


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1  that regulate these processes span from the nucleosomal (10-nm) to the chromosomal (>200-nm) levels,
2 nguishing feature of pioneer factors remains nucleosomal access rather than an exceptional residence
3 ting the 'arginine anchor' on CENP-C for the nucleosomal acidic patch disrupts the CENP-A nucleosome
4 nicity-enhancing immune complexes (ICs) with nucleosomal Ags during cell culture.
5     Our method calculates the energy of both nucleosomal and linear DNA of the given sequence.
6 fferences in how Swi6 and Chp2 interact with nucleosomal and non-nucleosomal ligands and qualitative
7 rations at steady state, including the fully nucleosomal and nucleosome-free configuration.
8         We find that cleaved forms of H3 are nucleosomal and the histone variant H3.3 is the preferre
9 e, including the maximally repressive, fully nucleosomal, and the maximally non-repressive, nucleosom
10 ranges from 1 to 10% in mammals, retains the nucleosomal architecture and is implicated to play a rol
11 ted loops suggest that HU architecture, like nucleosomal architecture, which modulates the ability of
12 omatin fiber likely through intra- and inter-nucleosomal arginine-DNA contacts to enable tighter nucl
13                        Sequence analysis and nucleosomal arrangement within the region -2000 to +1000
14 tation velocity, atomic force microscopy and nucleosomal array capture to characterize the stoichiome
15 ucleosomal arrays in favor of non-methylated nucleosomal arrays and that nonspecific DNA interactions
16 n compaction and oligomerization assays with nucleosomal arrays containing suH4ss established that SU
17 ferentially binds histone H3K9Me3-containing nucleosomal arrays in favor of non-methylated nucleosoma
18  repositioning: Both upstream and downstream nucleosomal arrays shift toward the nucleosome-depleted
19 ectron microscopy of HP1(Hsalpha)-associated nucleosomal arrays showed that HP1(Hsalpha) caused nucle
20 ial sedimentation of HP1(Hsalpha)-associated nucleosomal arrays showed that HP1(Hsalpha) promotes int
21 -dependent self-association of linear 12-mer nucleosomal arrays using microscopy and physicochemical
22  This effect was recapitulated in vitro with nucleosomal arrays using unmodified histones, indicating
23                                          The nucleosomal arrays were packaged within the oligomers as
24 he results indicate that Sir3 interacts with nucleosomal arrays with a stoichiometry of two Sir3 mono
25 -containing chromatin, we generated a set of nucleosomal arrays with canonical core histones and anot
26 dependent eviction of Sir3p from recombinant nucleosomal arrays, and this activity enhances early ste
27                      Genes are packaged into nucleosomal arrays, each nucleosome typically having two
28 chromosomal DNA, which exists in the form of nucleosomal arrays, is currently unknown.
29                                           On nucleosomal arrays, methyl mark recognition is highly se
30 atin proteins promote silencing by 'coating' nucleosomal arrays, stabilizing interactions between nuc
31 in remodelers can either organize or disrupt nucleosomal arrays, yet the mechanisms specifying these
32 e the stoichiometry and conformation of Sir3 nucleosomal arrays.
33  Asf1 promote thermodynamic equilibration of nucleosomal arrays.
34  demonstrating that Drosophila PRC1 compacts nucleosomal arrays.
35 gate, and lack of this ability in acetylated nucleosomal arrays.
36  Third, INO80 and ISW2 each align downstream nucleosomal arrays.
37  resulted in a significant reduction in anti-nucleosomal autoantibodies.
38  the ability of the enzyme to recover from a nucleosomal backtrack.
