コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)
1 3L (a membrane scaffold protein), and L4R (a nucleic acid binding protein).
2 as a G4 quadruplex and purine motif triplex nucleic acid-binding protein.
3 viously been identified as G4p2, a G-quartet nucleic acid-binding protein.
4 l tRNA synthetases suggest that Maf may be a nucleic acid-binding protein.
5 present data suggesting that HIV-1 Vpr is a nucleic-acid-binding protein.
6 es affinity distributions of highly specific nucleic acid binding proteins.
7 iptional functions for these single stranded nucleic acid binding proteins.
8 of the function of individual KH domains in nucleic acid binding proteins.
9 hed to influence the activity of nuclear and nucleic acid binding proteins.
10 ods and findings can be generalized to other nucleic acid binding proteins.
11 ity it may prove possible to better engineer nucleic acid binding proteins.
12 ing proteins such as U1A than other types of nucleic acid binding proteins.
13 ffective means of modulating the behavior of nucleic acid binding proteins.
14 gy (KH) motif is one of the major classes of nucleic acid binding proteins.
15 ncodes a novel member of the Y box family of nucleic acid binding proteins.
16 ators of posttranslational modification, and nucleic acid-binding proteins.
17 uses these mobility differences to identify nucleic acid-binding proteins.
18 e acting protein was in the hnRNPA family of nucleic acid-binding proteins.
19 for affinity microcapture of site-specific, nucleic acid-binding proteins.
20 o acid residues, are present in a variety of nucleic-acid-binding proteins.
21 rgenic region on chromosome 2q32.3, close to nucleic acid binding protein 1 (most significant single
22 study, we associated polymorphisms close to nucleic acid binding protein 1 (which encodes a DNA-bind
23 parallel with the separation that delineates nucleic acid-binding proteins, although most of the inso
25 and was antigenically distinct from cellular nucleic acid-binding protein and Y-box-binding factor 1,
26 ed strand-helix motif, which occurs in other nucleic acid-binding proteins and may represent a common
29 conservation, suggest that RbfA is indeed a nucleic acid-binding protein, and identify a potential R
33 otransposon polyprotein domains, including a nucleic acid binding protein, aspartyl protease, reverse
34 ferences that exist between the two types of nucleic acid binding protein at the atomic contact level
35 and functionally characterized the borrelial nucleic acid-binding protein BpuR, a PUR domain-containi
37 tion termination factor (mTERF) proteins are nucleic acid binding proteins characterized by degenerat
39 by disruption of the gene encoding cellular nucleic acid binding protein (CNBP); Cnbp transgenic mic
40 ecific interaction between AGIL and cellular nucleic acid binding protein (CNBP/ZNF9), a zinc-finger
42 in various organisms suggests that cellular nucleic acid-binding protein (CNBP) plays a fundamental
44 is a member of a previously unknown class of nucleic acid binding proteins, composed of a single glob
45 protein, a model for single-strand specific nucleic acid-binding proteins, consists of three structu
47 ences were overrepresented by those encoding nucleic acid binding proteins, cytoskeleton components,
48 lots, affinity isolation and purification of nucleic acids binding proteins, diagnostic assays requir
50 o contains multiple structural alignments of nucleic acid-binding protein families with annotations o
51 -shock proteins (Csps) are a family of small nucleic acid-binding proteins found in 72% of sequenced
53 glutamate on DNA binding by Escherichia coli nucleic acid binding proteins has been extensively docum
54 g proteins, suggesting that the two kinds of nucleic acid-binding proteins have not evolved independe
55 regulates AR at this site, we identified the nucleic acid-binding protein, heterogeneous nuclear ribo
56 eport evidence that ribosomal protein S1 and nucleic acid-binding protein Hfq copurify in molar ratio
58 psid (NC) protein of retroviruses is a small nucleic acid-binding protein important in virion assembl
59 structural abnormalities and the presence of nucleic acid-binding proteins, including the TAR DNA bin
60 sequence homology of CEBP-1 with other plant nucleic acid binding proteins indicates a conserved nucl
62 ivates Rho signifies that the specificity of nucleic-acid binding proteins is defined not only by the
63 SE) binding protein (FBP), a single-stranded nucleic acid binding protein, is recruited to the c-myc
64 uo1, which has been shown previously to be a nucleic acid-binding protein, is also a ribosome-associa
65 the most evolutionarily conserved family of nucleic acid-binding proteins known among bacteria, plan
66 is testicular variant of the multifunctional nucleic acid-binding protein, KSRP, serves as a decay-pr
71 We performed a biochemical screen for novel nucleic acid binding proteins present in cell extracts o
72 ty is allied to conversion of the endogenous nucleic-acid-binding protein PrP to an infectious modifi
73 or belonging to a family of highly conserved nucleic acid-binding proteins related by their ability t
75 ecificity of these proteases for cleavage of nucleic acid binding protein substrates that play essent
76 ese changes also affected the degradation of nucleic acid-binding protein substrates of Lon, intracel
79 ucleoproteins (hnRNPs) are a large family of nucleic acid binding proteins that are often found in, b
80 us nuclear ribonucleoprotein K (hnRNPK) is a nucleic acid-binding protein that acts as a docking plat
81 uman hnRNP A1 is a versatile single-stranded nucleic acid-binding protein that functions in various a
82 em by coding for a highly positively charged nucleic acid-binding protein that is packaged along with
83 ) from Escherichia coli is a single-stranded nucleic acid-binding protein that is produced in respons
84 om Escherichia coli K12 is a single-stranded nucleic acid-binding protein that plays a role in chromo
85 ding proteins (PCBPs) constitute a family of nucleic acid-binding proteins that play important roles
86 roteins, such as human YB-1, are a family of nucleic acid-binding proteins that share a region of hig
88 ox proteins are a family of highly conserved nucleic acid binding proteins which are conserved from b
89 bearing proteins are a large superfamily of nucleic acid binding proteins, which constitute a major
90 has previously been shown to be an abundant nucleic acid-binding protein whose synthesis is induced
93 ctures of human Puf-A that reveal a class of nucleic acid-binding proteins with 11 PUM repeats arrang
94 It should facilitate the identification of a nucleic acid-binding protein within approximately 4 d.
96 of the TJ-associated protein ZO-1-associated nucleic acid binding protein (ZONAB) were evaluated usin
99 eviously, we have identified ZO-1-associated nucleic acid binding proteins (ZONAB), a Y-box transcrip
100 Y-box transcription factor, ZO-1-associated nucleic acid-binding protein (ZONAB), in a GTP-dependent
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