


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1                These studies identify novel, nonneuronal actions for proNGF and suggest that proNGF r
2 of GLP/G9a leads to derepression of numerous nonneuronal and neuron progenitor genes in adult neurons
3  repress neuronal gene transcription in both nonneuronal and neuronal cell lines.
4 ified the expression of all the HSV genes in nonneuronal and neuronal cells by RNA-seq analysis.
5 HSV-1) can undergo a productive infection in nonneuronal and neuronal cells such that the genes of th
6                           Thus, apoptosis of nonneuronal and neuronal elements accounts for at least
7 uggest what we believe to be a novel form of nonneuronal and neuronal interactions in the mechanisms
8 dization (FISH), which revealed neuronal and nonneuronal aneuploid populations in both the adult mous
9    To determine what cell types, neuronal or nonneuronal, are critical for GABA signaling in palate d
10 ive disorders, the potential contribution of nonneuronal Cdk5-p35 activity has not been explored in t
11  extracellular particles are not involved in nonneuronal cell infections.
12 following incubation with a scrapie-infected nonneuronal cell line or a scrapie brain homogenate.
13 ilaments and vimentin filaments expressed in nonneuronal cell lines can lengthen by joining ends in a
14 xpression experiments with both neuronal and nonneuronal cell lines showed that the LTE locus has an
15 iCl reduced poly(Q) toxicity in neuronal and nonneuronal cell lines, but this was not associated with
16  neuronal cell lines, was not found in these nonneuronal cell lines.
17 se MEKK did not activate the TPH promoter in nonneuronal cell lines.
18 se two promoters occurs in both neuronal and nonneuronal cell lines.
19  While Sema3A binding to NP-1 does not alter nonneuronal cell morphology, Sema3A interaction with NP-
20                                         Some nonneuronal cell nuclei were very strongly immunoreactiv
21 n maximize the contrast between neuronal and nonneuronal cell phenotypes.
22 evious studies suggested a baseline level of nonneuronal cell proliferation in the spinal cord and rh
23  functions as a neuron-specific enhancer and nonneuronal cell repressor.
24  dissociated and separated into neuronal and nonneuronal cell suspensions by differential filtration.
25 E) to regenerate fully both neurosensory and nonneuronal cell types after severe epithelial injury de
26          The migration of other neuronal and nonneuronal cell types is unaffected in tri mutants.
27                 The contributions of diverse nonneuronal cell types to outcome after acute injury, or
28  found that the nuclear architecture in most nonneuronal cell types undergoes progressive and stochas
29 he proprioceptive system, as well as diverse nonneuronal cell types, such as Merkel cells and intesti
30 presses neuronal-specific gene expression in nonneuronal cell types.
31 y differentiate to a variety of neuronal and nonneuronal cell types.
32  distinct regions, and specific neuronal and nonneuronal cell types.
33 migration and cell spreading of neuronal and nonneuronal cell types.
34 ifications in different types of neuronal or nonneuronal cell types.
35 maged mitochondria induces mitophagy in many nonneuronal cell types.
36 hen neuroligins or LRRTMs are expressed in a nonneuronal cell, cocultured neurons avidly form heterol
37 (neuronal type) and those undermethylated in nonneuronal cells (glial type), combined with findings o
38  wild-type (wt) virus and IE gene mutants in nonneuronal cells (MRC5) and adult murine trigeminal gan
39                      These data suggest that nonneuronal cells (RPE and Muller cells) respond to RD v
40                      When placed in culture, nonneuronal cells acquired immunoreactivity for HuD, sug
41                                Many types of nonneuronal cells affiliated with hair follicles and blo
42 st that the capacity of RV strains to infect nonneuronal cells and differentially modulate host gene
43 e-mitotic nucleus-centrosome interactions in nonneuronal cells and for apical nuclear migration in ne
44 ein functions differently in neuronal versus nonneuronal cells and induces lamellipodial protrusions
45                                           In nonneuronal cells and neural progenitors, REST inhibits
46 establishes productive (lytic) infections in nonneuronal cells and nonproductive (latent) infections
47  cholinergic receptor (alpha7R) expressed by nonneuronal cells and reduce inflammation.
48                        OBPs are expressed by nonneuronal cells and secreted into the fluid bathing ol
49  minocycline can protect neuronal as well as nonneuronal cells and tissues.