39 eam of the promoter in order to overcome the nucleosomal barrier and enable PolII promoter escape, th
40 teractions play a key role in overcoming the nucleosomal barrier by Pol II and promoting nucleosome s
41                                Mechanisms of nucleosomal barrier formation and nucleosome survival du
42    RNA polymerase II (Pol II) must break the nucleosomal barrier to gain access to DNA and transcribe
43 the molecular mechanisms of formation of the nucleosomal barrier to transcribing RNA polymerase II (P
44                            The height of the nucleosomal barrier to transcription and efficiency of n
45 ng individual yeast RNA polymerase II with a nucleosomal barrier, we separately measured the forward
46 rocessivity of RNA polymerase II through the nucleosomal barrier.
47 omatin-modifying protein high mobility group nucleosomal binding domain 2 (HMGN2) specifically promot
48  H3/H4 tetramer, mimicking the trajectory of nucleosomal-bound DNA.
49 e phosphorylated on asynchronous and mitotic nucleosomal CENP-A and are important for chromosome segr
50  and H4K12ac) primarily occur within the pre-nucleosomal CENP-A-H4-HJURP (CENP-A chaperone) complex,
51  An additional (CpG)5 stretch located in the nucleosomal central dyad does not alter the nucleosome c
52                                         Most nucleosomal changes are suppressed by the inhibition of
53 ced into the cellular nucleus in the form of nucleosomal chromatin by viral infection.
54 omere function, stable inheritance of CENP-A nucleosomal chromatin is postulated to propagate centrom
55 to reconstituted mono-, di-, tri-, and tetra-nucleosomal chromatin templates and show that key Sir-Si
56 ed sperm chromatin structures to the somatic nucleosomal chromatin.
57 rsible transcriptional repression imposed by nucleosomal compaction and consolidated by Polycomb recr
58                 L3MBTL1 is known to regulate nucleosomal compaction, and we here showed that SGK2 ina
59                         In contrast, mitotic nucleosomal complexes carrying nonphosphorylatable CENP-
60                               Mitotic CENP-A nucleosomal complexes contain CENP-C and phosphobinding
61                      We investigate how each nucleosomal component-the histone tails, the specific hi
62 We tested this hypothesis by tracking CENP-A nucleosomal components, structure, chromatin folding, an
63 long with core histone mapping to assess the nucleosomal configuration at enhancers and promoters in
64                                 However, the nucleosomal configuration of open chromatin and the basi
65  on individual "sister" histones in the same nucleosomal context, that is, asymmetric histone PTMs, a
66 histone H2A on threonine 120 (H2AT120p) in a nucleosomal context.
67         Although the static structure of the nucleosomal core particle has been solved, details of th
68  eight binding sites (representing octameric nucleosomal cores) into irregularly folded clusters (lik
69 eosomal H2A-H2B cross-links as well as inter-nucleosomal cross-links.
70 Rcor2, like Rcor1, facilitates LSD1-mediated nucleosomal demethylation, Rcor3 competitively inhibits
71 ctor (TF) determines histone acetylation and nucleosomal depletion commensurate with Polycomb exclusi
72 ow significantly higher sequence constraint, nucleosomal depletion, correlation with gene expression,
73 ecipher the regulatory events upstream of RI nucleosomal deposition.
74 omatin assembly is blocked and attenuated by nucleosomal deposition.
75 nt of chromatin loop relaxation required for nucleosomal destabilization, and by comparative analyses
76                                Consistently, nucleosomal disassembly at GAL1 is impaired in the absen
77 degrees to 70 degrees (the angle between the nucleosomal disks and the fiber axis), helical rise, dia
78 mploys its i-SET and c-SET domains to engage nucleosomal DNA 1 to 1.5 turns from the nucleosomal dyad
79  nucleosomes even though both associate with nucleosomal DNA 17-18 bp from the dyad axis.
80 osome entry-exit region additively influence nucleosomal DNA accessibility by increasing the unwrappi
81 mised, along with decreased accessibility of nucleosomal DNA and inefficient transcription-elongation
82          Pioneer factors such as FoxA target nucleosomal DNA and initiate cooperative interactions at
83  lobes of the ISW2 ATPase domain is bound to nucleosomal DNA and Isw2 associates with the side of nuc
84 ver, the extent of nucleotide periodicity in nucleosomal DNA and its significance in directing nucleo
85 nucleosome interface involving both gyres of nucleosomal DNA and one H2A-H2B heterodimer.
