


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 ancer, but rarely expressed in tumor-matched nonneoplastic adjacent tissues (0.6%).
2 but rarely expressed either in tumor-matched nonneoplastic adjacent tissues or benign prostatic hyper
3                                Compared with nonneoplastic adult brain biopsies, the levels of FAK pr
4 ns for observers 1 and 2, respectively) than nonneoplastic AES lesions (four [27%] and three [20%] of
5 dance between genotypes obtained from paired nonneoplastic and breast tumor-infiltrated tissues, all
6 hough expression profile differences between nonneoplastic and meningioma specimens were readily disc
7 e and pioglitazone) suppressed the growth of nonneoplastic and neoplastic urothelial cells in a dose-
8 ere 6-18 months old were analyzed, including nonneoplastic and preneoplastic tissues and tumors, alon
9 scriptome analysis from surgically harvested nonneoplastic and tumor-associated endothelial cells.
10  or VIN 3 and consisted of 49 neoplastic, 52 nonneoplastic, and 9 histologically normal vulvar skin s
11        Human malignant glioma cells, but not nonneoplastic astrocytes, expressed quinolinic acid phos
12 ation of CK19 in intrahepatic CC compared to nonneoplastic BEC, consistent with previous CC proteomic
13 s against oxidative stress and DNA damage in nonneoplastic BEC.
14  also produce and proliferate in response to nonneoplastic biliary epithelial cell mitogens, such as
15 n cholangiocarcinoma cells compared with the nonneoplastic biliary epithelial cells.
16 cells overexpressing FAK in vitro but not in nonneoplastic brain biopsy samples.
17 NA-seq data revealed that contributions from nonneoplastic brain cells significantly influence the ex
18 a severe complication of both neoplastic and nonneoplastic brain disease.
19 RNA-seq data from the GBM samples to that of nonneoplastic brain revealed that the differentially exp
20 f IL13Ralpha2 in glioblastoma multiforme and nonneoplastic brain specimens using publicly available o
21 ell gene expression patterns from glioma and nonneoplastic brain tissue reveal distinct gene expressi
22 e alpha- and beta-chains from glioma tissue, nonneoplastic brain tissue, and peripheral blood from pa
23 heral repertoires than T-cell populations in nonneoplastic brain tissue, particularly for low-grade g
24 pression of the IL13Ralpha2 gene relative to nonneoplastic brain was observed in 36 of 81 (44%) and 8
25 n anaplastic astrocytoma (grade III) tumors, nonneoplastic brain, and normal autopsy brain samples.
26 ficantly higher in glioblastoma samples than nonneoplastic brain, the normalized levels of Lyn protei
27  protein and message in the glioblastoma and nonneoplastic brain.
28 n activity in glioblastoma tumor tissue than nonneoplastic brain.
29 tor alpha2 subunit (IL13Ralpha2) relative to nonneoplastic brain.
30 sitivity of the malignant cells, whereas the nonneoplastic breast epithelial cells were negative.
31 however, recently we also observed it in the nonneoplastic but inflammatory setting of pancreatitis.
32 the MR appearance of the normal meninges and nonneoplastic causes of meningeal disease.
33  and merlin knockdown arachnoidal cells, the nonneoplastic cell counterparts of meningiomas, exhibit
34  an antisense cyclin G1 retroviral vector on nonneoplastic cell proliferation.
35 unicate with each other (autocrine) and with nonneoplastic cells (paracrine and endocrine); via this
36  stimulated cell proliferation and transform nonneoplastic cells by conferring serum-independent and
37 e genetic differences between neoplastic and nonneoplastic cells can be discerned at sites of homozyg
38 nd nonneoplastic cells, and the DNA from the nonneoplastic cells can mask LOH.
39 ochemical differences between neoplastic and nonneoplastic cells for a common human tumor.
40  also by influencing the fate of altered but nonneoplastic cells in healthy tissue.
