


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 by virtue of being nonoverlapping as well as nonrandom.
2 stimates are reasonably robust if errors are nonrandom.
3 revealed that only for tmRNA was the absence nonrandom.
4 sult also holds approximately when mating is nonrandom.
5                           Human migration is nonrandom.
6 , the substitution patterns were found to be nonrandom.
7 n of the spatially distant kappa clusters is nonrandom.
8 nge of human malignancies is associated with nonrandom 1p36 deletions, suggesting the existence of tu
9 or both nonrandom treatment assignment and a nonrandom 2-stage selection mechanism.
10 ng evidence suggests that chromatin adopts a nonrandom 3D topology and that the organization of genes
11 ated by two physical feedbacks: (i) although nonrandom abscission increased the initial acceleration
12  as the wind speed increased; and (ii) while nonrandom abscission increased the mean dispersal length
13                                              Nonrandom abscission was investigated using models of th
14 n Env and overlapping Rev sequences based on nonrandom accumulation of nonsynonymous mutations.
15 distinct from that of sense transcripts, was nonrandom across the genome, and differed among cell typ
16 in an aged, epitope-specific TCR repertoire, nonrandom alterations in TCR usage were observed, along
17 nd the distribution of diversity is markedly nonrandom among the chromosomes.
18 epair following Cas9 cutting at each site is nonrandom and consistent across experimental replicates,
19 overy from drug-induced disassembly was also nonrandom and correlated with the organization of the pr
20 genitor cells within this complex tissue was nonrandom and dynamic.
21                  The structure of the SGC is nonrandom and ensures high robustness of the code to mut
22 at nucleosomes occupy nuclear viral DNA in a nonrandom and highly predictable fashion.
23            The organization of the genome is nonrandom and important for correct function.
24 , the spatial organization of chromosomes is nonrandom and is characterized by many local and long-ra
25 ision of human cardiac stem cells (hCSCs) by nonrandom and random segregation of chromatids was docum
26 e pattern of dominant vlhA expression may be nonrandom and regulated by previously unrecognized mecha
27                                              Nonrandom and somatically acquired chromosomal transloca
28 hat the extinctions of mammals in Egypt were nonrandom and that destabilizing changes in community co
29 ate that chromosome breakage in evolution is nonrandom and that HSBs and EBRs are evolving in distinc
30 pairs receive at least one CO, CO spacing is nonrandom, and COs occur preferentially in short genomic
31      Our findings indicate that survival was nonrandom, and in two cases, convergent across placental
32                            DNA mutations are nonrandom, and mutations at specific codons are associat
33                                              Nonrandom AP site formation also suggests that the detri
34 embrane bilayer, which originates due to the nonrandom arrangement of lipid dipoles and water molecul
35                       These differences were nonrandom as many sites were found in multiple individua
36 t, gut bacterial communities have an overall nonrandom assembly that is punctuated by microbial popul
37                               To account for nonrandom assignment of combination therapy, propensity
38                               To account for nonrandom assignment of combination therapy, propensity
39                               Because of the nonrandom assignment of complex cases to resident partic
40      Propensity score was used to adjust for nonrandom assignment to sunitinib.
41 r SC35-enriched speckles (hence the apparent nonrandom association between genes).
42                      Lastly, we discovered a nonrandom association between these genes and genes show
43                  Linkage disequilibrium--the nonrandom association of alleles at different loci--is a
44                                The extent of nonrandom association of alleles at two or more loci, te
45             We show indirect interaction and nonrandom association of synaptopodin and TRPC6 in podoc
46 ignificantly male biased, and the pattern of nonrandom associations among loci indicates that this re
47 X(D) in heterozygous females, which maintain nonrandom associations among loci that presumably intera
48 that pathogen-mediated selection can promote nonrandom associations between HLA loci.
49 xtent to which linkage disequilibrium (i.e., nonrandom associations between markers) improves this di
50 t for the multiple hypotheses tested and for nonrandom attrition.
51 ich formation of nuclear bodies is driven by nonrandom, biologically determined initial seeding event
52 provide the specificity for the formation of nonrandom branch-points.