50     In the meantime, new strategies point to nonneuronal cells and to system pathology.
51 ophic factors that regulate proliferation of nonneuronal cells are also involved in neurogenesis.
52                        While microtubules in nonneuronal cells are depolymerized by cold, Ca(2+), or
53              I argue that until the roles of nonneuronal cells are more fully understood and consider
54                         These ret-expressing nonneuronal cells are strikingly analogous to vertebrate
55     SXE1 protein expression is restricted to nonneuronal cells associated with diverse sensory bristl
56 ptic transmission was reconstituted in these nonneuronal cells by coexpressing glutamate receptors wi
57 or inhibiting macroautophagy in neuronal and nonneuronal cells by modulating mammalian target of rapa
58     Astrocytes do not form myelin, but these nonneuronal cells can promote myelination in ways that a
59               These results demonstrate that nonneuronal cells can transmit signals to distant cells
60                   Acute dynein inhibition in nonneuronal cells caused an immediate dispersal of diver
61 e of activity levels, with both neuronal and nonneuronal cells contributing to the balance of excitat
62                          Thus, although most nonneuronal cells die rapidly with cytosolic cytochrome
63 s demonstrate that +TIP functions known from nonneuronal cells do not necessarily apply to the regula
64 membrane fission GTPase, can be activated in nonneuronal cells downstream of cancer-relevant signalin
65                                              Nonneuronal cells engineered to express neuroligins indu
66                       Moreover, we show that nonneuronal cells express dramatically higher levels of
67                            However, very few nonneuronal cells expressed GFP.
68                                           In nonneuronal cells expressing Ca(V)2.1 or Ca(V)2.2 channe
69          Previous work has suggested that in nonneuronal cells filopodia dynamics decrease the rate o
70 de axonal transport and spread from axons to nonneuronal cells for HSV-1pUS9KBDM.
71 rgo neural differentiation in vivo, purified nonneuronal cells from St. 29 quail ganglia were transpl
72 rises because high levels of torsinB protect nonneuronal cells from the consequences of torsinA dysfu
73 rces generated by the outgrowth of axons and nonneuronal cells from the proximal stump and the constr
74                       Modifying BoNT to bind nonneuronal cells has been attempted to extend therapeut
75                Expression of KalSec14-GFP in nonneuronal cells impaired receptor-mediated endocytosis
76 ibes the variety of cholinergic neuronal and nonneuronal cells in a position to modulate gastrointest
77  Viral proteins were detected in neurons and nonneuronal cells in acutely infected ganglia, but were
78 1 (CB1) is widely distributed in neurons and nonneuronal cells in brain and peripheral organs includi
79 e model systems highlight the involvement of nonneuronal cells in disease progression and provide new
80 eporter transgenic mice and all neuronal and nonneuronal cells in gC reporter transgenic mice were ne
81                                   Nearly all nonneuronal cells in ICP0 and ICP27 reporter transgenic
82            The function of these channels in nonneuronal cells in mammals remains to be elucidated, t
83  and is induced in a cell-specific manner in nonneuronal cells in response to a variety of extracellu
84 us (HSV) vectors for transgene expression in nonneuronal cells in the absence of toxic viral-gene act
85 d by the release of inflammatory agents from nonneuronal cells in the area of tissue injury or diseas
86  identified neurons and, to a lesser extent, nonneuronal cells in the brain that were infected during
87                       At St. 29, neurons and nonneuronal cells in the ciliary ganglion expressed the
88 1) activity is detected in both neuronal and nonneuronal cells in the CNS, and excessive PARP-1 activ
89 TOR-dependent signaling between neuronal and nonneuronal cells in the regulation of myelin and identi
90                       The number of positive nonneuronal cells increased at 11 and 23 dpi and remaine
91 re we report that beta-neurexin expressed in nonneuronal cells induced postsynaptic density (PSD)-95
92 versely, expression of full-length SynCAM in nonneuronal cells induced synapse formation by coculture
93            A second population of adrenergic nonneuronal cells initially localized with cervical symp
94  general mechanism for lysosome dispersal in nonneuronal cells is adapted to drive polarized transpor
95 of this precursor pool was transient because nonneuronal cells isolated from St. 38 ganglia failed to
96 nriched at presynaptic terminals, whereas in nonneuronal cells it colocalizes with clathrin and AP2 i
97  10x more neurons and approximately 12x more nonneuronal cells of relatively constant average size.
