


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 ctions and desmosomes and the cells remained nonpolarized.
2 dia, and Rac1, Cdc42, and PIP3 signaling was nonpolarized.
3   Arrested cells exhibit continued growth, a nonpolarized actin cytoskeleton, delocalized chitin depo
4                                   Although a nonpolarized activation was associated with bacterial co
5                      H2122-LNCX cells formed nonpolarized aggregate structures and did not show any o
6 all, 10 of 19 Acp's have Ka/Ks > 1 either in nonpolarized analyses or in at least one lineage of pola
7  higher spare respiratory capacity than both nonpolarized and classically polarized M1 macrophages.
8 s: polarized and differentiated WIF-B cells, nonpolarized and differentiated Fao cells, and nonpolari
9           IL-27 significantly inhibited both nonpolarized and IL-23-driven IL-17 production by myelin
10 npolarized and differentiated Fao cells, and nonpolarized and nondifferentiated Clone 9 cells.
11 itro effect on AIEC adhesion and invasion of nonpolarized and polarized Caco-2 cells, the adhesion an
12 nvolved membrane delivery of this protein in nonpolarized and polarized cells and removal of the tail
13 g membrane trafficking are conserved between nonpolarized and polarized cells.
14 ked immunosorbent assay on supernatants from nonpolarized and polarized HT-29 cells.
15 e expression of mutant kidney band 3 in both nonpolarized and polarized Madin-Darby canine kidney cel
16 ressed GM-CSF expression by human T cells in nonpolarized and Th1- but not Th17-polarized PBMC cultur
17 ransmission that involve either polarized or nonpolarized assembly, but both result in virus transmis
18  revealed that the pattern in proliferating, nonpolarized Caco-2 cells paralleled patterns seen in hu
19                   HCV infected polarized and nonpolarized Caco-2 cells to comparable levels, and entr
20 fines a characteristic pool of polarized and nonpolarized CD4 T cells.
21 112T had opposite transcriptional effects in nonpolarized CD4(+) T cells, paralleled by distinct patt
22  a polarized fashion, and in AR4-2J cells, a nonpolarized cell line that expresses type I and II InsP
23  extensions, altered actin cytoskeleton, and nonpolarized cell movement.
24             In contrast, virions produced by nonpolarized cell types infected with this virus were al
25 elial cell lines, less work has been done in nonpolarized cell types.
26 somal compartment, our results indicate that nonpolarized cells also contain a specialized early endo
27                       A subset of nonmotile, nonpolarized cells also exhibited focal adhesions that r
28 ormly distributed on the surface of infected nonpolarized cells and localizes to the apical plasma me
29 with the plasma membrane recycling system in nonpolarized cells and the apical recycling system in po
30 stributed uniformly across most of the PM of nonpolarized cells but are prevented from entering clath
31 ppeared to function in a different manner in nonpolarized cells compared to previous studies of egres
32 e tryptophan pools were larger than those in nonpolarized cells despite only small differences in the
33 rdingly, we find that RNAi of p150(Glued) in nonpolarized cells does not alter microtubule dynamics,
34 elia, whereas cells grew as solid spheres of nonpolarized cells in 3D culture.
35 ins that are dispensable for virus growth in nonpolarized cells in culture.
36                         The possibility that nonpolarized cells in Th17 preparations were responsible
37 t the intracellular recycling compartment in nonpolarized cells is an intermediate in apical surface
38 h as epithelial cells and neurons and not in nonpolarized cells or cells that form less extensive cel
39 lude from these data that both polarized and nonpolarized cells selectively sort apical proteins from
40 ctivation localization microscopy (FPALM) in nonpolarized cells show that HA clusters colocalize with
41                  However, it is not known if nonpolarized cells such as fibroblasts contain a special
42  targeted to the uropod, but in contrast, on nonpolarized cells syndecan-1 is evenly distributed over
43  recipients of Th17 preparations with 20-25% nonpolarized cells than in recipients of 35-40% preparat