86 jacent SHL1 and SHL2 sites, respectively, on nucleosomal DNA and pack against the DNA-binding domain
87 ation involves unravelling the outer turn of nucleosomal DNA and requires substantial reorientation o
88 or domain loop region is positioned close to nucleosomal DNA and that the Epl1 EPcA basic region is i
89 n, in which both bending and shearing of the nucleosomal DNA are considered.
90 repair in cells suggests that L formation in nucleosomal DNA as part of bistranded lesions by antitum
91 s generated within a NCP, it is excised from nucleosomal DNA at a rate 275-1500-fold faster than that
92                              CHD5 can expose nucleosomal DNA at one or two discrete positions in the
93                We applied deep sequencing to nucleosomal DNA at six time points before and after hydr
94 Moreover, SWR1 interacts preferentially with nucleosomal DNA at superhelix location 2 on the nucleoso
95 rs generally function by translocating along nucleosomal DNA at the H3-H4 interface of nucleosomes.
96 mal DNA and Isw2 associates with the side of nucleosomal DNA away from the histone octamer.
97                          The exposure of the nucleosomal DNA by CHD5 is dependent on ATP hydrolysis,
98 ive DNA flexibility of the inner quarters of nucleosomal DNA controls the unwrapping direction such t
99 with a 15-base pair segment of the distorted nucleosomal DNA double helix, in a position predicted to
100 ature of the DNase I cleavage profile within nucleosomal DNA enables us to identify translational pos
101          In contrast, nucleosomes with extra-nucleosomal DNA engage additional DNA binding sites in M
102 ome degree of unwrapping of the DNA near the nucleosomal DNA entry/exit site.
103          Fragile nucleosomes were defined by nucleosomal DNA fragments that were recovered preferenti
104 try/exit site, which increases protection of nucleosomal DNA from exonuclease III digestion by approx
105 n compaction by nucleosome stacking protects nucleosomal DNA from external forces up to 4 piconewtons
106 NA (dsDNA) that is capable of unwrapping the nucleosomal DNA from the histone octamer (HO).
107 ree studies indicated that AID cannot access nucleosomal DNA in the absence of transcription.
108 y, in vitro studies of integration show that nucleosomal DNA is actually favored over naked DNA, rais
109 rase, but recognition of nucleosome-free and nucleosomal DNA is dominant over interaction with acetyl
110 lerance to these antigens is incomplete, yet nucleosomal DNA is expressed on the surface of cells dyi
111 he nucleosome in a conformation in which the nucleosomal DNA is more accessible to DNA-binding regula
112                                              Nucleosomal DNA is thought to be generally inaccessible
113 metrically, with its alpha3 helix facing the nucleosomal DNA near the dyad axis.
114                                Sequencing of nucleosomal DNA obtained after MNase digestion (MNase-se
115 senting partial unwrapping and protection of nucleosomal DNA on one side of the dyad axis during chro
116   Our data also show that shearing energy of nucleosomal DNA outperforms bending energy in nucleosome
117 formation of productive complexes containing nucleosomal DNA partially uncoiled from the octamer.
118   Dynamics of the nucleosome and exposure of nucleosomal DNA play key roles in many nuclear processes
119 ribed here, H4R17 and R19 make contacts with nucleosomal DNA rather than with Sir3.
120 nters the barrier, the enzyme backtracks and nucleosomal DNA recoils on the octamer, locking Pol II i
121     Our genome-wide paired-end sequencing of nucleosomal DNA reveals that the centromeric nucleosome
122 eosome positions, geographically implicating nucleosomal DNA segments at specific positions on the nu
123 tructural remodeling including unwrapping of nucleosomal DNA segments from the nucleosome core.
124 ome breathing, i.e., transient unwrapping of nucleosomal DNA segments.