53                                   Random and nonrandom breakthrough activation sites (initial r or R
54 bution of genes on eukaryotic chromosomes is nonrandom, but the reasons behind this are not well unde
55 ated series of differentiation events drives nonrandom cell-cell interactions within lymph nodes, opt
56 e used in a simple and direct way to compare nonrandom chain packing for two commercial polycarbonate
57 ed the functional consequences of realistic, nonrandom changes in biodiversity.
58  17q, or i(17q), is one of the most frequent nonrandom changes occurring in human neoplasia.
59 xidation at 3 hours after injury displayed a nonrandom character independent of abundance of oxidizab
60 ar year, and indicator variables to quantify nonrandom characteristics of individual countries).
61 fferential distribution of the RPC regulates nonrandom choice of donors.
62  inference is additionally confounded by the nonrandom choice of mutations for experimental fitness l
63 enome evolution, but the basis of the highly nonrandom choice of Rec12 cleavage sites is poorly under
64    Over the past five decades, a plethora of nonrandom chromosomal abnormalities have been consistent
65 cies with female heterogamety have found any nonrandom chromosomal gene movement.
66            Many sarcomas and leukemias carry nonrandom chromosomal translocations encoding tumor-spec
67                                              Nonrandom chromosome segregation is an intriguing phenom
68                             We describe here nonrandom clustered mutations in yeast and in human canc
69 n and restriction-modification systems, show nonrandom clustering in defense islands.
70 at in human liver HCV infects hepatocytes in nonrandom clusters, whereas expression of antiviral mole
71                Whether Scc2/Scc4 establishes nonrandom cohesin distributions on chromosomes is poorly
72                                  We observed nonrandom coincidence of Cre-mediated loxP recombination
73                                              Nonrandom collecting practices may bias conclusions draw
74 intrinsically disordered in solution but has nonrandom conformational preferences at sites of protein
75 r residual dipolar coupling analysis reveals nonrandom conformational preferences in distinct regions
76 n the cerebellar cortex, we reveal specific, nonrandom connectivity patterns in both GABAergic chemic
77 biologically plausible ways to determine how nonrandom connectivity promotes hyperexcitability after
78                  We identified 14 regions of nonrandom copy-number change, including 7 regions of amp
79 ificity constitute the major determinants of nonrandom cortical connectivity.
80                                        Thus, nonrandom cyclin transcript localization is important fo
81 3.87 x 10(-8) per site per generation with a nonrandom distribution across the genome.
82 ive viral RNA strands at a ratio of 3:2 in a nonrandom distribution along the viral genome.
83             Monte Carlo analysis supported a nonrandom distribution for a portion of channels spaced
84 ial analysis of the immunogold label shows a nonrandom distribution for all the proteins studied, len
85                     ERGO-1 targets exhibit a nonrandom distribution in the genome and appear to inclu
86 of 2:1 and that at lower aluminum content, a nonrandom distribution of cations persists, with no Al3+
87 ndritic repulsive interactions can produce a nonrandom distribution of cells and their spatial territ
88 he unusual sequence content of the X and the nonrandom distribution of genes that escape XCI, it has
89 e observed signal patterns consistent with a nonrandom distribution of genomic imbalances.
