


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1  also positively correlated with the rate of nonsynonymous substitution.
2 ic evolutionary effects dominate patterns of nonsynonymous substitution.
3 egime, leading to differences in the rate of nonsynonymous substitution.
4 e sequences and those with elevated rates of nonsynonymous substitution.
5 s that differ from the reference by multiple nonsynonymous substitutions.
6  relative to overall number of synonymous or nonsynonymous substitutions.
7 t lineage, for both conservative and radical nonsynonymous substitutions.
8 n of effective population size, at least for nonsynonymous substitutions.
9 hat are the direct consequences of extensive nonsynonymous substitutions.
10 e find evidence for dips in diversity around nonsynonymous substitutions.
11 ly 20% at the nucleotide level, including 38 nonsynonymous substitutions.
12 ared to free-living bacteria, especially for nonsynonymous substitutions.
13 HPV18 genomes had an increased proportion of nonsynonymous substitutions (4.93%; average d(N)/d(S) ra
14                   These mutations included 7 nonsynonymous substitutions, 4 insertions, and 1 deletio
15 s such as a Red Queen race drive the rate of nonsynonymous substitution above the neutral mutation ra
16 OI molecular clock calibrations suggest that nonsynonymous substitutions accumulate 2-50 times faster
17 ) ratios from multiple methods indicate that nonsynonymous substitutions accumulated during divergenc
18 , we measured the per-genome accumulation of nonsynonymous substitutions across diverse pairs of popu
19 lting in protein truncation or, rarely, were nonsynonymous substitutions affecting the extracellular
20                        The low prevalence of nonsynonymous substitutions among yellow haplotypes sugg
21 quence reveals several thousand undocumented nonsynonymous substitution and frame shift discrepancies
22 an outgroup, showed slightly higher rates of nonsynonymous substitution and slightly lower rates of s
23 fasciculata retain a bias of synonymous over nonsynonymous substitutions and deduced protein sequence
24 the local density of coding sites as well as nonsynonymous substitutions and positively correlated wi
25                   The ratio of synonymous to nonsynonymous substitutions and the high codon bias sugg
26 new genes are shorter, have a higher rate of nonsynonymous substitution, and have a markedly lower GC
27        The rates of synonymous substitution, nonsynonymous substitution, and nucleotide content were
28 nnot explain the excess of tandem synonymous-nonsynonymous substitutions, and substitution patterns i
29  hypotheses that the rates of synonymous and nonsynonymous substitution are equal, that the absolute
30 robabilities of occurrence of synonymous and nonsynonymous substitutions are approximated by s(S) / (
31                            However, X-linked nonsynonymous substitutions are approximately 30% more f
32 stributed throughout the ompL1 gene, whereas nonsynonymous substitutions are clustered in four variab
33 urthermore, we have discovered that in CBSV, nonsynonymous substitutions are more predominant than sy
34 was identical to ssa-3 at codon 94 but had a nonsynonymous substitution at codon 28 that changed the
35 parisons, the male-specific exon accumulated nonsynonymous substitutions at a much more rapid rate th
36                                              Nonsynonymous substitutions at all P1/capsid sites, incl
37 d) for comparing the rates of synonymous and nonsynonymous substitutions at each codon site in a prot
38           Here, we study pairs of successive nonsynonymous substitutions at one codon in the course o
39 ind that this correlation is significant for nonsynonymous substitutions at the 1% level and for syno
40 found a transmembrane-skewed distribution of nonsynonymous substitutions between the two species, thr
41       We detected strong correlations of dN (nonsynonymous substitutions) but not dS (synonymous subs
42                                              Nonsynonymous substitutions by themselves, in this subse
43 on and unusually low ratios of synonymous to nonsynonymous substitutions compared to ratios for the s
44    First, we demonstrate an elevated rate of nonsynonymous substitutions compared to synonymous subst
45 were single-copy genes that each contained 2 nonsynonymous substitutions consistent with an autosomal
46 s a negative correlation between the rate of nonsynonymous substitutions (d(N)) and codon bias in D.
47 iously uncharacterized gene Lasc1, bearing a nonsynonymous substitution (D102E).
48 les, one transcript demonstrated significant nonsynonymous substitutions, deletions, and insertions.
