コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)
1 icipated benefits were either short-lived or not met at all.
2 activity (K(d) 150 nM) and HESX1(R160C) does not bind at all.
3 ce is a seemingly necessary prerequisite, do not form at all.
4 activity and nucleocytoplasmic shuttling did not grow at all.
5 h reached a plateau at 4 days, and H37Ra did not grow at all.
6 those that additionally lacked catalase did not grow at all.
7 everely, and the oligomer-made filaments did not move at all.
8 ove cooperatively with the Kv2.1 tetramer or not move at all.
9 ways, which is not to say that sauropods did not swim at all.
10 ctics employed, and in some systems they are not used at all.
11 short-chain (octanoic acid, 8:0) lipids were not bound at all.
12 ited 5 years after publication, and many are not cited at all.
13 en target distribution an exact solution may not exist at all.
14 simulations are used, since a rare event may not occur at all.
15 o 3% of patients but actual liver damage may not occur at all.
16 fully coordinated Ti sites, which we find do not react at all.
17 her engaged in prolonged spike bursts or did not spike at all.
18 in versions were significantly less toxic or not toxic at all.
19 tumorigenesis in F344 rats, whereas NAC was not active at all.
20 50% on average, and deleterious mutations do not appear at all.
21 trol subjects, and corrected CO transfer did not change at all.
22 ho commit to a suboptimal strategy or who do not commit at all.
23 lowed by the 27 nt complementary region were not edited at all.
24 T cells was greatly reduced, and SMACs were not formed at all.
25 but not low concentration, and those that do not rescue at all.
26 eas recF null priA2::kan double mutants were not viable at all.
27 - and 53% on Spanish-language Web sites were not covered at all.
28 set of tissue-restricted self antigens were not deleted at all.
29 -deficient (Bmpr-null) embryos, the AVE does not migrate at all.
30 rocess slowly and that the S229A mutant does not process at all.
31 versely, the amount of [14C]ACh released was not reduced at all.
32 RCC cells ectopically expressing wt VHL did not respond at all.
33 requently misdiagnosed, treated too late, or not treated at all.
34 mRNAs of other channel-forming proteins were not affected at all.
35 ell subpopulations varies and some cells are not affected at all.
36 fected by glucosamine addition, and HAS3 was not affected at all.
37 lated N-glycans, dynamin-dependent entry was not affected at all.
38 heterocomplex is in a conformation that does not bind p23 at all.
39 defended through to moderately defended, or not defended at all.
40 a few areas are only marginally examined, or not examined at all.
41 e 5gamma'-(beta,gamma-imido)triphosphate did not function at all.
42 conomies of Europe, male life expectancy may not increase at all.
43 s Galphai2 interacted weakly and Galphas did not interact at all.
44 at the UBA2 domain of NUB1L is minimally or not involved at all.
45 cumulated by oocytes instead of Vg, which is not produced at all.
46 idues not involved in enzyme inhibition, was not taken up at all.
47 r major uses are either inadequate or appear not to exist at all.
48 eas geranylgeranyl pyrophosphate (GGPP) does not transfer at all.
49 agment consisting of residues 109 to 331 did not bind FliF at all.
50 Human transferrin did not bind PspA at all.
51 t the GJ plaques, while the S373E mutant did not bind ZO-1 at all.
52 ic 6-microm polystyrene beads, however, were not deflected at all.
53 development, whereas five of the genes were not expressed at all.
54 either expressed in multiple body fluids or not expressed at all.
55 A second A-rich region was not important at all.
56 hich the task was either always performed or not performed at all.
57 y as penta-acetylated H3, but half of H3 was not acetylated at all.
58 e two properties are inversely correlated or not correlated at all.
59 ro-Glu was hydrolyzed slowly and Pro-Asp was not hydrolyzed at all.
60 products, and why certain RNA molecules are not substrates at all.
61 icking to the cell surface, whilst C436R was not trafficked at all.
62 idly gained weight, whereas AEG-1KO mice did not gain weight at all.
63 variable, with close to a third of patients not progressing at all.
64 r memories were more strongly reactivated or not reactivated at all.
65 ransmitter that diffuses out of the cleft or not be activated at all.
66 otype but the EGF status in HED patients has not been studied at all.
67 d LFN fusions to several other proteins were not translocated at all.
68 bust coprotease activity, ADP and AMP-PNP do not activate RecA at all.
69 deterministic component and may conceivably not be stochastic at all.
70 In contrast, 5'amidates do not form duplexes at all.
71 n, which could fully restrict lambda but did not restrict T4gt at all.
72 apid polymerization results in cells that do not appear sickled at all.