90  use of CAVE was key to the observation of a nonrandom distribution of glycogen, and led us to develo
91 ified fatty acid residues and demonstrated a nonrandom distribution of individual oxidizable (polyuns
92                                          The nonrandom distribution of major mRNP proteins observed i
93                                          The nonrandom distribution of meiotic recombination influenc
94                                          The nonrandom distribution of meiotic recombination shapes h
95                                            A nonrandom distribution of mutations was found throughout
96  now a wide variety of methods that look for nonrandom distribution of mutations within proteins as a
97 ence at the population level may result from nonrandom distribution of parasitism among host individu
98            This may be partly explained by a nonrandom distribution of phenotypic variation across po
99                    Fak deletion disrupts the nonrandom distribution of pro-B cells and induces the mo
100 x-specific selection, which contributes to a nonrandom distribution of sex-biased genes compared to t
101 data, combined with our previous findings of nonrandom distribution of SNPs across chromosome 2, sugg
102                                  This highly nonrandom distribution of surface silanols, in combinati
103  neurites correlates with the emergence of a nonrandom distribution of the cells and could represent
104                     The results suggest that nonrandom distribution of the deletion breakpoints is ch
105 few other clumpy rings known; the origin and nonrandom distribution of these features remain unexplai
106 regressions of the raw data reveal that this nonrandom distribution stems primarily from the larger b
107                                         This nonrandom distribution suggests functional roles for the
108  evolutionary mechanisms giving rise to this nonrandom distribution, considering the available data o
109 (6) motifs recovered from biopsies yielded a nonrandom distribution, indicating that systemic tissue
110 h local recombination, suggesting that their nonrandom distributions are due to hitchhiking and backg
111                Substitutions to two of these nonrandom elements (helix 2, extended region 1) have eff
112                               They found two nonrandom elliptical clusters in Los Angeles, California
113          The choice of protein partners is a nonrandom event that has distinct functional consequence
114 ort studies are almost always complicated by nonrandom exposure allocation, which must be minimized i
115 l axonal branching patterns, suggesting that nonrandom expression of Dscam alternative splice variant
116 flavodoxin-fold proteins that associate in a nonrandom fashion with chromatin.
117       Chromosomes are folded into cells in a nonrandom fashion, with particular genetic loci occupyin
118  are frequently located adjacent to MKs in a nonrandom fashion.
119  could account equally well for all reported nonrandom features despite being easily distinguishable
120 neuronal circuits have been shown to display nonrandom features in their connectivity.
121 dress this issue, we sought to reproduce the nonrandom features of cortical circuits by considering s
122 of the data, but should also account for the nonrandom features of the population.
123 opose a biologically based mechanism for the nonrandom formation of Scherer's secondary structures ba
124 to identify genes mutated with statistically nonrandom frequencies.
125                       We previously mapped a nonrandom frequent loss of heterozygosity (LOH) region i
126     Many aspects of mutational processes are nonrandom, from the preponderance of transitions relativ
127 in many regards, not least of which is their nonrandom gene content.
128 ven by whole-genome duplications followed by nonrandom gene loss.
129 eristics of different genomic domains favors nonrandom gene positioning.
130 anisms were shown to be associated with this nonrandom gene traffic, which contributed to the evoluti
131                         Gliomas select for a nonrandom genetic landscape-a consistent pattern of chro
132 after ultraviolet radiation, revealing their nonrandom genome-wide distribution.
133                                          The nonrandom genome-wide distributions of meiotic recombina
134 that STAC is a powerful tool for identifying nonrandom genomic amplifications and deletions across mu
135 shared evolutionary history for these QTL, a nonrandom genomic distribution of loci causing sterility
136        The mean SCV was 8.5, confirming high nonrandom geographic variation.
137 false-discovery rate, generating hundreds of nonrandom glycopeptide matches and demonstrating the pro
138               Results were compared with 316 nonrandom healthy peers by using effect sizes ( d).
139                              In both groups, nonrandom HEP were present in all sleep stages analyzed;
140 tations and support a model of selective and nonrandom inhibition among glomerular ensembles.
141 lts indicate that skill learning establishes nonrandom inhibitory connectivity, and implicates this p
142 mal genomes, have a complex, nonuniform, and nonrandom internal compositional organization.
143 ying TLR mechanism governing the functional, nonrandom interplay among TLRs for recognition of combin
144 atified bipolar cells, which have a regular, nonrandom interval consistent with that of the PSD95 pun
145    Chronic nitrogen addition also led to the nonrandom loss of initially dominant native perennial C4
146   Organelles are frequently distributed in a nonrandom manner in a cell's cytoplasm.
147 utations occurred across the genome but in a nonrandom manner, and several chromosomes and loci showe
148 y the high quality of the offspring owing to nonrandom mate choice.
149 rimarily by the paternal Rnf12 allele due to nonrandom maternal XCI in mammary epithelial cells.