44 VI no insert isoform (NoI) on endocytosis in nonpolarized cells was examined.
45 redirect virus assembly to that organelle in nonpolarized cells, an ER -retrieval signal was engineer
46 rly pro-inflammatory signaling events, as in nonpolarized cells, but rather regulated the basolateral
47                                           In nonpolarized cells, CAR localized to homotypic intercell
48            Here we show that, in contrast to nonpolarized cells, CVB-infected polarized intestinal Ca
49 al using the late endosome-bypass pathway in nonpolarized cells, cycles via the basolateral membrane
50 arose readily during passage of the virus in nonpolarized cells, indicating that either the gG-depend
51                                           In nonpolarized cells, mature apical proteins were uniforml
52 , at early stages of neuronal development in nonpolarized cells, newly formed neurites already contai
53 teins are equally expressed in polarized and nonpolarized cells, Rab17 and Rab18 show epithelial cell
54                                           In nonpolarized cells, Rac1 and Cdc42 have been shown to re
55                                           In nonpolarized cells, SR-BI promotes the reuptake of chole
56 AR-3 inhibits geometry-dependent rotation in nonpolarized cells, thus preventing cell shape from inte
57                Current model propose that in nonpolarized cells, transport of plasma membrane protein
58 iates GPP130 localization and trafficking in nonpolarized cells, was both necessary and sufficient fo
59 lso normally expressed by both polarized and nonpolarized cells, we explored here whether recently de
60 he dynamics of antibody-labeled molecules in nonpolarized cells, we further found that apical protein
61  complex endosomal pathways in polarized and nonpolarized cells, we have examined the distribution of
62 a(1) subunit increased cell-cell adhesion of nonpolarized cells, we hypothesized that the beta(1) sub
63 een shown to facilitate secretory traffic in nonpolarized cells, we investigated its role in biosynth
64 arized epithelia as well as the filopodia of nonpolarized cells, yet whether interactions with these
65 ell spread in HaCaT cells, but not in other, nonpolarized cells.
66 a subset of these endosomes in polarized and nonpolarized cells.
67  rate of this amino acid compared to that in nonpolarized cells.
68 tence and growth inhibition in polarized and nonpolarized cells.
69 cient to redirect the assembly of HIV Gag in nonpolarized cells.
70 en Rac1N17, F-actin, and E-cadherin in these nonpolarized cells.
71 e examined its intracellular distribution in nonpolarized cells.
72 oplasmic reticulum and Golgi compartments of nonpolarized cells.
73 he apical surfaces of polarized cells versus nonpolarized cells.
74 ecognized and used for post TGN transport by nonpolarized cells.
75 re mostly derived from in vitro studies with nonpolarized cells.
76 ribe a study of HSV-1 egress as it occurs in nonpolarized cells.
77 was required for recycling of transferrin in nonpolarized cells.
78  AP-1B into Arf6-induced membrane ruffles in nonpolarized cells.
79 among Rab family members in polarized versus nonpolarized cells.
80 ribution of hSPCA1 seen in keratinocytes and nonpolarized cells.
81 d plasma membrane targeting in polarized and nonpolarized cells.
82  (TGN), and this sorting is recapitulated in nonpolarized cells.
83 ost cell signaling pathways in polarized and nonpolarized cells.
84 odels of PM protein sorting in polarized and nonpolarized cells.
85  showing normal selective uptake function in nonpolarized cells.
86 when invasion assays were performed with the nonpolarized colon carcinoma cell lines T84 and HT-29.
87 s and pancreatic acini, plus SkHep1 cells as nonpolarized controls.
88 ediated gene transduction into NKT cells and nonpolarized conventional T cells.
89 retion of PEDF into the medium compared with nonpolarized culture.
90 mydial growth was wider in polarized than in nonpolarized cultures.
91 n-specific type 1 CTLs more efficiently than nonpolarized DCs in vitro.
92 mpaired granzyme packaging into vesicles and nonpolarized degranulation.
93 use of a tunable incident polarization and a nonpolarized detection is able to circumvent these limit
94  dominant-negative sigma1 mutant resulted in nonpolarized distribution of ATP7B between the somatoden
95 ateral IGF-1 stimulation consistent with the nonpolarized distribution of IGF-1 receptors.
96 gion disrupts apical sorting, resulting in a nonpolarized distribution of the channel without impairi
97 eceptor alpha and beta subunits exhibiting a nonpolarized distribution.
98                             Furthermore, the nonpolarized ductal blast-like cells undergo proliferati
99 ect the basolateral-preferring EAAT1 and the nonpolarized EAAT2 to the apical surface.
