


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1  signal intensity of a region of interest in normal liver.
2 essed in approximately 74% cases compared to normal liver.
3 underwent ultrasonography (US)-guided IRE of normal liver.
4 go either RF or IRE ablation of noncancerous normal liver.
5 astases were more susceptible to SLSRFA than normal liver.
6 30 and P<0.0455, respectively) than in human normal liver.
7 t to cause dysplasia and HCC in a previously normal liver.
8  growth responses compared to hepatocytes in normal liver.
9 tumor tissue from HCC patients compared with normal liver.
10 ably higher in human HCC lines compared with normal liver.
11 nts and 8 Fz genes and Fzb were expressed in normal liver.
12 rlap in gene expression patterns compared to normal liver.
13 out tumors was compared with pooled RNA from normal liver.
14 essed in adipose tissue, but undetectable in normal liver.
15 or case and other FL-HCC cases compared with normal liver.
16 ared to the matched peritumorous liver or to normal liver.
17 an cirrhotic peritumoral tissue, compared to normal liver.
18 unctional similarities to bile duct cells in normal liver.
19 lic functions along the portocentral axis in normal liver.
20 s reduced to Vitamin C (VitC) rapidly in the normal liver.
21  PPP2R2C, and TRAF2) in HCC as compared with normal liver.
22 tion of early stages of liver dysplasia from normal liver.
23 ion was increased in human HCC compared with normal livers.
24 s those given a restricted standard diet had normal livers.
25 ctivation, had variable expression levels in normal livers.
26       Whole organ levels of GP73 were low in normal livers.
27 ic livers was lower than in experiments with normal livers.
28 generation (13% vs 26.4%) but negligible in "normal" liver.
29  was greatest in diseased human liver versus normal liver (32.2 cells/field versus 20.5 cells/field [
30                                           In normal livers, 4.19 +/- 0.53% of the PB dose was recover
31 ne a baseline PET/CT examination and who had normal livers according to imaging and biochemical test
32 accounts for the anticipated higher tumor-to-normal liver activity concentration ratio, dose point-ke
33  used adenoviral vectors to express Nor-1 in normal liver (Ad/CMV/V5-Nor-1), or reduce its level with
34 lated ischemic-reperfusion injury (15), and "normal" liver adjacent to colorectal cancer metastasis (
35 -old mice display many, but not all signs of normal liver ageing as early as 1 month after treatment,
36            Further analysis of a total of 19 normal liver and 57 HCC specimens showed that down-regul
37 apacity to transactivate its target genes in normal liver and during obstructive cholestasis.
38 unctional autophagy and is indispensable for normal liver and heart function.
39 P1B1 mRNA and protein were only found in the normal liver and hepatocytes.
40 tic, vascular, and sinusoidal endothelium in normal liver and in patients with HCV infection.
41                              Our patient had normal liver and intestinal function tests and no signs
42 ear of this procedure, the patient maintains normal liver and kidney function and refers significant
43 pitope-tagged fibrocystin has histologically normal liver and kidneys at 14 mo.
44 tion maps at single-base resolution in human normal liver and lung as well as paired tumor tissues.
45 dy weight and fertility but shows remarkably normal liver and muscle metabolite levels.
46                                           In normal liver and over a broad age range, cholangiocytes
47 ally expressed on primary hepatocytes within normal liver and pegylated forms of IL-29 and IFN-alpha
48 of transaminase levels between patients with normal liver and pure steatosis did not reveal significa
49                             All patients had normal liver and renal function.
50 es, thereby promoting immune surveillance in normal liver and renewal of effector responses in chroni
51 n in the 5' end of pro-pol were expressed in normal liver and showed relatively low levels of derepre
52                In marked contrast, uptake in normal liver and spleen decreased markedly as affinity d
53                                (b) Uptake in normal liver and spleen is specific (dependent on phosph
54 t is expressed in FL-HCC but not in adjacent normal liver and that arises as the result of a ~400-kil
55  derived from preexisting hepatocytes in the normal liver and that liver progenitor cells contributed
56 or clinical and/or K19 analysis included six normal livers and biopsy specimens from 10 patients with
57 gnificantly more proliferative than those in normal livers and expressed high levels of RB/E2F target
58  to HCC and normal liver tissue derived from normal livers and hepatic resections.
