


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 urons integrate information across frequency nonlinearly.
2 ge-dependent proteins can modify capacitance nonlinearly.
3 ks by letting the sensors affect the readout nonlinearly.
4 at the thiophene groups within the dendrimer nonlinearly absorb in a cooperative manner, which is fur
5  transmembrane potential is thought to decay nonlinearly across the ion permeation pathway because of
6 These different regions aligned well, albeit nonlinearly along a mean annual temperature gradient; wh
7 e auditory mechanics; the antenna of the fly nonlinearly alters its tuning as stimulus intensity decl
8 tosolic calcium concentration elevations are nonlinearly amplified by binding of Ca(2+) , CaM and CAM
9 he Mega monsoon of the supercontinent Pangea nonlinearly amplified the orbitally paced chemical weath
10 ng step in the brain; these signals are then nonlinearly amplified to produce a direction-selective r
11 on-toxic, fluorescent nanoreporters that can nonlinearly amplify tumour microenvironmental signals, p
12 nd microscale tendon elastic moduli increase nonlinearly and become increasingly spatially heterogene
13  These penetrative convection rolls interact nonlinearly and efficiently in the model to generate and
14    We demonstrate that by driving both modes nonlinearly and electrostatically near the veering regim
15 edictive power of the tracking sample varies nonlinearly and often counter-intuitively with factors s
16 st that many V1 neurons combine cone signals nonlinearly and provide a new framework in which to deci
17 up of neurons pooled the component responses nonlinearly and showed two separate peaks in their tunin
18         The relative quantum yield decreases nonlinearly as the nanotube length becomes shorter.
19                      Sliding speed decreased nonlinearly as the proportion of WT sTn decreased.
20                            The WBC count was nonlinearly associated with all-cause mortality and almo
21 at separate outcomes, coffee consumption was nonlinearly associated with both coronary heart disease
22 eased fluoroscopy time and contrast use were nonlinearly associated with greater operator TRI experie
23                                   TDI e' was nonlinearly associated with incident HF or death, with i
24 , caffeinated, and decaffeinated coffee were nonlinearly associated with mortality.
25             In this study, baseline sST2 was nonlinearly associated with patient outcomes but did not
26 ased, unloaded shortening velocity decreased nonlinearly at maximal Ca(2+).
27 le model in which stimulus and mask interact nonlinearly at two stages, one monocular and one binocul
28 port from the way rodent place cells "remap" nonlinearly between spatial representations [19-22].
29 e features to which each neuron is tuned are nonlinearly combined to produce selectivity for spectral
30 h the outputs of a set of linear filters are nonlinearly combined.
31            The data were best described by a nonlinearly compressed scaling of numerical information,
32 ng of 1-7 sub-receptive fields that interact nonlinearly, consistently better predicts neural respons
33 ther human or mouse RefSeqs, this measure is nonlinearly correlated with genomic, exonic, and third c
34 namics arise from the coexistence of several nonlinearly coupled modes.
35              These processes are found to be nonlinearly coupled through dynamically heterogeneous fl
36  sunlight and precipitation are strongly and nonlinearly coupled to ecosystem function, with effects
37 m using a micromechanical resonator with two nonlinearly coupled vibrational modes with strongly diff
38 haracterized by an angle, whose dynamics are nonlinearly coupled with those of all the other individu
39 ation of a viscoelastic-like material with a nonlinearly decaying spring (NLDs-viscoelastic material)
40 tor, or bridge structures and is found to be nonlinearly dependent on electric field strength.
41  acid contents of the Rosa species increased nonlinearly depending on the harvesting time.
42 -dependence, such as the coherent control of nonlinearly diffracted beams, single-pump-beam induced p
43                           Repolarization was nonlinearly distributed in time.
44                     On parasol cells respond nonlinearly due to thresholding of their excitatory syna
45 ignals, describes how Y cells in the cat LGN nonlinearly encode the visual scene.
46 onal alignment of molecules in a liquid, and nonlinearly excite vibrational coherences.
