


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 hesion, morphogenesis, and mechanosensing in nonmuscle cells.
2 ovement observed in actomyosin assemblies in nonmuscle cells.
3 actin polymerization and depolymerization in nonmuscle cells.
4  T M-CAT-1 element upregulated expression in nonmuscle cells.
5 ffect the default level of exon inclusion in nonmuscle cells.
6 gical changes associated with development in nonmuscle cells.
7 dered actomyosin bundles found in muscle and nonmuscle cells.
8 e actomyosin assemblies in smooth muscle and nonmuscle cells.
9  and cellular and intracellular movements in nonmuscle cells.
10  stability of actin in eukaryotic muscle and nonmuscle cells.
11 yosin contraction found in smooth muscle and nonmuscle cells.
12 oblasts differentiating into myotubes and in nonmuscle cells.
13 mical energy into force/motion in muscle and nonmuscle cells.
14  molecular weight (HMW), found in muscle and nonmuscle cells.
15 mposed of a highly diverse set of muscle and nonmuscle cells.
16  II-based motile activity in both muscle and nonmuscle cells.
17 ching off myosin II-based motile activity in nonmuscle cells.
18 liferation, or cell death, when expressed in nonmuscle cells.
19 olymerization in smooth muscle as well as in nonmuscle cells.
20  mechanical connections between myocytes and nonmuscle cells.
21 expressed as a separate protein in mammalian nonmuscle cells.
22 pects of Ca(2+) signaling in both muscle and nonmuscle cells.
23 r depolymerization in both smooth muscle and nonmuscle cells.
24 s actomyosin-based cytoskeletal functions in nonmuscle cells.
25 l protein component of caveolae membranes in nonmuscle cells.
26 RF-mediated transcription in both muscle and nonmuscle cells.
27 e bodies are analogous to focal adhesions of nonmuscle cells.
28 ted protein complex (DPC) in both muscle and nonmuscle cells.
29 lates actin-myosin interaction in muscle and nonmuscle cells.
30 sma membrane invaginations when expressed in nonmuscle cells.
31 ports a vast number of cellular processes in nonmuscle cells.
32 ntraction and cytoskeletal reorganization of nonmuscle cells.
33 ase (MLCK) activates myosin II in smooth and nonmuscle cells.
34  step for regulating actin-based motility in nonmuscle cells.
35 e by the RyR to signaling in both muscle and nonmuscle cells.
36 ontractility in smooth muscle and vertebrate nonmuscle cells.
37 he structure and motility of both muscle and nonmuscle cells.
38 gnated as ex-1, activated exon 7 splicing in nonmuscle cells.
39  the expression of smooth muscle proteins in nonmuscle cells.
40 RNP H participates in exclusion of exon 7 in nonmuscle cells.
41 onductance expressed in GI smooth muscle and nonmuscle cells.
42 f actomyosin in smooth muscle and vertebrate nonmuscle cells.
43 es and silencing the muscle gene activity in nonmuscle cells.
44 ogical and functional features of muscle and nonmuscle cells.
45  two- to threefold upon serum stimulation of nonmuscle cells.
46 to generate contractile forces in muscle and nonmuscle cells.
47 ctomyosin-containing filaments in smooth and nonmuscle cells.
48 ctomyosin-containing filaments in smooth and nonmuscle cells.
49 ilizing actin filament lengths in muscle and nonmuscle cells.
50 activation by coexpression of MEF2 and TR in nonmuscle cells.
51 needed for motility, the plasma membranes of nonmuscle cells adopt an activated state that dynamicall
52 his similarity explains the fact that single nonmuscle cell and whole-muscle contraction both follow
53 investigation of Ca2+ regulatory pathways in nonmuscle cells and for modulation of endothelial-vascul
54 induces actin cytoskeletal reorganization in nonmuscle cells and hypertrophic changes in cultured car
55           Conversely, the distal enhancer in nonmuscle cells and tissues is methylated to an average
56 ocalization of the MLCK isoforms in cultured nonmuscle cells and to determine the spatial and tempora
57 ponin is absent in other muscle types and in nonmuscle cells, and actomyosin regulation is myosin-lin
58 ental to contractile and motile processes in nonmuscle cells, and elucidating the mechanisms controll
59 in filaments can assemble and disassemble in nonmuscle cells, and in some smooth muscle cells, but wh
60 rangements that bring about contractility in nonmuscle cells are currently debated.
61 pic effects of beta1D integrin expression in nonmuscle cells are due to its enhanced interactions wit
62 ve calsequestrin phosphorylation occurred in nonmuscle cells as well as muscle cells, reflecting a wi
63 he sarcoplasmic reticulum (SR) of muscle and nonmuscle cells by modulating RyR1/FKBP12 complex.