59 N were markedly increased in AH, compared to normal livers and other types of chronic liver diseases,
60 these conditions, Ceacam1a-/- mice displayed normal livers and spinal cords.
61 tocellular carcinoma), RTL-W1 (rainbow trout normal liver), and primary rainbow trout hepatocytes exp
62 embrane serine protease that is expressed in normal liver, and at lower levels in kidney, pancreas, a
63 was overexpressed in >90% cases, compared to normal liver, and LSF expression level showed significan
64 tumors was significantly higher than that in normal liver ( approximately 3-fold) in rats receiving p
65 in blood flow and bile production, preserved normal liver architecture, and significantly reduced liv
66 y Hnf4alpha in hepatocytes are essential for normal liver architecture, including the organization of
67 acellular matrix (ECM) and distortion of the normal liver architecture.
68  analysis of BECs from PBC liver compared to normal liver are significantly different, suggesting tha
69 thin the tumors was greater than that within normal liver, as detected with the handheld imaging syst
70                  Of 27 potential donors with normal livers at CT and acceptable LAI levels, four (15%
71 rences in maximum tolerable absorbed dose to normal liver between (90)Y radioembolization and externa
72 gh levels of hepatitis B virus (HBV) DNA and normal liver biochemistry, with minimal or no fibrosis.
73 remained HCV RNA-negative; five (7.5%) had a normal liver biopsy; 54 (82%) had fibrosis (stage 2 or 3
74 atic glucose metabolism in the presence of a normal liver/brain insulin ratio (3:1) is unknown.
75        Myofibroblasts are not present in the normal liver but activate and proliferate in response to
76 that Foxl1 is expressed in rare cells in the normal liver but is dramatically induced in the livers o
77                                  Analysis of normal livers by cDNA microarrays disclosed 2418 unique
78                               RF ablation of normal liver can stimulate distant subcutaneous tumor gr
79 arcinoma cell line) and HL-7701 cells (human normal liver cell line) by a confocal imaging technique.
80  in the promoter was further examined in one normal liver cell, eight HCC cell lines, eight HCC tissu
81        Differential activity was observed on normal liver cells and at different stages of oval cell
82 pressed exclusively in this subpopulation of normal liver cells and was highly enriched relative to o
83 d within the LIFR promoter that is active in normal liver cells correlate with increased and decrease
84 s on HCC cells and ATRA-PLLA did not inhibit normal liver cells, as expected because ATRA selectively
85 uced resistance to Fas-mediated apoptosis in normal liver cells.
86  compared with nonneoplastic surrounding and normal livers coincidently with the suppression of at le
87 antly higher expression of both receptors in normal liver compared with an HCC specimen.
88 s (156 differentially expressed genes versus normal liver) consistent with remodeling toward differen
89                                              Normal liver contained rare COL15A1-immunoreactive cells
90                                              Normal liver-derived hepatocytes (NLDH) and cirrhotic li
91 s designed to explore differentiation during normal liver development and regeneration after toxic in
92  (TGF-beta) pathways have been implicated in normal liver development as well as in cancer formation.
93   Wnt/beta-catenin activation is observed in normal liver development, regeneration, and liver cancer
94 ng similar features to those observed during normal liver development, we sought to investigate the r
95 orodibenzo-p-dioxin as well as regulation of normal liver development.
96 els for ALT in healthy weight, metabolically normal, liver disease-free, NHANES pediatric participant
97                         After RF ablation of normal liver, distant R3230 tumors were substantially la
98 rmal liver enzymes and 2.8% among those with normal liver enzymes, compared with only 0.6% among HCV-
99 C workers with high cumulative exposures and normal liver enzymes.
100 in younger persons and those with repeatedly normal liver enzymes.
