


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 ining overlapping binding sites for REST and nucleolin.
2 ected from exosomal decay by the addition of nucleolin.
3  associated with cytoplasmic localization of nucleolin.
4 plasmic sites, which did not colocalize with nucleolin.
5 o other nucleolar proteins, nucleophosmin or nucleolin.
6 ntrols the spatial dynamics and functions of nucleolin.
7 tion sequence RNA-binding proteins, SBP2 and nucleolin.
8 forming oligonucleotide aptamer that targets nucleolin.
9 rboxy terminus typically found in vertebrate nucleolin.
10 ed it as Modulo, the Drosophila homologue of nucleolin.
11 n with the polyfunctional RNA-binding factor nucleolin.
12  by the trans-acting effects of supplemental nucleolin.
13 dent on direct or indirect interactions with nucleolin.
14 d after heat shock by complex formation with nucleolin.
15  in E19 liver was purified and identified as nucleolin.
16 ates revealed association of UL84, UL44, and nucleolin.
17  with vector and a non-Fas-binding mutant of nucleolin.
18 n-resistant Fas complex selectively included nucleolin.
19 tly increased in patients with low levels of nucleolin.
20 includes annexin A2, TLR4, calreticulin, and nucleolin.
21  that this can be rescued by the addition of nucleolin.
22 thiocyanate (FITC)-AS1411 to plasma membrane nucleolin 56 +/- 10% SE (P < 0.01) compared with cells i
23 GF; matrix metalloproteinases-2 and -9), and nucleolin (a nuclear protein involved with synthesis and
24               We sought to determine whether nucleolin, a bcl-2 mRNA-binding protein, has a role in t
25                                 In addition, nucleolin, a classic histone chaperone, was demonstrated
26                                Unexpectedly, nucleolin, a major protein component of the nucleolus, w
27                                We found that nucleolin, a multifunctional phosphoprotein, binds in vi
28                                We found that nucleolin, a nucleolar protein involved in ribosomal mat
29                         Nucleoli are rich in nucleolin, a potent transcription factor that we found t
30 of full-length HDV RNAs, it colocalized with nucleolin, a predominant nucleolar protein.
31                              AS1411 binds to nucleolin, a protein that is overexpressed in the cytopl
32 L) mRNA half-life by reducing its binding to nucleolin, a protein that normally binds a 3' AU-rich re
33                                              Nucleolin, a protein with histone chaperone activity, in
34                           Down-regulation of nucleolin abrogates the nucleosome disruption, the recru
35 o immunoprecipitation with anti-PTB and anti-nucleolin Abs.
36                           Here, we show that nucleolin abundance is controlled posttranscriptionally
37  with RNA polymerase I, we demonstrated that nucleolin allows RNA polymerase I transcription of chrom
38 cted to stabilize Hdm2, we instead find that nucleolin also reduces Hdm2 protein levels, demonstratin
39                                Specifically, nucleolin, an essential nucleolar protein, preferentiall
40 segment in a nuclear territory with abundant nucleolin and active PolII molecules.
41 -2) transcripts was reduced, indicating that nucleolin and AUF1 have opposing roles in bcl-2 mRNA tur
42 model that illustrates the opposing roles of nucleolin and AUF1 in regulating bcl-2 mRNA stability.
43 nockdown of nucleolin in MCF-7 cells reduced nucleolin and bcl-2 protein levels and decreased the hal
44                  Cytoplasmic localization of nucleolin and Bcl-x(L) mRNA stabilization required HGF a
45                 These findings indicate that nucleolin and beta1 integrin are present on the luminal
46 min has affinity for the eucaryotic proteins nucleolin and beta1 integrin.
47  in vitro studies, we demonstrated that both nucleolin and hnRNP K bind selectively to the G- and C-r
48  efficacy of the aptamer AS1411 in targeting nucleolin and inducing bcl-2 mRNA instability and cytoto
49 e nucleosome disruption is also dependent on nucleolin and is required for recruitment of replication
50 V4-11 cells to AS1411, showed no full-length nucleolin and lesser amounts of the truncated forms of n
51 eres with the stabilization of bcl-2 mRNA by nucleolin and may be one mechanism by which AS1411 induc
52 caused degradation of the nucleolar proteins nucleolin and nucleophosmin 1.