41 monstrate a PCa transcriptome fingerprint in nonneoplastic cells in prostates containing cancer.
42 chment regions (MARs), while integrations in nonneoplastic cells show no significant correlation with
43 lls, leading to the abnormal accumulation of nonneoplastic cells that form a tumorous mass.
44                The mixture of neoplastic and nonneoplastic cells that remain after surgery form the b
45  of the density of NuMA bright features when nonneoplastic cells underwent phenotypically normal acin
46 n addition to the heterogeneity noted in the nonneoplastic cells within the tumor microenvironment, i
47 mmunity of genomically altered cancer cells, nonneoplastic cells, and a diverse collection of microor
48 cular, tumors are mixtures of neoplastic and nonneoplastic cells, and the DNA from the nonneoplastic
49 neoplastic cells and minimize replication in nonneoplastic cells.
50 oplastic cells were more resistant than were nonneoplastic cells.
51 ion of tumor cells that recruit CSF1-bearing nonneoplastic cells.
52 pportunity to study mitotic recombination in nonneoplastic cells.
53 ast, several non-Hodgkin's lymphomas, or the nonneoplastic cellular components of HD, did not react w
54                       In three patients with nonneoplastic cerebral lesions, the ratio did not exceed
55               Sequence analysis of DNAs from nonneoplastic companion tissues revealed that both the e
56 and could be used to probe gene silencing in nonneoplastic conditions as well.
57 treat myeloproliferative disorders and other nonneoplastic conditions.
58 mportant indicator of various neoplastic and nonneoplastic conditions.
59 the J(H)6 prevalence in t(14;18) from normal/nonneoplastic controls (48%) was significantly lower tha
60 ion levels in prostate cancers compared with nonneoplastic controls.
61                      Comparatively, the five nonneoplastic correspondent liver tissues demonstrated v
62  between the malignant breast tissue and the nonneoplastic counterpart.
63 eedle HCC biopsies (n=52) matched with their nonneoplastic counterparts collected from patients who h
64                    Distribution of outcomes (nonneoplastic cyst, benign neoplasm, malignant neoplasm)
65            Histopathology revealed a unique, nonneoplastic cystic epithelial hyperplasia and tongue i
66 fibroma (n = 14; 11 serous, three mucinous); nonneoplastic cysts (n = 5; two endometriomas); mature t
67                       There were 475 (83.3%) nonneoplastic cysts, 77 (13.5%) benign neoplasms, and 18
68 al adenocarcinomas, or 1 of several types of nonneoplastic cysts.
69 formed in different tumors and compared with nonneoplastic different cholangiocyte phenotypes obtaine
70 ribute to the development of smoking-related nonneoplastic disease via this mechanism.
71 ry diseases (P > .99) or noninflammatory and nonneoplastic diseases (P = .6171).
72 ate predominant in non-T-cell neoplastic and nonneoplastic diseases in a geographic cohort.
73 lly limited virus that causes neoplastic and nonneoplastic diseases predominantly in endemic regions.
74 nd 67% for discrimination of neoplastic from nonneoplastic diseases, 90%, 88%, and 100% for discrimin
75 thy controls, 0 of 3 sera from patients with nonneoplastic diseases, and 25 of 75 sera from patients
76 iated with cancer or represents a feature of nonneoplastic diseases.
77 rade II-IV (n = 8); 2 patients suffered from nonneoplastic diseases.
78 ms and lymphoma from low-grade neoplasms and nonneoplastic diseases.
79 , diagnosis, and follow-up of neoplastic and nonneoplastic disorders affecting the meninges.
80 al mucosa was obtained from 10 patients with nonneoplastic disorders.