125  stochastic dynamics were independent of the nucleosomal DNA sequence or the asymmetry created by the
126                     Our experiments produced nucleosomal DNA sizes varying between 147 and 155 bp, wi
127 core domain near the entry-exit sites of the nucleosomal DNA superhelix and its acetylation state in
128 -known distribution of nucleosome occupancy: nucleosomal DNA tends to be shorter in promoters and lon
129 ne modifications change the accessibility of nucleosomal DNA through their effects on DNA flexibility
130                However, the accessibility of nucleosomal DNA to Cas9 is variable over several orders
131 e detachment of the H3 histone tail from the nucleosomal DNA to make it available for capture by the
132 ET probes placed at various positions on the nucleosomal DNA to monitor conformation of the nucleosom
133  and increases the site accessibility of the nucleosomal DNA to nucleases.
134 ings imply that the spontaneous breathing of nucleosomal DNA together with the action of chromatin re
135 vercomes MNase sequence preference producing nucleosomal DNA trimmed symmetrically and precisely at t
136 e globular region of histone H4, and also to nucleosomal DNA when Piccolo NuA4 interacts with the nuc
137 e Sgf11 ZnF, but not the Sgf73 ZnF, binds to nucleosomal DNA with a binding interface composed of arg
138 ignificantly alter CPD formation, protecting nucleosomal DNA with an inward rotational setting, even
139 eletion variants, and nucleosomes containing nucleosomal DNA with different sequences and lengths, as
140 xin, to cellular DNA results in uncoiling of nucleosomal DNA, accumulation of negative supercoiling a
141 able nucleosome by clamping H4R17 and R19 to nucleosomal DNA, and raise the possibility that such ind
142 ce the accessibility of H3 tails in NCP, the nucleosomal DNA, and the linker between readers in modul
143 evicts H2A/H2B dimers, releasing 35-40 bp of nucleosomal DNA, and we demonstrate that H2A/H2B loss ca
144 omain of SWI/SNF binds to the same region of nucleosomal DNA, but is bound outside of the cleft regio
145 ctions of the core histone tail domains with nucleosomal DNA, redirecting the tails to more interior
146                                              Nucleosomal DNA, the predominant form of plasma cfDNA, c
147 cial ability to engage their target sites on nucleosomal DNA, thus behaving as "pioneer factors" to i
148                           Since p53 can bind nucleosomal DNA, we sought to understand if the two grou
149 pendence on the equilibrium accessibility of nucleosomal DNA, which is characteristic of both selecte
150 ation of histone-DNA interaction sites along nucleosomal DNA.
151 he sequence-dependent anisotropic bending of nucleosomal DNA.
152 engaging with both Cse4 residues and AT-rich nucleosomal DNA.
153 rol accessibility of DNA-binding proteins to nucleosomal DNA.
154 d upon crossbridging CENP-A and its adjacent nucleosomal DNA.
155  template features, the H3K9 methyl mark and nucleosomal DNA.
156 ved H4 arginines 17 and 19 (R17 and R19) and nucleosomal DNA.
157 es to disengage substrate histone tails from nucleosomal DNA.
158 or, leads to enhancement in transcription of nucleosomal DNA.
159 lized by electrostatic interactions with the nucleosomal DNA.
160 l oscillations of the HO with respect to the nucleosomal DNA.
161  contacts between the H1 globular domain and nucleosomal DNA.
162 complexes that increase the accessibility of nucleosomal DNA.
163 lay essential biological roles by mobilizing nucleosomal DNA.
164 tion 2 (SHL2), where the Chd1 ATPase engages nucleosomal DNA.
165 m binding to its cognate DNA site within the nucleosomal DNA.
166 bias for incorporation of short patches into nucleosomal DNA.
