


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1  and appears to form a core in the center of nucleocapsid.
2 n and other viral proteins to form a helical nucleocapsid.
3  from a common ancestor that has this unique nucleocapsid.
4 esting that the structure is equivalent to a nucleocapsid.
5 lymer of nucleoproteins that constitutes the nucleocapsid.
6 re freezing in preserving the vaccinia virus nucleocapsid.
7 e to consistently preserve and visualize the nucleocapsid.
8 tream, and the RNA genome is restored in the nucleocapsid.
9 structure and biological significance of the nucleocapsid.
10 eric and tethers the viral polymerase to the nucleocapsid.
11             These particles do not contain a nucleocapsid.
12  nucleocapsid protein (N), and the assembled nucleocapsid.
13 latory mechanisms of nuclear egress of viral nucleocapsids.
14 he nucleoprotein (N), giving rise to helical nucleocapsids.
15 the circularized DNAs that are packaged into nucleocapsids.
16 in the nuclear release or transport of viral nucleocapsids.
17 tails were often detected at the rear end of nucleocapsids.
18 itively blocking the nuclear import of viral nucleocapsids.
19  loci are circularized before packaging into nucleocapsids.
20 nucleocapsids and the absence of cytoplasmic nucleocapsids.
21  mutant in cytoplasmic accumulation of viral nucleocapsids.
22  large RNA polymerase (L) decorate the viral nucleocapsids.
23 sary for efficient nuclear egress of progeny nucleocapsids.
24 ired for efficient nuclear egress of progeny nucleocapsids.
25 and packaging of the viral genome into viral nucleocapsids.
26 d that these gaps frequently contained viral nucleocapsids.
27 on reconstructions of complete mononegavirus nucleocapsids.
28                                 We show that nucleocapsid AC141 associates with the lepidopteran Tric
29                                          The nucleocapsid acts as a scaffold for virus assembly and a
30                     They contain an internal nucleocapsid and an external lattice of the viral E2 and
31 e viral core protein, which forms the virion nucleocapsid and is targeted to the surface of lipid dro
32    Finally, nucleic acids interact with both nucleocapsid and matrix domains, and proteolytic process
33 in protease, enhances processing between the nucleocapsid and p6 domains of Gag, resulting in more co
34                          Moreover, efficient nucleocapsid and particle assembly proceeds only when th
35 e of the protein L4 for the formation of the nucleocapsid and reveal in addition that the nucleocapsi
36 iagnostic platform should include a panel of nucleocapsid and spike proteins from phylogenetically di
37 nucleocapsid and reveal in addition that the nucleocapsid and the core wall may be associated, sugges
38  highly complex structural layer between the nucleocapsid and the envelope of virions.
39 ment, a complex structural layer between the nucleocapsid and the envelope within virus particles.
40  temperature-sensitive mutations in both the nucleocapsid and the polymerase could be used to design
41 g hemifusion but failing to uncoat the viral nucleocapsid and to replicate in host nuclei.
42      These viral inclusions contain the EBOV nucleocapsids and are sites of viral replication and nuc
43 d for specific packaging of pgRNA into viral nucleocapsids and initiation of viral reverse transcript
44 ed cells showed the presence of intranuclear nucleocapsids and the absence of cytoplasmic nucleocapsi
45  is necessary for pgRNA packaging into viral nucleocapsids and the initiation of viral reverse transc
46 insights into the spatiotemporal dynamics of nucleocapsids and their interaction with the cytoskeleto
47 rallel orientation of subunits in the linear nucleocapsid, and a (5H + 3H) motif that forms a proper
48 dent RNA polymerase, glycoprotein precursor, nucleocapsid, and P4 proteins of WMoV exhibited limited
49 ther appear to form the central core of VEEV nucleocapsids, and their interaction is one of the drivi
50 on mediated by the viral glycoproteins, HMPV nucleocapsids are released into the cell cytoplasm.