49     Several tests reveal that the pattern of nonsynonymous substitutions departs significantly from n
50  of synonymous substitutions (dS values) and nonsynonymous substitutions (dN values) in the two speci
51           This model estimates the number of nonsynonymous substitutions (dN) and synonymous substitu
52 dN/dS > 1.0) and an elevated rate of radical nonsynonymous substitution (dR) contributing to the rapi
53              The rate of both synonymous and nonsynonymous substitutions, especially in the portion o
54 he genes reveal hypervariable segments where nonsynonymous substitutions exceed synonymous substituti
55 also had significantly higher synonymous and nonsynonymous substitution frequencies compared to the g
56         Rates and patterns of synonymous and nonsynonymous substitutions have important implications
57 pping of one these mutants revealed an R240C nonsynonymous substitution in the activation loop of a r
58 om sexual contacts differed by only a single nonsynonymous substitution in the porin gene, and in bot
59  dN in Blochmannia indicates faster rates of nonsynonymous substitution in this group.
60                              We identified 8 nonsynonymous substitutions in 20 patients from 15 famil
61  reproducible A-to-G(I) edits that result in nonsynonymous substitutions in all three lymphoblastoid
62  (ORFs) for all viral proteins and lacks any nonsynonymous substitutions in amino acid motifs that ar
63                 Because accelerated rates of nonsynonymous substitutions in anthropoids such as obser
64        Finally, we note a striking excess of nonsynonymous substitutions in comparisons between isola
65                                              Nonsynonymous substitutions in DNA cause amino acid subs
66                We found an excess of derived nonsynonymous substitutions in domestic pigs, most likel
67                            When adjusted for nonsynonymous substitutions in F5 and FGA loci known to
68                                    Bursts of nonsynonymous substitutions in HIV-1 evolution cannot be
69 rary, some datasets show significantly fewer nonsynonymous substitutions in humans than in chimpanzee
70              Remarkably, in some comparisons nonsynonymous substitutions in lysin and 18-kDa genes ex
71 e shown that the disease is caused by single nonsynonymous substitutions in NOD-2, a member of the NO
72                                  The rate of nonsynonymous substitutions in Pem was higher than that
73 ith relatively modest elevations in rates of nonsynonymous substitutions in Plantago mt genes, indica
74        A total of 443 genes have at least 10 nonsynonymous substitutions in protein-coding regions, w
75                The pattern of synonymous and nonsynonymous substitutions in PS1 suggests that the gen
76 e common domain, whereas the accumulation of nonsynonymous substitutions in the female-specific exon
77     We estimated the rates of synonymous and nonsynonymous substitutions in the hsp82 heat shock gene
78                                 In addition, nonsynonymous substitutions in the Kunitz domains tended
79                 Overall, the accumulation of nonsynonymous substitutions in the male-specific exon oc
80 ants and one novel variant, representing all nonsynonymous substitutions in the mature protein, were
81 f the nonsynonymous mutations and 14% of the nonsynonymous substitutions in the mitochondrial protein
82 ng hybrid genes; accelerated accumulation of nonsynonymous substitutions in the Sia-recognition domai
83 he vpr reading frame, by limiting acceptable nonsynonymous substitutions in the tat reading frame, ev
84                   Analysis of synonymous and nonsynonymous substitutions in these regions showed that
85 ariable region 1 (HVR1) genetic distance and nonsynonymous substitutions increased after OLT, whereas
86                 Comparison of synonymous and nonsynonymous substitutions indicates that natural selec
87   This concentration of the rate increase in nonsynonymous substitutions is expected under the hypoth
88 (A(s)), synonymous transversions (B(s)), and nonsynonymous substitutions (K(a)) into the P1/capsid re
89 is study, we first investigated the rates of nonsynonymous substitution (Ka) and the rates of synonym
90 s in hominoids do not have elevated rates of nonsynonymous substitutions (Ka) compared with a control
91 ynonymous substitution rate of 0.40 x 10(-9) nonsynonymous substitutions/nonsynonymous site/year (ns/
92 )/d(S) ratio >1, where d(N) is the number of nonsynonymous substitutions/nonsynonymous sites and d(S)
93 tegory of positively selected sites at which nonsynonymous substitutions occur at a higher rate than
94 inical isolates, with the greatest number of nonsynonymous substitutions occurring within the region
95 s studies, the median ratio of the number of nonsynonymous substitutions per nonsynonymous site (d(N)
96 of sequence evolution considers the ratio of nonsynonymous substitutions per nonsynonymous site (K (A
97 onymous substitutions per synonymous site to nonsynonymous substitutions per nonsynonymous site sugge
98 r evidence of codon sites where the ratio of nonsynonymous substitutions per nonsynonymous site to sy
99 nes, entropy, genetic distance, and ratio of nonsynonymous substitutions per nonsynonymous site to sy
100 een the groups in the ratio of the number of nonsynonymous substitutions per nonsynonymous site to th
101  species, and calculated K(a), the number of nonsynonymous substitutions per nonsynonymous site, and
102   Strong purifying selection, denoted by low nonsynonymous substitutions per nonsynonymous site/synon
103 mple following seroconversion, the number of nonsynonymous substitutions per potential nonsynonymous
104                                              Nonsynonymous substitutions per site (d(N)) calculated f
105 16 and week 42 plasma contained an excess of nonsynonymous substitutions, predominantly in V1 and V4,
106             However, within the HVR1 region, nonsynonymous substitutions predominated but gradually d
107 ttern of the MHC polymorphism suggested that nonsynonymous substitutions predominated, especially at
108 comparison of the patterns of synonymous and nonsynonymous substitution provided evidence for positiv
109 n level, but positively correlated with both nonsynonymous substitution rate and the sample specifici
110 re is inferred from a comparison between the nonsynonymous substitution rate and the synonymous subst
111 s than in chimps, despite a generally higher nonsynonymous substitution rate in humans.