53                        Syk binds robustly to nucleolin and phosphorylates it on tyrosine, enhancing i
54  not interact directly with either Pol II or nucleolin and that forms of deltaAg which support replic
55 he absence of pUL31, CMV fails to reorganize nucleolin and UBF and exhibits a replication defect at a
56 ther, our results indicate an association of nucleolin and UL44 in HCMV-infected cells and a role for
57                           The association of nucleolin and UL44 in infected cell lysate was confirmed
58           Furthermore, the colocalization of nucleolin and UL44 in infected cell nuclei was observed
59              These changes were dependent on nucleolin and were not observed in cells pretreated with
60 , we sought to compare the proximity of Tir, nucleolin, and beta1 integrin to regions of EHEC O157:H7
61 d the translocation required importin beta1, nucleolin, and Smad2/3.
62                            Here we show that nucleolin, another protein critical for rRNA processing,
63                                          The nucleolin antagonist N6L strongly impaired the growth of
64                                         Anti-nucleolin antibodies interacted with a 110-kDa form in s
65 BrdU incorporation, binding of i.v.-injected nucleolin antibodies, and MT1-MMP immunostaining in a su
66 on of the plasma membrane fraction with anti-nucleolin antibody demonstrated the presence of [(32)P]A
67                                         Anti-nucleolin antibody inhibited binding of fluorescein isot
68 tation assays indicated that IRS1, TRS1, and nucleolin are candidates for such interactions in infect
69                         Our results identify nucleolin as a key regulator of VEGF-D expression, deepe
70    In this study, we purified and identified nucleolin as a protein that allows RNA polymerase II to
71 hyl sulfate (DMS) footprinting technique and nucleolin as a structural probe specifically recognizing
72 rum WW led to the recognition of the protein nucleolin as a target antigen.
73 hy and mass spectrometry, we have identified nucleolin as an additional protein that binds to a palin
74 x-forming oligodeoxynucleotide that binds to nucleolin as an aptamer, but its mechanism of action is
75 cl-2 3'-untranslated region that is bound by nucleolin as well as the protein binding domains importa
76 intimin, which binds host cell integrins and nucleolin, as well as a receptor (Tir) that it injects i
77 of symmetrical dimethylarginine (sDMA), is a nucleolin-associated protein whose localization and acti
78  colocalized with the host nucleolar protein nucleolin at the peripheries of both replication compart
79 ucleolin increases during infection and that nucleolin becomes distributed throughout the nucleus.
80 leolin binding in cells by both siRNAs and a nucleolin binding aptamer greatly increased LTR promoter
81 lencing activity; in contrast, disruption of nucleolin binding in cells by both siRNAs and a nucleoli
82 t HGF stabilized Bcl-x(L) mRNA by increasing nucleolin binding to the 3'-untranslated region that was
83         Alterations in p53 levels arise from nucleolin binding to the p53 antagonist Hdm2, resulting
84           Our results show that cell surface nucleolin binds Fas, inhibits ligand binding, and thus p
85                                  In summary, nucleolin binds G-rich sequences in the CR and UTRs of t
86  immunoprecipitation analyses indicated that nucleolin binds the KLF2 promoter only upon application
87 NA fragment binding assays demonstrated that nucleolin binds to a 40-nucleotide region at the 5' end
88                        Finally, we show that nucleolin binds to the c-myc promoter in HeLa cells, whi
89                                              Nucleolin blockade by RNAi-mediated silencing or pharmac
90 is through enhanced binding, suggesting that nucleolin blocks the FasL-Fas interaction.
91 t both phosphorylated and non-phosphorylated nucleolin-bound DNA; however, only phosphorylated nucleo
92     During infection, pUL31 colocalizes with nucleolin but not the transcriptional activator, UBF.
93                       Evidence that BIG1 and nucleolin, but not fibrillarin, can be present with p62
94 NA affinity chromatography and identified as nucleolin by mass spectrometry analysis.
95          Consequently, reducing the level of nucleolin by RNA interference attenuates the ability of
96                                 Knockdown of nucleolin by RNA interference resulted in specific inhib
97 cl-X(L) mRNA in HeLa cells, whereas reducing nucleolin by small interfering RNA shortens the Bcl-X(L)
98                                              Nucleolin can bind to the primary miRNA both directly an
99      Finally, we show that in the absence of nucleolin, cell extracts are unable to process miR-15a/1
100  noted immunostained Tir beneath and stained nucleolin closely associated with adherent bacteria in i
101                                              Nucleolin colocalized with Fas on the surface of B-cell
102 y demonstrated the presence of [(32)P]AS1411-nucleolin complexes.
103 ation by affecting the activities of certain nucleolin-containing complexes.
