


コーパス検索結果 ( right1)

1   Metal catalysts and moisture- and air-free conditions are not required.
2 ndicating that direct interaction between HAdV-5 and CAR is not required.
3 ng multiple rounds of vegetative growth when sporulation is not required.
4 sence of Rqc1; however, its E3 ubiquitin ligase activity is not required.
5 r localization, but the conserved DNA binding residues were not required.
6 quenching component whereas inclusion in supercomplexes was not required.
7                              However, at this stage this is not required as the detection limit achieved exceeded the req
8  strain was not attenuated in mice, suggesting that rfaH is not required for acute infection.
9 e show that FMRP regulates axonal protein expression but is not required for axonal transport of ribosomes or its target
10 nique in that activation loop (Thr(507)) phosphorylation is not required for catalytic activity.
11 placed by other aromatic rings and the pyrrolidinyl ring is not required for CB1 allosteric modulation.
12                                 While a cognate N domain is not required for crescent formation, it is required for virio
13 to cluster centrosomes and form bipolar spindles, but it is not required for division in almost all normal cells.
14 ain is essential for anchoring at parS, this interaction is not required for DNA condensation.
15                                          PD-L1 signaling is not required for engraftment of embryonic HSCs.
16 e find using time-lapse fluorescence imaging that cdc-42 is not required for epidermal cell polarization or junction asse
17 gnature of drug-context association, but this maturation is not required for establishing or retaining cocaine-CPP.
18 genome sequencing to demonstrate that the MMAR_0039 gene is not required for Esx-1 secretion or virulence.
19 and activation of critical PL molecular mechanisms that are not required for extinction.
20                                            However, LDs are not required for FA delivery to mitochondria but instead func
21 f the presence of WNV through the MAVS signaling pathway is not required for generation of effective immunity.
22 ect whole-body insulin tolerance, suggesting that TBC1D1 is not required for insulin-induced GLUT4 trafficking events.
23                              PM localization of Kit(mut) is not required for its signaling.
24 tes gliomagenesis, in some patients mutant IDH1 and 2HG are not required for later clonal expansions.
25 but not LTM maintenance, suggesting that CaMKII activity is not required for LTM storage.
26     Although FOXC1 knockout mouse studies showed that it is not required for mammary gland development during puberty, it
27          We found that matrix metalloproteinase activity is not required for matrix alignment before cell migration.
28                                                   KIF20B is not required for midbody assembly, but may accelerate or coor
29                                                    Although not required for normal platelet exocytosis or hemostasis, VA
30                                                    CMTM6 is not required for PD-L1 maturation but co-localizes with PD-L1
31            We found stimulated polymerization of F-actin is not required for Syk recruitment but is progressively involve
32        Here, we test the hypothesis that the Ubl2 domain is not required for the catalytic function of MERS PLpro in vitr
33 uvenile recovery assay, indicating the oxidized compound is not required for the food signal.
34                          The catalytic activity of PARP1 is not required for the initial complex formation with XPC in th
35  the AtMC1 catalytic site, and that the AtMC1 prodomain was not required for the interaction.
36            We also demonstrate that PTPdelta interaction is not required for this activity, while IL1RAPL1 mediates the a
37     The current study suggests that postnatal experience is not required for this preference.
38 transcription factors including CYCLOPS, NIN, and ERN1 were not required for this response.
39                             Direct contact between pups was not required for transmission indicating the importance of an
40                                     However, myosin VIIa is not required for USH2 complex assembly in photoreceptors.
41 iciency of genome packaging when a packageable viral RNA is not required for virus assembly is currently unknown.
42 ractive drug target because cleavage of concatemeric DNA is not required in mammalian cell DNA replication, indicating th
43 rotein antigen and adjuvant: B7 was required on DCs but was not required on B cells, whereas CD40 was required on B cells
44  a centrifugation/filtration step to decrease turbidity are not required, thus reducing costs and sample preparation time
45 ecules, giving rise to a cheaper and a robust method (it is not required to be stored at 4 degrees C) with high binding c
46             Shear heating may occur within the fault but is not required to explain our observations.
47                                         Thus subduction was not required to produce TTGs in the early Archaean eon.
48 in less PDR worsening compared with PRP, especially in eyes not required to receive ranibizumab for center-involved DME.
49            Derivatization, extraction and rinsing steps are not required to separate the analytes from the bioelectrolyte
50 ults demonstrate that multiply phosphorylated receptors are not required to support most EGF-stimulated signaling but ide

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