101                                              Normal liver evaluations were similar, except with margi
102                                              Normal liver expresses MAT1A, which is silenced in hepat
103 ted IGF-I messenger RNA (mRNA) expression in normal liver from tumor-burdened animals in the absence
104 e liver in 78% (28/36) of cases, and 86% had normal liver function (Child class A).
105 n was excellent, and the child is well, with normal liver function 2 months posttransplant.
106                   All treated recipients had normal liver function after a 6-month follow-up and are
107 lacetoacetate hydrolase gene (Fah-/-) regain normal liver function after transplantation of Fah+/+ bo
108 P1 from hepatocytes yields mice that exhibit normal liver function and are indistinguishable from lit
109  hemoconcentrated (hemoglobin 16 g/dl), with normal liver function and coagulation testing.
110          This review provides an overview of normal liver function and development and focuses on the
111       He acquired full enteral tolerance and normal liver function and has never shown evidence of al
112 res were present in some patients, including normal liver function and Leigh syndrome (subacute necro
113 istory and were hemodynamically stable, with normal liver function and short hospital stay.
114 BV) e antigen-positive viremic patients with normal liver function and the incorporation of new bioma
115 ed AUC) did not differ between patients with normal liver function and those with LD.
116                  Expression of A20 preserves normal liver function as assessed by prothrombin time.
117 is trial were on tacrolimus monotherapy with normal liver function tests (LFTs).
118 ts with no or minimal hepatic injury who had normal liver function tests (LTs) (referred to herein as
119      The patient has subsequently maintained normal liver function tests on low-dose prednisone alone
120 g grafts (all liver transplant patients with normal liver function tests).
121 fter treatment, all patients had improved or normal liver function tests, resolution of C4d depositio
122                       All seven patients had normal liver function tests, skin rash, and diagnosis of
123 ; lactate dehydrogenase (LDH), 397 IU/L; and normal liver function tests.
124 rt may require rethinking our definition of "normal liver function tests." Chronic viral hepatitis B
125                        Fifteen patients with normal liver function were enrolled as controls.
126  period; however, all donors have maintained normal liver function without long-term complications.
127 X levels for those with liver dysfunction vs normal liver function, 2016 vs 1510 microg/dL; P = .003)
128 ro, and also after implantation in mice with normal liver function, 60% of the time.
129 al node biopsy, no excessive vitamin intake, normal liver function, negative chest x-ray, and no othe
130                             In patients with normal liver function, recurrence was also significantly
131 tly established in immunocompetent mice with normal liver function.
132 s essential for human copper homeostasis and normal liver function.
133 NKT-cell development, and the maintenance of normal liver function.
134 rvival of hepatocytes and the maintenance of normal liver function.
135 catenin may also control multiple aspects of normal liver function.
136 ual NF- kappaB activity but are healthy with normal liver function.
137 onine, betaine, and folate) is important for normal liver function.
138 y and rapid lethality despite maintenance of normal liver function.
139 similation and cytoplasmic PAP hydrolysis to normal liver function.
140 splant patients who are alive currently have normal liver functions.
141                                           In normal livers, GP73 was constitutively expressed by bili
142          Thus, beta-catenin is essential for normal liver growth and development.
143 nsduced hepatocytes expanded clonally during normal liver growth and secreted enzyme with mannose 6-p
144 nant-negative TEAD molecule does not perturb normal liver growth but potently suppresses hepatomegaly
145 edly increased yCD expression in tumors over normal liver (&gt;4-fold) measured both by levels of mRNA a
146  of transplanted cells to proliferate in the normal liver hampers cell therapy.
147  limited radiation tolerance of the adjacent normal liver has prohibited wider use of radiation thera
148 croarray repositories for gene expression in normal liver, hepatitis C virus (HCV) cirrhosis, HCV-rel
149                  Chow-fed TG and KO mice had normal liver histologic findings and body weight.
150 ith subjects with the metabolic syndrome and normal liver histology (n = 17), both NAFL (n = 21) and
151 e steatosis, compared to obese subjects with normal liver histology (P = 0.002 and P = 0.003, respect
152 0 kg/m(2)) patients: (1) obese normal group (normal liver histology), (2) simple steatosis (SS), (3)
153 ertension, and insulin resistance but showed normal liver histology.
