コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)
1 toimmune antigen and is a constituent of the nuclear body.
2 its featured subcellular structure, the PML nuclear body.
3 ium, protein clusters with the properties of nuclear bodies.
4 protein (PML) stability and formation of PML nuclear bodies.
5 s, and the L2/DNA complex accumulates at PML nuclear bodies.
6 required for the accumulation of SMN in sub-nuclear bodies.
7 associate with promyelocytic leukemia (PML) nuclear bodies.
8 assemble, maintain, and regulate particular nuclear bodies.
9 xtaposed with promyelocytic leukemia protein nuclear bodies.
10 nscriptional coregulator Daxx, SUMO, and PML nuclear bodies.
11 n involves two steps that take place at ND10 nuclear bodies.
12 oplasm to subnuclear foci called phytochrome nuclear bodies.
13 F61p-mediated dispersion of Sp100-containing nuclear bodies.
14 Maf localization into promyelocytic leukemia nuclear bodies.
15 P8 localize in structures that abut the ND10 nuclear bodies.
16 ng PML and Sp100, key components of the ND10 nuclear bodies.
17 and compartments, collectively described as nuclear bodies.
18 arge measure dependent on events in the ND10 nuclear bodies.
19 ic nuclear fission with reduced formation of nuclear bodies.
20 Pol II do not require that it accumulate in nuclear bodies.
21 pends upon prior localization of HIRA to PML nuclear bodies.
22 SUMO-1 is targeted to promyelocytic leukemia nuclear bodies.
23 tion of promyelocytic leukemia (PML) protein nuclear bodies.
24 one, HIRA, into promyelocytic leukemia (PML) nuclear bodies.
25 kt phosphatase PP2a as well as pAkt into Pml nuclear bodies.
26 labeling appeared to colocalize with the PML nuclear bodies.
27 oylation and SF-1 relocalization to discrete nuclear bodies.
28 with Nbs1 or promyelocytic leukemia protein nuclear bodies.
29 it failed to localize efficiently to the PML nuclear bodies.
30 1, was able to target YFP to the nucleus and nuclear bodies.
31 of SOP-2 partially restores localization to nuclear bodies.
32 ociation with promyelocytic leukemia protein nuclear bodies.
33 ND10 or promyelocytic leukemia protein (PML) nuclear bodies.
34 from the cytoplasm to promyelocytic leukemia nuclear bodies.
35 main and localizes in promyelocytic leukemia nuclear bodies.
36 associate with promyelocytic leukemia (PML) nuclear bodies.
37 r) causes the accumulation of E7 in discrete nuclear bodies.
38 -cell differentiation and retained LIN-11 in nuclear bodies.
39 g ABI5 for ubiquitin-mediated degradation in nuclear bodies.
40 ting it to multiprotein complexes termed PML-nuclear bodies.
41 by recruiting it to nuclear foci termed PML nuclear bodies.
42 sure an effective mergence of ICP0 with ND10 nuclear bodies.
43 and phytochromes colocalize and interact in nuclear bodies.
44 localizes to promyelocytic leukemia-adjacent nuclear bodies.
45 A in the nucleus and localization of phyA to nuclear bodies.
46 so disorganizes promyelocytic leukemia (PML) nuclear bodies.
47 ounteract RNF4 to inhibit the dissolution of nuclear bodies.
48 distribution of the chromatin into apoptotic nuclear bodies.
49 gh-irradiance white light, phyB formed large nuclear bodies.
50 acts with GATA-1 and can recruit it into PML nuclear bodies.
51 d chromatin does not localize into apoptotic nuclear bodies.
52 ough to restrain the formation of small phyB nuclear bodies.
53 d their localizations using markers of known nuclear bodies.
54 nsmitted to daughter cells in 53BP1-shielded nuclear bodies.
55 and provide key information for research on nuclear bodies.
