


コーパス検索結果 (left1)

1 n utilization, and outcomes associated with this change are not known.
2 atural history and predictors of resolution in children are not known.
3 survival, but the pathway(s) dictating APRIL expression are not known.
4 e conditioning, unrelated donor (URD), and methotrexate are not known.
5 tion of insulin in its storage granules in the pancreas are not known.
6           The mechanisms underlying this increased risk are not known.
7 ions but the underlying mechanisms and functional roles are not known.
8 ention (PCI) in the Veterans Affairs (VA) health system are not known.
9                               A number of pathways that are not known to be involved in anthocyanin biosynthesis were obs
10 ing how drusen give rise to visual loss, which is currently not known.
11 en politicians' policy preferences are private information, not known with certainty by the other politicians with whom t
12  cells in the HIV-negative (HIV-) brain-dead donor (BDD) is not known.
13 ignocellulosic cell walls and fungal hyphae during decay is not known.
14 infection, but how the genome is organized and delivered is not known.
15 tion is coordinated to ensure proper circuit development is not known.
16  or skew clonal recruitment and effector differentiation is not known.
17 aditional computed tomography criteria have mild disease is not known.
18 ants among patients with nonvalvular atrial fibrillation is not known.
19 associated with chromatin but its function in interphase is not known.
20                                                       It is not known exactly where amyloid-beta (Abeta) fibrils begin to
21 ation must account for this frequency dependence, but it is not known how this might occur.
22                                                       It is not known if the other major types of pyramidal neurons in th
23 ly associated with allergic contact dermatitis (ACD), it is not known if they are mediated by shared or distinct signalin
24 e receptors are important for estradiol feedback, but it is not known where they fit in the circuitry.
25 ry mechanisms of p300 acetyltransferase activity, but it is not known whether CBP activity is controlled similarly.
26                                                       It is not known whether coronary artery calcium (CAC) assessment at
27                                                       It is not known whether elevated serum levels of endothelin-1 indic
28                                              However, it is not known whether endogenous IL-4 and IL-13 contribute to the
29 ization events are crucibles for rapid evolution, but it is not known whether evolutionary changes arise mainly after suc
30                                              However, it is not known whether intravenous thrombolysis (IVT) is of added
31                                              However, it is not known whether neuroactive steroid levels are abnormal at
32 ssociated with physiological cardiac growth; however, it is not known whether or how physical activity-induced changes in
33 an be influenced by metabolite levels in culture, but it is not known whether physiological variations in metabolite leve
34 s) such as polymerase-associated factor 1 (Paf1), but it is not known whether TEFs have gene-specific functions.
35 of sodium channels, and while it is highly conserved, it is not known whether the functional role of this splicing is als
36 his information relies on the same neural system, but it is not known whether the organisational principles governing con
37              How these different activities are mediated is not known.
38 e D4 receptor (hD4R) is maintained in synaptic membranes is not known.
39 an indirectly reduce illness in unvaccinated populations is not known.
40  cell behavior are coordinated through a single receptor is not known.
41 f transcription, CTCF, and TERRA in telomere replication is not known.
42 h the specific gasotransmitter for this biofilm response is not known, we find that addition of hydrogen sulfide gas to g
43 inking common variants in this region with coronary risk is not known.
44 otect by opsonophagocytic activity in the absence of SBA is not known.
45  of out-of-hospital cardiac arrest, the optimal strategy is not known.
46 ection for both patient selection and long-term survival is not known.
47 an lead to the discovery of new reactivity, transformations not known in biology, and reactivity inaccessible by small-mo
48 rally acquired prions toward FDC within Peyer's patches was not known.
49 o roles of TFEB in the mammalian intestinal epithelium were not known.
50 tus and one for phosphatidylcholine biosynthesis, that were not known to be essential for phototrophic growth.

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