150                              Postpollination nonrandom mating among compatible mates is a widespread
151 ified four QTLs that control female-mediated nonrandom mating and five QTLs that control female-media
152 eding in parents and is moderately robust to nonrandom mating and linkage of markers.
153 re then mapped for female- and male-mediated nonrandom mating and seed yield traits.
154 antitative trait loci (QTLs) responsible for nonrandom mating and seed yield traits.
155 genetic loci responsible for female-mediated nonrandom mating and seed yield, we performed mixed poll
156 o map the loci responsible for male-mediated nonrandom mating and seed yield, we performed mixed poll
157 ntified four QTLs that control male-mediated nonrandom mating and three QTLs that control male-mediat
158 nts represent the first time female-mediated nonrandom mating has been genetically defined.
159 which often share risk alleles and for which nonrandom mating has been suggested.
160                            Female control of nonrandom mating has never been genetically established,
161 female and male components of seed yield and nonrandom mating have been separately mapped.
162                                              Nonrandom mating in human populations has important impl
163                                   Systematic nonrandom mating in populations results in genetic strat
164                                              Nonrandom mating induces correlations in allelic states
165                                              Nonrandom mating is evident in psychiatric populations b
166                    Assortative mating is the nonrandom mating of individuals with respect to phenotyp
167 to quantify the contribution of two forms of nonrandom mating to patterns of standing genetic variati
168 re underlying both female- and male-mediated nonrandom mating traits.
169  world where geographic/social structures or nonrandom mating usually lead to genetic structures.
170 ntial etiological implications, the scale of nonrandom mating within and across major psychiatric con
171 at disruptive natural selection, rather than nonrandom mating, is the cause.
172 to map the loci that control female-mediated nonrandom mating, we constructed a new advanced intercro
173 genetic loci responsible for female-mediated nonrandom mating, we performed mixed pollinations with C
174 e genetic loci responsible for male-mediated nonrandom mating, we performed mixed pollinations with C
175 trait loci (QTLs) that control male-mediated nonrandom mating.
176 thus revealed multiple, distinct patterns of nonrandom mating.
177  wine fermentations, posing the existence of nonrandom "microbial terroir" as a determining factor in
178 ings demonstrate the functional relevance of nonrandom microcircuits in epileptic brain networks, and
179          If immigrants are assimilated, such nonrandom migration can increase the occurrence of cultu
180 o not generate a valid TTP value and lead to nonrandom missing data if couples experiencing accidenta
181 inverse probability weighting to account for nonrandom missingness of AOD, nested regions within days
182  phenotypes as outcomes may be biased by the nonrandom missingness of these phenotypes, even if multi
183 rporating fine scale land use regression and nonrandom missingness to better predict PM(2.5) concentr
184                  Overall regression showed a nonrandom mixed pattern of both concentric regression an
185     HS is molecularly complex as a result of nonrandom modifications of the sugar moieties, including
186          Data suggest these associations are nonrandom, more prevalent in men and increase with age.
187                        Furthermore, observed nonrandom mortality in the smaller size classes had a di
188                                              Nonrandom mortality with respect to species identity occ
189                                 Although the nonrandom nature of interphase chromosome arrangement is
190            However, the functional impact of nonrandom network topologies in neurological diseases is
191                                         This nonrandom nuclear spacing is regulated by microtubules a
192 ution, we find that MT asymmetry arises from nonrandom nucleation sites at the Golgi (hotspots).
193                                              Nonrandom nucleotide distributions were observed at each
194 ing the synthesis of starch is the origin of nonrandom or clustered alpha-1,6 branch-points within th
195 olecular complexes may disassociate or adopt nonrandom orientations against the extended air-water in
196                    Thus, we reveal a strong, nonrandom out-of-plane effect on cuprate superconductivi
197 ot-based forest dynamics projects to compare nonrandom outcomes across stage classes.
198                                              Nonrandom outcomes could accrue throughout ontogeny, or
199 f evidence for the importance of early-stage nonrandom outcomes to community structure in marine and
200 show additional chromosomal aberrations in a nonrandom pattern.