51                                              Nucleocapsids are too large to diffuse in the cytoplasm
52 nica multiple nucleopolyhedrovirus (AcMNPV), nucleocapsids are transported through the cell.
53 esults indicate that the mechanisms by which nucleocapsids are transported to the farthest reaches of
54 ing spacer peptide 1 that connects capsid to nucleocapsid, are intrinsically disordered.
55 l RdRp uses the genomic RNA inside the viral nucleocapsid as the template to synthesize viral RNAs.
56 LK1 is associated with the biogenesis of the nucleocapsid, as BI-2536 leads to its decreased intracel
57 on between VP24 and NP was required for both nucleocapsid assembly and genome packaging.
58 available data regarding the role of VP24 in nucleocapsid assembly as well as genome replication and
59 s inhibitors showed intact nuclear stages of nucleocapsid assembly but the cytoplasmic virus maturati
60 ggested that both SBAs and BAs inhibited HBV nucleocapsid assembly by binding to the heteroaryldihydr
61                            We found that the nucleocapsid assembly of all NSVs shares three essential
62 core protein that play roles in defining the nucleocapsid assembly pathway.
63 ng the organization of the pre-genome during nucleocapsid assembly, facilitating subsequent reverse t
64 es in particular, the mechanistic process of nucleocapsid assembly, RNA encapsidation, and the roles
65 d protein, SD1, plays a critical role in the nucleocapsid assembly.
66 prehensive model for the function of VP24 in nucleocapsid assembly.
67 ged subdomain is a negative regulator of the nucleocapsid assembly.
68 ption and acting as a nucleation complex for nucleocapsid assembly.
69 ion was associated with enhanced exposure of nucleocapsid-associated DNA, the exposed viral DNA indee
70                                   AC141 is a nucleocapsid-associated protein required for BV egress a
71 in-dependent long-distance transport of EBOV nucleocapsids before budding at the cell surface.
72 f antiviral signaling, suggesting that RIG-I-nucleocapsid binding alone can inhibit infection.
73  a manner that facilitates genome packaging; nucleocapsid binds to many sites on the HIV-1 genome and
74                     The polyvalent nature of nucleocapsid borne NP and display of the C-terminal regi
75 t & Microbe, Weber et al. show that incoming nucleocapsid-bound genomes are sufficient to bind and ac
76 ages of these mutants showed assembled viral nucleocapsids but no completed, mature virions.
77 izes the 5'-triphosphorylated dsRNA on FLUAV nucleocapsids but that polymorphisms at position 627 of
78 it positions the polymerase complex onto the nucleocapsid, but also acts as a chaperone for the nucle
79 izes into the final, icosahedrally symmetric nucleocapsid by displacing the excess CPs from the RNA t
80 perturbing assembly and disassembly of viral nucleocapsids by inducing structural rigidity.
81  the spontaneous disassembly of HIV-1 capsid-nucleocapsid (CA-NC) complexes in vitro.
82 ivity to SUN1, and in vitro-assembled capsid-nucleocapsid (CANC) nanotubes captured SUN1 and SUN2 fro
83 r, DRFs also bound in vitro assembled capsid-nucleocapsid complexes and promoted the disassembly of H
84 s reveal the identity and arrangement of the nucleocapsid components, and suggest that the formation
85 in-core links nucleoprotein oligomerization, nucleocapsid condensation, RNA encapsidation, and access
86 rticipates in viral genome encapsidation and nucleocapsid core formation, followed by its attachment
87                                      The HCV nucleocapsid core localizes to the surface of LDs and in
88         Heightened RIG-I sensing of PB2-627E nucleocapsids correlates with previously established low
89 avian FLUAV restriction factor and highlight nucleocapsid disruption as an antiviral strategy.
90        Nucleic acids bind exclusively to the nucleocapsid domain and fix the orientation of the two Z
91 nd after virion assembly and maturation, the nucleocapsid domain of Gag preferentially binds to psi a
92 tment of actin to HIV-1 budding sites by the nucleocapsid domain of Gag.