56 uding nucleoli (148), promyelocytic leukemia nuclear bodies (38), nuclear speckles (27), paraspeckles
57 paraspeckles (24), Cajal bodies (17), Sam68 nuclear bodies (5), Polycomb bodies (2), and uncharacter
59 se proximity to promyelocytic leukemia (PML) nuclear bodies, a reversible process that recruits the m
61 isintegration of promonocytic leukemia (PML) nuclear bodies, an intracellular event critical to produ
62 teins is critical to form the discrete NAC-1 nuclear bodies and essential for tumor cell proliferatio
64 nuclear speckles, mediates splicing at these nuclear bodies and exports the spliced M2 mRNA from the
66 ntial for its localization to characteristic nuclear bodies and for its in vivo function in the repre
67 that associations within and between various nuclear bodies and genomic loci are dynamic and can chan
68 cally induce HIRA/PML co-localization at PML nuclear bodies and HIRA recruitment to IFN target genes,
69 214, although mostly cytoplasmic, also forms nuclear bodies and inhibits nuclear protein but not poly
70 onsive transactivator (CREST) is targeted to nuclear bodies and is required for the normal developmen
72 itiation whereas in the nucleus, eIF4E forms nuclear bodies and promotes the nucleo-cytoplasmic expor
73 e first atlas of human proteins in different nuclear bodies and provide key information for research
74 ansformed cells induces the formation of PML nuclear bodies and recruits APC/C to these subnuclear st
77 erferon increases the size and number of PML nuclear bodies and stimulates transcription of several g
79 he first time that MLH1 associates with ND10 nuclear bodies and that like other ND10 proteins, MLH1 i
80 ear movements, resulting in repositioning of nuclear bodies and the associated chromatin within the n
81 enes within chromosomes, the distribution of nuclear bodies and the interplay between these different
82 hat E4 ORF3 regulates activities in both PML nuclear bodies and the MRN complex to stimulate the vira
83 reatly inhibits E1B-55K association with PML nuclear bodies and the p53 nuclear export to cytoplasmic
84 ociated proteins, affect the assembly of PML nuclear bodies and the recruitment of proteins in and ou
85 ctivates p53 by first sequestering it in PML nuclear bodies and then greatly facilitating its nuclear
87 BNA3CDelta343-545 colocalized with SUMO-1 in nuclear bodies and was modified by SUMO-2, SUMO-3, and S
88 5K-induced p53 sumoylation, tethering in PML nuclear bodies, and E1B-55K inhibition of p53 activity.
89 nuclear speckles, mediates splicing at these nuclear bodies, and exports the spliced M2 mRNA from the
91 e components of promyelocytic leukemia (PML) nuclear bodies, and IE1 and pp71, acting together, almos
92 ated in promyelocytic leukemia protein (PML) nuclear bodies, and PML induces a striking nuclear accum
93 modification of LEF-1, sequestering it into nuclear bodies, and SUMO-1 ligation to c-Myb, modulating
94 , we show that HFR1 colocalizes with COP1 in nuclear bodies, and that the HFR1 N-terminal region (ami
95 s associated to promyelocytic leukemia (PML) nuclear bodies, and we show that neither IFN-alpha nor I
109 ein that forms sub-nuclear structures termed nuclear bodies associated with transcriptionally active
110 of the cell nucleus by SUMO modification of nuclear body-associated PML and uptake of the ubiquitin
112 and SUMO binding motifs on PML and other PML nuclear-body-associated proteins, affect the assembly of
113 associates with promyelocytic leukemia (PML) nuclear bodies, becomes SUMOylated, and recruits corepre
116 ts, which are defined by several distinctive nuclear bodies believed to be factories of DNA or RNA pr
117 per in this issue highlights key features of nuclear body biogenesis and suggests a unifying model in
118 nst either TopBP1 or Brd4 destroys the E1-E2 nuclear bodies but has no effect on E1-E2-mediated level
120 oes not indefinitely support the emulsion of nuclear bodies, but only kinetically stabilizes them by
121 s the nuclear membrane, other chromosomes or nuclear bodies, but the resulting forces cannot be direc
122 cytic leukaemia (APL) accumulates in the PML nuclear body, but cytoplasmic PML isoforms of unknown fu
124 cells, light can induce de novo formation of nuclear bodies called photobodies (PBs) composed of the
125 tional promyelocytic leukaemia protein (PML) nuclear bodies co-ordinate PTEN localization by opposing
126 recent progress in our understanding of how nuclear body components come together, what happens when
130 cause colocalization and merger of ICP0 with nuclear bodies containing Sp100 and Daxx is ineffective,
132 e11, Daxx, as well as the integrity of these nuclear bodies contribute to the transformation process.