104  with true late kinetics and is localized to nucleolin-containing nuclear domains.
105                   Antibodies against BIG1 or nucleolin coprecipitated both proteins from nuclei, whic
106 is issue of Blood, Allinne et al propose the nucleolin-dependent activation of the translocated CCND1
107 ctivation of c-Jun NH(2)-terminal kinase and nucleolin-dependent mRNA stabilization.
108 t a conceptually novel mechanism involving a Nucleolin-dependent Nanog-p53 bistable switch regulating
109 ing is highly sensitive to the efficiency of nucleolin-dependent ribosomal processing.
110 As bearing the G-rich motif, since silencing nucleolin did not change target mRNA stability, but decr
111 ioning of nucleolin in this pathway and that nucleolin directly interacts with DGCR8 and Drosha in th
112 In vitro binding assays showed that purified nucleolin discriminates among SECIS elements in the abse
113                                              Nucleolin distribution was altered, supporting that eith
114 AR including PAR polymerase-1, 2 (PARP1, 2), nucleolin, DNA ligase III, KU70, KU86, XRCC1, and histon
115                                              Nucleolin does not alter p53 ubiquitination by human pap
116    Moreover, immunofluorescence of BRCA1 and nucleolin double-labeling showed colocalization in both
117  of cellular differentiation, which leads to nucleolin down-regulation and bcl-2 mRNA instability.
118 tion and induction after DNA damage, whereas nucleolin downregulation promotes p53 expression.
119                                              Nucleolin enhanced the translation of mRNAs bearing the
120                We speculate that 3'UTR-bound nucleolin enhances mRNA stability by optimizing alphaCP
121                                Additionally, nucleolin exhibited dynamic flow-specific, PI3K-dependen
122 ome selenoprotein mRNAs over others, whereas nucleolin exhibits minimal differences in binding.
123                                              Nucleolin exists in several isoforms, and we report that
124             Thus, these results suggest that nucleolin expressed on the surfaces of human lung epithe
125  investigation indicated that JNK2 regulated nucleolin expression and might in turn stabilize hif-1al
126 cleolin genetic sequence selectively reduced nucleolin expression and was sufficient to block the ind
127 ancer cells, but the mechanisms that control nucleolin expression are unknown.
128        Our collective findings indicate that nucleolin expression is positively regulated by HuR and
129 ve superhelicity, where relative hnRNP K and nucleolin expression shifts the equilibrium to the on or
130 iR-494 as a microRNA that potently inhibited nucleolin expression, enhanced NCL mRNA association with
131 miR-15a/16 levels are directly correlated to nucleolin expression.
132  HuR functionally competed for modulation of nucleolin expression.
133  due in part to the HuR-elicited increase in nucleolin expression.
134 onal activity determined by its target gene, Nucleolin, expression.
135  addition, we demonstrate that upon binding, nucleolin facilitates the formation and increases the st
136                 We confirmed the presence of nucleolin-Fas complexes in B-cell lymphoma cells and pri
137 s a good correlation between the affinity of nucleolin for a SECIS and its effect on selenoprotein ex
138                           Antibodies against nucleolin from mice or from transplant patients inhibite
139 ling of RNAs immunoprecipitated with BIG1 or nucleolin from nuclei revealed bands of approximately 21
140  subunit minimizes the inhibitory effects of nucleolin GAR or TM expression on chromosomal DNA replic
141 eaf venation, corresponds to the Arabidopsis nucleolin gene.
142 imal or yeast cells, plants contain a second nucleolin gene.
143 re, we report that Arabidopsis NUC1 and NUC2 nucleolin genes are both required for plant growth and s
144 tion of small interfering RNAs targeting the nucleolin genetic sequence selectively reduced nucleolin
145                                        Thus, nucleolin has a number of properties in common with the
146 illarin, nucleoporin p62, and La in BIG1 and nucleolin immunoprecipitates.
147 ses and suggest critical roles for RPL26 and nucleolin in affecting p53 induction.
148 r envelope confirms the presence of BIG1 and nucleolin in dynamic molecular complexes that change in
149        These data support a general role for nucleolin in gene regulation and identify it as a novel
150                    Stable siRNA knockdown of nucleolin in MCF-7 cells reduced nucleolin and bcl-2 pro
151 l knockdown of plasma membrane and cytosolic nucleolin in MCF-7 cells resulted in a 3-fold decrease i
152  and to a 4-fold higher level of cytoplasmic nucleolin in MCF-7 cells.
