


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1  different human cell lines, both neural and nonneural.
2              It is concluded that neural and nonneural A1, A2a, A2b, and A3Rs may participate in the
3 egions independently drive the expression in nonneural and in neural cells, such that the emission an
4 tic regulation of IEGs may influence diverse nonneural and neural biologic processes.
5 essive reduction and reciprocal expansion in nonneural and neural ectoderm, respectively, in snailhou
6 ral patterning genes, BMP2/4 and chordin, in nonneural and neural ectoderm, respectively, of chordate
7                     Cells with c-Kit-LI were nonneural and seemed to be common precursors for longitu
8 -PNS myelin antibody, but not by delivery of nonneural antibodies.
9 hich is a component of neural progenitor and nonneural BAF complexes, cannot replace BAF53b's role in
10 en intact and SCN-lesioned mice to show that nonneural (behavioral or bloodborne) signals are adequat
11  of the virus life cycle in neural (N18) and nonneural (BHK) cells.
12  differentiation and placement of the neural-nonneural border.
13 type II cadherins (with the exception of the nonneural Cdh5) in the developing and adult mouse brain.
14                           In both neural and nonneural cell lines, the activity-regulated cytoskeleta
15 in primary human neurons and in neuronal and nonneural cell lines.
16 vels of PAM expression characterized several nonneural cell populations as well, including limb mesod
17 tem cells with myoblast cells also generated nonneural cell progeny.
18 e single-channel and whole-cell levels, in a nonneural cell type.
19            Only when GiPSCs were directed to nonneural cell types did we observe sustained expression
20                              Both neural and nonneural cell types have been successfully engineered t
21  that sel-12 is expressed in most neural and nonneural cell types in all developmental stages.
22  physiological functions both in neurons and nonneural cell types.
23 red including polymer-encapsulated cells and nonneural cells (that is, adrenal chromaffin cells) or g
24 l precursor cells to arise intermingled with nonneural cells [7,8].
25 src pre-mRNA is both negatively regulated in nonneural cells and positively regulated in neurons.
26 ular responses to guidance cues, not only in nonneural cells but also in pathfinding neurons.
27    Two-way communication between neurons and nonneural cells called glia is essential for axonal cond
28 tial for determining the fates of neural and nonneural cells during development and in the adult.
29 differentiating astrocyte progenitors and in nonneural cells expressing AQP4 transgenically.
30                          In vitro studies of nonneural cells have suggested that the long allele may
31 ripheral and central nervous systems, and in nonneural cells infected by T. cruzi, including cardiac
32  is due, in part, to long-term repression in nonneural cells mediated by the repressor protein REST/N
33 Although the enhancer was active in specific nonneural cells of the notochord when placed with APPb g
34               The aberrant ALK expression in nonneural cells results from chromosomal translocations
35 ically reengineered BoNTs can be targeted to nonneural cells to selectively inhibit hormone secretion
36 ng CNS intrinsic neural cells, CNS intrinsic nonneural cells, and CNS extrinsic cells that enter from
37 on of the type II sodium channel promoter in nonneural cells, and the REST/CoREST complex may mediate
38 yogenesis, REST is expressed ubiquitously in nonneural cells, but is down-regulated during differenti
39                      L1 is also expressed by nonneural cells, but its function outside of the nervous
40 hreonine kinase rapidly activated by E(2) in nonneural cells, functions as a downstream node for E(2)
41 cal methods of autophagy induction used with nonneural cells, such as starvation, simply result in ne
42 revented expression of L1 gene constructs in nonneural cells.
43  Neuroblasts also enhance NT-3 production by nonneural cells.
44 gnition and contributing to exon skipping in nonneural cells.
45 t of membrane-bound organelles in neural and nonneural cells.
46 form CD4(+) T lymphocytes and other types of nonneural cells.
47 s a surprising variety of neurons, glia, and nonneural cells.
48 roteins as inhibitors of miR-7 processing in nonneural cells.
49 nd nuclear proteins isolated from neural and nonneural cells; (iii) the effect of the negative regula
50 erfamily members, are utilized in neural and nonneural contexts, nervous system-specific diversificat
51 NS), as well as other neural crest cells and nonneural crest-derived lineages.
52 rces, investigators have proposed the use of nonneural donor sources for use in neural transplantatio
53 , deltaNp63 is required for specification of nonneural ectoderm and its up-regulation suppresses neur
54 are specified at the interface of neural and nonneural ectoderm and together contribute to the periph
55 he secreted molecule Tiarin, produced by the nonneural ectoderm at border of the anterior and lateral
56 e found that interactions between neural and nonneural ectoderm can generate neural crest cells, with
57  more pronounced in the neural plate than in nonneural ectoderm, and the pattern of cell division bec
58 tion of the otic placode is derived from the nonneural ectoderm, the neural folds also contribute cel
59 d at the border between the neural plate and nonneural ectoderm, where they initiate a distinct progr
60  originates at the border between neural and nonneural ectoderm.