135 evealed that E1B-55K tethering of p53 in PML nuclear bodies decreases the in vivo nuclear mobility of
136 t for the dissociation of ATRX and Daxx from nuclear bodies during de novo infection of primary B lym
137 ures known as ND10 or promyelocytic leukemia nuclear bodies during the early stages of lytic infectio
138 ion forks outside the promyelocytic leukemia nuclear bodies during the S-phase arrest of the cell cyc
139 n of PML in neuroblastoma cells restored PML-nuclear bodies, enhanced responsiveness to all-trans-ret
140 malian genes localize near nuclear speckles, nuclear bodies enriched in ribonucleic acid-processing f
142 ls that the contents of many (membrane-free) nuclear bodies exchange rapidly with the soluble pool wh
144 We suggest that E7 relocates to specific nuclear bodies for proteolysis in HPV-containing epithel
146 cation, causing mitotic abnormalities, 53BP1 nuclear body formation in the ensuing G1 phase, and G1 a
147 ecular self-organization is thought to drive nuclear body formation, but whether this occurs stochast
148 us, we uncover a DNA under replication-53BP1 nuclear body formation-G1 arrest axis as an unanticipate
152 to a specific type of promyelocytic leukemia nuclear body found in immortalized cells that maintain t
153 lear actin network that prevents liquid-like nuclear bodies from immediate sedimentation and coalesce
154 n adenoviruses is the ability to disrupt PML nuclear bodies from their normally punctate appearance i
156 tin modifiers and other machineries, various nuclear bodies have been shown to sequester and modify p
158 re that DCL1 and HYL1 colocalize in discrete nuclear bodies in addition to being present in a low-lev
163 DNA elimination occurs, Wag1p forms multiple nuclear bodies in the developing macronuclei that do not
164 hat both GFP-CRY2 and endogenous CRY2 formed nuclear bodies in the presence of the 26S-proteasome inh
165 n assays and are localized to aggregated PML-nuclear bodies in undifferentiated pluripotent human NTe
166 of SOP-2 is required for its localization to nuclear bodies in vivo and for its physiological repress
168 indicate that E1B-55K's association with PML nuclear bodies inactivates p53 by first sequestering it
170 dentified 325 proteins localized to distinct nuclear bodies, including nucleoli (148), promyelocytic
171 omponents of the histone locus body (HLB), a nuclear body involved in the expression of replication-d
172 gests a unifying model in which formation of nuclear bodies is driven by nonrandom, biologically dete
173 etween the 3D organization of the genome and nuclear bodies is essential to fully uncover the regulat
175 proposed functions of promyelocytic leukemia nuclear bodies is regulation of gene transcription, we s
179 The promyelocytic leukemia protein (PML)-nuclear body is a cellular structure that is disrupted d
181 h as Cajal bodies (CBs), nucleoli, and other nuclear bodies, is dynamic and can change in response to
183 me instability such as micronuclei and 53BP1 nuclear bodies, known consequences of persistently stall
184 were also required for EBNA3C sumolation and nuclear body localization but were dispensable for coact
185 O binding affects Daxx-PML interactions, PML nuclear body localization, and Daxx-mediated repression
186 Thus, the distinct HYL1- and DCL1-containing nuclear bodies may be miRNA precursor processing sites.
187 response to blue light, suggesting that the nuclear bodies may result from accumulation of photoexci
190 nforces promyelocytic leukemia protein (PML) nuclear body (NB) formation and partner protein recruitm
193 ell death upon gamma-irradiation through PML-nuclear body (NB)-mediated control of p53 acetylation.
195 of the promyelocytic leukemia protein (PML) nuclear bodies (NBs) and interacts with a number of tran
196 een proposed to control the formation of PML nuclear bodies (NBs) and is crucial for PML-dependent ce
200 Persistent TopBP1 foci transition into 53BP1 nuclear bodies (NBs) in G1 and precise temporal depletio
201 ntalization of RNA biosynthetic factors into nuclear bodies (NBs) is a ubiquitous feature of eukaryot
202 h disruption of promyelocytic leukemia (PML) nuclear bodies (NBs) mediated by the PML-retinoic acid r
205 locytic leukemia (PML) protein organizes PML nuclear bodies (NBs), which are stress-responsive domain
206 otein (PML) is an essential organizer of PML nuclear bodies (NBs), which carry out a variety of activ
211 , disruption of functions connected with PML nuclear bodies (ND10), and inhibition of cellular histon
213 h PIAS3 and SUMO-1 in promyelocytic leukemia nuclear bodies, nuclear domains involved in regulation o
214 with E1B-55K in promyelocytic leukemia (PML) nuclear bodies, nuclear domains with a high concentratio
217 umber of the snoRNAs and the localization to nuclear bodies of two putative scaRNAs was confirmed by
218 nown as promyelocytic leukemia protein (PML) nuclear bodies or ND10 and disrupts their integrity by i
219 cellular nuclear substructures known as PML nuclear bodies or ND10, is one of the most notable prote
220 ctures known as PML (promyelocytic leukemia) nuclear bodies or ND10, while the immediate-early (IE) p