154 bolic syndrome and NASH versus controls with normal liver histology.
155 ver enzymes, no fall in platelet counts, and normal liver histology.
156 thy, had normal transaminase levels, and had normal liver histology.
157 on of aminotransferase levels and relatively normal liver histology.
158 contribute to hepatocyte regeneration during normal liver homeostasis, in response to surgical or tox
159 esis in the liver with no apparent effect on normal liver homeostasis, the work paves the way for the
160 -regulated in these mice that play a role in normal liver homeostasis.
161 o-apoptotic effects of TGF-beta1 involved in normal liver homeostasis.
162 rome P450 expression at comparable levels to normal liver in vitro.
163              We characterized these cells in normal liver, in carbon tetrachloride-injured liver, and
164                   Similarly, unlike LSECs in normal livers, in fibrosis, LSECs do not veto dendritic
165                                          The normal liver is characterized by immunologic tolerance.
166 bronectin splicing in endothelial cells from normal liver is in part promoter-dependent.
167 totoxicity assay that modeled disease niche, normal liver, kidney, and bone marrow.
168                      Furthermore, whereas in normal livers, LSECs are active in the generation of T r
169  PH, delayed hepatocyte mitosis, but overall normal liver mass restoration.
170 n at 10 mg/kg ip with little or no effect on normal liver mass.
171                           We determined that normal liver matrix stiffness was around 150 Pa and incr
172 c mice expressing HCV core protein, and from normal liver mitochondria incubated with recombinant cor
173    An algorithm for segregating lesions into normal liver, NAFLD, or nonalcoholic steatohepatitis (NA
174                                           In normal livers, Nogo-B expression was found in nonparench
175 mRNA) and protein were detectable neither in normal liver nor in cultured hepatoblasts, but were read
176                                           In normal livers, NTG and SNAP induced similar vasorelaxant
177                   Overexpression of Nor-1 in normal livers of mice induced proliferation of quiescent
178      Ten patients (20%) had normal or nearly normal livers on long-term follow-up biopsy.
179 there was no detectable RCR vector spread to normal liver or bone marrow by quantitative PCR analysis
180 m of FOXO3 in HCV-infected livers but not in normal liver or nonalcoholic steatohepatitis.
181 ficantly higher PAI-1 values than those with normal liver (P < 0.001).
182  increased in patients with AH compared with normal livers (P </= 0.01), chronic hepatitis C (P </= 0
183 mulation of Tc-99m-RBC in hemangiomas and in normal liver parenchyma (HEM/liv), and to verify, whethe
184 s of microsphere accumulation and regions of normal liver parenchyma that demonstrated no apparent mi
185 between the surgical resection clips and the normal liver parenchyma.
186 ta1-integrin has no obvious consequences for normal livers, partial hepatectomy leads to severe liver
187                                We found that normal liver pDCs were weak in stimulating T cells, yet
188 ntiation of new hepatocyte lineages makes to normal liver physiology are unknown.
189                    The function of miRNAs in normal liver physiology is largely unknown.
190               SPECT/CT-derived mean tumor-to-normal liver ratios varied widely across all planning ta
191    The selective delivery spares surrounding normal liver, reducing the risk of liver failure.
192 patocellular carcinoma; however, its role in normal liver regeneration and hepatocyte proliferation i
193      Down-regulation of Tob1 is required for normal liver regeneration, and Tob1 controls hepatocyte
194         Interleukin-6 (IL-6) is required for normal liver regeneration, but the specific cellular sou
195 or interfered with several key components of normal liver regeneration, significantly inhibiting prog
196 M1 (FoxM1) expression, which is required for normal liver regeneration, was suppressed by D10 treatme
197 ment of BM LSEC progenitors is necessary for normal liver regeneration.
198 systemic adipose stores may be essential for normal liver regeneration.
199 hanges in systemic adipose metabolism during normal liver regeneration.
200 se events may be essential for initiation of normal liver regeneration.
201 Foxm1b) transcription factor is required for normal liver regeneration.
202  Conversely, predominance of MET favors more normal liver regeneration.
203 patic steatosis may actually be required for normal liver regeneration.