47 study how neutral mutants are accumulated in nonlinearly growing colonies of cells subject to growth
48 DS reversibly, or DIDS covalently, decreased nonlinearly in the absence of chloride as the level of m
49 timized nonsaturating excitation [TONE]), or nonlinearly increasing (variable-angle uniform signal ex
50 eformations of the crack front, which evolve nonlinearly into a segmented array of finger-shaped daug
51   Responses to AM and PM frequently summated nonlinearly, leading to sign-selective responses as a re
52 es the existence of sensory neurons that are nonlinearly modulated by arbitrary context signals, a pl
53 nd buffering systems whose activities depend nonlinearly on [Ca(2+)].
54 g is hard to characterize because it depends nonlinearly on concentrations.
55 ndritic tree and calcium influx that depends nonlinearly on the action potential and synaptic input.
56 nges in photoelastic coefficient P 12 depend nonlinearly on the defect concentrations created by the
57 n-hydrogen-bonded OH group will form depends nonlinearly on the hydrophobic surface area).
58 d and its coupling to plate thickness depend nonlinearly on the stiffness of the mechanical linkage b
59                         These effects depend nonlinearly on the stimulus sound pressure level.
60                Colipase binding rate depends nonlinearly on the two-dimensional concentration of phos
61 cinating strategies and their payoffs depend nonlinearly on whether or not the herd immunity threshol
62                   Soft, ultrathin frameworks nonlinearly organized in tandem are presented to realize
63 ver a narrow field, and the other integrates nonlinearly over a wide field.
64 lmetto and J. virginiana mortality increased nonlinearly over time on the six most frequently flooded
65 lightly different stimuli by selectively and nonlinearly pooling the responses elicited by the stimul
66 hat the cell must be viewed as a system that nonlinearly processes chemoattractant inputs.
67 show that the oncogenic microRNA, miR18a, is nonlinearly regulated by matrix stiffness and fibronecti
68 l function during risky decision making, and nonlinearly related to earnings on the task.
69  confirm that global mean air temperature is nonlinearly related to heat stress, meaning that the sam
70       The reoperation rate was inversely and nonlinearly related to hospital volume, as described by
71             Ammonium adsorption capacity was nonlinearly related to the biochar's surface charge dens
72 the azurophil granule) and are inversely and nonlinearly related to the concentration of proteinase i
73 s linearly related to cognate frequency, but nonlinearly related to the number of Ag-bearing DCs pres
74                Second, the N95 amplitude was nonlinearly related to visual field sensitivity when sen
75      Trait impulsivity and compulsivity were nonlinearly related.
76 accades, localization precision deteriorates nonlinearly, revealing a statistically optimal combinati
77 tree classifier has the added advantage that nonlinearly separable data may be accurately classified
78                                              Nonlinearly stable coherent structures are computed by s
79                    The technique consists of nonlinearly subtracting the background fluorescence, thr
80 urthermore, sources of spine Ca(2+) interact nonlinearly such that activation of one Ca(2+) channel c
81 D-FETi synapse transformed this relationship nonlinearly, such that peak amplitudes of compound PSPs
82 teral foci of orbitofrontal cortex responded nonlinearly, such that response was enhanced for the low
83                       Inhibitory neurons had nonlinearly summating, complex-like receptive fields and
84 n of two functionally distinct inputs occurs nonlinearly through generation of active dendritic signa
85 ple time and length scales which are coupled nonlinearly through the processes of diffusion, convecti
86 temperature to drop below freezing increases nonlinearly to approximately 10 d for initial maritime s
87 ts that the climate system of Earth responds nonlinearly to astronomical forcing by frequency modulat
88 nsitized emission-based FRET indices respond nonlinearly to changes in the degree of molecular intera
89  the object's position and, instead, respond nonlinearly to changes in the object's speed.
90 rd, whereas ecosystem variables that respond nonlinearly to climate forcing will have become prone to
91  put into conflict showed that they combined nonlinearly to control firing location, and that the rel
92 at rod- and cone-mediated responses interact nonlinearly to control the responses of primate retinal
93  if the emission rate of the sample responds nonlinearly to the illumination intensity.