93         Actin was found to interact with the nucleocapsid domain of the viral structural protein Gag
94 g domain; and the C-terminal, genome-binding nucleocapsid domain.
95 knuckles relative to one another so that the nucleocapsid domain/nucleic acid complex behaves as a si
96 ing the matrix, capsid, spacer peptide 1 and nucleocapsid domains (referred to as DeltaGag) by hetero
97 sport systems may be involved in baculovirus nucleocapsid egress and BV formation.
98                           Marginally located nucleocapsids entered filopodia, moved inside, and budde
99 l and cellular membranes, resulting in viral nucleocapsid entry into the cytoplasm.
100                                  Herpesvirus nucleocapsids escape from the nucleus in a process orche
101                                  Herpesvirus nucleocapsids exit the host cell nucleus in an unusual p
102  RNA (pgRNA) and DNA polymerase complex into nucleocapsids for reverse transcriptional DNA replicatio
103 on of this region of Core typically disrupts nucleocapsid formation in the cytoplasm, making it diffi
104 omains (CTD) of capsid proteins regulate the nucleocapsid formation.
105               Transport of ebolavirus (EBOV) nucleocapsids from perinuclear viral inclusions, where t
106 gress complex (NEC) for efficient transit of nucleocapsids from the nucleus to the cytoplasm.
107  EBOV-infected cells revealed exit of single nucleocapsids from the viral inclusions and their intric
108              A global analysis of known IYSV nucleocapsid gene (N gene) sequences was carried out to
109 upon binding the respiratory syncytial virus nucleocapsid gene RNA biomarker.
110                           The vaccinia virus nucleocapsid has been neglected since the 1960s due to a
111 id, and the N- and C-terminal Zn knuckles of nucleocapsid) have the same structures as their individu
112 s packaged and protected by long filamentous nucleocapsid-helix structures (RNPs).
113 Gag domains outside the CA (e.g., matrix and nucleocapsid) impact Gag oligomerization as well as imma
114 al RNA must be transiently released from the nucleocapsid in order to reveal the template RNA sequenc
115  typical "herringbone" appearance of helical nucleocapsids in paramyxoviruses.
116 ribution of vesicular stomatitis virus (VSV) nucleocapsids in the cytoplasm of infected cells was ana
117 in filaments are responsible for mobility of nucleocapsids in the cytoplasm, but that actin filaments
118 ier for most DNA viruses that assemble their nucleocapsids in the nucleus.
119 ncy entry of BV and the retention of progeny nucleocapsids in the perinuclear space during egress.
120 was readily detectable in the densely packed nucleocapsids inside perinuclear viral inclusions and in
121 or nucleoprotein and is increased by further nucleocapsid instability.
122  revealed no antibodies against p24, matrix, nucleocapsid, integrase, protease, and gp120, but low le
123           In this study, we examined whether nucleocapsids interact with lepidopteran kinesin-1 motor
124                       This suggests that the nucleocapsid interacts with the core wall and that the n
125 to membrane fusion and delivery of the viral nucleocapsid into the cellular cytoplasm.
126 ution in the cytoplasm, the incorporation of nucleocapsids into virions as determined in pulse-chase
127 r role than microtubules in incorporation of nucleocapsids into virions.
128   Prior studies have shown that the entry of nucleocapsids involves the polymerization of actin to pr
129           Formation of the hepatitis B virus nucleocapsid is an essential step in the viral lifecycle
130 re structure, detailing the structure of the nucleocapsid is indispensable for determining the mechan
131 sttranslational processing of the spikes and nucleocapsid is necessary to produce infectious virus.
132  a common mechanism of how the growth of the nucleocapsid is orchestrated, and highlight an interacti
133 nd E3 glycoproteins before assembly with the nucleocapsid is the key to producing fusion-competent ma
134              The effect of RIG-I on PB2-627E nucleocapsids is independent of antiviral signaling, sug
135 oteolytic processing at the spacer peptide 1|nucleocapsid junction by HIV-1 protease is accelerated i
136                                              Nucleocapsids labeled with VP39 fused with three copies
137 capsid within intact viruses and recombinant nucleocapsid-like assemblies.
