


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 L/min/%, p < 0.05] with acute restoration to normocapnia).
2 epithelial injury and cell death compared to normocapnia.
3 nclusion of the study, a total of 90 mins of normocapnia.
4 going hypercapnia for 6 hrs with a return to normocapnia.
5  change during hypercapnia or with return to normocapnia.
6 was returned to the baseline value, that is, normocapnia.
7  97% total CO2 production) while maintaining normocapnia.
8 duced the respiratory rate while maintaining normocapnia.
9  arteriovenous CO2 removal while maintaining normocapnia.
10 al mortality than compensated hypercapnia or normocapnia.
11 c breathing, hypocapnia, and after return to normocapnia.
12 ificant decrease in respiratory rate (RR) at normocapnia, an elevated RR during hypoxia, and an atten
13 entilating the piglets with 100% O(2) during normocapnia and concomitantly topically applying artific
14        The effect of CB normoxic hypocapnia, normocapnia and hypercapnia (carotid body PCO2 approxima
15 atory response indices were found between CB normocapnia and hypercapnia.
16  1.10-1.26) when compared with patients with normocapnia and normal pH (p < 0.001).
17                 A total of 252,812 patients (normocapnia and normal pH, 110,104; compensated hypercap
18 combination of pH and carbon dioxide levels (normocapnia and normal pH, compensated hypercapnia [norm
19 , with the lowest mortality in patients with normocapnia and normal pH.
20 roup, arterial blood pH was 7.42 +/- 0.02 at normocapnia and was maintained at 7.37 +/- 0.01 while Pa
21 /- 0.19 versus 0.43 +/- 0.20 for hypocapnia, normocapnia, and hypercapnia, respectively).
22 at normocapnia to 7.14 +/- 0.01 (p < .01 vs. normocapnia) as blood PCO2 increased to 81.2 +/- 1.8 tor
23 V(T) = 8 mL/kg, respiratory rate adjusted to normocapnia) at low (n = 2, positive end-expiratory pres
24                                At 30 mins of normocapnia, CBF had returned to baseline and remained a
25 omy, Sprague-Dawley rats were randomized to (normocapnia; FICO2 0.00) or (hypercapnic acidosis; FICO2
26 tory-related sympathetic activity in rats in normocapnia, hypercapnia or after CIH.
27 e were compared in 15 rats during periods of normocapnia, hypocapnia, hypercapnia, and anoxia.
28 ous arterial spin labeling to measure CBF at normocapnia (ie, breathing room air) and hypercapnia.
29                                  To maintain normocapnia, minute ventilation was reduced from 3.8 +/-
30 went 4 hours of mechanical ventilation under normocapnia or hypercapnic acidosis, and nuclear factor-
31 ng injury under the following conditions: a) normocapnia (Paco2 35 to 45 torr [4.7 to 6.0 kPa]) and n
32                                 In the dark, normocapnia (PCO2 approximately 30 Torr) with high PCO p
33 rr) in normoxic (pO2 approximately 100 Torr) normocapnia (pCO2 approximately 30 Torr, pH approximatel
34 o baseline of CBF and cerebral metabolism at normocapnia seen in our study with lambs may explain why
35 ities were significantly lower than those of normocapnia, showing stimulus interaction.
36                       However, compared with normocapnia the probability of wound repair was signific
37 When preceded by nitrous oxide, midazolam or normocapnia, the risk of inducing epileptiform activity
38 ial blood pH decreased from 7.41 +/- 0.03 at normocapnia to 7.14 +/- 0.01 (p < .01 vs. normocapnia) a
39 the pH-corrected group (8.5 +/- 1.6 mm Hg at normocapnia to 7.7 +/- 4.2 at 1 hr).
40 e pH-uncorrected group (9.0 +/- 1.5 mm Hg at normocapnia vs. 26.8 +/- 5.1 at 1 hr, p < .05), and rema
41 p < .05]; pH-corrected group: 4.1 +/- 0.4 at normocapnia vs. 5.7 +/- 0.4 L/min at 1 hr [p < .05]).
42  (pH-uncorrected group: 4.3 +/- 0.6 L/min at normocapnia vs. 6.8 +/- 1.0 L/min at 1 hr [p < .05]; pH-
43                                              Normocapnia was achieved using significantly higher PIP
44 ere intubated and mechanically ventilated to normocapnia with room air.

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