167 utilize DNase I cuts both outside and within nucleosomal DNA; the oscillatory nature of the DNase I c
168 gage nucleosomal DNA 1 to 1.5 turns from the nucleosomal dyad and in doing so, it positions the SET d
169 es tending to be 4-5 bp further out from the nucleosomal dyad than the corresponding MNase cleavage s
170 ation of specific H2A lysine residues alters nucleosomal dynamics and subsequently initiates NER.
171 one octamer serves as a crucial regulator of nucleosomal dynamics distinct from the histone code read
172         We identify miR-93 as a regulator of nucleosomal dynamics in podocytes.
173    Conversely, upregulation of Chd1 restores nucleosomal dynamics, promotes normal induction of prote
174                                Each of these nucleosomal elements controls transcription elongation b
175 e-specific TFs by collaboratively binding to nucleosomal enhancers and recruiting the SWI/SNF (BAF) c
176                       The two aforementioned nucleosomal epitopes promote remodelling indirectly by p
177 locase domain and flanking regions that bind nucleosomal epitopes.
178 elling occurs only in the presence of proper nucleosomal epitopes.
179  is positively regulated by two 'activating' nucleosomal epitopes: the 'basic patch' on the histone H
180 tly, a "natural" ERE-containing enhancer and nucleosomal EREs recruit similar complexes.
181 romatin remodeling enzymes that catalyze the nucleosomal exchange of canonical H2A with H2A.Z.
182 conserved protein domains that interact with nucleosomal features.
183 ae, and use this distinctive two-dimensional nucleosomal "fingerprint" as the basis for a new nucleos
184 tone variants include cenH3, which forms the nucleosomal foundation for the centromere, and H3.3, whi
185 heoretical model that takes into account the nucleosomal geometry, DNA elasticity, nonspecific DNA-pr
186 iven histone exchange reaction that replaces nucleosomal H2A with H2A.Z.
187 iting the histone variant H2A.Z by replacing nucleosomal H2A with H2A.Z.
188 he nucleosome acidic patch, generating intra-nucleosomal H2A-H2B cross-links as well as inter-nucleos
189 n remodeling enzymes catalyze replacement of nucleosomal H2A.Z with H2A when the substrate contains H
190  a remodeler previously reported to displace nucleosomal H2A.Z.
191              Biochemical assays confirm that nucleosomal H3K4me3 stimulates the histone acetyltransfe
192 e interaction module enables KDM2A to decode nucleosomal H3K9me3 modification in addition to CpG meth
193 exogenous H4-tail peptide or deletion of the nucleosomal H4 tail also diminishes the linker-length se
194  SAHA increased the extent of acetylation of nucleosomal H4K5 and H3 to re-activate adipogenic genes
195 f the Epl1 EPcA domain as necessary for this nucleosomal HAT activity.
196              We show that tryptase truncates nucleosomal histone 3 and histone 2B (H2B) and that its
197 essive complex 1 (PRC1), which ubiquitylates nucleosomal histone H2A Lys 119 using its E3 ubiquitin l
198 thin the alpha2 helix in the histone-fold of nucleosomal histone H2A, a region not previously known t
199 d that the activity of S. pombe Set1C toward nucleosomal histone H3 is directly enhanced by H2Bub1 in
200 e-specific demethylase 1 (LSD1) demethylates nucleosomal histone H3 lysine 4 (H3K4) residues in colla
201 ically, we present mechanistic insights into nucleosomal histone H3 modification reactions in cis and
202 nalyses point to the critical roles of intra-nucleosomal histone-DNA interactions that reduce the acc
203 A recent study also found that all four core nucleosomal histones (H2A, H2B, H3, and H4) are modified
204 ontrolled posttranslational modifications of nucleosomal histones alter chromatin condensation to reg
205 mal arrays, stabilizing interactions between nucleosomal histones and DNA.
206 cetyltransferase required for acetylation of nucleosomal histones and other nonhistone proteins.
207                     Turnover and exchange of nucleosomal histones and their variants, a process long
208  during mammalian spermiogenesis, 90% of the nucleosomal histones are replaced by testis-specific tra
209  tested the hypothesis that deacetylation of nucleosomal histones associated with aberrant recruitmen
210 ritable states of transcription by modifying nucleosomal histones or remodeling chromatin.