81 , because of contamination of tumor DNA with nonneoplastic DNA or noninformative microsatellite marke
82           The presence of K-ras mutations in nonneoplastic ducts supports formal pancreatic resection
83 ights a dynamic interaction, playing between nonneoplastic elements within the SMZL niche, toward dis
84 We hypothesized that endometriosis (ectopic, nonneoplastic endometrial tissue) would be an appropriat
85               Finally, a few noninflammatory nonneoplastic entities involving the temporal bone are r
86                         Fifteen patients had nonneoplastic epidural disease: Six patients had hematom
87 nderwent temporal lobectomy for treatment of nonneoplastic epilepsy were evaluated for enhancement pa
88 ulated in colorectal adenomas (compared with nonneoplastic epithelial mucosa) in 87% (13 of 15) of th
89 -regulated in adenomas (compared with paired nonneoplastic epithelial mucosa), whereas 5-LOX and 15-L
90    Consideration of the level of staining of nonneoplastic epithelium resulted in improved specificit
91 t took into account the level of staining of nonneoplastic epithelium, the specificity increased to 9
92 d yielded phage that bound to neoplastic and nonneoplastic epithelium.
93 f JCV isolated from colon cancer tissues and nonneoplastic epithelium.
94 rtal and/or equilibrium phase MR imaging are nonneoplastic, even in patients with pathologically prov
95 a virus types 1 and 2, can induce persistent nonneoplastic expansion of the CD5(+) B-cell population,
96 U373, LN229, LN428, and LN308) compared with nonneoplastic fetal and adult brain tissues and compared
97 sence of unintegrated BLV DNA differentiated nonneoplastic from neoplastic conditions in BLV-infected
98 oherence tomography was shown to distinguish nonneoplastic from neoplastic main pancreatic duct tissu
99 he analysis also discriminated proliferating nonneoplastic from proliferating malignant cells, sugges
100 leterious compensatory hyperproliferation by nonneoplastic gastric epithelial cells.
101 of 40 primary gastric cancer samples and 113 nonneoplastic gastric mucosa samples.
102      Gastric cancers were distinguished from nonneoplastic gastric tissues by characteristic differen
103 ncers, 14 metastatic gastric cancers, and 22 nonneoplastic gastric tissues, using cDNA microarrays re
104 h colon cancer tissues and the corresponding nonneoplastic gastrointestinal tissues, raising new ques
105 ult brain tissues and compared with cultured nonneoplastic glial cells.
106  and oligodendroglioma samples compared with nonneoplastic gliosis.
107              Enteric intussusceptions in the nonneoplastic group were shorter in length (median, 4 vs
108 o had an additional 13 pathologically proved nonneoplastic HAPE-only lesions.
109  these tumors may parallel those seen within nonneoplastic helper T-cell subsets.
110 uch an exigency for research and training in nonneoplastic hematology and presents potential strategi
111 n explants cultured in neomycin to eliminate nonneoplastic host cells.
112 neous xenograft model was developed in which nonneoplastic human breast tissue was maintained with th
113 re, methylated cccDNA was found in tumor and nonneoplastic human liver tissues.
114 (GSK3beta) in the survival of neoplastic and nonneoplastic human mast cells.
115                 In addition, these mice have nonneoplastic hyperplasia of lymph nodes that was caused
116  with adenoma size and was not engendered by nonneoplastic (hyperplastic) polyps.
117 ox-withdrawn kidney tumor cells give rise to nonneoplastic kidney cells in mice, proving that they ha
118 d cancer-related gene expression profiles of nonneoplastic leptomeningeal specimens and human meningi
119 low-grade gliomas (LGG), 2 lymphomas, and 25 nonneoplastic lesions (NNL).
120 nts with tumors vs seven of 29 patients with nonneoplastic lesions [P < .001]; 28 of 42 patients with
121 nts with tumors vs three of 29 patients with nonneoplastic lesions [P < .001]; eight of 42 patients w
122 ents with tumors vs five of 29 patients with nonneoplastic lesions [P = .178]; four of 42 patients wi
123 ed the best differentiation of tumors versus nonneoplastic lesions and benign versus malignant tumors
124 h positive findings with subsequently proved nonneoplastic lesions and in patients with negative find
125 ating neoplastic (malignant and benign) from nonneoplastic lesions of the thyroid gland were 96% (74
126 42 had benign tumors (37%), and 29 (25%) had nonneoplastic lesions.
