate clea
159 duct of the initial light-driven reaction, a nonfluorescent radical species, into a new intermediate
160 rface-enhanced Raman scattering (SERS) using nonfluorescent Raman labels to quantify gene expression
161 ntrolled through the surface coverage of the nonfluorescent Raman tags (RTags).
162 alently attach both DNA probing sequence and nonfluorescent Raman tags to the surface of gold nanopar
163 loyed for indirectly detecting absorbing but nonfluorescent reagents in microsamples, employing inner
164  a DMB, and (2) we monitored DMB delivery of nonfluorescent reagents into droplets preloaded with LY.
165  emission or absorption contrast, permitting nonfluorescent reporters for molecular imaging.
166 escent product resorufin at pH 7.0 or to the nonfluorescent resazurin at pH 4.0.
167 ons, and enzymatic oxidation of resorufin to nonfluorescent resazurin.
168 the beta-galactosidase-catalyzed reaction of nonfluorescent resorufin-beta-D-galactopyranoside to yie
169 -to-superficial pathway was not sensitive to nonfluorescent retrograde tracers including horseradish
170         Competitive binding experiments with nonfluorescent RNC species revealed that the nascent cha
171 ly accomplished with a long-term goal to use nonfluorescent RTags in a Raman-based DNA microarray pla
172 scherichia coli DnaB helicase to unmodified, nonfluorescent single-stranded nucleic acids where the i
173          For the DMPC/DSPC we found that the nonfluorescent solid regions gradually disappear in the
174 achieve separation and indirect detection of nonfluorescent species using fluorescent mobility marker
175 ethylrhodamines (AnMR) maintain a colorless, nonfluorescent spirocyclic structure at high pH.
176 ly high concentrations of Zn(ClO(4))(2), the nonfluorescent spirolactam component of 4 is transformed
177 d below the focal plane are transferred to a nonfluorescent state at each scanning step.
178 y between the half-fluorescent state and the nonfluorescent state.
179 reversibly converted between fluorescent and nonfluorescent states have proven to be a catalyst for i
180 n both the fluorescent and the light-induced nonfluorescent states reveal that the rapid and complete
181 stic, optical control of its fluorescent and nonfluorescent states, and subsequently applying a lock-
182                                          Two nonfluorescent states, D1 and D2, exist in a voltage-dep
183  by a highly selective thioether spirocyclic nonfluorescent structure that opens to form a mixture of
184 esults showed that nanoceria can oxidize the nonfluorescent substrate ampliflu, either to the very st
185  quenched in the protein, yielding virtually nonfluorescent substrate molecules.
186 ese results are applicable to natural (i.e., nonfluorescent) substrates.
187                                          The nonfluorescent terphenyl diazoketone 1 was transformed i
188 relies on the hematin-catalyzed oxidation of nonfluorescent thiamine to fluorescent thiochrome by H2O
189 ior exposure of cells to the impermeable and nonfluorescent thiol-specific agent ethyltrimethylammoni
190  "highlighters", which can be converted from nonfluorescent to fluorescent or from one color to anoth
191 se, primer extension by DNA polymerase using nonfluorescent TPLFNs generates fluorophores, which are
192 lemented with iron gave increased numbers of nonfluorescent trichomonads.
193 dy (MAb) to P270 yields both fluorescent and nonfluorescent trichomonads.
194  45 protein containing 4-fluorotryptophan, a nonfluorescent tryptophan analogue, subunit exchange bet
195 lysis of the PriA helicase interactions with nonfluorescent, unmodified nucleic acids has been perfor
196 lysis of the DnaB helicase interactions with nonfluorescent, unmodified nucleic acids has been perfor
197 signed small ligand is membrane-permeant and nonfluorescent until it binds with high affinity and spe
198 ped with rhodamine spirolactam dyes that are nonfluorescent until they encounter mercury ions, which
199 o3 or pyrene maleimide, that are essentially nonfluorescent until they react with a thiol.
200  was localized in the cytoplasm, whereas the nonfluorescent version was localized to the periplasmic
201 g vesicles were vastly outnumbered by older, nonfluorescent vesicles.
202 istic of an H-aggregate that was practically nonfluorescent, whereas in organic media, they displayed
203 ue-green region of the spectrum, while 4c is nonfluorescent, which is likely attributable to an intra
204 tion of Nef with a partner kinase juxtaposes nonfluorescent YFP fragments fused to the C terminus of
205                  Cation exchange (CX) in the nonfluorescent ZnS nanocrystal clusters (NCCs) was emplo

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