138        The structure of an empty mumps virus nucleocapsid-like particle is determined to 10.4 A resol
139            Structural comparisons of several nucleocapsid-like particles show that the mechanism of R
140                    After aggregation to form nucleocapsid-like particles upon incubation with an olig
141  cryo-electron microscopy of nucleocapsid or nucleocapsid-like structures.
142 ral inclusions and in the dispersed rod-like nucleocapsids located outside of viral inclusions.
143 and RNA viruses is tightly embedded within a nucleocapsid made of a nucleoprotein (N) homopolymer.
144 psids and are sites of viral replication and nucleocapsid maturation.
145               The role of actin filaments in nucleocapsid mobility was also confirmed by live-cell im
146  Here, we report a unique phenomenon of PEDV nucleocapsid (N) cleavage by the PEDV-encoded 3C-like pr
147 -PCR (rRT-PCR) assays targeting the MERS-CoV nucleocapsid (N) gene and evaluated these assays as a pa
148 th amplification targeting the E gene (upE), nucleocapsid (N) gene, and open reading frame (ORF) 1a.
149 onstrate that the 3'-terminal portion of the nucleocapsid (N) mRNA of Rift Valley fever virus, a phle
150                                      The CoV nucleocapsid (N) protein contains two structurally indep
151 d interactions of M with itself and with the nucleocapsid (N) protein drive virus assembly and buddin
152                              The coronavirus nucleocapsid (N) protein forms a helical ribonucleoprote
153 ctive and respiratory syndrome virus (PRRSV) nucleocapsid (N) protein is the main component of the vi
154 eading frame that overlaps that of the viral nucleocapsid (N) protein thus limiting options for mutag
155                              CoVs encode the nucleocapsid (N) protein, a major structural protein tha
156 nsisting of approximately 2,600 protomers of nucleocapsid (N) protein, form the template for viral tr
157                                    Since the nucleocapsid (N) proteins of these viruses show the grea
158 hia coli-expressed recombinant PEDV and TGEV nucleocapsid (N) proteins, and sequence analysis suggest
159 r PEDV structural proteins, i.e., spike (S), nucleocapsid (N), membrane (M), and envelope (E).
160 ating the amounts and contexts of functional nucleocapsid (NC) and the ratios of Gag to gRNA.
161                        In the absence of the nucleocapsid (NC) chaperone, dimerization proceeded thro
162                      Disruption of the viral nucleocapsid (NC) domain integrity affects HIV-1 budding
163                                In HIV-1, the nucleocapsid (NC) domain is involved in gRNA packaging a
164  nucleic acid (NA) chaperone function of the nucleocapsid (NC) domain of HIV-1 Gag is responsible for
165 lecules but is facilitated by binding of the nucleocapsid (NC) domain to nucleic acid.
166 ity is associated with basic residues in its nucleocapsid (NC) domain, whereas capsid (CA) and matrix
167 ediated predominantly by the capsid (CA) and nucleocapsid (NC) domains, which have conserved structur
168 ts of the capsid (CA)-spacer peptide 1 (SP1)-nucleocapsid (NC) fragment of HIV-1 Gag (namely, the N-
169 tion of the N-terminal MA and the C-terminal nucleocapsid (NC) of Gag with the bilayer, since both ar
170  human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1) nucleocapsid (NC) protein contains 15 basic residues loc
171 res the chaperone activity of the retroviral nucleocapsid (NC) protein to facilitate structural rearr
172 (HIV-1) maturation, three different forms of nucleocapsid (NC) protein-NCp15 (p9 + p6), NCp9 (p7 + SP
173                                   Retroviral nucleocapsid (NC) proteins are nucleic acid chaperones t
174 om the incoming virion or cytoplasmic mature nucleocapsid (NC) to the covalently closed circular (CCC
175  by the nucleocapsid protein (N) to form the nucleocapsid (NC).