98    Dlx1 and Dlx2 expression was seen only in nonneuronal cells of the cochleovestibular ganglion and
99 nrelated to adjacent mesenchymal cells or to nonneuronal cells of the ganglion.
100 tive disorders directed at the BBB and other nonneuronal cells of the neurovascular unit.
101 se in protein ubiquitination was observed in nonneuronal cells on Ca2+ entry induced by ionomycin.
102                     Whether it also protects nonneuronal cells or tissues is unknown.
103 ns within the cytoplasm of both neuronal and nonneuronal cells overexpressing Parkin.
104 chambers and observed spread of infection to nonneuronal cells plated in a different compartment.
105 at CCR2 mRNA was up-regulated in neurons and nonneuronal cells present in both compressed L4/L5 and i
106 s that are directly transdifferentiated from nonneuronal cells provide a powerful opportunity to exam
107 neuronal cells whereas the growth pattern on nonneuronal cells remained unchanged.
108 tion of satellite cells and other supportive nonneuronal cells resulted in extensive DRG tissue damag
109         Reconstitution of Sema3A receptor in nonneuronal cells revealed that Sema3A further inhibited
110                              Most important, nonneuronal cells that do not express mutant SOD1 delay
111 ules to prefibrillar, extracellular Abeta in nonneuronal cells that express transfected tau and in cu
112 ssociated protein found in both neuronal and nonneuronal cells that is thought to be involved in vesi
113                             Odontoblasts are nonneuronal cells that possess many of the features of m
114 uronal genes in neural stem cells (NSCs) and nonneuronal cells through its role as a dynamic modular
115 omplex signaling pathway in both neurons and nonneuronal cells to extend the lifespan of Caenorhabdit
116 ting artificial synapses between neurons and nonneuronal cells to investigate the molecular component
117                  Neurons were separated from nonneuronal cells to investigate their inherent cell dea
118 re, we use live cell imaging of neuronal and nonneuronal cells to show that SOD1 mutants (G85R and G9
119 ulinization and illustrate the importance of nonneuronal cells to the health of the developing brain.
120  visible neurons on a slide, all surrounding nonneuronal cells were harvested and assayed: 21 copies
121 s of beta-galactosidase-positive neurons and nonneuronal cells were similar at 5 dpi.
122 these results suggest that the maturation of nonneuronal cells within the lesion site lead to failed
123 e of spreading from axons to closely apposed nonneuronal cells within the rat optic nerve after intra
124  of the cells were neurons at St. 29; of the nonneuronal cells, a small population expressed glial ma
125 d for novel targets within motor neurons and nonneuronal cells, agents designed for specific amyotrop
126 ung alveolar wall, in ganglionic neurons and nonneuronal cells, and in skin and in lymph nodes.
127 to the CaMKII-activated CLC-3 conductance in nonneuronal cells, and is absent in clc-3(-/-) mice.
128 ty to cytotoxic agents may be generalized to nonneuronal cells, as splenocytes from male and female 1
129 mRNA transcripts are found in NPCs and other nonneuronal cells, but in these cells nPTB protein expre
130 role in silencing neuronal-specific genes in nonneuronal cells, but the molecular mechanisms of its a
131                                           In nonneuronal cells, CME of the majority of transmembrane
132 Dcx can bind ubiquitously to microtubules in nonneuronal cells, Dcx is highly enriched in the leading
133                                        Among nonneuronal cells, glial cells lacked NET immunoreactivi
134          In sympathetic neurons, unlike most nonneuronal cells, growth factor withdrawal-induced apop
135                                           In nonneuronal cells, herpes simplex virus 1 overcomes host
136 ceptors, regulating migration of neurons and nonneuronal cells, including leukocytes, tumor cells, an
137 eptor family members also have been found in nonneuronal cells, including macrophages [4], keratinocy
138 l-adhesion molecules that, when expressed in nonneuronal cells, induce presynaptic differentiation in
139 required to form the ER network, at least in nonneuronal cells, it is logically assumed that defects
140      Although Bst2 prevented MV release from nonneuronal cells, its deletion had no effect on viral p
141                      In cultured neurons and nonneuronal cells, Lfc has been shown both to bind to mi
142 ns, mostly derived from work in vitro and in nonneuronal cells, may not necessarily apply to the very
143 ugh Path is broadly expressed in neurons and nonneuronal cells, mutation of path impinges on nutrient
144                        When overexpressed in nonneuronal cells, neurexins induce formation of postsyn
145                                Compared with nonneuronal cells, neuronal mitophagy is a much slower a
146                                           In nonneuronal cells, protein kinase D (PKD) has an importa
147 ediate centrifugal transport of lysosomes in nonneuronal cells, specifically drives lysosome transpor
148 ates migration of not only neurons, but also nonneuronal cells, such as leukocytes and cancer cells.