225 Cellular bodies such as P bodies and PML nuclear bodies (PML NBs) appear to be phase-separated li
227 ML) protein is an essential component of PML nuclear bodies (PML NBs) frequently lost in cancer.
229 otein associated with promyelocytic leukemia nuclear bodies (PML NBs), is a target of herpes simplex
231 rred by components of promyelocytic leukemia nuclear bodies (PML NBs), which respond to infection by
235 hat are components of promyelocytic leukemia nuclear bodies (PML NBs, also known as ND10) have restri
244 LP interacts with the promyelocytic leukemia nuclear body (PML NB)-associated protein Sp100 and displ
246 V-infected cells, the promyelocytic leukemia nuclear body (PML-NB) protein Daxx silences viral immedi
247 e defense mediated by promyelocytic leukemia nuclear body (PML-NB) proteins such as Daxx and histone
248 t to reorganize a nuclear subdomain, the PML nuclear body (PML-NB), from punctate structures into elo
249 es a multiprotein nuclear structure, the PML-nuclear body (PML-NB), whose proper formation and functi
251 tumorigenesis, other promyelocytic leukemia nuclear body (PML-NB)/PML oncogenic domain (POD)-associa
252 with p63, (ii) p63 is localized into the PML nuclear-bodies (PML-NBs) in vivo, and (iii) PML regulate
257 sensor of pathogen DNA, and also of the PML nuclear body proteins PML and hDaxx, as revealed by live
259 nd G1-specific p53-binding protein 1 (53BP1) nuclear bodies provide a mechanism for resolving unrepli
262 onal forces also cause creep displacement of nuclear bodies, resulting in their asymmetric nuclear di
264 YFP-DCL1 fusion proteins colocalize to small nuclear bodies similar to Cajal bodies but lacking the C
265 e foci containing SREBP-2 are electron-dense nuclear bodies, similar or identical to structures conta
267 on, and elevated levels of 53BP1-positive G1 nuclear bodies, suggesting that defects in chromosome se
268 l as another component of the PML-containing nuclear body, SUMO-1, and SREBP-2 within these nuclear s
271 onstrate that NAC-1 is localized in discrete nuclear bodies (tentatively named NAC-1 bodies), and the
272 ic leukemia (PML) protein is aggregated into nuclear bodies that are associated with diverse nuclear
274 P0 to nuclear domain 10 (ND10), the discrete nuclear bodies that impose restrictions on viral express
275 in in PARG mutants, but accumulates in large nuclear bodies that may be involved in protein recycling
276 HeLa cells leads to the formation of similar nuclear bodies that recruit CRM1, export cargo proteins,
277 ntagonizes the formation and function of PML nuclear bodies that regulate numerous signaling pathways
278 protein, and fibrillarin occur together in a nuclear body that is closely associated with the nucleol
279 l. show that formation of the paraspeckle, a nuclear body that regulates gene expression, requires lo
280 protein and the accumulation of SnoN in PML nuclear bodies, thus allowing SnoN to stabilize p53 and
281 mation within the chains and the presence of nuclear bodies to quantify the extent to which these mec
282 is responsible for BNRF1 localization to PML-nuclear bodies typically associated with host-antiviral
283 HIPK2 partially colocalized with AIRE in nuclear bodies upon cotransfection and in human mTECs in
285 these structures and that the absence of PML-nuclear bodies was a feature of N- and I-type, but not S
287 examine the composition and function of PML-nuclear bodies, we observed that the human neuroblastoma
289 SATB1 localized into promyelocytic leukemia nuclear bodies where enhanced SATB1 cleavage was detecte
290 RNF4, but RNF4 quickly follows PML into the nuclear bodies where it is responsible for ubiquitylatio
291 ia (PML) protein and is recruited to the PML nuclear bodies where it stabilizes p53, leading to prema
292 on of arsenic, PML immediately transits into nuclear bodies where it undergoes SUMO modification.
293 known chromatin regulator, HIRA, enters PML nuclear bodies, where it transiently colocalizes with HP
295 Sp100 is a prototypical protein of ND10/PML nuclear bodies, which colocalizes with Daxx and the prot
296 in the expression of promyelocytic leukemia nuclear bodies, which decreases GluA1 (also called Gria1
297 r U7 small nuclear RNP resides in a separate nuclear body, which we call the histone locus body (HLB)
298 ntial architectural component of paraspeckle nuclear bodies, whose pathophysiological relevance remai
299 6AP expressed elevated levels of PML and PML-nuclear bodies with a concomitant increase in markers of
300 or for seedling deetiolation, colocalizes in nuclear bodies with CONSTITUTIVELY PHOTOMORPHOGENIC (COP
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