73 honest signals exhibited at equilibrium need not be extravagant at all.
74 vely charged guest among those surveyed, was not bound by CB[7] at all.
75 r 8-bromo-cAMP treatment, and that E3KARP is not phosphorylated at all.
76 nd phosphatidylinositol 3,4-bisphosphate did not activate GTPase at all.
77 wer doses of enzyme and intravenous ERT does not enter the brain at all.
78 tic testing is expensive many rare genes are not being tested for at all.
79 TR-P2b RNA rather than A-site rRNA and 10 do not bind A-site rRNA at all.
80 ited class of pseudoknot interactions or are not considering them at all.
81 went primary tumor surgery although 8647 did not have any surgery at all.
82 ntal seems to be the most suitable as it did not cause any changes at all.
83 does so relatively weakly and p53 loss does not drive cell growth at all.
84 the first time; 41 of these previously have not been characterized at all.
85 trast, the firing of head-direction cells is not modulated by theta at all.
86 o-borates or boroxinate species and thus are not effective catalysts at all.
87 inued for some time, but newly added DNA was not joined or processed at all.
88 finities, while the wild-type construct does not bind aminoglycosides at all.
89 Ang II binding after 24 h, and vitamin E did not lower Ang II binding at all.
90 and chromatin organization in ways that may not involve transcription at all.
91 tion of dietary protein and carbohydrate did not affect septic survival at all.
92 nce and, in the case of the tail domain, may not interact with polymerase at all.
93 y reacted weakly with recombinant K8 but did not react with recombinant K18 at all.
94 ubstitution for the critical Phe residue did not compete for the interaction at all.
95 samples (n = 2,844), consistent with people not systematically using defaults at all.
96 ins, we found that the S68A substitution did not affect phosphorylation in vivo at all.
97 In fact, it does not provide quantitative TSH values at all.
98 porter processes, and in many cases they are not incorporated into nascent proteins at all.
99 her positions (e.g. F3, F4, FCz, P3, P4) did not interfere with sequence performance at all.
101 An increasing part of the population did not undergo surgery at all (4.8% in period 2; 24.0% in p
102 ammography screening, although estimates are not statistically significant at all ages and the magnit
105 the photons used to illuminate the object do not have to be detected at all and no coincidence detect
106 as protective: on a scale of 1-5 on which 1=not protective at all and 5=very much protects, the mean
107 he protocols of the published trials, 6 were not reported at all and 4 were reported as secondary out
108 th, YqxM is present at very low levels or is not synthesized at all and that this low level or absenc
109 nconsistent definitions of BMB size (23% did not define size at all, and of those that did 44% chose
110 of class III myosin at a molecular level is not known at all, and it has been questioned whether it
113 by a time gap during which the chemostat is not stimulated at all, and if the chemostat is then stim
114 epresents the overall fraction (where 0.00 = not attributable at all; and 1.00 = entirely attributabl
116 rdiac-specific linker between cC4 and cC5 is not a linker at all but an integral part of the fold of
117 xpectedly, we find that Xist upregulation is not based on transcript stabilization at all but is inst
118 SPR) experiments, immobilized fibrinogen did not bind fibronectin at all, but after conversion to fib
119 such as kinases and molecular chaperones are not activated as well or at all by the larger cation Cs(
121 MP substrate Dnp-PChaGC(Me)HK(NMA)-NH(2) was not cleaved at all by TACE, while collagenase (MMP 1), g
123 potency by n-propanol and n-butanol, but was not inhibited at all by n-alcohols of 5 to 8 carbons, ac
125 nternally promoted transgene expression were not inhibited at all by the class I FIV or HIV-1 IN muta
127 An all-D-amyloid-beta 25-35 peptide was not recognized at all by SEC-R but retained full toxic/a
128 en though homogeneous beta-Lact clusters are not recognized at all by this lectin, supporting the exi
130 spans of daf-2/insulin-receptor mutants were not shortened at all by gld-1 mutations; we attribute th
131 s been generally assumed that heating alone, not represented as a vector at all, cannot result in a d
132 In response, H3 lysine 9 dimethylation, but not trimethylation, was markedly decreased at all centro
134 d a delay of greater than 90 days or who did not receive adjuvant chemotherapy at all compared with t
136 formed within the inner Solar System and are not presolar at all, consistent with the recent detectio
138 (TsO-BsubPc, MsO-BsubPc, and BsO-BsubPc) do not hydrolyze at all even after prolonged periods of tim
139 cations either undergo delayed surgery or do not have surgery at all, even when surgery is indicated
140 ssment to exclude an alternative diagnosis ("not asthma at all"), followed by a multidisciplinary app
141 ortion of B cells in which the transgene had not been targeted at all for mutation rather than in the
142 o-acid residue Env was expressed, fusion did not occur at all for 3T3 cells as target and only somewh
144 ization to the extent that the channel seems not to desensitize at all for the duration of the agonis
155 heral T cells, it was surprising that it was not involved at all in TCR signaling in thymocytes.
