


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 ughout these, volunteers received randomized nonpainful and painful distentions to the esophagus duri
2 the blood oxygen level-dependent response to nonpainful and painful rectal distensions in 15 female I
3                    fMRI was performed during nonpainful and painful rectal distention in 18 patients
4    The second is an analog response in which nonpainful and painful sensations are graded with intens
5  with hypersensitive teeth were tested using nonpainful and painful stimuli in a clinical setting.
6 l and objective nurses at baseline and after nonpainful and painful stimuli.
7 lation of a hypersensitive tooth, as well as nonpainful control stimulation on the same tooth.
8 the thalamic region where cells responded to nonpainful cutaneous stimulation.
9  distinguish effectively between painful and nonpainful degenerating disks.
10 geal region, five separate 30 sec periods of nonpainful distension were alternated with five periods
11 d disks, the extent of which may distinguish nonpainful from painful ones.
12 significantly increased (p<0.03) only in the nonpainful groups on day 7.
13                                  Painful and nonpainful heat stimuli were applied to the left volar f
14 gnificant increase for painful compared with nonpainful images, regardless of the task requirement.
15  ability to discriminate between painful and nonpainful knees in persons with unilateral symptoms.
16 d well in discriminating between painful and nonpainful knees.
17 ature discriminated well between painful and nonpainful knees.
18 essive disorder (OR: CPPC alone, 3.6; CPPC + nonpainful medical condition, 5.2); 24-hour presence of
19            Typically, infections manifest as nonpainful, nonpruritic, self-limited, localized, papulo
20  and performed either pain judgment (painful/nonpainful) or laterality judgment (left/right) of the b
21 checklists of comorbid health conditions and nonpainful orofacial symptoms.
22 after lower limb amputation in patients with nonpainful phantom phenomena remains uncertain.
23  orofacial region: the first peak during the nonpainful phase and a second peak after the pain thresh
24                                              Nonpainful punctate stimulation of the thenar eminence p
25 eption in humans, we contrasted painful with nonpainful sensations delivered at the individual thresh
26 phs depicting human body parts in painful or nonpainful situations and performed either pain judgment
27 nsional maps of human cortical processing of nonpainful somatosensory stimuli.
28                                       When a nonpainful somatosensory stimulus preactivated ON cells
29 tion on subjective perception of painful and nonpainful stimulation (P > .05).
30                                    Following nonpainful stimulation during negative emotion, brain ac
31 tices during painful stimulation relative to nonpainful stimulation, and (3) greater activation in th
32 y introducing a motor task during painful or nonpainful stimulation.
33 2), whereas no ACC response to perception of nonpainful stimuli was observed.
34 a and tactile allodynia (pain in response to nonpainful stimuli).
35 a during anticipation of painful relative to nonpainful stimuli, (2) increased activation in the righ
36 the anterior cingulate cortex (ACC) than did nonpainful stimuli.
37 h pain is exaggerated and can be produced by nonpainful stimuli.
38 to anticipation and processing of painful vs nonpainful temperature stimuli.
39 of esophageal stimulation (ES), ranging from nonpainful to painful, during which they completed a tas
40 MRI) detects CNS activity during painful and nonpainful visceral stimulation; and (2) if CNS pain cen
41 mismatch between expectation and delivery of nonpainful warmth stimulation.
42 ature discriminated between painful heat and nonpainful warmth with 93% sensitivity and specificity (
43 ights signaled the delivery of painful heat, nonpainful warmth, or no stimulation.
44 9 to 98) in discriminating painful heat from nonpainful warmth, pain anticipation, and pain recall.

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