204 atic PPARgamma activity may be essential for normal liver regeneration.
205 tion and signaling pathways important during normal liver regeneration.
206 ar receptor-dependent bile acid signaling in normal liver regeneration.
207 ly regulated during and may be essential for normal liver regeneration.
208 d that complement activation is required for normal liver regeneration.
209 te-derived secreted protein, is required for normal liver regeneration.
210 -dependent fashion, and IL-6 is required for normal liver regeneration.
211 ignals as regulated during and essential for normal liver regeneration.
212 e, CD1d(-/-) and Jalpha281(-/-) mice, showed normal liver regeneration.
213 atocyte proliferation, and are necessary for normal liver regeneration.
214 (+)/cytokeratin-19(-) and contain all of the normal liver repopulation capacity found in fetal liver.
215                          Further analysis of normal liver revealed a minor alternative splicing varia
216  in HCC liver biopsy specimens compared with normal liver RNA.
217                           Human fibrotic and normal liver samples were analysed immunohistochemically
218                                 In addition, normal liver samples were compared with each other to de
219 tosis had reduced PEDF levels, compared with normal liver samples.
220 minished in fibrotic rat liver compared with normal liver; similarly, miR 19b expression was markedly
221 smooth muscle actin, whereas fatty liver and normal liver specimens do not express IL-13Ralpha2.
222 expression is increased in PBC livers versus normal liver specimens.
223 rformed on 18 additional primary CCAs and 12 normal liver specimens.
224                                              Normal liver stiffness maintained functional gene regula
225 normal-liver SUV, ratio of T SUV max to mean normal-liver SUV, and score combining tumor volume and T
226 r (T SUV max), ratio of T SUV max to maximal normal-liver SUV, ratio of T SUV max to mean normal-live
227 ty concentration equal to or higher than the normal liver (T/N ratio >/= 1).
228 d by continuing corticosteroid therapy until normal liver test results and normal liver tissue are wi
229                                     Provided normal liver tests and the absence of cardiac arrest in
230 terial was insufficient in 1 patient; 11 had normal liver tests; and 2 patients had developed alcohol
231                                       In the normal liver, the interleukin (IL)-6/STAT-3 pathway is t
232                                           In normal liver, the major cellular source of HGF is the he
233 achieve very low levels of expression in the normal liver, the major organ responsible for blood clea
234 hepatocytes proliferate at any given time in normal liver, the mechanisms involved in the maintenance
235        Despite high levels of SMN protein in normal liver, there is no comprehensive study of liver p
236                                           In normal liver, Thy-1(+) cells are a heterogeneous populat
237  has recently been shown to be essential for normal liver, thyroid and forebrain development.
238   We used quantitative RT-PCR in a cohort of normal liver tissue (n = 8), hepatitis C virus (HCV)-ind
239 s significantly higher than in corresponding normal liver tissue (P < 0.001).
240  therapy until normal liver test results and normal liver tissue are within normal limits, institutin
241 blastomas (HPBL), tissue adjacent to HCC and normal liver tissue derived from normal livers and hepat
242 s did not increase the proliferation rate in normal liver tissue even when the protein was localized
243                                Compared with normal liver tissue from healthy individuals, the amount
244 tumor or target volume outline while sparing normal liver tissue from high-dose radiation.
245 naire data from healthy volunteers (n = 11), normal liver tissue from public repositories and patient
246           Analysis of tumors and surrounding normal liver tissue in DEN-treated HNF4alpha knockout mi
247 icrodissected tumor tissue and corresponding normal liver tissue of 156 patients with Klatskin tumors
248  A minority of patients had normal or nearly normal liver tissue on long-term follow-up biopsy.
249 2 tumors versus that in adjacent and distant normal liver tissue primarily by constricting normal dis
250 n acellular liver tissue cubes (ALTCs) using normal liver tissue unsuitable for transplantation.
251 iver tissues with HCC and related cirrhosis; normal liver tissue was used as control.