94 medium, such as a photoresist, that responds nonlinearly to the intensity distribution associated wit
95 st of the ring-porous Quercus alba responded nonlinearly to warming, suggesting evolutionary constrai
96 e results reveal that inhibitory OB circuits nonlinearly transform odor representations and support a
97  mean zero noise than is graphic analysis of nonlinearly transformed data.
98 entially incorporated, and these factors are nonlinearly transformed to predict the occurrences of sp
99                       J(leak) also increased nonlinearly with [Ca2+](SRT) with a steeper increase at
100 highest sensitivity, with signals increasing nonlinearly with [IP(3)].
101 ess-induced podosome displacements increased nonlinearly with applied stresses.
102 the most exaggerated insect structures scale nonlinearly with body size.
103 nal SR calcium release increased steeply and nonlinearly with both [Ca](SRT) and [Ca](SR).
104          However, we observed that CC scaled nonlinearly with brain volume (BV): large brains had a p
105 on (L(phi)) for NaCl(aq) varies strongly and nonlinearly with concentration in the low-concentration
106  neuron in the visual cortex generally grows nonlinearly with contrast, the spatial tuning of the cel
107 lity increased linearly with C and decreased nonlinearly with decreasing D or increasing Z.
108 sion speed (spread rate), as both can change nonlinearly with density.
109                    Species richness declined nonlinearly with elevation, whereas phylogenetic dispers
110                               Emissions vary nonlinearly with fertilization, temperature and soil moi
111     Passive sarcomere misalignment increased nonlinearly with fiber strain in both wild-type and desm
112  osmotic pressure (pi) was found to increase nonlinearly with increasing chondroitin sulfate concentr
113                   However, AP cost increased nonlinearly with increasing firing rates.
114 was shown that the volumetric rate increases nonlinearly with laser power at sufficiently high pressu
115  Hg concentrations and variability increased nonlinearly with length, weight, and age, ranging from 0
116 at which 50% of the cells detached increased nonlinearly with ligand density and was greater with imm
117      We find that frictional forces increase nonlinearly with MAP velocity across microtubules and de
118 phobic-segment overlap in the core increases nonlinearly with MW, indicative of chain entanglements a
119 ld at the nanoscale, where friction can vary nonlinearly with normal load.
120 al scales, with total on-road CO2 increasing nonlinearly with population density, rapidly up to 1,650
121 tro motility assays, sliding speed decreased nonlinearly with reduced density of heavy meromyosin (HM
122 Moreover, the signal ratio response can vary nonlinearly with respect to the amount ratio depending o
123  (sCAR) at physiological temperatures varies nonlinearly with sCAR concentration.
124                               F (m)(z) grows nonlinearly with shear.
125 is initial state of brain activity interacts nonlinearly with stimulus input to shape the evolving co
126 light responses in each ganglion cell varied nonlinearly with stimulus strength but in a manner that
127 The fraction of inverted responses increases nonlinearly with temperature, switching steeply at the p
128 ereas extraction of (11)C-lactate correlated nonlinearly with that of unlabeled lactate extraction (r
129 rength of selection increases (or decreases) nonlinearly with that trait.
130 ssion efficiency of the YFFS tRNAs increases nonlinearly with the amount of injected tRNA, suggesting
131 ion rate constant of DMABN was shown to vary nonlinearly with the DOM concentration.
132 nt of microfilament reorganization increased nonlinearly with the electric field strength.
133 tail needles, structural stability increases nonlinearly with the length of the alpha-helical core.
134 l chain multibody interaction that increases nonlinearly with the number of cholesterol contacts.
135       We show that equity tends to trade off nonlinearly with the potential to achieve conservation o
136  Lifespan gained across all trials increased nonlinearly with time from 0.1 month at 1 year, to 0.5 m
137 ifespan gain from biventricular pacing rises nonlinearly with time.
138          For most drugs, clearance increases nonlinearly with total body weight but linearly with LBW
139 the owl's tectal auditory neurons to decline nonlinearly, with a rapid drop followed by a more gradua
140             Strain correlated inversely, and nonlinearly, with CTVF (median, r (2) = 0.73), with tens
141 pathway, predicted GMs decreased sharply and nonlinearly, with GMs 64% lower in homes 250 m versus 23

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