149                                           In nonneuronal cells, the cell surface protein dystroglycan
150 at, with 86 billion neurons and just as many nonneuronal cells, the human brain is a scaled-up primat
151 ole of KIBRA in several diverse processes in nonneuronal cells, the molecular function of KIBRA in ne
152                                           In nonneuronal cells, the tyrosine kinase FAK is a major re
153 ng that HSV DNA has been found to persist in nonneuronal cells, these results fuel speculation that H
154                  Both in synaptosomes and in nonneuronal cells, this decrease was blocked by FK506 (a
155 plicated in clathrin-mediated endocytosis in nonneuronal cells, though little is known about its func
156 ate any Ca(2+) current in either neuronal or nonneuronal cells, we nevertheless tested whether a fatt
157 ribbon synapses, syntaxin 3 is also found in nonneuronal cells, where it has been implicated in the t
158 V-1 DNA were detected in approximately 5,200 nonneuronal cells, while nine VZV genomes were detected
159 een shown to play a role in VZV infection of nonneuronal cells, with distinct consequences for infect
160 esponsive to classic autophagy inducers than nonneuronal cells.
161 as the synaptogenic signal produced by these nonneuronal cells.
162  likely functions as an antiviral protein in nonneuronal cells.
163 e glucose-dependent upregulation of VDUP1 in nonneuronal cells.
164 epression of some neuronal-specific genes in nonneuronal cells.
165  dimethylation to suppress neuronal genes in nonneuronal cells.
166 cking properties of the wild-type protein in nonneuronal cells.
167 e intense USF immunostaining in neurons than nonneuronal cells.
168 n differentially in vesicular trafficking in nonneuronal cells.
169 epressor of alternative pre-mRNA splicing in nonneuronal cells.
170  contact between axons and GluR4-transfected nonneuronal cells.
171 easily activated than has been observed with nonneuronal cells.
172 e and paracrine hormone in a wide variety of nonneuronal cells.
173 ronal precursor cells (NPC), glia, and other nonneuronal cells.
174 hibiting the expression of neuronal genes in nonneuronal cells.
175 ngs validate therapeutic approaches aimed at nonneuronal cells.
176 enomes were detected in approximately 14,200 nonneuronal cells.
177 mage response that aids viral replication in nonneuronal cells.
178  enhanced in neuronal cells as compared with nonneuronal cells.
179 IPs are known MT polymerization promoters in nonneuronal cells.
180 eurabin-I, promotes filopodia in neurons and nonneuronal cells.
181 ethylase G9a to silence NRSF target genes in nonneuronal cells.
182 nctional activity of nPTB in neuronal versus nonneuronal cells.
183 equire damage from mutant SOD1 acting within nonneuronal cells.
184 to regulate membrane traffic in neuronal and nonneuronal cells.
185 nt of the endocytic machinery in neurons and nonneuronal cells.
186 olocalizes with F-actin in both neuronal and nonneuronal cells.
187 , 2, or 7 is required for HSV replication in nonneuronal cells.
188 nfection does not spread from these infected nonneuronal cells.
189 ected neuronal cells, but not in transfected nonneuronal cells.
190 the intron-exon junction in neurons, but not nonneuronal cells.
191 s to neurons by blocking their expression in nonneuronal cells.
192 cle arrest and neurogenic differentiation in nonneuronal cells.
193 at are widely expressed in many neuronal and nonneuronal cells.
194 ce, RSLE, which is absent in L1 expressed in nonneuronal cells.
195  central nervous system differs from that in nonneuronal cells.
196 or mRNA levels were restricted to ganglionic nonneuronal cells.
197 isoforms found in melanocytes and many other nonneuronal cells.
198 stantially more prevalent in neurons than in nonneuronal cells.
199 ription across the genome in neurons than in nonneuronal cells.
200 ntially methylated (DM) between neuronal and nonneuronal cells.
201 sion during clathrin-mediated endocytosis in nonneuronal cells.