127 aploinsufficiency in at least one additional nonneoplastic lineage is required for tumor progression.
128 erplastic small biliary ducts in surrounding nonneoplastic liver and with bile ducts of normal adult
129 hnique able to differentiate neoplastic from nonneoplastic liver lesions.
130 eased in human HCC tissues compared with the nonneoplastic liver parenchyma.
131  six HCCs negative for CD10, the surrounding nonneoplastic liver tissue was also negative, suggesting
132 s, eight HCC tissues, and five corresponding nonneoplastic liver tissues.
133 man tumors and six normal controls (adjacent nonneoplastic liver) by Western blotting using specific
134  a difference in expression between HCCs and nonneoplastic liver.
135  proportion of soft tissue in the nodule and nonneoplastic lung and the difference between the two we
136  proportion of soft tissue in the nodule and nonneoplastic lung and the difference between these two
137 the proportions of soft tissue in nodule and nonneoplastic lung at CT and histologic examination were
138 induced emphysema, one of the most prevalent nonneoplastic lung diseases.
139 e CT attenuation values of nonsolid nodules, nonneoplastic lung, soft tissue, and air, the overall pr
140  GRN expression is higher in CLL relative to nonneoplastic lymphocytes (P < 0.00001).
141                       Arterial stenosis is a nonneoplastic manifestation of NF1 that predisposes some
142  expression to compare the transcriptomes of nonneoplastic meninges and meningiomas of all malignancy
143 r have higher levels of methylation in their nonneoplastic mucosa, we studied methylation patterns of
144  Notch signaling pathway is required in both nonneoplastic neural stem cells and embryonal brain tumo
145 tein levels were low compared with levels in nonneoplastic ocular cells and cancer cells.
146 had a probable deletion obscured by numerous nonneoplastic, p16-immunopositive multinucleated giant c
147              In 59 of 60 cases, the adjacent nonneoplastic pancreas did not label for PSCA.
148                        Ten percent (4/39) of nonneoplastic pancreatic ducts at the margins of MCN har
149                                              Nonneoplastic pancreatic ducts were also microdissected
150                                              Nonneoplastic pancreatic epithelia did not harbor methyl
151         One hundred seventy-four samples (28 nonneoplastic pancreatic epithelia, 7 reactive epithelia
152 in pancreatic cancer cell lines but not in a nonneoplastic pancreatic epithelial cell line.
153  integrity index was 0.911 for cancer versus nonneoplastic patients.
154 s by comparing responsiveness to TGF-beta of nonneoplastic plasma cells and PCTs.
155                                              Nonneoplastic portal vein thrombosis (PVT) is frequent i
156     FGPs have traditionally been regarded as nonneoplastic, possibly hamartomatous lesions, but the p
157           ABC was regarded historically as a nonneoplastic process, but recent cytogenetic data have
158 DH) of the breast is generally regarded as a nonneoplastic proliferation, albeit loss of heterozygosi
159 ts (38 B-cell non-Hodgkin's lymphomas and 15 nonneoplastic proliferations) and correlating the exonuc
160 three with a Gleason score of >/=8) and five nonneoplastic prostate samples, using the Affymetrix Hum
161                                              Nonneoplastic prostate tissue showed little or no staini
162 sed in primary prostate cancer compared with nonneoplastic prostate tissue.
163 histopathological type of the neoplastic and nonneoplastic pulmonary lesions.
164 for TH01 alleles 6 and 7, although DNAs from nonneoplastic recipient tissues all exhibited different
165 dentified at CT colonography (there were two nonneoplastic rectal false-positive findings).
