コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)
1 ed by large intranuclear protein aggregates (nuclear inclusions).
2 accumulates in a single, ubiquitin-positive nuclear inclusion.
3 tion but increase the fraction of cells with nuclear inclusions.
4 g its sequestration away from promoters into nuclear inclusions.
5 omoted the accumulation of mutant ATXN7 into nuclear inclusions.
6 y by the presence of neuropil aggregates and nuclear inclusions.
7 to aggregate and form larger cytoplasmic or nuclear inclusions.
8 th AR species but not to fragment-containing nuclear inclusions.
9 plicing defects in the absence of detectable nuclear inclusions.
10 redistributed Sp100 to mutant ataxin-1[82Q] nuclear inclusions.
11 Hsp70 decreases the percentage of cells with nuclear inclusions.
12 val lethality, but not neuronal apoptosis or nuclear inclusions.
13 ese neurons weeks prior to the appearance of nuclear inclusions.
14 n of the protein, with large cytoplasmic and nuclear inclusions.
15 ensity of such cells to form cytoplasmic and nuclear inclusions.
16 ence the appearance or frequency of neuronal nuclear inclusions.
17 ost CBP was not co-localized with huntingtin nuclear inclusions.
18 om the depletion of transcription factors by nuclear inclusions.
19 oduced from the mutant allele is retained in nuclear inclusions.
20 huntingtin, but not normal huntingtin, forms nuclear inclusions.
21 eractive and that contain paramyxovirus-like nuclear inclusions.
22 med vacuoles and filamentous cytoplasmic and nuclear inclusions.
23 XN1 colocalized and interacted with ATXN1 in nuclear inclusions.
24 that relies on the tobacco etch virus (TEV) nuclear inclusion a (NIa) protease and leads to the coor
26 e have shown that the protease domain of the nuclear inclusion a protease (NIaPro) from PVY is the el
27 ed that production of a single TuMV protein, Nuclear Inclusion a-Protease (NIa-Pro) domain, was respo
30 give rise to repeat expansion RNAs that form nuclear inclusions and compromise the function of myonuc
31 ainst neuronal dysfunction for polyglutamine nuclear inclusions and exclude significant impairment of
32 he toxic RNA is associated with formation of nuclear inclusions and late-onset degenerative changes i
34 lation of the mutant Atxn3 protein, abundant nuclear inclusions and, in select brain regions, extranu
35 r membrane blebbing, mitochondrial swelling, nuclear inclusions, and absence of junctional end feet.
37 on and had tubulointerstitial nephritis with nuclear inclusions, apoptosis, and progressive destructi
38 in HD postmortem brains and by the fact that nuclear inclusions are only detected by antibodies to th
39 -glucuronidase (GUS) were placed between the nuclear inclusion b (NIb) and coat protein (CP) domains
40 no acid sequence of the potato virus Y (PVY) nuclear inclusion b protein is highly homologous to the
41 rganize the VICE domain component Hsc70 into nuclear inclusion bodies that resemble VICE domains.
44 a large heterogeneity in the dynamics of the nuclear inclusions compared with the compact and immobil
45 c ganglion cells in PrP-SCA7-92Q mice harbor nuclear inclusions composed of transgene-derived ataxin-
52 ell signaling cascades, is incorporated into nuclear inclusions formed by polyglutamine-containing pr
53 tamine protein, ataxin-3, and establish that nuclear inclusions formed by this protein are aggregates
55 hich aggregate into neuronal cytoplasmic and nuclear inclusions in affected patients, however their c
56 ent of several non-neuronal tissues revealed nuclear inclusions in hepatocytes and choroid plexus epi
57 patients, aggregates were more prominent as nuclear inclusions in NADPH-diaphorase neurons, with les
58 nt is expressed in transgenic mice, it forms nuclear inclusions in neurons and causes early death.
59 similar clinical findings and of viral-like nuclear inclusions in osteoclasts, we hypothesized that
60 4 protein is associated with cytoplasmic and nuclear inclusions in productively infected keratinocyte
63 nd their relocalization into E4-ORF3-induced nuclear inclusions is required for this modification to
64 oxide synthase-positive neurons (which lack nuclear inclusions), loss of nerve fibers in the myenter
65 with an expanded polyglutamine repeat led to nuclear inclusion (NI) formation and late-onset cell deg
66 rounding polyQ specifies the constituents of nuclear inclusions (NI) formed by the disease protein.
67 e 1 (SCA1), aggregates in ubiquitin-positive nuclear inclusions (NI) that alter proteasome distributi
68 lutamine proteins form aggregates, including nuclear inclusions (NI), within neurons, possibly due to
73 y play a role in various other diseases with nuclear inclusions or foci containing an RNA binding pro
74 opment in the field since the recognition of nuclear inclusions or the propensity of polyglutamine to
76 e observed complexity in the dynamics of the nuclear inclusions provides a molecular explanation for
78 ore nucleated than normal and some contained nuclear inclusions similar to those observed in human PD
79 f ATXN7-92Q, inhibiting its aggregation into nuclear inclusions that sequester DUBm components, leadi
80 enic polyQ proteins accumulate in axonal and nuclear inclusions, titrate soluble motor proteins, and
81 pression, mutant ataxin-1, including that in nuclear inclusions, was cleared rapidly from Purkinje ce
84 Cs, i.e., the short CTs reveal predominantly nuclear inclusions, whereas the long CTs prominently rev
85 plications in the formation of the insoluble nuclear inclusions, which are characteristic of codon re
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