176  of the pregenomic RNA (pgRNA) into immature nucleocapsids (NC), which are converted to mature NCs co
177 elease of viral genomic DNA from cytoplasmic nucleocapsids (NCs) (NC disassembly or uncoating) is a p
178 facilitate viral RNA packaging into immature nucleocapsids (NCs) and the early stage of viral DNA syn
179 mbly begins with the packaging into immature nucleocapsids (NCs) of a viral RNA pregenome, which is c
180 the host cell and (ii) egress and budding of nucleocapsids newly produced from the plasma membrane.
181                 M proteins interact with the nucleocapsid (NP or N) components of vRNPs, and these in
182                                          The nucleocapsid of a negative-strand RNA virus is assembled
183  from the rest of the virosphere is that the nucleocapsid of NSVs serves as the template for viral RN
184                             In addition, the nucleocapsid of the immature virus is more compact than
185 onfirmed by live-cell imaging of fluorescent nucleocapsids of a virus containing P protein fused to e
186                       The mechanism by which nucleocapsids of Autographa californica multiple nucleop
187 nt entry of BV and nuclear egress of progeny nucleocapsids of baculoviruses.
188 rmation of pregenomic RNA (pgRNA)-containing nucleocapsids of HBV but not other animal hepadnaviruses
189                                              Nucleocapsids of nonsegmented negative-strand viruses li
190 sed on this study and on what is known about nucleocapsids of other viruses, we hypothesized that in
191 erized an intriguing phenomenon in which the nucleocapsids of some PEDV strains are proteolytically p
192 cleoprotein, and cryo-electron microscopy of nucleocapsid or nucleocapsid-like structures.
193 dy showed a complex actin-based transport of nucleocapsids over long distances from the viral replica
194  were derived from the C-terminus of the HIV nucleocapsid p7 protein (NCp7-F2) and finger 3 of the Sp
195                      The resulting synthetic nucleocapsids package one full-length RNA genome for eve
196 e in host cells to initiate viral fusion and nucleocapsid penetration into the cytoplasm.
197    Although the microscopic structure of the nucleocapsid plays a critical role in the life cycle of
198 d to mammalian-adapted PB2-627K, avian FLUAV nucleocapsids possessing PB2-627E are prone to increased
199 tion perturbs assembly and disassembly of DV nucleocapsids, probably by inducing structural rigidity.
200 cessary transcriptional machinery to the HBV nucleocapsid promoter to modestly enhance viral pregenom
201              Here, we demonstrate that CCHFV nucleocapsid protein (CCHFV-NP) augments mRNA translatio
202 ts with PD and determined that measles virus nucleocapsid protein (MVNP) was expressed in 70% of thes
203                 Here we show that hantavirus nucleocapsid protein (N protein) interacts with RdRp in
204                  Recombinant polymerase (L), nucleocapsid protein (N) and a reporter minigenome expre
205 e-sense genomic RNA completely coated by the nucleocapsid protein (N) and associated by a phosphoprot
206 otein complex of the genomic RNA coated by a nucleocapsid protein (N) and associated with polymerase.
207 e interpret to reflect the lack of the viral nucleocapsid protein (N) on the template.
208 rovirus genome are encapsidated by the viral nucleocapsid protein (N) to form ribonucleoprotein (RNP)
209 anded RNA genome that is encapsidated by the nucleocapsid protein (N) to form the nucleocapsid (NC).
210                         Interaction of viral nucleocapsid protein (N) with this conserved sequence fa
211  the large viral polymerase protein (L), the nucleocapsid protein (N), and the assembled nucleocapsid
212 t to be composed mainly of the viral RNA and nucleocapsid protein (NC).
213                         Hantavirus encodes a nucleocapsid protein (NP) to encapsidate the genome and
214  must require a conformational change in the nucleocapsid protein (NP) to make the RNA accessible by
215               Both regions interact with the nucleocapsid protein (NP), an essential component of the
216 benzamides (DISeBAs) as novel HIV retroviral nucleocapsid protein 7 (NCp7) inhibitors.