112 se k6 is a relatively stable lineage, with a nonsynonymous substitution rate of 0.40 x 10(-9) nonsyno
113         A relative rate test showed that the nonsynonymous substitution rate of the bush baby X-linke
114  During the within-clade period, the average nonsynonymous substitution rate was 50% higher than the
115                                          The nonsynonymous substitution rate was initially higher tha
116                                 Based on the nonsynonymous substitution rate, the divergence time of
117 ation rate was consistently greater than the nonsynonymous substitution rate.
118                          A comparison of the nonsynonymous substitution rate/synonymous substitution
119                   The ratio of synonymous-to-nonsynonymous substitution rates (omega) was estimated f
120              Maximum-likelihood estimates of nonsynonymous substitution rates across Buchnera species
121                              The overall and nonsynonymous substitution rates among fungi, algae, and
122 odon models with variation in synonymous and nonsynonymous substitution rates among sites and found e
123     The relationships between synonymous and nonsynonymous substitution rates and between synonymous
124 ed on genome-wide analysis of synonymous and nonsynonymous substitution rates and others.
125 atistical tests (the ratio of synonymous and nonsynonymous substitution rates and the Tajima D test)
126 oach was used to estimate the synonymous and nonsynonymous substitution rates in 48 nuclear genes fro
127     Finally, in examining the synonymous and nonsynonymous substitution rates in the conserved genes,
128                   Analyses of synonymous and nonsynonymous substitution rates of these conserved pept
129 w the same synonymous substitution rate, but nonsynonymous substitution rates show significant variat
130 ition, the extracellular domains have higher nonsynonymous substitution rates than the intracellular
131 kelihood-based comparisons of synonymous and nonsynonymous substitution rates to test for evidence of
132       Relative rate tests suggested that the nonsynonymous substitution rates were constant among dif
133                 As predicted, synonymous and nonsynonymous substitution rates were equivalent, and ov
134 COX4 sequence data revealed that accelerated nonsynonymous substitution rates were evident in the ear
135 ar evolutionary regime, with relatively high nonsynonymous substitution rates, suggesting that ABP mi
136 he third codon positions, but independent of nonsynonymous substitution rates.
137  the rate for the wild type due to increased nonsynonymous substitution rates.
138 enes, with only 68 ORFs with a synonymous to nonsynonymous substitution ratio of >2.
139 oteins had a significantly elevated level of nonsynonymous substitution relative to nonaccessory glan
140                        There is an excess of nonsynonymous substitutions relative to synonymous subst
141 ain exhibited an extremely high frequency of nonsynonymous substitutions, severalfold higher than oth
142 ntraspecific comparisons showed an excess of nonsynonymous substitutions, suggesting postspeciation r
143 0 genes showed significantly higher rates of nonsynonymous substitution than their nearest mammalian
144 s pathway have substantially higher rates of nonsynonymous substitution than upstream enzymes.
145 ated PTKs were found to have higher rates of nonsynonymous substitution than were those having broade
146  loci, on the whole, have significantly more nonsynonymous substitutions than the progenitor loci.
147                                The 699 novel nonsynonymous substitutions were distributed among 604 g
148                       Callitrichine-specific nonsynonymous substitutions were identified in GDF9, BMP
149                       A total of 9027 of the nonsynonymous substitutions were present in dbSNP or in
150                                         Many nonsynonymous substitutions were shared among more than
151 rly, the rates of protein sequence altering (nonsynonymous) substitution were lower in the chimpanzee
152                               Synonymous and nonsynonymous substitutions within the core, E1, and HVR
153 genetic trees constructed for synonymous and nonsynonymous substitutions yielded the same discordant

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