153                         When the function of nucleolin in MV-4-11 cells was impaired by treatment wit
154 may have roles similar to those of the yeast nucleolin in nuclear signal recognition, ribosomal proce
155 dly, we also found localization of UL84 with nucleolin in nucleoli and showed that the presence of nu
156  evidence for the oncogenic role of JNK2 and nucleolin in regulating the cancer microenvironments by
157         Multiparameter analysis of BRCA1 and nucleolin in relation to cell cycle position (DNA conten
158 d to previous work showing the importance of nucleolin in replication compartment architecture and vi
159  for AS1411 action as well as a new role for nucleolin in stimulating macropinocytosis, a process wit
160             In contrast, it colocalized with nucleolin in the nucleoli of corneal fibroblasts after s
161 iral DNA, and the cellular nucleolar protein nucleolin in the subnuclear replication compartments in
162 g with bcl-2 mRNA for binding to cytoplasmic nucleolin in these breast cancer cell lines.
163 on is critical for the proper functioning of nucleolin in this pathway and that nucleolin directly in
164 d UL44 in HCMV-infected cells and a role for nucleolin in viral DNA synthesis.
165 riven switch in the biological activities of nucleolin in vivo.
166 scence assays demonstrated that the level of nucleolin increases during infection and that nucleolin
167                                              Nucleolin inhibition directly affected endothelial cell
168                               In conclusion, nucleolin inhibition is a new anti-pancreatic cancer the
169               Among the vascular activators, nucleolin inhibition significantly decreased angiopoieti
170 uces Hdm2 protein levels, demonstrating that nucleolin inhibits Hdm2 using multiple mechanisms.
171 cleolar proteins, including nucleostemin and nucleolin into the nucleoplasm.
172                                              Nucleolin is a c-Myc-induced gene product with defined r
173 esults provide evidence that plasma membrane nucleolin is a functional receptor for AS1411 in MV4-11
174                                              Nucleolin is a major nucleolar protein implicated in man
175                                              Nucleolin is a marker of nucleoli, which are membrane-le
176                                              Nucleolin is a multidomain phosphoprotein involved in ri
177                             We conclude that nucleolin is a novel binding partner and substrate for P
178  performed to determine whether cell surface nucleolin is a receptor for AS1411 in the acute myeloid
179  analysis revealed that the cellular protein nucleolin is able to specifically recognize G-quadruplex
180 PRMT5 and that distribution of sDMA-modified nucleolin is altered by AS1411.
181 noprecipitation experiments established that nucleolin is associated with chromatin containing rRNA g
182  in nucleoli and showed that the presence of nucleolin is involved in localization of UL84 to the nuc
183                                              Nucleolin is one of the proteins that binds to bcl-2 mRN
184                                              Nucleolin is overexpressed in cancers and its inhibition
185 e other hand, down-regulation of 14-3-3s and nucleolin is potentially involved in the process of kera
186      The glycine/arginine-rich C terminus of nucleolin is required for binding, and the four RNA reco
187                                 Furthermore, nucleolin is required for the induction smooth muscle al
188 nce and mutational analysis demonstrate that nucleolin is required for the nuclear transport of scuPA
189                  Based on siRNA experiments, nucleolin is required for the optimal expression of cert
190 refore propose that an important function of nucleolin is to permit RNA polymerase I to transcribe nu
191       The data suggest that interaction with nucleolin is, at least in part, responsible for nucleola
192 inary molecular interaction data show that a nucleolin isoform binds to a 5' stem-loop of the coding
193          In addition, our data indicate that nucleolin itself is a substrate for PRMT5 and that distr
194 erfering RNA (siRNA) experiments showed that nucleolin knockdown enhances SSAT translation.
195                                              Nucleolin knockdown sensitized BJAB cells to Fas ligand
196                                              Nucleolin levels are high in cancer cells, but the mecha
197                                 Increases in nucleolin levels in unstressed cells led to higher expre
198                              We propose that nucleolin, like ARF, responds to hyperproliferative sign
199         As immunofluorescence confirmed that nucleolin localizes primarily to nucleoli with RNA polym
200                                  In summary, nucleolin may induce c-myc G4 formation in vivo.
201 el to effects from hydroxyurea, knockdown of nucleolin mobilized capsids to the nucleoplasm and incre
202 with small interfering RNA (siRNA) targeting nucleolin mRNA indicated that nucleolin was required for
203 oted nucleolin translation without affecting nucleolin mRNA levels.