61 in addition to the pan-neuronal marker Hu in nonneural ectoderm.
62 ith swirl/bmp2b mutants exhibiting almost no nonneural ectoderm.
63 n, within the neural plate as well as within nonneural ectodermal progenitor populations, resulting i
64 umental for the measurement of artifacts and nonneural effects in functional imaging, and more recent
65 ors have been demonstrated in the neural and nonneural elements of pain pathways.
66 n of chemokines/receptors in both neural and nonneural elements of the peripheral nervous system play
67 , and biases individual progenitors toward a nonneural fate, without altering the expression of multi
68 at direct the repression of N1 splicing in a nonneural HeLa cell extract.
69 nce can occur in response to both neural and nonneural inputs.
70  were differentially expressed in neural and nonneural layers of the jejunum, ileum, colon, and cecum
71 ld type for these two parameters in cells of nonneural lineage (immortalized primate Vero cells).
72 lex formation at oriS in cells of neural and nonneural lineage, we used nuclear extracts of HSV-infec
73 20 gene to date have been largely limited to nonneural malignant and nonmalignant cells.
74 s that have traditionally been classified as nonneural may express neurofilament and that the basilar
75 release from adrenomedullary cells through a nonneural mechanism.
76  the intrinsic dynamic behavior of mammalian nonneural microtubules, we purified tubulin from culture
77          GM2 is expressed in both neural and nonneural mouse cells and tissues.
78 lysis suggests that the previously described nonneural/neural ectodermal interaction specifying the n
79           In contrast, experiments with four nonneural "normal" cell lines and four cancer cell lines
80 ever, aneuploid cells might instead be glia, nonneural, or dying cells, which are irrelevant to direc
81 ive, rather than a guidance, function during nonneural organogenesis.
82 ly, transplanting cells--of either neural or nonneural origin--that intrinsically secrete missing or
83 al organizing cell groups of both neural and nonneural origin.
84         To ensure that the ectoderm was from nonneural regions, we utilized extraembryonic ectoderm (
85           Our finding that ngn2 can instruct nonneural retinal pigment epithelial cells to differenti
86                Ectopic expression of ngn2 in nonneural, retinal pigment epithelial cell culture trigg
87 vent reactivation from latency in neural and nonneural sites and would thus prevent transmission to o
88 otemporal changes in Vmem distribution among nonneural somatic tissues regulate pattern formation and
89 ata demonstrate a previously uncharacterized nonneural stretch reflex in gastric muscles and provide
90 pression for both of the mammalian genes are nonneural, suggesting that the functions of the mammalia
91  as a mitogen, a motogen, and a morphogen in nonneural systems, HGF/SF can function as a guidance and
92 ations into LPA signaling both in neural and nonneural systems.
93 nce and significance of GABA(A) receptors in nonneural tissue is less clear.
94 s, but not in tumors or cancer cell lines of nonneural tissue origin.
95             The ciliary body of the eye is a nonneural tissue that is derived from the anterior rim o
96 no acid decarboxylase (L-AADC) in neural and nonneural tissue, on blood pressure and orthostatic tole
97 function of human semaphorins A(V) and IV in nonneural tissues and their role in the pathogenesis of
98 ghly oncogenic, when aberrantly expressed in nonneural tissues as a fusion protein with nucleophosphi
99 a diffusible attractant in the meninges, the nonneural tissues covering the nervous system, and to a
100  a role in the silencing of L1 expression in nonneural tissues during early development but also can
101 pted chronobiologists to investigate whether nonneural tissues possess intrinsic circadian clocks, wh
102 sat1 is expressed in a variety of neural and nonneural tissues, most of which are involved in reprodu
103 r, DLG4 is also expressed in a wide range of nonneural tissues, suggesting that the protein may have
104        To explore whether netrin-1 organizes nonneural tissues, we examined its role in mammary gland
105 ferentially in a variety of human neural and nonneural tissues.
106 riched in CNS ECs compared with ECs in other nonneural tissues.
107  central nervous system (CNS), compared with nonneural tissues.
108     LN-agrin is expressed in both neural and nonneural tissues.
109 re known to be involved in cell signaling in nonneural tissues.
110 evt-2 is widely expressed in both neural and nonneural tissues.
111 pinal cord and for molybdoenzyme activity in nonneural tissues.
112 1lacZ in the brain and ectopic expression in nonneural tissues.
113 RNA expression, nor did the vast majority of nonneural tissues.
114                                              Nonneural tumors that metastasize to the central nervous

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