217 ibonucleoprotein (vRNP, composed of vRNA and nucleocapsid protein [NC]) is packaged into a conical ca
218 vestigation and characterization of the PEDV nucleocapsid protein and its possible link to cell cultu
219 cle and provide signals for encapsidation by nucleocapsid protein and the promoters for RNA transcrip
220 -strand RNA virus is assembled with a single nucleocapsid protein and the viral genomic RNA.
221 roteins on their surface, but do not contain nucleocapsid protein and viral nucleic acids.
222 studies reported here establish a hantavirus nucleocapsid protein as a new PKR inhibitor.
223 s that a helix structural element in the MuV nucleocapsid protein becomes open when the sequestered R
224 trand, and the interaction is independent of nucleocapsid protein binding.
225 sequence polymorphism in an RNA encoding the nucleocapsid protein but not in the additional genomic R
226  derived from either the PIV5 or Nipah virus nucleocapsid protein C-terminal ends are sufficient to d
227 ies reported here reveal that the hantavirus nucleocapsid protein counteracts the PKR antiviral respo
228 tes in a critical interaction with the viral nucleocapsid protein early in infection.
229    Although structures are available for the nucleocapsid protein in complex with RNA, and also for p
230 sence of cell nuclear proteins and the viral nucleocapsid protein increases virus amplification effic
231    Further studies revealed that Andes virus nucleocapsid protein inhibited PKR dimerization, a criti
232 of paramyxovirus particles depends on matrix-nucleocapsid protein interactions which enable efficient
233  stem-loop structure brought on by the HIV-1 nucleocapsid protein NCp7.
234 ctions of the two RNA-binding domains of the nucleocapsid protein of a model coronavirus, mouse hepat
235  structure, even in the absence of the HIV-1 nucleocapsid protein or other RNA chaperones.
236                                          The nucleocapsid protein polymerizes along the length of the
237 a cavity between two globular domains of the nucleocapsid protein where the viral RNA is sequestered.
238  two RNA 3 consensus sequences, encoding the nucleocapsid protein, were found with 12.5% sequence div
239 on between the coronavirus M protein and the nucleocapsid protein.
240 ing cells specific for the hemagglutinin and nucleocapsid proteins appeared in circulation in multipl
241  virus replicons (VRPs) expressing spike and nucleocapsid proteins from MERS-CoV and other human and
242  AC141 or VP39, suggesting that either other nucleocapsid proteins or adaptor proteins may be require
243 ns near the C-terminal ends of paramyxovirus nucleocapsid proteins that are important for matrix prot
244                             In addition, the nucleocapsid proteins VP39, FP25, and BV/ODV-C42 were al
245 gamma134.5 gene product of HSV-1 facilitates nucleocapsid release to the cytoplasm through bridging t
246 , and the N- and C-terminal zinc knuckles of nucleocapsid) retain their fold and reorient semi-indepe
247                                   The PIV5-N nucleocapsid ring encapsidates a nuclease resistant 78-n
248               The structure reveals a 13-mer nucleocapsid ring whose diameter, cavity, and pitch/heig
249  from the RNA strand into the inner spacious nucleocapsid-ring cavity.
250 ic, non-infectious virions without affecting nucleocapsid-RNA interactions.
251 o transcription run-on assay, containing RSV nucleocapsids, showed that AZ-27 inhibits synthesis of t
252 ta analysis indicated the formation of virus-nucleocapsid-sized (or wider) channels extending through
253 ults for the impact of CTD truncation on the nucleocapsid stability.
254                We have also investigated the nucleocapsid structural changes due to phosphorylation o
255  out as the best candidate for the role of a nucleocapsid structural protein because it is abundant,
256            Our thermodynamic analysis of the nucleocapsid structure and stability indicates that appr
257 id interacts with the core wall and that the nucleocapsid structure might be more complex than origin
258 ase activity without major disruption of the nucleocapsid structure.