204            Expression of the GAR domain or a nucleolin mutant (TM) with a constitutive interaction wi
205   The RBP HuR was found to interact with the nucleolin (NCL) 3'UTR and specifically promoted nucleoli
206                                              Nucleolin (NCL) is a nucleocytoplasmic protein involved
207                  The multifunctional protein nucleolin (NCL) is overexpressed on the surface of activ
208                                 In contrast, nucleolin (NCL) suppresses the translation of p53 mRNA a
209                                              Nucleolin (NCL) was identified to be EBNA1 associated.
210                                     RPL4 and Nucleolin (NCL) were a scaffold for an EBNA1-induced ori
211                            Here we find that nucleolin (NCL), a major nucleolar protein, posttranscri
212 ene ranks, functional studies of our top-hit Nucleolin (Ncl), abundant in stem and cancer cells, reve
213  ribonucleoproteins (hnRNPs) R, Q and L, and nucleolin (NCL), appeared to interact specifically with
214 alizes with the multifunctional host protein nucleolin (NCL).
215 ilar to the yeast (Saccharomyces cerevisiae) nucleolin NUCLEAR SIGNAL RECOGNITION 1 (NSR1) multifunct
216 at synthetic ligands binding to cell surface nucleolin/nucleophosmin and known as HB 19 for the lead
217 nd dissociation from the molecular chaperone Nucleolin occur in p16-silenced cells, abrogating its pr
218 and lesser amounts of the truncated forms of nucleolin on the cell surface.
219                              The presence of nucleolin on the KLF2 promoter in macrophages was verifi
220  nucleolin target mRNAs and the influence of nucleolin on their expression had not been studied at a
221 ing RNA (siRNA)-mediated silencing of either nucleolin or hnRNP K resulted in the down-regulation of
222        Furthermore, we provide evidence that nucleolin overexpression reduces the activity of a c-myc
223                                 In contrast, nucleolin overexpression suppresses p53 translation and
224                               Interestingly, nucleolin physically interacted with polyadenylate [poly
225 V infection with the nucleolar protein, with nucleolin playing a role in maintaining the architecture
226  previous mechanistic model but confirm that nucleolin plays a role in mediating AS1411 effects.
227 of matrix metalloproteinases, endostatin and nucleolin poorly correlated with detraining-induced capi
228                     These data indicate that nucleolin possesses a specific and regulated activity to
229 her nucleolar proteins B23/nucleophosmin and nucleolin, previously shown to interact with AAV2 capsid
230 and that AS1411 causes relocalization of the nucleolin-PRMT5 complex from the nucleus to the cytoplas
231                The RNA-binding protein (RBP) nucleolin promotes the expression of several proliferati
232 y AS1411 results from both interference with nucleolin protection of bcl-2 mRNA and recruitment of th
233 d on these data, we propose a model in which nucleolin protects the Bcl-X(L) mRNA from nuclease degra
234                                    Timing of nucleolin protein expression differed between muscle gro
235                 Here we find that changes in nucleolin protein levels in unstressed cells cause paral
236 y, we reported that the Arabidopsis thaliana nucleolin protein NUC1, an abundant and evolutionarily c
237 tive or repressed state of the NORs and that nucleolin proteins play a key role in the developmental
238 linked immunosorbent assay, with recombinant nucleolin (r-nucleolin), the frequency of antibodies to
239     The observed colocalization of BRCA1 and nucleolin raises new possibilities for the nucleoplasm-n
240                        The results show that nucleolin RBD12 sequence-specifically binds a single-str
241  stem-loop structure is not required for the nucleolin RBD12/pre-rRNA NRE interaction.
242 us-targeting agent that selectively disrupts nucleolin/rDNA G-quadruplex complexes in the nucleolus,
243                                              Nucleolin recognized with high affinity and specificity
244                                              Nucleolin-related protein (NRP) is found on the surface
245  ANKRD1, in association with factors such as nucleolin, represses MMP13 transcription.
246 eous nuclear ribonucleoprotein (hnRNP) K and nucleolin, respectively, both in vitro and in vivo and t
247 nterfering RNA (siRNA)-mediated knockdown of nucleolin resulted in a dramatic elimination of UL84FLAG
248                            Here we show that nucleolin-RPA complex formation is stimulated after geno
249 energy transfer studies demonstrate that the nucleolin-RPA interaction after stress occurs both in th
250                           Antibodies against nucleolin seem to inhibit and produce apoptosis of proli
251 iRNA-treated cells, our results suggest that nucleolin selectively enhances the expression of a subse
252 usly, we proposed a model where cell surface nucleolin serves as the receptor for AS1411, leading to
253 d were not observed in cells pretreated with nucleolin-specific small interfering RNA.