201                                        These nonrandom patterns enabled predictions to be made as to
202     There is growing evidence, however, that nonrandom patterns in the strengths of the interactions
203                                              Nonrandom patterns observed with the nondetectable prote
204 the presence of synchrony and that there are nonrandom patterns of evolution from one type of complex
205 e insertion environment of mobile introns or nonrandom patterns of genetic diversity are caused by ex
206 ces pombe, and Lachancea kluyveri, we expose nonrandom patterns of genetic diversity in exons that bo
207 ual network (size and density) and partly to nonrandom patterns of mate sharing.
208 on with DBLalpha repertoires structured into nonrandom patterns of overlap.
209 ence distributed across the entire region in nonrandom patterns.
210 oss of diversity, Apennine bear genomes show nonrandom peaks of high variation, possibly maintained b
211 s sufficient for codon-directed synthesis of nonrandom peptides.
212 ng null model analyses, we found evidence of nonrandom phylogenetic structure across the region, in w
213 e that reinforcing selection is generated by nonrandom pollinator movement, in which pollinators move
214 mblies to position polarity transcripts, and nonrandom positioning of transcripts is required for sym
215 Arabidopsis apertures are initiated at three nonrandom positions around the pollen equator.
216  DNA oxidation by reactive oxygen species is nonrandom, potentially leading to accumulation of nucleo
217 g the two, based on the timing of random and nonrandom presentations.
218 rvational studies, treatment assignment is a nonrandom process and treatment groups may not be compar
219  genome has demonstrated that crossover is a nonrandom process that occurs at well-defined positions
220 mors seed metastases to specific organs by a nonrandom process, implying the involvement of biologica
221 s to be retained following duplication, is a nonrandom process, with certain genes being more amenabl
222 division evenly segregated carboxysomes in a nonrandom process.
223 esults that many CNVs arise through a highly nonrandom process: 18 of 38 were the product of recurren
224       Although all cortical divisions shared nonrandom properties of small-worldness and efficient wi
225 cles seem to contain a broad, cell-specific, nonrandom representation of cellular protein and RNA spe
226 ted in a teaching rheumatology clinic with a nonrandom sample of 120 English-speaking adults presenti
227                         The study included a nonrandom sample of selected primary care practices.
228 sfer, it is difficult to ascertain given the nonrandom sampling of animal genome sequencing projects
229 ological processes or systematic bias due to nonrandom sampling of populations.
230 ical pleiotropy, assortative mating, and the nonrandom sampling of study subjects.
231  local circuit motifs, could be explained by nonrandom sampling or somatic proximity.
232 are limited by their cross-sectional nature, nonrandom sampling, reporting biases, and accessibility
233                     The results confirm that nonrandom seed abscission increased dispersal distances,
234 ormation on X and Y chromosomes that enables nonrandom segregation is primed during gametogenesis in
235           There is evidence accumulating for nonrandom segregation of one or more chromosomes during
236 ure, Yadlapalli and Yamashita (2013) observe nonrandom segregation of X and Y chromosomes in Drosophi
237  within the cancer registries to account for nonrandom selection and to calculate incidence trends.
238 d between 2002 and 2008, and controlling for nonrandom selection bias in technology adoption, we show
239 nsity scores was used to adjust analyses for nonrandom selection into mental health court.
240 ndependent effect of naturalization from the nonrandom selection into naturalization.
241     These mutations, which are likely due to nonrandom selection of a distinct genetic landscape duri
242 laboratories, and physiology to best address nonrandom selection or sophisticated study design.
243                                Further, this nonrandom sequencing is itself hierarchically organized,
244 nd chimpanzees, cultural diversity is highly nonrandom, showing significant nested structure for all
245                              We propose that nonrandom sister chromatid segregation may serve to tran
246 d Dnmt2 (also known as Mt2) are required for nonrandom sister chromatid segregation.
247 hallmarks of cancer cells and often occur at nonrandom sites in the genome.
248  vinegar fly, Drosophila melanogaster, forms nonrandom social interaction networks, distinct from vir
249 ns of social dynamics that would manifest as nonrandom social interaction networks.
250 tumor heterogeneity with the accumulation of nonrandom somatic mutations specifically in GPCR, PI3K-A
251  tertiary protein structure when identifying nonrandom somatic residue mutation clusters.