259 thin intermediate states preceding the final nucleocapsid structure.
260                  The polymerase binds to the nucleocapsid template through the phosphoprotein.
261 ymerase complex enters and travels along the nucleocapsid template to ensure uninterrupted synthesis
262 ggesting a higher level of complexity of the nucleocapsid than predicted.
263 th its cofactor phosphoprotein (P) binds the nucleocapsid that constitutes the functional template.
264 ted in formation of transcriptionally active nucleocapsids that could be packaged by coexpressed CCHF
265 help elucidate the assembly mechanism of the nucleocapsid (the viral RNA genome packaged by the nucle
266 he template RNA is always sequestered in the nucleocapsid, the viral RdRp must find a way to open it
267                                       In the nucleocapsid, there is a cavity between two globular dom
268 gy and might help the polymerase remodel the nucleocapsid to allow RNA synthesis to occur efficiently
269 mong the protein subunits linearly along the nucleocapsid to stabilize its structure.
270 n induce local conformational changes in the nucleocapsid to temporarily release the RNA genome so th
271              We explore the ability of these nucleocapsids to evolve virus-like properties by generat
272         This is likely due to the ability of nucleocapsids to follow shorter paths to the plasma memb
273 volves the polymerization of actin to propel nucleocapsids to nuclear pores and entry into the nucleu
274 ubules were responsible for migration of VSV nucleocapsids to the plasma membrane for virus assembly.
275  Although the UL31 and UL34 proteins control nucleocapsid transit in infected cells, the molecular in
276      Until now, no live-cell studies on EBOV nucleocapsid transport have been performed, and particip
277 e the dynamics and molecular requirements of nucleocapsid transport in Marburg virus-infected cells u
278                                              Nucleocapsid transport was arrested upon depolymerizatio
279 ss, as well as the trajectories and speed of nucleocapsid transport, remain unknown.
280 ication of cellular proteins involved in the nucleocapsid transport.
281 ted cells, but the mechanism by which AcMNPV nucleocapsids traverse the cytoplasm is unknown.
282                                  Herpesvirus nucleocapsids traverse the nuclear envelope into the cyt
283           Virus binding to cells, entry, and nucleocapsid uncoating steps were not adversely affected
284  with the release of viral RNA from incoming nucleocapsids (uncoating) as well as assembly of progeny
285 ypsin-cleaved sedimented measles virus (MeV) nucleocapsids under ultra-fast magic-angle spinning.
286 n of green fluorescent protein (GFP)-labeled nucleocapsid viral protein 30 (VP30) in EBOV-infected ce
287 ion of the fusion protein VP30-GFP into EBOV nucleocapsids was confirmed by Western blot and indirect
288 ight into the structure and relevance of the nucleocapsid, we analyzed thermosensitive and inducible
289         Since the core of NP is rigid in the nucleocapsid, we suggest that interactions between this
290 tion) to preserve labile structures like the nucleocapsid, we were able to demonstrate that in the ab
291                                              Nucleocapsids were located near the cell nucleus at earl
292 ells expressing DN NSF revealed that progeny nucleocapsids were retained in a perinuclear space surro
293                                         EBOV nucleocapsids were visualized by expression of green flu
294 s, the genomic RNA is sequestered inside the nucleocapsid when the viral RNA-dependent RNA polymerase
295                                    The viral nucleocapsid, which is minimally composed of the protein
296                     Here we create synthetic nucleocapsids, which are computationally designed icosah
297 quired for efficient nuclear egress of viral nucleocapsids, which is associated with disruption of th
298 evealed intralesional accumulations of viral nucleocapsids with diameters of 10 to 14 nm, typical of
299 cts optimal RNA content in Hepatitis B virus nucleocapsids with different CTD lengths in good agreeme
300 ng to determine the structure of Ebola virus nucleocapsid within intact viruses and recombinant nucle

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