211 nd that myocardin induces the acetylation of nucleosomal histones surrounding SRF-binding sites in th
212 hylation, post-translational modification of nucleosomal histones, and non-coding RNAs.
213 ic subunit Esa1 alone is unable to acetylate nucleosomal histones, its accessory subunits, Yng2 and E
214 y reacts with free histones rather than with nucleosomal histones.
215 trinsic sequence preference overlapping with nucleosomal histones.
216 o be recruited to chromatin and to acetylate nucleosomal histones.
217 nt reduction in class-switched IgG, and anti-nucleosomal IgG-secreting B cells compared with B6.Sle1
218 rgeted by EWS-FLI are normally repressed and nucleosomal in primary endothelial cells.
219  Solid-state nanopore analyses show it to be nucleosomal in size.
220 A strong sequence-independent preference for nucleosomal integration sites was observed, in distincti
221                    Our approach for studying nucleosomal interactions can greatly accelerate the unde
222 may be explained by different modes of inter-nucleosomal interactions for active and inactive chromat
223  The core histone tail domains mediate inter-nucleosomal interactions that direct folding and condens
224 il domains stabilize array folding via inter-nucleosomal interactions with the DNA of neighboring nuc
225  did not increase observance of H4-DNA inter-nucleosomal interactions.
226 kinetics of DNA re-wrapping and stabilized a nucleosomal intermediate with partially unwrapped DNA be
227 ng an appreciation of the forces shaping the nucleosomal landscape in eukaryotes key to fully underst
228                             As a result, the nucleosomal landscape is largely re-established before n
229 g of nucleosomes we inferred dynamics of the nucleosomal landscape.
230                                              Nucleosomal landscapes in ESC enhancers are extensively
231 instances the binding of a BER factor to one nucleosomal lesion appeared to facilitate binding to the
232 tion alone does not compact chromatin at the nucleosomal level and provides molecular details to unde
233 anding of the readout of histone PTMs at the nucleosomal level.
234 6 and Chp2 interact with nucleosomal and non-nucleosomal ligands and qualitative differences in how t
235 me remodeler biases methylation toward inter-nucleosomal linker DNA in Arabidopsis thaliana and mouse
236 vo evidence of the linker histone binding to nucleosomal linker DNA.
237 ytic activity are sensitive to the length of nucleosomal linker in a nonlinear fashion.
238  and GC-containing dinucleotides (SS) in the nucleosomal locations where DNA is bent in the minor and
239  their methylation states and their relative nucleosomal locations.
240  both ends of a wrapped, approximately 90-bp nucleosomal loop of DNA, suggesting a means for nucleoso
241 3me0 or H4R3me2a) and is required for MLL4's nucleosomal methyltransferase activity and MLL4-mediated
242                           Our data show that nucleosomal occupancy is reduced in gene bodies in both
243 in regions of computationally predicted high nucleosomal occupancy, suggesting that nucleosomes are g
244 tes, but the fundamental question of whether nucleosomal or naked DNA is the preferred substrate of p
245 al start sites are nevertheless bound by non-nucleosomal or subnucleosomal histone variants (H3.3 and
246 tivate histone gene transcription to promote nucleosomal packaging of newly replicated DNA during ste
247 omal arginine-DNA contacts to enable tighter nucleosomal packing.
248 n the histone octamer and DNA in forming the nucleosomal particle.
249 ntly associated LSD1-CoREST to semisynthetic nucleosomal particles.
250 through chromatin, and suggested that strong nucleosomal pausing guarantees efficient nucleosome surv
251 ed symmetrical and transcription-independent nucleosomal phasing across active, poised, and inactive
252 fic relationship between Ty1 integration and nucleosomal position was revealed by alignment of hotspo
253 ic silencing of the FXN promoter via altered nucleosomal positioning and reduced chromatin accessibil
254 se within the SWI/SNF complex that regulates nucleosomal positioning.
