


コーパス検索結果 ( right1)

1                                            This complex was not directly able to transfer PEB to the host phycobiliprotei
2                                              8-pCPT-AM does not directly activate BKCa channels, but STOCs cannot be gene
3 deactivation is sensitive to agonist concentrations that do not directly activate the receptor.
4                                Currently available tools do not directly address this question.
5                 We find that tubulin acetylation alone does not directly affect kinesin-1 motility.
6                           Telomerase enzymatic activity was not directly affected by BRD4 inhibition.
7               We further conclude that climate warming will not directly alter the partitioning of N flow through anammox
8 ansient rise in pHapo These elevated protein abundances did not directly arise from high tissue concentrations of Cl(-) o
9                       However, one group of germline genes, not directly associated with embryonic somatic tissue genesis
10                        In conclusion, endogenous IL-15 does not directly augment the pathogenesis of sepsis but enables t
11      Meanwhile, the accumulation of metabolites, which were not directly connected with light reactions, such as tocopher
12 ame structural superfamily as many nitroreductases but does not directly consume reducing equivalents from NAD(P)H, nor d
13 s primarily mediated by four nonconserved residues that are not directly contacting the ligand, but positioned within 12
14                                              Because MCs do not directly contribute to normal hemostasis, they can be con
15                                     Thus, although p53 does not directly control the luminal fate, its loss facilitates a
16                                 However, AID occupancy does not directly correlate with DNA damage, suggesting that facto
17                         These diverse cellular measures did not directly correlate with resilience to heat stress and sug
18 individual defects tends to saturate, and accordingly, does not directly correlate with the concentration of defects.
19 ry and SECM, and our findings show that these parameters do not directly correlate.
20                                            Inflammation was not directly correlated with distance to the healthy plane, b
21 study showed C15:0 had a linear response, however C17:0 was not directly correlated.
22                     Stab injuries that were near to but did not directly damage ependyma, contained no ependyma-derived c
23                               It has been hypothesized, but not directly demonstrated, that this is due to increasing HPV
24 s) displays isoform-specific permeability profiles that are not directly determined by the size and charge of the permean
25                      Since the KRAS oncoprotein is, as yet, not directly druggable, efforts to target KRAS mutant cancers
26            We found that interactions with microbes that do not directly enter leaf epidermal cells were seemingly unalte
27 nts of hyaluronic acid (HA) or chondroitin sulfate (CS) did not directly increase indicators of disease progression such
28 though estrogens can enhance drug-seeking behavior, they do not directly induce reinstatement on their own.
29 ke DNA or individual histone proteins, human intact NETs do not directly initiate or amplify coagulation in vitro.
30            We find that demyelination and axonal damage are not directly initiated by M. leprae but by infected macrophag
31                                                Archaea were not directly involved in full methane oxidation, but their cr
32 e that CD74 NTF-induced structural changes of endosomes are not directly involved in these processes.
33 o blue light percentage were obtained for both directly and not directly light-dependent metabolite groups.
34 ct against severe malaria but their influence on parameters not directly linked to disease severity such as gametocyte ca
35 es of sources is difficult because source-specific PM2.5 is not directly measured, and source chemical compositions can v
36 usly reported voltage-dependence of Panx1 channel gating is not directly mediated by the membrane potential but rather by
37 tence of multiple RSFs with different rotational angles was not directly observed in freestanding 2D MoS2 before.
38 tion was dependent on expression of CCR2, whereas CCR2 does not directly participate in immune suppression.
39 , existing polymeric restorative materials, or fillings, do not directly participate in the healing process in a bioinstr
40                                  Although the amygdala does not directly project to the olfactory bulb, joint pharmacolog
41                                          However, IL10R did not directly regulate the microbial ecology during infant dev
42 n in which eye tissue production by planarian stem cells is not directly regulated by the absence of the eye itself.
43                Therefore, a type IV response of intake rate not directly related to digestive constraints may determine t
44         However, it was dependent on the used additives and not directly related to the content of phenolic compounds and
45  extent of alpha-synuclein pathology (e.g., Lewy bodies) is not directly related to the degree of neurodegeneration acros
46            Our results suggest that while Renshaw cells are not directly required as an integral part of the locomotor co
47                           Although subcortical circuits are not directly responsible for conscious feelings, they provide
48                                    Mechanistically, DHA did not directly target B cells to elevate Ab levels.
49 late IkappaBalpha for NF-kappaB activation, triptolide does not directly target IKKs or other factors that mediate IKK ac
50 tended and coiled conformations, yet xyloglucan chains were not directly visible by FESEM.

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