166  gross pathologic features of neoplastic and nonneoplastic renal masses and their radiologic analogue
167 nment and form complicated interactions with nonneoplastic, resident stromal cells.
168  the length of the JCV Mad-1 TCR: 99.3% from nonneoplastic samples and 82.8% from colon cancer tissue
169 ecombinant clones from the JCV TCR, 157 from nonneoplastic samples, and 128 from colon cancer tissues
170 ranscriptional regulation of the gene in the nonneoplastic setting; (b) p27 is inactivated in the maj
171 d (57), leukemic (25.5), secondary (59), and nonneoplastic simulators (49).
172 c (n = 2; <1%), secondary (n = 12; <1%), and nonneoplastic simulators (n = 198; 5%).
173  percentage of LOH in apocrine metaplasia in nonneoplastic specimens, the genetic relationship betwee
174  tissues revealed strong immunoreactivity in nonneoplastic squamous and glandular cervical epithelium
175 ions within tumor cells and the co-option of nonneoplastic stromal cells, which together endow incipi
176  was enhanced in all HCCs when compared with nonneoplastic surrounding and normal livers coincidently
177 nts with Barrett's esophagus (neoplastic and nonneoplastic), the ICER of chemoprevention ranges betwe
178                    Here, tumor and adjacent, nonneoplastic tissue biopsies are obtained through endos
179 ld elevation in Kindlin-3 mRNA compared with nonneoplastic tissue by quantitative polymerase chain re
180                         We hypothesized that nonneoplastic tissue growth also depends on neovasculari
181 ifferences between CAFs and fibroblasts from nonneoplastic tissue have been well defined.
182                  Thus, altered maturation of nonneoplastic tissue may be one mechanism by which epige
183  we did not find archetype JCV either in the nonneoplastic tissue or in the cancer samples.
184 ontrast, no hypermethylation was observed in nonneoplastic tissue, peritoneal fluid, or serum from 40
185 ssessed higher VJ-independent diversity than nonneoplastic tissue, stratifying patients according to
186 tumor cells when compared to the surrounding nonneoplastic tissue.
187 L" occurs frequently in chronically inflamed nonneoplastic tissue.
188 n present in neoplasms from that in reactive nonneoplastic tissue.
189 ed, but was not expressed in the surrounding nonneoplastic tissue.
190 eleted strain was not detected in any of the nonneoplastic tissues (14 versus 0% [chi(2) = 23.6; P <
191 analyses of a large number of neoplastic and nonneoplastic tissues are now available online, facilita
192 els in neoplastic tissues with those seen in nonneoplastic tissues can, in turn, identify novel tumor
193                         The c-kit alleles in nonneoplastic tissues from these patients were wild type
194  telomerase activity, although expression in nonneoplastic tissues has only rarely been previously re
195 r in the pancreatic cancers as compared with nonneoplastic tissues were identified.
196 n pancreas cancer specimens as compared with nonneoplastic tissues, corresponding to 234 known genes.
197 imilar to or reduced compared to surrounding nonneoplastic tissues.
198 re compared with SAGE libraries derived from nonneoplastic tissues.
199  of human breast carcinomas and the adjacent nonneoplastic tissues.
200 y in 61% of cases, second malignancy in 20%, nonneoplastic treatment complication in 10%, and uninten
201 tandardized mortality ratios for deaths from nonneoplastic treatment complications were compared with
202 of 12 (33%) dysplasias, and 3 of the 5 (60%) nonneoplastic UC mucosae.
203 ealthy volunteers (n = 17) and patients with nonneoplastic urinary tract disease (n = 30), genitourin
204                      Of the 30 patients with nonneoplastic urinary tract disease, survivin was detect
205                                            A nonneoplastic urothelial cell line (1T-1), a low-grade (
206 ary and metastatic carcinoma, but not in the nonneoplastic urothelium, implicates BKV as an etiologic

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