255  at 24 h post-KSHV reactivation and that the nucleosomal redistributions are widespread and transient
256 To clarify the role of DNA sequence in these nucleosomal redistributions, we compared the genes with
257 d the changes in pausing behavior within the nucleosomal region allow us to determine a drift coeffic
258 to changes in expression of genes related to nucleosomal regulation of transcription, T cell differen
259                                         Mi-2/nucleosomal remodeling and deacetylase (NuRD) complexes
260 served that during mouse rod maturation, the nucleosomal repeat length increases from 190 bp at postn
261                       Locally, it alters the nucleosomal response, and acts as a brake on chromatin r
262 -Ser10-histone H3, an important component of nucleosomal response.
263 ied feature patterns could be used to assist nucleosomal sequence prediction.
264  use of the limited range of correlations in nucleosomal sequence preferences to create a computation
265        We find that only a small fraction of nucleosomal sequences contain significant 10.5-bp period
266 e previously observed periodicity in aligned nucleosomal sequences mainly results from proper phasing
267 ces mainly results from proper phasing among nucleosomal sequences, and not from a preponderant occur
268 o quantify the extent of acetylation at each nucleosomal site.
269 l reprogramming requires stable binding to a nucleosomal site; activation domain-dependent recruitmen
270  with well-defined coordination at different nucleosomal sites featuring DNA translocation toward the
271 emodelers enhance Rpd3S activity by altering nucleosomal spacing, suggesting that chromatin remodeler
272 cture is generated, but with increased inter-nucleosomal spacing.
273 e direct effect of ubiquitylated histones on nucleosomal stability is in fact modest.
274 ated manner, generating several intermediate nucleosomal states as it breaks and then reforms histone
275 0 serves to modulate the energy landscape of nucleosomal states.
276 f p53 in erythroid precursors in response to nucleosomal stress underlies the hypoplastic anemia in m
277 egularly folded clusters (like those seen in nucleosomal strings).
278                         Intricate control of nucleosomal structure and assembly governs access of RNA
279                               Maintenance of nucleosomal structure in the cell nuclei is essential fo
280 ndent chromatin remodeler that maintains the nucleosomal structure of chromatin, but the determinants
281 on and transcription, and repair or regulate nucleosomal structure.
282 one chaperone that destabilizes and restores nucleosomal structure.
283                            The compaction of nucleosomal structures creates a barrier for DNA-binding
284                    The packaging of DNA into nucleosomal structures limits access for templated proce
285 tant for enzymatic reactions/transactions on nucleosomal substrate and the formation of multiple comp
286 s stimulated by two defining features of the nucleosomal substrate: a basic patch on the histone H4 N
287 are also critical for Rpd3S to recognize its nucleosomal substrates and functionin vivo.
288 D is essential for histone H3 acetylation in nucleosomal substrates.
289 nd leads to a repositioning of hDot1L on the nucleosomal surface, which likely places the active site
290 ng that most of the sites are exposed on the nucleosomal surface.
291 ar and efficient, it can be used to generate nucleosomal systems in which nucleosome composition diff
292 activities inhibit Pol II transcription on a nucleosomal template.
293      How HP1 proteins assemble on methylated nucleosomal templates and how the HP1-nucleosome complex
294  processes ideally would be carried out with nucleosomal templates that are assembled with customized
295 emodeling enzymes stimulate Cas9 activity on nucleosomal templates.
296  is shown to arise from an interplay between nucleosomal transitions into states with crossed and ope
297 a reveal that Set1 and Jhd2 together control nucleosomal turnover and occupancy during transcriptiona
298 lies an untested conjecture, namely that the nucleosomal variation arises de novo or intrinsically (i
299 re unequally conducive to transcription, the nucleosomal variation of promoter molecules may constitu
300  folding and unfolding kinetics of the outer nucleosomal wrap.

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