252 ncer patients, as well as non-cancer-related normal liver tissue, we first determined changes in gene
253 d for the tumor and the adjacent and distant normal liver tissue.
254 distant (68.0 vs 28.3 mL/min/100 g, P = .02) normal liver tissue.
255          Low levels of TACE were detected in normal liver tissue.
256 ithin the HCC region but not in the adjacent normal liver tissue.
257 cations at varied powers in two locations in normal liver tissue.
258 mal human embryonic liver cell line CL-48 or normal liver tissue.
259 (grade 3), or lower than (grade 4) uptake in normal liver tissue.
260  2-fold higher expression in HCC compared to normal liver tissue.
261 nt structural or functional perturbations of normal liver tissue.
262   In contrast, FHL2 expression was absent in normal liver tissue.
263 o differentiate areas of liver fibrosis from normal liver tissue.
264 and hepatic arterial fraction for tumors and normal liver tissue.
265 APRIL/BCMA is enhanced in HCC, compared with normal liver tissue.
266 s studies focused on the effect of aging in "normal" liver tissue, but these studies were compromised
267 imals were sacrificed and HDV replication in normal liver tissues and in center masses of HCCs was ev
268 r in hepatocellular carcinoma tumors than in normal liver tissues and that pFOXA2 (S107/111) expressi
269                     Imaging was performed in normal liver tissues and tumors before and after IRE.
270                                              Normal liver tissues showed methylation primarily in gro
271  47 samples including 27 HCC and 20 adjacent normal liver tissues using the Illumina HumanMethylation
272 s well as 42 independent HCV cirrhotic and 6 normal liver tissues were studied using high-density oli
273 ar carcinoma tissues, compared with adjacent normal liver tissues.
274 on appears to be comparable in most HCCs and normal liver tissues.
275 tocellular carcinomas compared with matching normal liver tissues.
276 bundant in HCV-positive livers compared with normal liver tissues.
277 ts expression is very low or undetectable in normal liver tissues.
278 n and 10 nontumoral cirrhotic tissues and 10 normal liver tissues.
279  kinase 1 (CHK1) were higher in HCCs than in normal liver tissues.
280         SLSRFA completely and safely ablates normal liver to a depth of at least 4 mm at 45 W/4 cm tr
281 lation zone, the margin, and the surrounding normal liver to calculate a TRC ratio, which was then co
282 wise increase in the mean TAG/DAG ratio from normal livers to NAFL to NASH (7 versus 26 versus 31, P
283  lower vasorelaxant responses, compared with normal livers, to both NTG (P <.0001) and SNAP (P =.0020
284 iral and nonviral human liver disease and in normal livers, to identify its cellular sources, and to
285  likely to be C282Y homozygotes if they have normal liver transaminase activities.
286 ased median ratio of hepatic tumor uptake to normal-liver uptake was 3.9 (range, 1.8-22.2).
287                            Ablation depth in normal liver varied from 3 to 20 mm.
288 n vitro observations, we demonstrate that in normal liver VEGFR-2 is activated and BMP4 expression is
289                     The fraction of affected normal liver volume ranged from 0.07 to 0.30.
290 ure of enhancement at T1-weighted imaging in normal liver was 53 degrees -57 degrees C.
291 A-4 in some HCC tissues and their absence in normal liver was established by immunohistochemistry sta
292 n analysis of the HCV-HCC tumors compared to normal livers, we found an important number of genes rel
293 ity-surface area product (PS) for tumors and normal liver were calculated from phase 1 with and witho
294  MR imaging parameters between the tumor and normal liver were compared with paired Wilcoxon test.
295 lesterol ester, and phospholipid contents in normal livers were quantified and compared to those of N
296  HCCs and matching noncancerous liver and 22 normal livers, were analyzed for methylation.
297  IGF2 is paternally expressed, as well as in normal liver where gene expression is biallelic.
298 gher level of NQO1 transcripts compared with normal liver, whereas biliary NQO2 levels were significa
299 liver diseases relative to its expression in normal liver, which suggests a role for the TWEAK/Fn14 p
300 e with mutations in SCD-1 had histologically normal livers with significantly reduced triglyceride st

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