202 mediated signaling in the nervous system and nonneuronal cells.
203  and a converse relationship is observed for nonneuronal cells.
204 ch regulates early and late events in CME in nonneuronal cells.
205 inding of the REST/NRSF repressor complex in nonneuronal cells.
206  as an enhancer in neurons and a silencer in nonneuronal cells.
207 mbrane abnormalities in Tor1a(DeltaE/DeltaE) nonneuronal cells.
208 ding the neocortex, these were identified as nonneuronal cells; evidence for newly generated neurons
209      Here, we ectopically expressed CerS2, a nonneuronal CerS producing C22-C24 ceramides, in neurons
210 thetic innervation of organs but also detect nonneuronal cholinergic activity in infections.
211                                              Nonneuronal cholinergic signaling is also involved in im
212 esting mechanistic models for disassembly of nonneuronal clathrin coats has been limited by the absen
213 toreceptor differentiation but also promotes nonneuronal cone cell specification in early Drosophila
214 and then induces neighboring cells to become nonneuronal cone cells.
215 lice donor and acceptor, was observed in the nonneuronal Cos-1 cell line.
216 Moreover, electrical stimulation activates a nonneuronal, Cx40-dependent vasodilator response that sp
217 daptive immune escape" mechanism acting as a nonneuronal determinant of clinical onset of disease.
218 etween groups were validated on neuronal and nonneuronal DNA fractions isolated by fluorescence-assis
219  not distinguish differentiated neurons from nonneuronal ectoderm as it does in many other animals, b
220                            Most of them were nonneuronal (endothelial cells and cells in the white ma
221 uce ectopic bft expression in the PNS and in nonneuronal epidermis.
222  efforts to comprehensively map neuronal and nonneuronal epigenomes in hundreds of specimens.
223  were sufficient to relocalize cellugyrin, a nonneuronal form of synaptogyrin, from nonsynaptic regio
224 ubunit rescued the cleft palate phenotype, a nonneuronal GABAergic system is implicated in palate dev
225     We also identified a prominent source of nonneuronal GFRalpha3-IR that is likely to be glial.
226  apoptotic profiles appeared to be primarily nonneuronal in nature, in that they exhibited no immunoh
227             MCF7 predominantly expresses the nonneuronal isoform of L1, as do 16 of 17 other cell lin
228                                 Neuronal and nonneuronal isoforms of the InsP3R1 differ by alternativ
229 F7 cells with overexpression or knockdown of nonneuronal L1 isoform revealed that L1 expression leads
230 uronal-like morphology to cells of different nonneuronal lineages.
231 or (nAChR) types are abundantly expressed in nonneuronal locations, but their functions remain unknow
232 flux in cultured primary neurons, but not in nonneuronal LRP-containing cells in the same culture.
233 se that these glial effects may constitute a nonneuronal mechanism for sedative action of anesthetic
234 containing proteins and, in particular, with nonneuronal members of the Src kinase family.
235 s, indicating unexpected connections between nonneuronal membrane traffic at the Golgi complex execut
236                                         In a nonneuronal model system, clustering of PSD-95, stargazi
237  for the 2-kb LAT in transiently transfected nonneuronal monkey COS-1 cells, suggesting that the stab
238 or neurons is enhanced by damage incurred by nonneuronal neighboring cells, via an inflammatory respo
239  glia (72% of all cells) than neurons, and a nonneuronal:neuronal ratio of 2.7.
240  transcriptional regulation, in neuronal and nonneuronal nuclei collected from prefrontal cortex (PFC
241 ne for epigenome mapping in the neuronal and nonneuronal nuclei from the postmortem brain.
242 eripheral injury activates both neuronal and nonneuronal or glial components of the peripheral and ce
243 emonstration of a spatial memory system in a nonneuronal organism, supporting the theory that an exte
244 t transfection of cells of both neuronal and nonneuronal origin with LAT-GFP expression vectors, low-
245 in a range of cell types, including those of nonneuronal origin.
246  cells demonstrated that synaptogyrin or its nonneuronal paralog cellugyrin targets efficiently to sy
247                                              Nonneuronal pathology in neocortex (activated astroglia
248 uitously expressed proteins that promote the nonneuronal pathway of calcitonin/calcitonin gene-relate
249 y tagged with H3K4me3 in neuronal but not in nonneuronal PFC chromatin.