254                    Further study showed that nucleolin specifically recognized the AU-rich elements (
255               Furthermore, overexpression of nucleolin stabilizes the Bcl-X(L) mRNA in HeLa cells, wh
256 olin-bound DNA; however, only phosphorylated nucleolin successfully competed with either full-length
257  used to screen for endogenous repressors of nucleolin synthesis.
258                       However, the subset of nucleolin target mRNAs and the influence of nucleolin on
259 , and used them to find a signature motif on nucleolin target mRNAs.
260                 Here, we globally identified nucleolin target transcripts, many of which encoded cell
261 -11 cells was impaired by treatment with the nucleolin-targeting aptamer AS1411, association of AUF1
262                                              Nucleolin that normally resides in the innermost fibrill
263 sorbent assay, with recombinant nucleolin (r-nucleolin), the frequency of antibodies to nucleolin wer
264 ey regulate the degree of phosphorylation of nucleolin through a novel kinase-independent phosphotran
265 uPA to the nucleocytoplasmic shuttle protein nucleolin through a region containing the kringle domain
266                     The response of VEGF and nucleolin to acute exercise was blunted with training, a
267         AS1411 also inhibited the binding of nucleolin to the instability element AU-rich element 1 o
268 ere was a redistribution of both deltaAg and nucleolin to the nucleoplasm.
269 itation analysis further revealed binding of nucleolin to the promoter region of the VEGF gene in viv
270  blocked the shear stress-induced binding of nucleolin to the promoter, demonstrating its PI3K-depend
271 ncing HuR, suggesting that the repression of nucleolin translation may occur in PBs.
272 leolin (NCL) 3'UTR and specifically promoted nucleolin translation without affecting nucleolin mRNA l
273 tracellular levels of cyclin B and preserved nucleolin turnover) and a low propensity to apoptosis in
274 al nucleolar structure with dysregulation of nucleolin turnover.
275              Our data demonstrate that BIG1, nucleolin, U3, the U3-binding protein fibrillarin, and t
276 o binding of selenoprotein mRNAs by SBP2 and nucleolin via immunoprecipitation of the proteins and qu
277 o Tir in vitro, the intimin interaction with nucleolin was blocked.
278                                              Nucleolin was identified as one of the binding proteins
279 rbitol, and the intranuclear distribution of nucleolin was monitored by confocal microscopy.
280                                              Nucleolin was not required for initial FL-AS1411 uptake
281                       Herein, we showed that nucleolin was overexpressed in human specimens of pancre
282                                  Recombinant nucleolin was produced and sera were assayed for antibod
283 ption, whereas the expression of 14-3-3s and nucleolin was reduced.
284 RNA) targeting nucleolin mRNA indicated that nucleolin was required for efficient virus production, v
285                                          The nucleolin was transferred into the nucleoplasm, but it d
286  RNAs, deltaAg moved to the nucleoplasm, but nucleolin was unchanged.
287 in 4 and the glycine/arginine-rich domain of nucleolin were essential for its association with Fas.
288 r-nucleolin), the frequency of antibodies to nucleolin were found to be 2.0% in normal subjects, 9.1%
289            Ribosomal protein L26 (RPL26) and nucleolin were found to bind to the 5' untranslated regi
290 elial growth factor-A (VEGF), endostatin and nucleolin were increased at 2-4 h (P < 0.05), whereas ma
291 full-length (106 kDa) and truncated forms of nucleolin were present on the cell surface.
292                        Mice transfected with nucleolin were protected from the lethal effects of agon
293         The first two RNA binding domains of nucleolin were sufficient for high affinity binding to A
294 Rp72 (endoplasmic reticulum protein 72), and nucleolin, were identified, and their interactions with
295                    We also demonstrated that nucleolin, which is known to bind to G-quadruplex struct
296 recipitation analyses associated ANKRD1 with nucleolin, which represses AP-1 activation of MMP13.
297 d that fluid flow induced the interaction of nucleolin with the p85 regulatory subunit of PI3K.
298                                      The RBP nucleolin, with four RNA-recognition motifs, has been im
299  domain located at the extreme C terminus of nucleolin, with this domain sufficient to inhibit DNA re
300 l precipitated by antibodies against BIG1 or nucleolin yielded identical nucleotide sequences that al

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