


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 rred (16 in the inducible group and 9 in the noninducible).
2 nts had at least 1 VT terminated or rendered noninducible.
3 riants of Gal3 or Gal80 render the GAL genes noninducible.
4 hich is metal inducible, and cdr-6, which is noninducible.
5 eas pilsicainide plus dofetilide rendered AF noninducible.
6 adiofrequency ablation rendered clinical VTs noninducible.
7 cantly worse prognosis than do those who are noninducible.
8 uced by betac signaling, while the other was noninducible.
9 after 180 days of follow up: 19% when VT was noninducible, 42% if nonclinical VT was inducible, 75% w
10       Ablation at these sites rendered Vt/VF noninducible (7 of 9 patients [78%]; 95% confidence inte
11  with EF>30% and 13 (41%) with EF</=30% were noninducible after ablation (P=0.386).
12 ) for which no isthmus was identified became noninducible after ablation of a targeted VT.
13 ht explain why non-targeted VTs might become noninducible after ablation of other VTs.
14 ree survival rates were observed in patients noninducible after scar dechanneling (log-rank P = 0.013
15 enes, including inducible, constitutive, and noninducible alleles of MAL23, MAL43, MAL63, and mal64.
16 a collection of inducible, constitutive, and noninducible alleles.
17                 Event-free survival rates in noninducible and inducible patients at 1, 5, 10, and 15
18                                 Although the noninducible and predominantly nuclear PA28gamma complex
19 oviral systems encoding GnT-V that used both noninducible and tetracycline-inducible promoters.
20           Of the 19 VTs, eight were rendered noninducible and three were modified to a longer cycle l
21 rified AS alpha isoenzymes revealed that the noninducible AS alpha 2 of R. graveolens is strongly fee
22 kes it a suitable screening tool to reassure noninducible asymptomatic individuals.
23 The 13 animals without inducible VT remained noninducible at the subsequent studies.
24 th paroxysmal AF, AF usually can be rendered noninducible by additional ablation at sites of fraction
25 se ventricular tachycardia (VT) was rendered noninducible by catheter ablation.
26 d cardiac death was 31% (95% CI, 0%-60%) for noninducible compared with 39% (95% CI, 27-52) for those
27  effect is specific, as A20 does not block a noninducible, constitutively expressed reporter, Rous sa
28 overlapping and nonoverlapping roles for the noninducible costimulatory receptor CD28 and the inflamm
29 ated subunits closely matched those of their noninducible counterparts, suggesting that subunit swapp
30 ible beta-oxidation system and also a second noninducible D-hydroxy-specific beta-oxidation system.
31 ts in three dogs with inducible VT and three noninducible dogs was mapped with a high-resolution elec
32 y inducible gene, COX-1 is widely known as a noninducible gene and is constitutively expressed in a v
33                        In NahG and nim1 (for noninducible immunity) Arabidopsis plants, which normall
34                                The NIM1 (for noninducible immunity) gene product is involved in the s
35                  In group 3, AF was rendered noninducible in 27 of 30 patients (90%).
36 le in any patient, and all VTs were rendered noninducible in 63% of the patients.
37                  Ventricular tachycardia was noninducible in 85% of patients post ablation, and 71% r
38 ontaneous LLR in 3 patients and rendered LLR noninducible in all patients.
39                  Rather, GCN4 translation is noninducible in prt1-1 cells, and genetic analysis indic
40                                              Noninducible MADIT II study subjects using this electrop
41 ple Myc-tagged Aha1/Myc3 copurifies with all noninducible Mal63 mutant activators tested.
42                                              Noninducible mal63 mutant proteins bind to Ssa1 alone an
43                                          The noninducible mox4Delta allele was epistatic to the const
44 complex with Hsp70, Hsp90, and Sti1, whereas noninducible mutant activators bind only with Hsp70 in a
45 C was compared between the inducible MVT and noninducible MVT patient groups.
46                The 12 VTneg animals remained noninducible on day 100.
47 intercaval junction made atrial fibrillation noninducible or tended to shorten the atrial fibrillatio
48 slow pathway in patients with documented but noninducible paroxysmal supraventricular tachycardia (PS
49 hydroxyacyl-CoA dehydrogenase (D-PBE) of the noninducible pathway (L-PBE-/-D-PBE-/-), exhibit severe
50 lyzing straight-chain acyl-CoAs and a second noninducible pathway catalyzing the oxidation of 2-methy
51 onal protein, and thiolase, and (b) a second noninducible pathway catalyzing the oxidation of 2-methy
52 s, a systems approach revealed inducible and noninducible pathways as potential targets.
53 6 [standard error]) was greater than that in noninducible patients (-10.18% +/- 0.38; P < .05).
54 ater (P < .05) in inducible patients than in noninducible patients (1.31 +/- 0.27 vs 0.64 +/- 0.13, r
55 reversed RPA phase more in inducible than in noninducible patients (56.7% versus 45.3%; P=0.02 by chi
56 o years in inducible patients (3.2%) than in noninducible patients (8.6%).
57 hood of experiencing ICD therapy for VT than noninducible patients (p = 0.023).
58  two-year survival rates were 94% and 84% in noninducible patients and 77% and 45% in inducible patie
59 tors and a shorter time to peak Ecc than did noninducible patients in the border zone and adjacent an
60                           Both inducible and noninducible patients received an ICD.
61                                              Noninducible patients with LVEF>30% had a recurrence-fre
62                                              Noninducible patients with moderately depressed LV funct
63 nts at follow-up (9 of 14 events occurred in noninducible patients).
64 ection fraction > or =30% and only 42% among noninducible patients, P=0.002).
65 f deaths in inducible patients versus 46% in noninducible patients, P=0.004).
66                                        Among noninducible patients, those with additional LP abolitio
67 s 29.4% for inducible patients and 25.5% for noninducible patients.
68 inducible patients was 29.0% versus 19.3% in noninducible patients.
69 on (p = 0.021) in inducible patients than in noninducible patients.
70 achycardia was significantly higher than for noninducible patients.
71 .3 versus 6.2+/-1.6 microV; P=0.003) but not noninducible patients.
72 -term outcome of ICD recipients with that of noninducible patients.
73                                 In contrast, noninducible Pfiesteria and cryptoperidiniopsoids caused
74  with confirmed toxicity, negative controls (noninducible Pfiesteria strains and a related nontoxic c
75          Retrograde breakthrough points in 6 noninducible preparations were clustered near the apex o
76 n was constitutive, the fucPIK operon became noninducible such that the mutant could no longer grow o
77 d enzyme of this classical pathway or of the noninducible system had no such discernible effects.
78                                    If VT was noninducible, the dense scar (<0.5 mV) region was isolat
79                                      For the noninducible versus inducible patients, LV ejection frac
80 ity for monomorphic ventricular tachycardia (noninducible versus inducible: 13+/-9 versus 19+/-8 g, P
81                   Furthermore, patients with noninducible VT had a lower VT recurrence rate than did
82 classified as VTpos (inducible VT) or VTneg (noninducible VT) at day 8.
83 rtality was reached in 9 patients (15%) with noninducible VTs versus 11 patients (34%) with inducible

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