157 idine, and 3,5-lutidine (25-100 ps) but does not occur at all in 2,6-lutidine in which the ligating n
158 inefficient in the case of purines and does not occur at all in the case of the canonical pyrimidine
162 Moreover, this calcium mobilization was not seen at all in noncholinergic neurons but was presen
164 ormance of a ChIP-quality antibody, which is not selective at all in this application, and it should
165 ally expressed genes of given cell types are not significantly expressed at all in the other cell typ
174 We find that the absence of domain 1.1 does not render the polymerase defective at all of these prom
175 on a long-chain fatty acid (C(18:1)) and was not affected at all on short chain (C4-C6) fatty acids.
176 t and mutation, even at very high rates, did not reduce hybrid fitness at all on the time-scales we c
177 in the ECT plus medication group were rated "not ill at all" on the CGI-S compared with the medicatio
179 that are not co-regulated by Sp1 are either not affected at all or are not as sensitive to the repre
180 ted using folic acid supplements late or did not use supplements at all (OR: 1.45; 95% CI: 1.14, 1.84
181 es (or alternative gene products) are either not involved at all, or to any great extent, in melanoma
183 medical school, 69% reported that they were not comfortable at all performing a simple periodontal e
184 36, P=0.025 for paraoxonase activity) or did not correlate at all (phenylacetate hydrolase and TBLase
185 enerated for every candidate, and the IS may not correct for variations at all processing steps.
186 iated with sugar transport, and in fact does not transport the sugars directly at all, rather requiri
187 s, and ligand optimization is challenging or not pursued at all, representing a substantial limitatio
188 ular interest because, unlike rpoB8, they do not increase termination at all rho-dependent and rho-in
189 yet not to the extent that some vesicles are not affected at all.) Second, a cosurfactant may enhance
191 ments were frequently sub-stoichiometric and not present at all sites of involvement in an otherwise
193 iptional analysis indicates that RT0522, but not RT0590, is transcribed at all stages of intracellula
194 ecificity, localized only to these cells and not to the adjacent vasculature at all stages examined.
195 e, such as anti-sense 5' -3' motif 'UCU', or not reported at all, such as the anti-sense 5' -3' motif
196 prominently, whereas the Src SH2 domain did not bind at all, suggesting that GRB2 may link PTPe with
198 ce of small guest molecules in solution does not influence at all the induced circular dichroism sign
199 blocks (i.e., regions of greater complexity not resembling at all the first two categories) span 50%
200 In contrast, the rhodopsin mRNA level did not show any significant change at all the ages analyzed
201 persons whose training is remote or who have not been trained at all, the "naive" scenario may be inc
203 verall and, clinically and statistically, is not different at all three sites when optimal insertion
204 ct symptoms when assessed longitudinally but not cross-sectionally at all time points independently o
206 beta3 in a cation-dependent manner, but does not bind at all to alphaIIbbeta3 under any conditions.
207 rms of TFPI-alpha bound poorly and desK3 did not bind at all to the surface of ECV304 cells in which
209 rk-like phase shifts (SB203580), and two did not induce phase shifts at all (U0126 and omitting a med
211 (most likely S2 or T1) of DPC, because it is not observed at all under thermolysis conditions, where
213 tance very slowly after a long chase and did not acquire TX-100 resistance at all when chased in the
214 osa, whereas impressively S. epidermidis did not grow at all when treated with a 500 mug/mL nanoceria
215 tin C, and pseudoA), and these compounds did not inhibit secretion at all when applied to phorbol-dow
217 ubules: TUBB3 p.Glu288Lys and p.Pro357Leu do not incorporate into microtubules at all, whereas TUBB2B
218 ngly, approximately half of the NK cells did not kill any target cells at all, whereas a minority of
219 ons with higher initial pHi values, some did not recover at all, whereas others recovered to a value
220 ontribute to chronic anxiety, although it is not clear at all whether such models constitute relevant
221 nsfected cells, 30 mM glucose incubation did not increase MG concentration at all, while increasing t
223 ce-exposed FasG, only one mutant (K117A) did not interact at all with sulfatide-containing liposomes.
224 by the finding that the F256V mutation does not interfere at all with the effect of 2,5-di-(t-butyl)
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