252 ilamentous cyanobacteria, appear singly in a nonrandom spacing pattern along the chain of vegetative
253                    Interestingly, we found a nonrandom spatial distribution of aberrantly methylated
254 within a single nucleus where they engage in nonrandom spatial interactions.
255 ates within these larger communities display nonrandom spatial organization, and recent evidence indi
256                                              Nonrandom spatial turnover was apparent in parasite line
257 henologies resulting in temporal mismatches, nonrandom species extinctions, and loss of spatial co-oc
258                                          The nonrandom spindle positioning is due to constraints impo
259  contribute to hybrid infertility by causing nonrandom spore death.
260            In particular, we reveal a highly nonrandom, statistical pattern of repetitive nucleotide
261 ther potential developmental markers include nonrandom stomatal orientation and a range of variation
262 f UmuD(2) and UmuD'(2) show that they have a nonrandom structure at physiologically relevant concentr
263 asses of network models can account for this nonrandom structure despite qualitative differences in t
264 and yet can also have pockets of residual or nonrandom structure has been termed the "reconciliation
265                                       In the nonrandom subset of patients who crossed over, RR and TT
266                                            A nonrandom subset of pediatric retinal degenerations exhi
267 ling tests indicate that victims represent a nonrandom subset of taxa present in the final stage of t
268                                          For nonrandom subsets, removing only the rarest species (on
269   The shape of their arbors is irregular but nonrandom, suggesting that local interactions between ne
270 e distribution of interseizure intervals was nonrandom, suggesting that seizure clusters (i.e., short
271                                  Evidence of nonrandom template segregation (NRTS) of chromosomes dur
272    Elabd et al. now show a high frequency of nonrandom template segregation during differentiation of
273                                We identified nonrandom temporal-spatial patterns of strain distributi
274 connectance and strength when the models had nonrandom topology and prey-dependent functional respons
275 c differentiation was defined more subtly by nonrandom transcriptional network organization, with rol
276 ommunity types that experienced frequent and nonrandom transitions.
277 ilibrium test (TDT) was computed to test for nonrandom transmission from maternal grandparents to mot
278 ainst pneumonia is most likely the result of nonrandom treatment assignment (ie, a healthy-user bias)
279 y-to-implement methods that account for both nonrandom treatment assignment and a nonrandom 2-stage s
280                       Second, to control for nonrandom treatment assignment, we performed an instrume
281               Retrospective study design and nonrandom treatment assignment.
282 ects of statins against pneumonia are due to nonrandom treatment assignment.
283  the use of propensity scores to account for nonrandom treatment assignment.
284                        Rather, the strongest nonrandom trend indicated jellyfish populations undergo
285 lear receptor and genotoxic stress underlies nonrandom tumor translocations, which may function in ma
286 AST combined with the Wilson equation or the Nonrandom two-liquid (NRTL) model.
287              Together these findings suggest nonrandom union of gametes rather than meiotic drive or
288                                 Although the nonrandom usage of VH genes is well documented, it is no
289 ivariate analysis was used to adjust for the nonrandom use of aspirin.
290                      Codon usage bias is the nonrandom use of synonymous codons for the same amino ac
291 bution to subsequent generations if there is nonrandom variation in offspring quality.
292 a permutation strategy that controls for the nonrandom variation in the ages of background genomic se
293                       Community assembly was nonrandom: we observed discrete steps of bacterial succe
294 twork changes and that its directionality is nonrandom, which may be a general feature of cortical ci
295   Exotic plant addition to islands is highly nonrandom, with an almost perfect 1 to 1 match between t
296 nd that the transitions between networks are nonrandom, with certain networks more likely to occur af
297                     The network structure is nonrandom, with most targets mapping to a single Ubl.
298 in the Philippines, the epigenetic factor of nonrandom X-chromosome inactivation may contribute to th
299 e bisulfite sequencing in a mouse model with nonrandom XCI to examine allele-specific DNA methylation
300 ress-induced condensation proceeds through a nonrandom, zipper-like convergence of sister chromosomes

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