


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 rticularly of fisheries systems that exhibit nonlinear dynamics.
2 ee methods for ecological systems with noisy nonlinear dynamics.
3  density and additional methods derived from nonlinear dynamics.
4 antly different to the real data, suggesting nonlinear dynamics.
5 , non-stationary, low-dimensional and having nonlinear dynamics.
6 arlo implementation of a Bayesian filter for nonlinear dynamics.
7            Second-order components depend on nonlinear dynamics.
8 aking it difficult to explicitly demonstrate nonlinear dynamics.
9 nteraction patterns resulting from divergent nonlinear dynamics abound.
10 linear dynamics, we show that single-species nonlinear dynamics alone, both in the presence and absen
11 significant role for the low-order truncated nonlinear dynamics alone; turbulent backscatter onto the
12  pathogen populations often exhibit complex, nonlinear dynamics and are structured by multiple factor
13 yed inhibition of biomass growth, generating nonlinear dynamics and chaos.
14 n example, we describe conceptual tools from nonlinear dynamics and chemical engineering that make te
15 that networks of interacting species exhibit nonlinear dynamics and feedback loops that can produce s
16 illations in population size due to inherent nonlinear dynamics and overcrowding were as important or
17                  SCUBA draws techniques from nonlinear dynamics and stochastic differential equation
18  produced by PDQUEST (BioRad), PHORETIX 2-D (Nonlinear Dynamics) and Melanie (GenBio SA).
19 d software solutions, such as Progenesis QI (Nonlinear Dynamics); and, finally, performing metabolite
20 three of these bands), and measures based on nonlinear dynamics (approximate entropy [ApEn], a measur
21                 Error growth techniques from nonlinear dynamics are used to estimate the variance of
22                                      Complex nonlinear dynamics arise in many fields of science and e
23         In particular, sampling the complex, nonlinear dynamics associated with submesoscales (<1-10
24           In contrast, the SL model leads to nonlinear dynamics, bifurcations, and possibly multiple
25 ng aspects of brain dynamics are considered: nonlinear dynamics (chaos), phase transitions, and criti
26        Bifurcation analysis revealed diverse nonlinear dynamics (e.g., bistability and oscillations).
27 heless, both of them predict that the highly nonlinear dynamics exhibited by genetic regulatory syste
28 sics, representing a paradigmatic example of nonlinear dynamics far from thermodynamic equilibrium.
29 ng neurobiology has been rather limited.Yet, nonlinear dynamics has become a practical tool for analy
30                                              Nonlinear dynamics has been introduced to the analysis o
31        Approximate linear representations of nonlinear dynamics have long been sought, driving consid
32                     Computer simulations and nonlinear dynamics have provided invaluable tools for il
33 This test is used to show highly significant nonlinear dynamics in a stable canine model of ventricul
34         The use of methods from contemporary nonlinear dynamics in studying neurobiology has been rat
35 hat the normal heartbeat may display complex nonlinear dynamics, including deterministic chaos, and t
36                Our approach accounts for the nonlinear dynamics inherent to real systems, and allows
37                       By incorporating these nonlinear dynamics into grid cell models, we show that t
38 easures of HRV and of newer indices based on nonlinear dynamics is not universally accepted.
39                      In the spectral domain, nonlinear dynamics manifest as the development of a chai
40 of important trade-offs between the internal nonlinear dynamics, network topology, and uncertainty in
41    Thus our findings indicate changes in the nonlinear dynamics of a fast-gain control in diabetic pa
42                      This paper explores the nonlinear dynamics of a new CAM photosynthesis model (Ba
43 s are emergent properties resulting from the nonlinear dynamics of accumulating, random genetic mutat
44 ill serve as a starting point to explore the nonlinear dynamics of atrial cells and will yield insigh
45 , the concepts of hodotopic organization and nonlinear dynamics of brain neural networks), Llewellyn
46       The oscillations were generated by the nonlinear dynamics of Ca2+ release and refilling in the
47 d vortexes interact and oscillate (a form of nonlinear dynamics of curved spacetime).
48                   We investigate fundamental nonlinear dynamics of ferrofluidic Taylor-Couette flow -
49                     Stochasticity alters the nonlinear dynamics of inherently cycling populations.
50                                  The complex nonlinear dynamics of mode-locked fibre lasers, includin
51 e prove that under very weak assumption, the nonlinear dynamics of multi-phenotypic proportions in ou
52                                          The nonlinear dynamics of stochastic information loss constr
53                                 The detailed nonlinear dynamics of such systems remains largely unkno
54 mental change must be distinguished from the nonlinear dynamics of the parasite population.
55 polymorphisms in closely related species and nonlinear dynamics of the ratio of two random variables.
56      RP resonances encode information on the nonlinear dynamics of the system, and an approach for es
57 , based upon a model capturing the intrinsic nonlinear dynamics of the system, reveals some effects o
58 r radiation, and precipitation together, but nonlinear dynamics of these four climatic factors have n
59 harp features on surfaces, by exploiting the nonlinear dynamics of uniformly ion-bombarded surfaces.
60 sms remain poorly understood, we discuss how nonlinear dynamics of various positive affects, heavily
61 ther solutions can describe such dissipative nonlinear dynamics, our results may impact the interpret
62 ed via several classical routes described by nonlinear dynamics: period-doubling, quasiperiodicity, o
63                                              Nonlinear dynamics play an important explanatory role--m
64                                              Nonlinear dynamics provides a unifying perspective on se
65  recover features characteristic of strongly nonlinear dynamics (such as intermittency and rare event
66 mber of resonator modes leads to complicated nonlinear dynamics that are far from fully understood.
67 s oscillators contain complex feedbacks with nonlinear dynamics that enable spontaneous oscillations.
68 Arnold-Moser (KAM) theorem--a cornerstone of nonlinear dynamics that explains, for example, gaps in t
69 rol of networks governed by a broad class of nonlinear dynamics that includes the major dynamic model
70 vel methods based on statistical physics and nonlinear dynamics, the interactive display and characte
71  sufficient condition, expressed in terms of nonlinear dynamics, the Laplacian eigenvalues of the nom
72  framework for understanding and forecasting nonlinear dynamics through time and across space.
73 s focused on one of the following two areas: nonlinear dynamics through time without an explicit cons
74                      We draw on the field of nonlinear dynamics to propose a dynamical systems framew
75                    Here, we use methods from nonlinear dynamics to test whether adult male zebra finc
76 increased fluctuations by changing intrinsic nonlinear dynamics, we show that single-species nonlinea
77                      From the perspective of nonlinear dynamics, we would also like to understand how
78 important consequences in the broad field of nonlinear dynamics where dimension and Lyapunov exponent
79 served in the healthy subjects to underlying nonlinear dynamics, which seem to be essential to normal
80       This has led to productive coupling of nonlinear dynamics with experiments in neurobiology in w
81                            They also exhibit nonlinear dynamics with thresholds, reciprocal feedback

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