64                                       Motile nonmuscle cells concentrate phosphatidylinositol 3,4,5-t
65 tures in striated muscle, smooth muscle, and nonmuscle cells contain the actin filament-cross-linking
66                                           In nonmuscle cells, cotransfection of either E12 or E47 wit
67                           beta1D-transfected nonmuscle cells display rounded morphology, lack of pseu
68 keletal muscle actin, whereas myosin V is in nonmuscle cells expressing beta- and gamma-actin.
69  be predicted to interfere with a variety of nonmuscle cell functions determining differentiation of
70                            Previous work, in nonmuscle cells, has shown that Hsp27 inhibits TNF-alpha
71                                   Studies in nonmuscle cells have demonstrated that Ca(2+)/calmodulin
72                     To determine the role of nonmuscle cells in the above process, perivascular wound
73 in humans and may reduce oxidative stress in nonmuscle cells in vitro.
74 f processing and/or cytoplasmic transport in nonmuscle cells is at least part of the posttranscriptio
75 thermore, we show that induction of Myod1 in nonmuscle cells is sufficient to redirect Smad3 to Myod1
76 e superfamily, yields both smooth muscle and nonmuscle cell isoforms.
77 ation and derepression of genes expressed in nonmuscle cell lineages.
78 ransiently transfected minigenes, whereas in nonmuscle cell lines, minigenes express a default exon s
79 ced by the muscle cells it ensheathes and by nonmuscle cells located in the surrounding extracellular
80     A major function of tropomyosin (TPM) in nonmuscle cells may be stabilization of F-actin by bindi
81                         One wondered whether nonmuscle cells might have a myosin-like molecule, well
82 actin phosphorylation has been implicated in nonmuscle cell migration.
83 a(2+) signal transduction pathways governing nonmuscle cell motility.
84 that could be responsible for the variety of nonmuscle cell movements, including the "saltatory cytop
85                When expressed ectopically in nonmuscle cells, myocardin can induce smooth muscle diff
86 oglycan is broadly distributed in muscle and nonmuscle cells of both embryos and adults.
87 KO mice, suggesting a phenomenon mediated by nonmuscle cells or by downstream signaling events.
88                                           In nonmuscle cells, oscillations in contractility are induc
89  critical for numerous aspects of muscle and nonmuscle cell physiology.
90                                In eukaryotic nonmuscle cells, regulation of the homodimeric actin cro
91                                  Cultures of nonmuscle cells, skeletal myotubes, and cardiomyocytes w
92 n hypothesis for lamellipodial protrusion in nonmuscle cells such as keratocytes.
93 In addition, utrophin is present in numerous nonmuscle cells, suggesting that it may have a more gene
94                                 In mammalian nonmuscle cells, the mechanisms controlling the localize
95                    Similarly, in transfected nonmuscle cells, the Z1.1GFP fusion protein localizes to
96                                           In nonmuscle cells, these flanking sequences bind a factor(
97 ir ability to confer a myogenic phenotype on nonmuscle cells, they require E protein partners to form
98 ory factors (MRFs), such as MyoD, to convert nonmuscle cells to a myogenic lineage is regulated by nu
99 udy indicated that myomaker could be used in nonmuscle cells to induce fusion with muscle in vivo, th
100 udy indicated that myomaker could be used in nonmuscle cells to induce fusion with muscle in vivo, th
101 ression and MEF2 transcriptional activity in nonmuscle cell types of embryos and adults also supports
102 mooth muscle gene expression in a variety of nonmuscle cell types via its association with SRF.
103 caveolae structures were observed in several nonmuscle cell types.
104  muscle cells and negative-acting factors in nonmuscle cell types.
105 as been shown to act as a repressor in other nonmuscle cell types.
106 -powered force generation and contraction in nonmuscle cells underlies many cell biological processes
107                        Thus, it appears that nonmuscle cells utilize different mechanisms for targeti
108 howed that calsequestrin glycan structure in nonmuscle cells was that expected for an endoplasmic ret
109                                        Using nonmuscle cells, we show that rapsyn-MuSK interactions a
110 n kinase family associated with apoptosis in nonmuscle cells where it phosphorylates myosin regulator
111 sion of the alpha-MHC gene in HeLa and other nonmuscle cells, where it is normally inactive.
112  activated by coexpression of MEF2 and TR in nonmuscle cells, whereas neither factor by itself activa
113 in II in all species (including myosin II in nonmuscle cells), with the possible exception of insect
114 beta2, as described for capZ from many other nonmuscle cells, with no evidence for posttranslational

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