250  whose function might be critical in various nonneuronal physiologic conditions.
251 ion DNA methylation analysis in neuronal and nonneuronal (primarily glial) nuclei separated from the
252                SEMCAP-2 is a closely related nonneuronal protein.
253                     Thus, the propagation of nonneuronal PrPSc is not pathogenic, but arresting the c
254       Neuronal expression of sid-1 decreased nonneuronal RNAi, suggesting that neurons expressing tra
255             These results point to a unique, nonneuronal role for CDK5 in regulation of Rac1 activity
256                  Emerging evidence points to nonneuronal roles for these factors, including the Slit-
257 gual muscles was the shortest among the five nonneuronal routes of inoculation, including another int
258 mportant regulatory function in neuronal and nonneuronal secretory cells.
259 ynapse number can be profoundly regulated by nonneuronal signals, and raise the possibility that glia
260 targeting the catalytic activity of BoNTs to nonneuronal SNARE isoforms.
261 ity of genetically modifying LCs to target a nonneuronal SNARE protein that extends therapeutic poten
262  of a BoNT derivative that cleaves SNAP23, a nonneuronal SNARE protein.
263  more recently by the directed conversion of nonneuronal somatic cells, such as skin fibroblasts, to
264 signaling control the PN between neurons and nonneuronal somatic tissues to achieve balanced tissue e
265 ertile adult males, although females lacking nonneuronal spectrin were sterile.
266          Cyp6a20 is expressed in a subset of nonneuronal support cells associated with pheromone-sens
267 motor neurons, but SOD1 mutant damage within nonneuronal supporting cells reduces motor neuron functi
268 ple cell types, including within neighboring nonneuronal supporting cells, which is crucial to neuron
269 kinase) that specifically phosphorylates the nonneuronal t-SNARE SNAP-23 in vivo.
270             However, prerequisite to develop nonneuronal therapies requires the retargeting the catal
271 r of neuron-specific gene expression in both nonneuronal tissue and developing neurons.
272 est that these signaling pathways may act in nonneuronal tissue to regulate sleep behaviors.
273  leptin, an adipocytokine produced mainly by nonneuronal tissue, has been implicated in the regulatio
274 bunit are widely distributed in neuronal and nonneuronal tissue.
275             The mGluRs are also expressed in nonneuronal tissues and are implicated in a variety of n
276 NS-6 in turn relays the longevity signals to nonneuronal tissues by decreasing the activity of the tr
277 ded polyglutamine domain in the brain and in nonneuronal tissues in patients with HD.
278 s an assay, a chaperone activity abundant in nonneuronal tissues is now purified and identified to be
279        CACNG4 expression is also observed in nonneuronal tissues undergoing differentiation, specific
280  glutamate receptors have been identified in nonneuronal tissues, including bone, heart, kidney, panc
281                                 In contrast, nonneuronal tissues, such as kidney, express only syntax
282 ty: basal targets are regulated primarily in nonneuronal tissues, while memory targets are enriched f
283 eurons actively suppress immune responses of nonneuronal tissues.
284  repressor that decreases gene expression in nonneuronal tissues.
285 t from the known insulin-mediated pathway in nonneuronal tissues.
286  cellular types, including both neuronal and nonneuronal tissues.
287 back loops that operate in many neuronal and nonneuronal tissues.
288 or areas of the brain; it is not detected in nonneuronal tissues.
289 ered gene regulation in neuronal compared to nonneuronal tissues.
290 lex is required to repress neuronal genes in nonneuronal tissues.
291 re the activity of the TRPM channel GTL-2 in nonneuronal tissues.
292 ression of noncanonical UPR genes pqn/abu in nonneuronal tissues.
293 neurons, REST leaves miR-124a gene loci, and nonneuronal transcripts are degraded selectively.
294 iR-124a, decreases the levels of hundreds of nonneuronal transcripts, such that its introduction into
295 124a expression, allowing the persistence of nonneuronal transcripts.
296 nal network activity and a novel function of nonneuronal TRPM channels in the fine-tuning of this net
297                             In contrast, the nonneuronal ubiquitously expressed 170-kDa isoform of SJ
298                                     However, nonneuronal uptake limited relative differences between
299 alternative splicing of ELAV target genes in nonneuronal wing disc cells and substitute for ELAV in e
300 ts may be in part through a Y1alpha and/or a nonneuronal Y2 receptor, which were cloned from both the

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