100 fficient to provide real-world benefits over nonpolarized emission and paves the way toward chiral me
101                                           In nonpolarized epithelial cells, microtubules originate fr
102 s that resemble adherens junctions formed by nonpolarized epithelial cells.
103 of type I membrane proteins in polarized and nonpolarized epithelial cells.
104 rization of cells, polarized fibroblasts and nonpolarized epitheliocytes were treated with the microt
105 on DCs was similar, if not identical, to the nonpolarized expression of mucin found on carcinoma cell
106 to the apical and basolateral membranes in a nonpolarized fashion.
107 Although Myo10 has been studied primarily in nonpolarized, fibroblast-like cells, Myo10 is expressed
108  protrusions and results in the formation of nonpolarized filopodia.
109  with induced focal adhesions also display a nonpolarized form of motility on vitronectin-coated subs
110 brane proteins to the plasma membrane of the nonpolarized germline cells, a defect that can be phenoc
111 allele wdcdc42(G14V) at 37 degrees C induced nonpolarized growth that led to cell enlargement and mul
112  study, we examined how CVB enter and infect nonpolarized HeLa cells and how DAF binding affects thes
113  These results indicate that CVB3 entry into nonpolarized HeLa cells differs significantly from entry
114 invasiveness of the sipA sopABDE2 mutant for nonpolarized HT-29 cells.
115 rast, directional budding is not observed in nonpolarized human epithelial cells.
116 on of naive CD4(+) T cells but they remained nonpolarized in effector function.
117 er, the rudimentary limbs are incomplete and nonpolarized in that they do not form girdles or paired
118                                 An initially nonpolarized ionophore-based membrane allows one to esta
119 rized lamellipodium was replaced by multiple nonpolarized lamellipodia, which, in contrast to nonexpr
120 o those measured previously at polarized and nonpolarized liquid/liquid interfaces.
121                        RNA-Seq revealed that nonpolarized (M0) as well as M1 or M2 (interleukin-4) po
122 hondrial content of the cells, compared with nonpolarized macrophages.
123  Similar results are obtained using HEp2 and nonpolarized Madin-Darby canine kidney cells.
124 nct sets of early endosomes in polarized and nonpolarized mammalian cells.
125 rV itself was found to enter HeLa cells in a nonpolarized manner.
126  to stimuli that induce granule release in a nonpolarized manner.
127 ly in regions of direct cell-cell contact in nonpolarized MDCK cell monolayers, receptor staining was
128 of a cytosolic, approximately 17S complex in nonpolarized MDCK epithelial cells.
129 arized cells because colchicine treatment of nonpolarized MDCKII renal epithelial cells as well as si
130  which promotes the colocalization of naive, nonpolarized memory T cells and dendritic cells (DCs) wi
131      Interestingly, newly formed neurites of nonpolarized neurons already contain mixed microtubules,
132 MPs and mRNAs encoding soluble, nonsecreted, nonpolarized proteins localized mainly to ER peripheral
133 aracterized by IFN-gamma and IL-2 to a weak, nonpolarized response.
134                                 Treatment of nonpolarized RPE cultures with 4-HPR in the presence of
135  lesions in vivo, 4-HPR induces apoptosis of nonpolarized RPE in the presence of serum.
136 agus and submucosal leukocytes, which showed nonpolarized staining around the entire plasma membrane,
137 e swivel/kink conformation is more rigid for nonpolarized systems where no voltage drop occurred betw
138           However, when antigen-experienced, nonpolarized T cells expanded by classical DC subsets, w
139              We show that Th1, Th2, Th0, and nonpolarized T cells in blood and tissue can express any
140 gically significant subsets of polarized and nonpolarized T cells.
141 d proteins, i.e., PSGL-1, CD43, and CD44, in nonpolarized T cells.
142 and their proteins increase significantly in nonpolarized Th cells after activation by TCR signaling.
143 ulating these programs in both polarized and nonpolarized Th cells, we identified Ifng as a direct No
144 ) between their lateral membranes, and, when nonpolarized, they display an intracellular luminal comp
145 een 1 and 30 confirm a sharp transition from nonpolarized to purely linearly polarized emission at an
146  mutation of the tyrosine residue results in nonpolarized transport of APP.

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